Forever Distraction (Distraction #3) (30 page)

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“I don’t sound like that.”
My response only made him laugh harder. I grabbed the soap, greedy for control, and lathered my body slowly, tweaking my nipples and moaning. And that was it—he was on me like syrup on pancakes.

Chapter Twenty-One
Bondage Bows


The last five days have been wonderful. Katarina was different in her world, but I loved it. She was a creature of habit and routine. Her daily schedule rarely changed. I woke before her and lay on my side to watch her sleep. She was peaceful lately, and her nightmares disappeared once she heard my voice. I tied her up the last two mornings, and when she woke, she was bound for me. I had ribbon I used for her and tied my knots into pretty bows; just the act made my morning wood jerk in appreciation. She was beautiful, but in the morning light, tied up in red bows, she was breathtaking.

This morning
, when her eyes batted open and her sleepy smile slipped across her face, I almost came at the sight. She didn’t mind the bondage, but I knew she only did it for me, because everything she did was for me. She liked me happy, and what made me happy was completely dominating her. When she was tied up and smiling for me, her eyes filled with pride and love. Fuck, it made me happy. I had taken her so many times with that sexy smile and those hot, fiery words. I couldn’t get enough of her.

This morning was different
; after I tied her up, she woke smiling, but then attempted to break free. I watched her struggle. Every moment she wiggled and thrashed was a moment of visual pleasure. She was strong, but I had tied her wrists and ankles tightly. When she settled on her own, I brought out the flogger. The leather tassels brushed across her skin and her breathing increased. I told her what a good girl she was, and told her how much I liked her like this, and her smile—the breathtaking one from most mornings—appeared, and I had to have her.

I flicked her with the flogger a couple times, which only increased my urgency
because of her yelps and moans. Fuck, it didn’t matter what she did; it completely intoxicated me. I moved between her legs and fucked her. I came almost immediately and it wasn’t enough; my mind still wanted her, but my body had come so hard it wasn’t likely to come again for a while. I kissed her for a long while, making sure to savor my second favorite part of her body—her luscious mouth, and then I untied her.

Katarina never climaxed, but curled in my arms and kissed my neck before crawling out of bed. Like I said
, she had a schedule. She got dressed and then went for a run with Bo. Every morning, even when it rained outside, it didn’t matter; she said Bo needed his exercise. Afterwards, we went for a swim in the indoor pool, and then we had breakfast by the waterfall in the atrium. Bo’s breakfast looked better than mine. Katarina had the cook make Bo his own protein and vitamin-filled meals.

Bo was her weakness, her distraction now
adays. She took care of him, was always concerned where he was and if he was happy. The more she focused on Bo, the more I thought about what a great mom she would make. After breakfast, she generally spent hours in her grandfather’s study, and I would work out in the gym and visit with Owen when he stopped by.

Our nights were quiet, but ne
ver dull. She liked games, so we played hide-and-go-seek and cops-and-robbers. Last night, I found her in the garage hidden in one of the many flashy cars. Her grandfather had great taste in classic cars. Once I found her, I had her bound to a chain that hung from the ceiling of the garage. Sexual improvising was my talent. I found her, bound her, and savored every startled yelp and feminine scream as I devoured her first, and then roughly fucked her. Best game ever—I renamed it hide-seek-and-fuck. She fell asleep in my arms when I carried her to bed…seven orgasms in a day makes her sleepy.

I love
d this girl, and even now, as I stood just outside the study watching her run her delicate hand over Bo’s fur as she talked to him, I’m still drawn to her, obsessed with her—obsessed with watching her, no matter how much sex we have. I loved to watch her when she didn’t think anyone could see her.
She will always be the prey I would hunt.
She has full conversations with him, and it’s frickin’ charming. She was a dog whisper; Bo was under her spell.

I ha
d to leave her tonight, and he was going to have to step up and guard her. I told Owen that Bo and a house alarm would protect her. It would be hard to drug her before I left, but I needed her to sleep the entire time. I couldn’t do what I needed to do and think she was wandering around unsupervised. I loved her so frickin’ much it consumed me. Owen told me I could stay here with her while he took care of business, but I needed to maim the monsters in her closet. I
to. She begged us not to kill them, and I was going to try to respect that, but I never made any promises. Owen and I talked about exposing the videos that were on the flash drive, and then letting law enforcements deal with the monsters, but it would involve Katarina too much. So, we burned the flash drive and any evidence that would make Katarina vulnerable. Tonight was a night of payback, a night of justice.

