Forever Eva [Sequel to When Kat's Away] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (17 page)

BOOK: Forever Eva [Sequel to When Kat's Away] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Tony moved his hand gently between her legs to where their bodies were joined. She caught his wrist, gasping.

“Shhh,” he whispered. I’m gonna make it better.” Ignoring her hand, he began to touch her.


* * * *


Eva relaxed and gave in to the fiery sensations that came from the intimate contact with his powerful body. She focused on the hand playing between her legs and totally forgot the pain from his invasion. Catching her buttocks in his hands, Tony arched upward even as he bore down on her, sinking more deeply still. The feel of his thick cock stretching her, moving in and out, had her dragging her nails down his back. His withdrawing and pushing again, in rough jerky movements, made her strain for fulfillment. He kissed her hungrily as his body eased down and found a slow, sweet rhythm that brought gasps from the mouth he was invading.

Eva arched upward and let out a cry as she came, bright colors swirling behind her closed eyes. Tony pumped in and out two more times and then threw back his head and roared with his own orgasm. He froze over her for a moment and then relaxed heavily onto her damp skin. Tightening her arms, she pressed a kiss against the top of his head.

She let her gaze wander over to Zach. He smiled, reaching out a hand to wipe the damp hair from her brow. “Are you okay, darlin’?”

“I’ve never felt better.” When Tony rose up, she dropped her legs to the bed.

“Did I hurt you?” asked Tony.

“No more than you had to. I’ve always known there’d be a little pain. Mama was pretty good about preparing us for the big moments in our life.”

Zach groaned and dropped dramatically to the bed. “Can we please make a rule that we don’t talk about your mother when we’re naked in the bed.” He looked down at his shrinking cock. “My little man just can’t take it.”

Eva giggled and put her arms behind her head. “Well, maybe you should come over here and let me make it better.”


* * * *


Zach felt his cock jerk with her words as he reached down and slowly rolled a latex covering over his wakening erection. “Are you sure you’re not too sore? I don’t mind waiting for another day if you’re in too much pain.”

She beckoned him with one finger as Tony crawled to the side of the bed.

Tony turned and kissed her tenderly. “I’ve never had feelings like this for anyone, Eva. I can’t tell you what it means to me that I was your first lover.” He kissed her again. “We’re gonna get everything worked out, this I promise you.”

Zach grabbed her thighs and coaxed her legs apart. “Relax, darlin’, and let me love you. I want you to feel only pleasure.” Slowly, he ran his fingers through her silky, feminine curls. Nudging her legs further apart, he spread the lips of her sex, penetrating her slick channel with one digit. He found her clit and rubbed it before pushing another finger inside her core. Leaning close, he placed a kiss at the entrance to her body and then replaced his fingers with his tongue.

Eva arched her hips upward, groaning, murmuring incoherently.

Unable to wait any longer, Zach slipped his cock between her spread thighs and probed the entrance to her body. Moving slowly, he pushed the head of his erection past the mouth of her opening. Eva groaned, nodding dizzily, and rotated her hips, helping to fit their bodies together. She buried her fingers in Zach’s hair as his tongue delved into her mouth, rubbing sensuously, possessively along the tender inner flesh.

Wrapping her legs around Zach’s waist, Eva drew him inside her as he sank into her wet pussy with one stroke. Pulling back, he pushed the tip of his cock slowly inside of her, watching as her flesh parted for his entrance. He felt her nails biting into his hips, pulling him closer.

Eva’s breathing quickened, her body stiffening. Suddenly, she screamed and convulsed in another orgasm. Zach groaned harshly, pumped in and out a few more times, and then came, filling the latex rubber deep inside her and collapsing on her damp, shivering body. After a moment, his head lifted, and brown eyes glittered down into her pale-blue ones. She shivered as a tight sob passed her lips.

“I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?” asked Zach.

“No,” she cried. “I’m just so happy. I can still feel your mouth on my breasts.”

