Forever and a Day (38 page)

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Authors: Alexis Konsantino

BOOK: Forever and a Day
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Then he remembered what Halo had just called him, ‘Mystery man’ that was odd… he took a moment to recollect what had happened on the flight. His first thought was getting to Halo and helping get her oxygen mask on. He remembered smelling her hair as it brushed up against his face, its fragrance was feminine and soft like some exotic sweet flower. Then when her eyes met his, it was as if time came to a stop. What surprised him now, was how easy it was to talk to her. His belly’s butterflies were waking up as he thought about her more, and how she touched him and spoke so casually with him… like they’ve know each other for years. This was something he in his wildest dreams did not expect. He knew he had to force his feelings back down, and keep them there as best he could.


He sighed and noticed that she had curled up and was in a deep slumber now. He reached up and turned on the small light mounted to the inflatable support arch, he moved quietly and began taking stock of their supplies.


He was impressed, as it seemed Halo had beat him to it and had organized their provisions as best she could. He realized why the one bag was heavy as he opened it—water bottles. At least two cases worth at the bottom of the bag all stacked. On top of that were packages of various food items such as fruit cups, oatmeal and mini cereal boxes, jerky and so forth. Searching inside the carryon, he found a tied off plastic garbage bag. He opened it and found it full of mini bottles of alcohol. He chuckled to himself and sealed it back up. Foraging more he found soda pop and an assortment of candy, chips and granola bars. No wonder the damn bag was so heavy, he muttered.

Checking the other bags he found blankets, two metal water pitchers, “No doubt for bailing…” he muttered with a smile and dug down further. Plastic cups, trays, a first aid kit, dishcloths, bowls and she had rolled up a bunch of utensils wrapped up in a towel. Next came a load of packets of instant coffee, hot chocolate and drink mixes. He chuckled aloud, “Looks like she packed for a huge company picnic”

He closed the bags back up and shook his head with a smile. He would have been more inclined to pass on most of that stuff. He looked to the raft’s supplies and took note of what was included: Flares, fishing kit, small first aid kit, Dramamine, folding utility knife, a cup, a collapsible water bag, compass, whistle, repair kit with manual air pump, a magnifying glass, a hand cranked flashlight, nylon rope, 4 large silver blankets, a collapsible bailer bucket and ration bars.

He looked out the window into the enclosing darkness, off in the far distance he saw a very feint orange light cast from the other raft. He judged the distance and knew he would tire way before he made it to them, his arms feeling like lead as it was.

The thought of going to the loo came to mind as his bladder began nagging at him, “Oh shit…” he muttered and set about to work something out. Later, when he finished he sat back and took out a granola bar and quickly ate it and washed it down with some water. The swells began getting a larger and he heard the wind pick up and flutter across the plastic roof. He saw Halo move a bit and her eyes came open with a start.

“Halo, are you ok?” Xander asked and moved towards her.

She rubbed her eyes, brushed the stray strands of hair away from her face, and looked at him blinking, “We did crash land earlier and I’m not dreaming, right?”

Xander smiled to her and handed her his water, “I am sorry to say we did land in the water, but you are alive and well.”

She took the bottle, uncapped it looked at it for a moment then up to him, and smiled for just a moment. She proceeded to down the rest of the water and handed the empty plastic bottle to him, “Thank you.” She said wiping her lips with her fingertips, “It’s getting choppier now, and I think my stomach doesn’t like it.” She stated with a little pout.

“I’m sorry, would you like more Dramamine?” He asked.

“Later… oh Xander? How uh…”

He smiled at her and pointed to the bailing bucket by the exit flap, “Gotcha covered my lady! Just dip the bucket and get some water in it, wrap the blanket around you and… I’ll whistle Dixie if you need.” He chuckled.

Halo eyed the red bailing bucket and groaned, “I think I have to take you up on your offer… this is so embarrassing.” She groaned and hid her eyes from him with her hand on her forehead.

“Well, you can wait until I fall asleep…” He offered with a shrug.

“No. No, I better not.” She replied urgently, got up to her knees and scooted over to the bucket.

Xander started to move to the opposite side and stopped, “Uh, before you get close to the flap there, I’d like to tie you up.”

Halo turned and gave him another one of those smiles, “Really now? You like that kinda thing, Mr. Gray?” She giggled.

“Oh! I, uh well… I meant in case you fell out.”

“Lighten up Mr. Mystery man!” She held her palms out with a little smirk on her face, “Just playing with you. I know why and thank you for thinking of my safety.”

Xander could not help but smile and his cheeks felt hot. He definitely liked the way she bantered with him. He handed her a length of nylon rope that was attached to the inside hand grips which was strung all around the interior of the round raft.

She accepted it, “Where do you want it?” She asked wryly.

Xander choked and managed to turn it into a chuckle, “Oh, where ever you want…” he paused, “that is more comfortable. I was thinking… around your wrist.” He smiled in the dim light from the lamp.

She wrinkled her nose at him and handed him the rope, “Can’t tie my own wrist now can I?” She raised her eyebrow and held out both wrists then slowly eased her right one down.

Xander refused to meet her gaze and quickly tied the thin rope around her wrist. Still not meeting her eyes he commented, “There you go, all tied up!” He then placed a small package of moist towelettes in her hand and quickly moved away.

She looked at her rope and then to Xander who was looking down, “Not too tight I like that, although… I was expecting you to give me a ‘safe word’.” She giggled and watched him look up at her with an open mouth. He quickly shut it, she knew if it were lighter in here, she would see his cheeks turning red, “Ok you can start whistling Dixie!” She laughed.

