Forever Fae (37 page)

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Authors: L.P. Dover

BOOK: Forever Fae
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We made it home safely thanks to Nixie’s magic and Calista’s ability to throw a dagger.  Her
dagger bought us time to get away.  Apparently, her
dagger had the ability to disable the dark sorcerer.  For how long, we don’t know.  Elvena is going to try and do some research on

The night we a
rrived back to the Summer Court
the place
went into an uproar.  The people were happy and excited to hav
e the
back home safely, but were grieved with the news of Merrick.
  We explained to King Oberon and Queen Tatiana everything that happened, even down to the violent details.  Calista sobbed when she had to explain how she killed both Warren and Avery.  She apologize
d to me about killing Warren because she was afraid of
how I would feel about her when I found out, but I reassured her that it had to be done and she saved me from the heartache by actually doing it herself.  I told her that I was extremely grateful to her and that Warren’s death was going to happen no matter what. 

Calista and I had decided to wait a week until the wedding.  The week is almost up and I will soon be able to have my
ueen.  Arriv
ing to the
Winter Court
was humorous at best.  Every single person I passed took a double take look at me.  Since my skin color is not pale anymore, it was a shock to my people and my family.  Kalen had already filled them in on the changes, but it was still a shock to see.  To a
, the change is a drastic one.
  I explained to my family what was going to happen when Calista and I are joined in the marriage bond, and
believe me, saying they were ecstatic is an understatement.
  We also held a meeting asking the entire Winter Court to attend.  My parents agreed that if anyone wanted to follow me to the Fall Court
they could.  If the Fall Court is their true home, they will go through the change just as Calista and I had.  Since the Land of the Fae is changing, the people can change as well, and they will make their home in our new court as the
of the Fall

The Land of the Fae claims all owners of the land and it appears that the unclaimed territory by the Winter Court is where the Fall Court will begin.  Calista said she felt the land calling to her and that’s where we need to be.  Only the rightful owners can claim a territory.  That’s why the dark sorcerer wants the power of
Four so he will be connected to all of them, and his power will be matched with ours.  Meetings will be held soon after the wedding to map out our plans for keeping our people safe. 

As I head back to the Summer Court to meet Calista, I pass through the land that will soon be mine and hers.  Thanks to
magic of both court
s, our palace
has already been built with magic.
It is pretty simple to build homes here in the Land of the Fae.  With Calista having an affinity for the earth she can build a whole palace in minutes.  It’s actually an extraordinary ability, but we ended up having many of the fae from both courts add their magic to our new home.  It makes the place feel more special knowing that my people and her people came together to make this place ours.
The true essence of the
cannot be seen or felt yet since the bonding is not complete.  I have changed the weather through my magic and made the cool crisp air that Calista and I dreamt about.  It’s a temporary fix until the true magic takes place.  Various trees and shrubberies have been provided for the landscape to make the wedding more beautiful.  Our wedding will be held here so that everyone can witness the magic taking place.  Then Calis
ta and I can retire to our room
and complete the bond.  That is g
oing to be one hell of a night, and one that is long overdue.


Chapter 27



I look out the window of my new home to the soaring landscape of what will soon be the
Court.  The land called to me and Ryder and I have put a claim to it. The magic of the Land of the Fae has always been a mystery, but when the land wants to be claimed it will let you know.  I’m sitting in my new library in the palace Ryder and I will share.  I had every one of my books brought here and had this room to be an exact replica of the one in the Summer Court.  This room gives me peace
just like the one at my last home.  Everything will be so different when the
magic is unleashed.  It will be just like the vision.  The trees will be nothing but shades of red, yellow, green, orange and brown.  The air will have the crisp smell of autumn and pine.  It will also feel cool grazing along my skin.  I can close my eyes and just imagine it all.  Tonight it will all be different.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t hear that my room was now filled with the giggling sounds of women.  Hearing them lightens my heart and brings a smile to my face.  I’ve missed the sounds of Elvena and Xylia laughing.  Meliantha and my headstrong younger sister Ariella are here as well.  Today is my wedding day, and yes I’m nervous with the fluttery and nervous stomach and all, but I am also exuberantly happy.  I turn around and laugh at them
as they
carry on and act crazy. I had decided that each one of them would wear dresses in one of the
colors.  They all look amazing in their gowns.  I didn’t go to the mortal realm to get my dress for this occasion.  I had it specially made for me here in the Land of the Fae.  It’s a toga style dress just like a Greek goddess would wear and it’s enhanced with magic. I decided I wanted to wear all the colors of the
so my dress has been enhanced with the magic to change colors.  They will change from each color every minute or so while I’m wearing it.  It looks amazing and I can’t wait to see what how people react
to it

I look over at my youngest sister, Ariella.  She was forbidden to come to my Blood Ritual with Merrick because of using her magic to do destructive things.  She’s a beautiful girl with the hair the color of snow and twinkling blue eyes.  The red dress I put her in makes her look
along with the red lipstick she’s wearing to match.  She is totally trying to look like a siren tonight.  Ariella is a couple of years younger than me and has gotten into twice as much trouble.