I step
ped inside the large study, my eyes only on her. She sat on the floor with her back propped against the leather sofa and a small table positioned in front of her. Bo had his head rested on her upper thigh, his body resting on most of her paperwork, but she acted as if she didn’t need it. I made my way over to my beauty; she was my magnet, and I was fiercely drawn to her. I had lunch for us. She seemed to forget about eating, and I liked to watch her eat, so I made lunch a priority and wouldn’t leave until I was satisfied she ate enough.

Chapter Twenty
Giddy Man




In the mansion
, every little thing reminded me of Grandfather. He was an art lover, and it seemed to me anything that spoke visually would capture his attention. I moved around feeling a bit too much like it was a dream and not reality. The only thing grounding me was Bo at my side. His large body brushed against mine and it made me smile.

I’m so glad you’re here.” I scanned around my grandfather’s office for my purse, the purse I had hidden treats in. I snatched it from the end table next to the brown leather sofa and pulled a dog treat from it. “Listen carefully.” I glanced around, making sure we were alone. “You’re my dog and I will always take care of you.” I kneeled in front of him and he sat so we were eye-to-eye. He stuck his nose out and bumped my face, letting me know he understood, and I popped the treat in his mouth and told him what a good boy he was.

I ra
n my fingernails behind his black ears and settled on the ground with a stack of papers, thumbing through them as I continued to talk to Bo, because for the first time, I felt like someone wanted to hear what I had to say. He got comfortable after a while, and his giant head rested on my legs as he fell asleep. I continued to work on the charity, organizing and planning. Bo’s presence made me smile. His puppy dog eyes fluttered open occasionally, and I petted him on the brown fur above his eyes and around his mouth, but he never moved. He never moved, because he knew he was mine.
Good dog

I fe
lt Jason before I saw him. He moved with stealthy movements, and before I knew it, he sat on the couch behind me. I smelled him and closed my eyes; he smelled like home, and the scent wrapped around me, causing my lips to curve in the corners. I tried to hide his effects, but it was close to impossible. I hated when I couldn’t touch him; touching him was my favorite thing. When he tied my hands, it prevented me from feeling his heart, his skin, and his twitching muscles. It was the only time I fought with the restraints he seemed to enjoy so much.

I physically need
ed to touch him. I knew he had issues, especially when he was in his domination mode, but my heart hurt, because I craved the pounding of his under the pads of my fingers. Right now, he sat and breathed heavy; he was horny, and I knew, like the other times, he was going to pounce and claim me at any second. It excited me to know I did that to him.

His hand
appeared in front of my face and he placed a piece of chicken in my mouth. It was fresh, slightly salty, and I loved it. Green beans were next, and I tasted the buttery goodness that made me lick my lips, making sure I got it all in. He continued to feed me bite after bite with no words, no touching, and no other form of communicating, and my heart swelled at the way he took care of me. I felt cherished and loved. He finished with the food and I finished with my paperwork, but I didn’t move. I stayed sandwiched between my two favorite things—my dog and my beautiful man. I loved this day. I felt Jason’s hand in my hair at the same time my phone chimed with an incoming text. I picked up my phone and read.

Jason: Did
you know? Adding ‘ass’ to words just makes it sound better.

Katarina: I didn’t know that.

Jason: It’s true—badass, smartass, dumbass, kickass, ass-wipe, sweet-ass…


I giggled at his playfulness. He was adorable like this. I stood without a response and undid my skirt, sliding it slowly down my legs. I stepped out of it, bending slowly so he got an open view of my bare ass. I wore ribbon for panties today. The six tiny, white ribbons tied into six bows around my pussy, and one rested on the curve of my ass at the top of my cheeks. He was into the bows. I wasn’t sure why, but I figured it was part of the bondage fetish thing. I enjoyed the look in his eyes when I wore them, so I wore them all the time.