Soon she was done and rinsed out the collapsible bailer and stowed it. She watched Xander as he was looking out of the little window and whistling a strange but familiar song. His look was as if he was a million miles away. She wondered if he was thinking about his wife.

“All done!” She called out to him and watched him stop whistling and move his lips around and he quickly massaged them, “That wasn’t Dixie.” She accused.

He shrugged and scooted closer to her in the middle, “Sorry, I don’t know Dixie. My bad.”

“It sounded really familiar, what song was it?” She asked and wrapped her blanket around her shoulders.

“Never on Sunday… with Melina Mercouri, a 60s film. I didn’t do it justice I’m afraid.”

“Oh! Doesn’t she play a prostitute who sings about not doing it on a Sunday?”

Xander chuckled and smiled appreciatively at her, “Close! That’s what most people think she is singing about. She is actually singing of her dream of having four strong sons to honor her home city of Piraeus in Greece. She goes down to the port to find a stranger for the night, uh and so forth.”

“Ah!” She closed her eyes and squeezed them hard, then opened them quickly, “Didn’t that win an Oscar, I mean the song?” She asked.

“Yes! It was the first Oscar for a foreign song! Wow, I’m impressed!” He replied.

She smiled proudly at him, “Film school helps. Hey, I only know a few Greek people. I realize that I don’t know much of your culture. I hope I’m not being a cliché in asking this, but is your family anything like ‘The Big Fat Greek Wedding’?” She looked apologetically at him and he let out a little laugh.

“You’ve seen the film… so now you know my family! Lots of drama too. Not sure if you know this, but I’m only half Greek.” He looked off for a moment and his smiled faded, “My dad always teased that I was too much like my mom. Mom was British; they met in South Sea when my dad was stationed there.” He pointed at his face, “Hence the green eyes…”

Halo saw the flash of sadness sweep over his face as his smile turned into a brief frown. It reminded her of his look in the audition video. She worked up the courage and asked quietly, “Was?”

He nodded to her with a sad smile, “They both have passed on. They were older when they had me…”

There was that look again, he was quick to cover it up but not as quick as her eye could not catch it. A lump formed in her throat, “Xander, I am so sorry.”

He slightly bowed his head to her, “Thank you, Halo.”

She wanted to ask more about his parents, but did not want to bring any more sadness to him. She realized seeing him sad really bothered her. Without another thought she asked, “Is your wife Greek too?”

Xander nodded, “She’s half breed like me.” He chuckled, “Except her father was American and her mother, we call her Yiayia which means grandma, she is from Piraeus. Still speaks with a heavy accent, great lady too.” He laughed, “If there was ever a ‘Cool’ old Greek lady? It would be Yiayia.”

“Sounds interesting! OH! What was that?” Halo exclaimed as the raft dipped down into a swell and she teetered towards him and he steadied her.

“Oh crap!.” He shouted.

“What!” Halo gasped and hung on to him.

“Swells…” He reached over and pulled out the Dramamine, “You better take some more.” He suggested.

Halo groaned, took the pills from him and put them in her mouth as he handed her another bottle of water. She got them down and he put the water away, “Xander, I really do not do well in rough water. I’m sorry. We shot a film on a large ship once, when the weather got bad so did I. Needless to say, I didn’t have to act sick, it came naturally.” She shook her head at the memory.

“Ouch! I’m sorry.” He grudgingly let her go as the raft began rolling across the increasing swells.

Halo held on to her belly as the rolling continued, “Xander, if you want get some more rest. I don’t think I can do much besides hold the bucket and pray.”

He gave her a knowing nod, and settled down on the webbing. Halo covered him up with her warm blanket and got out another, “I’ll change into something drier?”

Xander nodded and turned away as she wrapped the blanket around herself. He closed his eyes and the thought of her sans clothes came knocking at his imagination. He pushed away the thoughts angry with himself.

The raft was rising and falling in a rhythm he found comforting. He assumed it was on the account of seafaring from his father’s ancestry. He did recall his ancient grandfather being involved with boats, back before he retired and settled on his sheep farm in Greece. He turned his thoughts to Athena and wondered how she was doing. Evie was probably worried and cursing him for leaving her. He forced his thoughts away and sleep soon found him.



Xander awoke with a start as he rolled hard into a suitcase; he was dreaming that sharks were talking to him as they slowly circled their raft. Halo suddenly coughing harshly startled him. He reached up and turned on the light, “Halo! Are you ok?” A swell hit and he had to grip the webbing on the floor to keep from rolling. He saw her shake her head while she was face first in the bucket and heaving.

He reached into his pocket, pulled out a few packages of towelettes then carefully made his way over to her. She saw him approach and she held out her hand to stop. She peered over the bucket at him, “Please Xander, I don’t want you to see me like this.”

The intensity of the need to go to her was nearly overwhelming, “Halo, if that’s what you really want I understand. I do want to help you. Besides, if you knew the things I deal with at work. This is nothing. Please, may I help you?”

She looked up at him with sad bloodshot eyes, gave in and nodded. He came over quickly and began opening up the towelettes, “Is there anything left in you?” He asked and he got a shake of her head. He began wiping her cheek and neck, “Ok, turn so I can get the other side.”

She did as was told and he wiped her lips and chin as she gave him a furrowed brow with sad eyes. The urge to hold her was incessant, but he fought through it and got her cleaned up. Another large swell hit them and this time he did wrap his arms around her and held her as they pitched forward.

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