Forever Ecstasy (39 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Forever Ecstasy
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Morning Star knew his friend— her cousin— had been on Joe’s mind since yesterday. “Do not worry; he is safe,” she comforted.

He knew she was right. “You have a kind heart and gentle spirit. You and Tanner would have liked each other.” To prevent renewed grief from distracting him, Joe returned to their task.

They went over what they had learned from and about Simon Adams.

“Smart… villain would not say so many bad words to stranger. He talked much. Is not smart enough to be Snake-Man,” she concluded.

“Maybe that’s a trick, a disguise, a cunning scheme. He might figure no one would suspect a man like him who’s so open about his ill feelings.”

“He… pretend to hate Indians?” she asked, misunderstanding him.

“No, he hates them all right, especially the Dakota Nation. What I meant was, he could be making sure everybody— especially strangers - knows he hates Indians, and he could be assuming nobody would become a loudmouth and make himself a suspect. If I were Snake-Man, would I pretend to like or hate Indians?” he reasoned aloud. “I think leaning too far in either direction isn’t smart. Whatever, that villain is very smart and very dangerous.”

“It confusing, Joe. If I have enemy, I not hide it. But I not trying to start war between sides. I say, smart man not hide it or show it.”

“I agree, but sometimes desperate or greedy men don’t act smart. They make mistakes, and that’s what finally defeats them.”

Morning Star thought of how her brother and Knife-Slayer behaved sometimes. Soon, they would make mistakes and be entrapped by them.

“With Zeke around, we can’t do much in this area,” Joe said. “By the time he learns we’ve been to Pierre and Orin’s, he’ll be searching for us, probably with more hired men. If his
boss doesn’t suspect us by now, he will as soon as he and Zeke add up the facts, then suspect we’re up to something. They’ll be out to stop us any way they can.”

Morning Star grasped that he didn’t accept her speculations and still believed they were in great peril. She had to concede to his thoughts, because Joe knew whites better than she did. “We be careful and alert.”

“Since we don’t know who or where this boss is,” Joe decided aloud, “we should get out of sight and reach for a while. Let’s try to get information from the Indians, the Crow. We’ll need trade goods. Let’s risk going on to Lookout to buy them.”

“Zeke come from Lookout,” she reminded.

His blue gaze locked with her brown one. “I know, but we have no choice. We can’t go back to Pratte or Orin’s and we need trade goods. We can’t give up, Morning Star. But we have to get out of this boiling kettle for a while; I just hope we aren’t jumping out of it into a roaring fire out there.” He caressed her cheek and urged, “Don’t worry, love, we’ll be careful.” His tone altered as he said, “I want you to lead me to the first Crow camp, then hide until I finish my business and return to you.”

Her sunny smile vanished. “I go with you!”

Joe shook his blond head. “Crow won’t harm a white trader with gifts. I’ve put you in too much danger already.”

Determination filled her eyes. “I go, too, or I not lead you there.”

Joe eyed her raven hair spilling over her shoulders and how it swayed when she tossed her head in defiance. He had to keep her safe! He decided there would be time on the trail to persuade her to stay behind at the last minute, so he didn’t argue. “Let’s ride, woman.”

“I see fox sneak into Joe’s body. Eyes expose you. You not fool me or leave me behind. I part of sacred vision, too. Must go and help.”

“You know me too well, Morning Star. I yield, but I don’t like it. I couldn’t stand for anything to happen to you. We take no risks, woman.”

Sun Cloud’s daughter smiled. She was happy Joe possessed the self-confidence to concede when necessary. She loved
looking at him. His hair grazed his broad shoulders like a golden mane. It waved like rolling hills and gleamed when the sun kissed it. And she could lose sight of reality when she stared into his blue gaze, as beautiful as the sky above them. The sienna buckskin garments enhanced his dark tan and clung to his muscled frame. His features were bold, perfect. Joe was irresistible in looks and character, though she did not care for the white man’s beard that grew thicker and darker each day. She adored being with him; she loved him beyond control.

When Joe sent her a quizzical look for her long and silent study, she grinned and teased, “Very good decision. You plenty smart, Joe Lawrence.”