I retrieved my skirt from the floor
, folded it nicely, and placed it next to the empty plate on the table in front of the sofa. My movements were deliberately slow; I liked him edgy and full of passion. He didn’t make any move to touch me, and I chanced a peek over my shoulder. He was rolling his head on his shoulders and his eyes squeezed shut. That wasn’t what I was expecting…at all. He was visibly calming himself, and I was irritated instantly. I twirled on the tips of my toes so I was facing him and tried to spur his passion.

“How about ass-
bow?” I smirked after I said it, because truthfully, I hated the sound of it. His eyes popped open at my sarc-
-tic remark. His delicious mouth lifted into a wicked grin, and then laughter rumbled in the back of his throat, which was the yummiest sound I had heard all day. My smile brightened and I glanced down out of embarrassment, knowing I just said ‘yummy’ out loud. My face was hot and I knew he could read my dark pink face. I lifted my eyes to peek at him, and his smile was all teeth. Damn, he was sexy.

He pulled me onto his lap so I straddled him. His hands move
d quickly to unbutton my light pink silk blouse. He slipped it over my shoulders, kissing my neck and shoulder as he did it. The feel of his breath on my sensitive skin was electrifying. This was how I pictured an electrical current traveling through walls. His breath turned everything on; I was plugged into him, already surging with sexual energy. My bra was next to fall to the ground. He held me tight after that, and I knew then he was in deep thought about something. I rested my head on his strong shoulder and let him think. My hands roamed his arms and hair. I licked his neck, wishing I would have taken his t-shirt off.

Did you know?” He paused and I smiled into his shoulder, knowing he was playing our game. “We’re going to be married. Did you know that?” He spoke softly, and I took my turn and breathed him in. “You’re going to be my wife and have all of my babies.” I smiled and kissed his shoulder through his shirt. “Soon…I can’t wait.” I giggled at his words. “I want you to wear something…and…uh…never take it off. Ever.” He reached in his pocket and I eased my upper-half off his body.

He pull
ed a ring from his pocket, and I knew it was a diamond, but that was it, because my eyes immediately shot to his. He was serious, his eyes heavy with passion, his mouth wet, his lips in a tight, straight line as if he’d taken to biting his lips like me. Warmth filled me, and I was both comforted and uncertain.
How could he want me?
I was damaged; I had a hard time with attaching myself to things, and what he was asking was going to attach us together forever. His eyes shifted and he was studying my reaction. His face changed, and I caught a glimpse of something hidden beneath the tough exterior. I saw pain…desperate, heartbreaking pain. I hated that look and made a silent promise he would never have that look again.

I smiled
, focusing on the warmth and the comfort. My hand lifted to his and I watch his guard completely drop as an almost giddy Jason slipped the ring on my finger. It wasn’t just an idiotic smile; it was a man-giggle that erupted from him. His eyes were moist and his head bobbed like he had just won the lotto. He settled quickly, but the giddy grin remained in place. “Are you going to look at it?” he asked. He was so charmingly cute, different from the normally ruggedly handsome man who controlled his emotions, but I loved him like this.

” I shook my head. His happy face vanished, replaced with bewilderment. “I mean…I will, but not right now.” His thick eyebrows lifted in concern. “I care about the meaning the ring brings, but beauty for me is in the heart.” I took a deep breath, trying to choose my words carefully; a slight shiver ran through my body. “I don’t need things. I…don’t get joy from items like most people. I’m not sure I can even feel joy.” I paused again, and then tried to only speak from my heart. “Watching you just now, the changes in your face, I cherish that more than the gift.”

His face was stricken with
disappointment, and I tried to reassure him, “Your face changed.” I ran a finger over his smooth chin and down his neck, reveling in the feel of his skin. “You looked young and terrified, and then surprisingly happy…more than happy—deliriously overjoyed.” A boyish grin broke his scowl and I leaned over to kiss the quirk of his lips. “The look on your face kicked
…I love you.”

He pulled my lips to his with urgency and devo
ured my mouth. His hands fisted my hair to prevent me from moving, so I relented and gave him everything he needed from me. “I love you too,” he said breathlessly, and I felt every word like a warm blanket. He settled his forehead against mine and closed his green eyes. I heard him whispering and closed my eyes, asking God to keep this man safe, because for the first time, I picked a man who made me believe I wasn’t broken.

