Forever Changed (4 page)

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Authors: Jamie Gibson

BOOK: Forever Changed
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While I was standing in my bathroom
brushing my teeth, I was wondering what my mother meant by my father leaving a trail. Then I remembered the wad of money that I had pulled out of my father’s pocket; the money that had the paper and the rubber band wrapped around it.

I j
umped into the walk in shower. When I was finished, I wrapped my dark brown hair in a towel, I towel dried myself off, put on my robe, and walked over to the mirror. I looked at myself, my eyes were red and swollen, no doubt the results of crying so much. I had dark circles under my eyes; I pretty much looked like hell.

I brushed my teeth quickly and decided to throw on a little makeup and perfume. I blow dried my hair and brushed it out, then opened the door
, and headed to my closet.

I have a walk in closet, the
size of a master suite bathroom. It contains all the clothes, shoes, belts, jackets, and purses that any teenaged girl could ever want. Only thing is, all my clothes are black, grey, or a dark red. That ‘normal’ teenage girl would be very unhappy.

I chose to wear a pair of b
lack slacks and a grey sweater; it was kind of chilly from all the storms we had been having lately. I put on a pair of black Nikes and headed over to my dresser. I opened the drawer, that I had hidden all the money in last night. I grabbed everything, even my camera and walked back in my closet.

I have a little section in the back of my closet that has a safe box for jewelry and money. The jewelry has been passed down through the generations and of course I have
my regular jewelry, which I have wanted inside of it. It all stays locked up and is hidden behind a shelf that holds my shoes. I took the film rolls out of my camera, removed the paper wrapped that was around the money, and placed everything, but the piece of paper, in the safe.

I walked out of my closet
, walked over to the right side of my bed, and pressed the hidden button; that allowed me to enter my entertainment room. I switched on a

and walked over to the leather couch while sitting down. I took a deep breath and unfolded the piece of paper.









































Chapter 7

              It was a letter to me, from my father! My hands started shaking and my eyes brimmed with tears as I began to read:


Dear Daddy’s Little Girl,

If you are reading this letter then you know that my life has ended
, at the hands of your mother. It is supposed to be this way, so no tears. A big part of our family history, which I never told you, is that this is our destiny. I was never supposed to be in love with your mother, she was my mate. The only reason that I was supposed to be with her was for you.

Our family tradition was to have a child and push our mate to kill us, so that our ‘son’ would be able to continue with our family. However, tradition was broken. After doing some digging I found out why you were a girl and not a boy. However, I cannot tell you, but you will find out.

I broke tradition not only having a daughter instead of a son, but I also discovered a way that I may come back. You have to do this Elizabeth you have to bring me back.

By now you should have had some signs of who you are, but you will not learn fully until your time has come. You have to go through the change. The change will come soon
, for I have seen the signs already.

You must never give your secret away except to your mate, if you do or if someone else

finds out, then you will have to make the ultimate decision to kill them or die a horrific death. This is your choice. However, if I have broken tradition, then you may have the chance to do the same.

It is important to go into my study
to find out what you can about, who you are and more so, of how to bring me back. You possess this power and you will be able to conquer this quest.

The door is hidden just outside
your bedroom door. You have to find the button to open it, just like your hidden rooms, Elizabeth.

When you go
into the study, there is a book case on the right side of my desk. There is only one black leather bound book on it. This book has everything you need to know. It will give you all the information about who you are and what to do!

One catch, I was wearing a
demonic skull ring on my finger, when your mother took my life. I hope, before your mother made

bury me, that you took that ring off my finger. It is the key to open the book.

The room was to keep your
mother out. She wants to change us. I am sorry, but her destiny has been written for her as well as it was for me.

Your mother
cannot hurt you and she knows this. You have a protective shield around you, so that no one is able to hurt you. This shield cannot be broken until your destiny arises. Unless, Elizabeth, you can change destiny.

Every one
of your grandfathers died just as I have died. I embraced my destiny and I hope that you can understand this. This short letter cannot explain everything that you must have questions for, but my study can.

Do no
t let your mother find my study, she alone can destroy us! Our generation stops at you, but I believe that you can rewrite our next generation and change everything.

This letter needs to be destroyed, rip it up, throw it in the fireplace, and burn it! If the

smoke turns red then you are safe. If it turns white, then you are in grave danger.

rything happens for a reason, but you are a unique Marcus. I know your secret Elizabeth, and I know how to help you with this secret, how to control it! I can train you! You must bring me back! Everyone must fear you!