They traveled as fast as possible for two days. At night, they took guard shifts once more. Early Saturday morning, the apprehensive couple rode to Lookout, a trading post owned by the Columbia Fur Company. It was not busy, as the keelboat had stopped here first and trappers hadn’t arrived yet.

This time, Morning Star remained with the horses while Joe went to purchase “gifts” for the Crow. She was tense the entire time he was gone, and strove to keep herself on full alert. This was their last stop in a white settlement, at least for a while. She was glad. She wanted to return to the Plains and forests and hills where she felt at home and safe. She struggled not to think of the people who were depending upon her to guide their destinies in the right direction and who were depending upon her to remain true to her heritage and customs.

Morning Star confessed she had tried but failed to keep to the last part. By now, being with Joseph Lawrence was as natural and vital as breathing. Their love was the food upon which her spirit survived and grew. Her life would never be the same after his inevitable departure. She could never yield to another man after being with Joe. Without that part of life, she would bear no children. Perhaps, she ventured, the loss of a true love was why Buckskin Girl had never joined another! But her friend had never mentioned a lost loved one.


Those words cut into her soul with a white-hot knife that seared her from head to toe with burning wounds. It was a fact she could not leave with Joe. It was a fact he could not remain with her. But it was possible to have him and love him until this sacred mission ended, one way or another. Payaba’s vision had claimed that would be in glorious victory, so she must not be so afraid. Yet, her faith lagged on occasion. She felt that surely the Great Spirit understood and forgave human frailty. Surely He would not allow her weakness to endanger—

A mule brayed loudly in the corral, jerking Morning Star back to reality. She scolded herself for such a terrible loss of attention. Her dulled wits could get them killed. She commanded herself back to full alert.

Inside the trading post, Joe chatted with Harvey Meade. He had met the perky fellow on his visit with Tanner. So far, nothing looked or sounded suspicious. Joe used the same strategy as at the other posts; it appeared to work again. He was told Zeke headed for Pierre on Monday.

“I must have missed him on the trail. I think I’ll do some looking around before I try to catch up with him again.” Noticing the manager’s reaction, he took a risk by adding, “Or maybe I won’t try to herd up with Zeke. From what I hear about him, that could be a mistake. I just thought I shouldn’t work this territory without checking him out first, as most folks act like he runs it. I’m not a coward, but he sounds like the kind who’d be riled and dangerous if pushed.” Joe was delighted when Harvey responded favorably to his deceit.

“You’d be smart to avoid him, Joe. He’s trouble, the kind we don’t need here. You mentioned ranching and settling down,” the post manager began. “Didn’t Simon tell you about the Pre-Emption Homestead Law?” When Joe shook his head, the short man explained, “It’s been in effect since ’41. You can purchase up to one hundred sixty acres of land at a dollar-twenty-five per acre in many locations of this territory. Best place to check which areas are for sale is at Fort Laramie. That’s where most territorial business is carried out and where the Indian agent stays. I know Simon’s purchased a tract and
bought a couple off other fellows. If you asked me, he used them as go-betweens to get his hands on more land. After this area opens up, they’ll be worth a lot more money. Others have bought up tracts, too. Me included.”

“Our government claims they own it,” Harvey continued, “bought it from the French, so I guess they have the right to sell parcels. They’ve even paid more dollars to some tribes to avoid conflicts. I guess I shouldn’t feel guilty over the Dakotas’ claims they still own it. If I hadn’t bought my parcel, some other man would. It’s on the James River, east of here. As soon as I’m sure of a real treaty, I plan to build on it and farm the land.”

“Sounds like a good opportunity to me. I’m surprised that Simon didn’t tell me about the Pre-Emption Law. I’m also surprised he’s buying up land. It’s odd he would stay here since he makes no secret of his hatred for Indians. Must have been something real bad to cause such feelings.”