“I hope you plan to stay out of trouble today, Ariella.  Fae creatures from all over the Land of the Fae will be here.  I trust you to play nice,” I tease, laughing.

Ariella rolls her eyes and grins at me slyly

“Oh, Calista, you worry too much.  When do I ever cause trouble?”  She winks at me and says, “I’ll see you down there,
.”  She turns to leave and then I walk over to Meliantha.

Meliantha is crying softly and has a tissue in each hand.  She grips me tightly and pulls me into a hard embrace.  Her voice catches as she speaks from crying so much. 

“I’m so happy for you, Calista.”  She looks down at the ground.  “I know I can’t tell you enough, but I am so sorry about Merrick.  I know you miss him.”

I’ve cried so many tears for Merrick and I know he would want me to be happy today so I try my best to hold the tears back.  I feel him in my heart
I know he’ll be with me today so I reassure her

“I do miss him

I lay my hand over my heart

he’s in here and he always will be.” 

Meliantha kisses my cheek and leaves the room.  My two favorite ladies are the only ones left in the room with me.  I look at Xylia, and of course she has a different color in her hair today.  I am assuming it’s to match the green gown she is wearing.  She lost her parents while I was captured and when I came back we had a passing ceremony for them as well as one for Merrick.  We are all suffering from grief and loss so we decided to honor them all and make this night a joyous occasion. 

I walk over to her and wrap her in my arms
I let go to look at her face she gives me a pleading look.  She bites her lip and averts her eyes.  I move my head so I can meet my eyes with hers.  She looks worried about something. 

“Xylia, what’s wrong?  Is there something you need to ask me?” I ask.

She paces for a few more seconds and then begins

“I was nervous because I didn’t know what you would say, but would you mind if…”
looks to Elvena and
nods her head fo
her to continue

you mind if I joined you here in the Fall Court?  You’re my best friend and the only family I have left.  Will you please accept me?”

I burst out
laughing and I grab her arms and
swing her around t
he room.  It takes her a second to gain her composure and then she joins in the laughter.

I say
“Oh, Xylia, of course I accept you.  I love you and I wouldn’t know what to do without my best friend here.”

Elvena has been quiet
now, but gets our attention by saying impatiently,

, ladies, time is almost up.  Xylia go downstairs and get in your position.  I need time with Calista

Xylia leaves with a bounce in her step.  I can’t believe she was nervous about asking me to stay here.  Elvena walks over to take my hand.  It’s the same hand t
hat I wear her ring
and she sobs

“If you weren’t wearing this ring I don’t think you would have made it out.”  She sniffles and closes her eyes.  I definitely know I wouldn’t have made it and I am extremely grateful that I had her ring.  

I take her face in my hands and reply softly,
“But I did, Elvena.  I’m home and I’m safe.  Your ring helped me more than anything and I’m so thankful that you gave it to me.”  She opens her eyes and averts them to my necklace.  She smiles and I look down at the heart-shaped locket that Merrick gave me for my birthday. 

“I feel him, Elvena.  He’s here inside me, so I know he’ll never be far away.  He saved Ryder for me because he knew how much I loved him.”

“I know, child.  What he did was the most courageous and unselfish thing I have ever seen anyone do and he will always be remembered for that.”

We hold each other fo
r the longest time until I hear
the music playing outside. 

Elvena whispers, “We need to get you downstairs.  Your
will be waiting for you.”

She turns to leave the room and looks back at me
one more time
before turning around to leave.  I take a few deep breaths in and out and then I leave the sanctuary of my library to meet the one man that has forever changed my life.

I reach the top of the stairs and I look down and see that my soon to be husband and
is standing at the bottom of the steps.  His back is turned from me, but I can tell his body is relaxed and calm.  He’s dressed in a black tux
which is not a surprise since he likes black. I try to walk silently down the steps but he hears me anyway.  He turns around quickly and gives me a radiant smile.  He bites his lip as he watches me glide down the stairs.  I sway my hips and
give him a sultry look as I caress the banister while looking his body up and down.  Completing the bond has been the one thing we have both been longing for all week. 

I stop on the next to last step
are eye to eye and I wrap my arms around his neck.  He circles my waist and slowly slides his hands d
own my back to rest on my ass.

His voice sounds deep and sexy when he says, “Why don’t we hurry this up so I can

leans into my neck and lays kisses all the way down to my collarbone

your body and taste every inch of you

raises one of his hands to cup my breast

the inside and out.”
  Thank goodness we are the only ones around right now or they would be getting a show. 

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