Zach grinned, rolled her to her side, and backed her up against him, his hand curled around her breast. “Darlin’, you were fantastic.” He lowered his voice. “I’m in love with you, Eva. I want us to always be together.”

Her eyes widened as Tony moved close and settled against her front, his hand curling around her other breast. “Eva, this has been the best experience of my life. I don’t wanna lose you.” He raised his gaze to Zach. “I don’t wanna lose either of you.”

“Nobody’s losing anybody. We need to get some sleep now. Tomorrow’s a work day.” Zach leaned over and kissed her lightly then snuggled down in the bed.


* * * *


Tony felt Eva’s breath on his neck as they cuddled. The even breathing of Eva and Zach told him they’d both fallen asleep. He thought back to the moment when Zach had kissed his lips.
So, why didn’t it send me screaming from the room?

Chapter 9


“Are you sure about this?” Tony asked.

Eva narrowed her eyes at Tony and put her hands on her hips. “Don’t you trust me?”

Zach slapped Tony on the back. “Of course we do, darlin’. We’re just worried because you’re not used to our way of doing things.”

She glanced warily at the stove. “Don’t you worry about me. I’ll do just fine with your woodless stove. I promise you’re gonna love my fried chicken.”

Tony laid a hand on her arm. “I took the chicken from the freezer and put it in the sink to unthaw.”

She walked over and stared at the frozen lump. “What is that?”

Tony laughed. “It’s a package of skinless chicken breasts.”

One of her hands came up to splay against her breastbone while the other poked at the frosty package. “You mean to say you can buy just part of the chicken and they package it all up for you nice and neat?”

Zach barked out a laugh and then covered his mouth with his hand.

Tony glared at him and then turned his attention to Eva. “That’s right. You can buy packages of just legs, or thighs, even whole chickens.” He shrugged. “I only like the white meat, so I always buy the breasts.”

She frowned. “You don’t have to pluck it or bleed it or nothing?”

He grinned. “Nope, just let it thaw out and cook it.”

“Wow! I’m surprised Mama never talked about missing this.” She thought for a moment and then laughed. “Although she always did make Papa Beau do the slaughtering.”

Tony laughed and pulled her close for a quick kiss. “Girl, you are too much. We gotta go.”

“Wait,” Zach said. “I’ve got a present for you.” He pulled something small and brown from his pocket. “Eva, I picked this up for you on my way home last night.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a phone, honey. I’ll feel better about you staying here alone if I know you can reach us.”

She walked over to look closer. “How does it work?”

He held it up and showed her how to bring up the list of contacts. There were two names listed. “If you wanna talk to either of us, just touch our name, and it will call us automatically. You just hold it up to your ear and wait until you hear our voice.”

“What if you wanna talk to me?” she asked.

He pushed another button, and the screen changed. “If the phone rings, you just touch this picture of a phone and then hold it to your ear and you’ll hear one of us talking. When you’re done, just press this red bar, and it resets the phone for the next call.”

Tony walked over to stand beside Eva. “Let her hear the ringtone so she knows what to listen for.”

“Good idea.” Zach pressed a few buttons, and a musical tone filtered through the room.”

“Land sakes, is that the phone?”

Zach laughed. “Yeah, that’s it. If you hear that noise, then just press the picture of the phone and put it to your ear like this.” He demonstrated and then handed it over to Eva.

“Put it in your pocket so you’ll have it near all the time.” Tony walked toward the door and then turned around and came back.

She patted the sides of her shorts and then slid the slim phone inside one of her pockets.

Tony leaned down for a quick kiss and then backed up to allow Zach to get a turn.

Zach ran his hand over Eva’s hair. “You be careful today, darlin’, and stay near the house.”

Tony groaned. “Yeah, don’t go wandering off without us. Have a good day, and we’ll see you sometime after five.”