“Did you know
my grandfather gave me my car? It was my favorite thing. He thought about the details of the car and crafted it especially for me. He didn’t give
—money maybe, and charity definitely, but never gifts. He believed everything had to be earned. It didn’t matter what he bought me; I would have loved anything, because it was from his heart. That’s why when I left, I couldn’t part with it; it was proof someone loved me, proof I needed every day.” It was the last gift given to me, and the one that held the most meaning.
I missed him so much, but looking into Jason’s eyes, I knew I was going to be okay.

I offered a comforting grin hoping he underst
ood what his gift meant to me. “I already planned on spending every day with you.” I ran a finger over his soft lips. “I am honored you gave me my most favorite dog, and now my new favorite thing.” I held up my hand and wiggled the ring. “I will never part with it.”

I giggled as he tossed me to the other end of the couch. I assumed he was about to attack me
, but when I peered over at him, he removed all his clothes, sat back on the couch, rolled his head on his shoulders, and then clasped his hands together at the back of his neck. “I want you to get off on me.”

What the hell?
“What?” I asked out loud, confusion and anxiety mixing together, causing me to move to my feet and step away from the couch.
Is he testing me?

“Come here, Katarina…now
.” The authority in his voice did things to my body, and my parts quivered as he repeated it again. This time, my feet moved on their own. “Good girl.” My heart beat a little faster, and a flutter in my stomach crept all the way down to my sex. I straddled his legs with my knees on the leather couch. He licked his hand, stroked his cock, and grabbed my hips to lower me on top of him. Heat spiraled as I felt every inch of him. I was painfully full and it made me feel alive. We both moaned as the connection between us was sealed.

“Look at me.” His almond
-shaped eyes were fiercely possessive. “You’re going to do this. You’re going to take from me. I’ll talk you through it.” He playfully grinned and it sent a new wave of shivers through me. “I’ll get you started, but you’re going to ride this out on your own.” He flashed another devilish smile. He grabbed my hips and started my rhythm; it was blissful, and it was
happy place. His hands dropped to his side and then up to my breasts. His fingers lightly grazed my nipples as I rode him. “Perfect, Katarina. You’re mine, and I’m only yours.”

I closed my eyes and savored his words. My hands reached for his shoulders to steady myself as I glanced to the junction between us
. Watching him disappear inside of me was erotic and I clinched at the sight. “Ah fuck!” His curse broke my porn show and I focused on his face. He remained still and I found it humorous. His hands were gentle on my breasts as he whispered sexy things in my ear. I felt his breath against me, and I dug my nails into his shoulders as my grinding took on a delicious rhythm.

he sound of his husky voice made my mouth water. He was telling me how ‘fucking fantastic’ I smelled and tasted. He nibbled on my ear and neck as I slid my hand down his chest and rested it on his pounding heart. I rocked on his thighs, rubbing my clit against his lower stomach. The want took over, the craving for release, and my body saw the finish line. His raspy voice with the accent of slapping skin and the smell of Jason surrounded me, and my mind was overwhelmed in sensation.

groaned loudly and I tilted my head back; the idea he was growing closer to his release spurred me to make my movements quick, and my grinding turned into thrusting. I was so close, and when he gripped my ass firmly, I felt his nails bury into my skin as he pulled my hips toward him. He did it once and then twice, and that was it. I orgasmed. A white glow filled my vision, and then colors and I squeezed him inside me at the same time I felt him jolt. He twitched and I flexed my muscles, drawing out his pleasure, a silent,
Thank you for giving and letting me take.

I relax
ed against his body. Our heavy breathing swirled around us and I burrowed further into my man. Long moments passed while we caught our breaths, our sweaty bodies glued together and our connection still intact. “I finished my work and thought maybe we could go to your place for a couple days. We could leave tomorrow morning,” I suggested.

His body stiffened
, and I knew he didn’t want to go home to face what he left behind. I knew exactly how he felt, because coming home for me sucked eggs. “It’s your place too,” he corrected as he kissed my head, and I felt wanted.

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