Harvey glanced around to make sure no one was coming inside the post. “It was,” he confided. “When Simon first came here a few years back, his keelboat was attacked by marauding Indians; his wife was killed and he was robbed clean by Oglalas. He intended to open a trading post, but lost everything. He survived by slipping over the rail, swimming underwater, and hiding in bank brush. Everybody aboard was killed; even three women were raped and murdered. That was strange, because Indians usually take them captive. Law figured they were in a hurry and didn’t want to be slowed by prisoners. Evidence said they were Red Heart warriors. I don’t have to tell you that Simon was consumed by hatred and a hunger for revenge; but there was nothing he could do to find and punish the guilty ones. I was sure they were only renegades, but he wasn’t. Still isn’t. He had to go to work for Pratte for survival money. Believe me, he didn’t take to being a hired hand instead of an owner and boss. Sticks in his craw; so does running away and leaving his wife to suffer and die. I can’t fault him there; wasn’t anything he could do to save her or the others. I think he’s only working Pratte’s until he earns enough to get out on his own again. I bet that land he bought is for a post. Sad how
cruel fate changes a man. ’Course, I don’t know what he was like before coming here. But now—”

Harvey listened and looked for arrivals once more. “I hear he sells bloody souvenirs behind his boss’s back. Bernard Pratte would be furious; he’s a good and honest man. It’s the worst thing any man could do to cause more trouble. All it does is provoke scoundrels to rob scaffolds and ambush Indians for goods to sell him. I hear he sells Indians guns and whiskey, too, but I’ve never witnessed it with my own eyes, just overheard trappers whispering. It’s wrong, and it’s against the law. If everybody would take it slow and easy, we could have peace here. If we give the Indians time to get used to us, expand real slow and careful, they’d accept us.”

“You ever mentioned this to your company or the Army?” Joe asked.

An expression akin to sheer terror filled Harvey’s face and enlarged his eyes. In a quavering voice, he vowed, “I don’t interfere because I don’t want Simon riled at me. He’s the kind of man who would make a bad enemy if you crossed him. He’s tight with that Zeke Randall.”

“Don’t worry, Harvey, my mouth won’t open to the wrong ears. I don’t want Simon and Zeke gunning for me, either. It’ll be our secret. I’m going to skip looking up Zeke and head on to the Plains. I’ll need plenty of gifts to make friends with the Indians. I want to see for myself if trouble’s brewing. If it is, I bet Zeke has his hands in it.”

“You can win that bet, Joe. I’ll get the usual trinket sack ready. You can check it over and pay me.”

“Thanks, I’m sure you know what the Indians like.” As Joe waited and looked around, he sighted an interesting object. He questioned Harvey Meade about it, then purchased the enchanting item.

It was dark, as they had ridden as long as possible before stopping to camp. Without wasting time and energy, they tended the three horses, prepared a hot meal, and settled down to rest.

“You think Meade say— said— those things about Zeke and Simon to point eyes to them?” Morning Star asked. “Take eyes from him?”

Joe mused on her question. “I don’t think so. He’s too short. In all honesty, I’m not sure whom I trust. For all I know, Zeke could be doing a side business with Simon on those souvenirs. In view of what happened to Simon years ago, it’s not unusual for him to be filled with bitterness and hatred.”

“My people do not slay women and children.”

He smiled at her and said, “I know. I’m just wondering if Snake-Man was here and working before Simon’s arrival or if it was only renegades. It could be that our villain has no connection to any of the trading posts.”

“Where would villain live?”

“Could be on a farm or homestead. Could be a camp along the river.”

“Could be at fort,” she amended, looking worried.

“Perhaps, but I doubt it. I think it’s too big a plan for a soldier.”

“You look good at fort when arrive… tomorrow,” she cautioned.

“I think it’s best if we stop by Tabor and see Captain Thomas. We’re close, and it’s been a while since I reported my finds to him. I can send a message to Stede and the Indian agent at Laramie. I’ll write it up at first light. I’ll send my family a letter, too. Let them know I’m all right.”

“Our families worry about us.”

“At least you’ll get to see yours soon. It’s been a long time since I saw mine. I miss them, more than I realized I would. I hope my father’s settled down by now. He was against my coming here. I’m sure Mother’s done plenty of talking to him; she has a special way with him. With luck, he’ll listen to her this time; she understood why I had to leave. So did my sister. You’d like my mother and Sarah Beth.” He smiled. “I bet Lucas is growing like a spring weed. Little boys change fast at four.”

Morning Star didn’t want to discuss or think about the strong family ties that would soon take Joseph Lawrence from
her side and life. Nor did she want to ponder her own. She wished she and Joe were a family and had a future together. That could never be, and it tormented her.

Joe sensed her warring emotions and let the melancholy topic die. “We’d best get to sleep. Tomorrow is a busy day.”

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