“Okay, off with both of you. I’ve got things to do.” She followed the men to the door and watched them walk to Tony’s truck. “Hey, why are the two of you riding together?”

“I asked Tony to give me a ride today. The engine light came on in my truck last night, and I don’t wanna risk driving it today. I’m gonna call and arrange for my mechanic to come and take a look at it this weekend. I’ll drive home my agency vehicle tonight.”

Tony looked back. “Be sure and lock the doors while we’re gone.”

Eva smiled and waved, then watched as they drove away. She started to go back inside when movement across the street caught her attention. Several doors down, a man stood in the road watching her. It was too far to see him in detail, but he was definitely staring at Tony’s house. He looked tall and lanky with dark hair. He just stood there, still as could be, watching her. Eva shivered and hurried back inside, locking the door behind her.


* * * *


“Let me get this straight.” Tony kept his eyes on the road. “You’re telling me that, because of the paperwork you found at the courthouse, you think that eventually Eva will return to her own time.”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. I can even pinpoint it to say she’ll return to the year 1900 because that’s the year her birth gets recorded in official records. If she left in 1899, there would be no reason for anyone in her family to record her birth a year later. It has to mean she goes back and does it herself.”

Tony shook his head. “I don’t know what to say, Zach. What do you want me to say?”

“Nothing. I just wanted you to know what I found out.” He paused and glanced out the window.

“What’s wrong?”

Zach hesitated a moment and then looked at Tony. “I’m gonna keep a close eye on her because if it’s at all possible, I’m going back with her.”

Tony’s mouth dropped open as the truck swerved on the road. “Are you crazy? How do you expect to travel back in time?”

“Hell, I don’t know. I don’t even know how she got here, but I’m damn sure gonna do everything I can to stay with her. I’m in love with her, Tony. I feel deep down that we’re meant to be together.”

“Where does that leave me?” asked Tony.

“I hope it leaves you with us. Are you in love with Eva?”

Tony gripped the steering wheel tighter and focused on the road. “I don’t know. I feel something, something very real, but I’m not sure it’s love. Hell, I’ve never been in love before, so I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like. I know that I feel happy when I’m with her, and I’m beginning to find more and more reason to believe her crazy story. Is that love?”

Zach chuckled. “It’s close enough for me. Do you think you could be happy in a relationship with both of us, a permanent relationship?”

Tony swallowed hard and glanced briefly at Zach. “Yeah, I can picture us all together.”

“Then you’d better start thinking about whether you’re willing to pick up roots and go back to the past with us, because there’s no way to know how long fate will leave her here.”

Tony concentrated on the road for a minute. “Why can’t you find out if we do go back with her?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, if the lady at the courthouse found her birth record by locating her death certificate, then maybe you should look for our names. If we go back in time with her, there’s bound to be a record of our deaths.”

“Shit, that’s a damn good idea. Although it’d be kind of creepy to know the date you’re gonna die.”

Tony shrugged. “It’d be a way to know for sure that we’re destined to travel with her. Hell, just ask them to see if there are any records, but don’t look at them.”

“Okay, I’ll get in touch with Ms. Martin at the courthouse and see what she can find.”


* * * *


Climbing the steps to the porch, Laura glanced around. “It’s about time they left the little princess alone. I didn’t think I’d ever get a chance to talk to her.” She knocked loudly on the door and waited. After a minute she knocked again and then stepped back when she heard the click of the lock released. A second later the door slowly opened.

Laura forced a big smile to her face and stared at the disheveled woman. “Hello, Eva. Do you remember me? We met at the mall.”

Eva ran her fingers through her hair, smoothing it away from her face, and nodded. “Sure, I remember you. Your name’s Laura, right?”

“That’s right.”

“What do you want? Tony and Zach have gone to work.” Eva jumped when a loud buzzer sounded from inside. “Tarnation, that’s the third time the dang thing’s gone off.” She pointed toward the living room. “Wait there.”

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