P.S. Good luck Elizabeth! Hope to see you soon, my beautiful daughter!




I laid the letter down on my table and stared at it with wonderment. I was dumbfounded, sitting there in my room. His destiny, my destiny, and my mother also has her own destiny written. How could this be

? I always knew I was different, but I never knew I was this different. My secret? Why should everyone fear me?

At first
, I sat there for a long time trying to figure out if this was real, but my father knew I had buried his body, before he was even dead. He knew that I had removed everything from his pockets and he also knew I would take the ring off of his finger. So this all must be true!

I jumped up and quickly ran to my fireplace. I lit a fire and ripped up the letter. I prayed that the letter would burn with red smoke and not white. I knew, if it burned white, I would be in trouble without finding out my secret first!

I watched it burn, I took a step back, and gasped. To my fascination, red smoke came pouring out of the fireplace, into my room. It flowed through my hair and then it wrapped itself around me, as if hugging me. Slowly it circled around me in a playful way. It was teasing me and playing with the necklace around my neck. I couldn’t help it, but I started laughing and dancing around with the red smoke, as if it were rain. I somehow knew that the red smoke was my father!








































Chapter 8


              To my disappointment, the red smoke disappeared. I walked over to my couch and sat down. I was relieved, but at the same time excited to know that I could bring my father back to life. I held on to the rings around my neck, as if they were his life line. I got up, walked out of the entertainment room, and walked to my closet. I opened the safe, removed the necklace and then removed the wedding ring. I placed the wedding ring in the safe and reclosed the necklace around my neck. I left the skull ring, so that it may be on me at all times.

I was excited I was the one that held the key to my family secret. My father said that I was unique and I was determined to find out why.

I walked over to the window and pulled back the black curtain
, lost in thought. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining brightly. I looked down at the garden and to my amazement, red roses had appeared on top of my father’s grave. It didn’t even look like someone was buried beneath; it just looked like someone had planted a rose garden.

How did that happen?” I thought to myself out loud.

“How did what happen?” My mother asked from behind
, me making me jump clear out of my skin. She was standing there with a look of curiosity on her face. Her eyes squinted suspiciously.

Don’t you know how to knock?” I asked disgusted.

“Well with all the laughing and giggling going on in your ent
ertainment room, I couldn’t help, but come in and find out why!” My mother said disapprovingly. “Did my poor pathetic daughter finally make a friend?” She asked in a baby’s voice, mocking me.

I looked at
her as if she was a pile of shit you find in a cow pasture. “I had the TV on, but why mother would I need friends. You are so ugly and the most pathetic excuse for a wife, mother, and woman for that matter, that they could not possibly bear to be in your presence!” I said this calmly, throwing the words of my father back in her face.

She walked over to me, raised her hand
, as if she were going to slap me. I ducked down bracing myself for the sting. The impact never came and I raised my head to look up at her.

er hand had come about an inch away from my face and stopped. She gasped and slowly started walking backwards to the door. I looked at her in puzzlement and then grinned. My father had said in his letter that no one could hurt me because I was protected by a shield that would remain, until it was time for me to meet my destiny. He obviously was not lying!

“What’s wrong mother? Can you not fulfill your motherly duties as to take care of my mouth?” I taunted her.

She had paled drastically and looked at me in horror, as if she were standing before a ghost. “It has started,” she whispered. “I can’t change you now. You will be just like your father. God help you!”

For some reason I walked a little closer to her, my eyes angry. She kept walking backwards
and her back hit the door frame, stopping her from going any further. “Your God doesn’t live here,” I said to her quietly.

She took off running out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I listened for a moment
, while she whimpered, terrified of what I would do to her. I giggled to myself.

That will teach you to raise your hand to me you wicked witch!”

I decided I needed to take a walk after that
scene and get some fresh air. I grabbed my camera and walked out of my bedroom.

I stopped outside of my
parent’s room and listened to my mother crying and praying. I just shook my head and kept walking. I stopped at the closet by the main door, the one I watched my father murdered from, and grabbed a light jacket. Even though the sun was shining brightly, the wind was still a little chilly.

With my camera in hand
, I opened the front door, and headed out for a walk. I stopped outside my parents’ bedroom window, sensing someone was watching me. I looked up and seen my mother run from

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