Forever Kind of Guy (8 page)

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Authors: Khelsey Jackson

BOOK: Forever Kind of Guy
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“Holy shit,” he muttered, sounding breathless, as he moved his hands
to tangle into her hair.

She opened her mouth up more to take him in as he moved her head up and down his cock. She moaned because it made her feel in control even when he was holding her head. He pushed himself into her mouth a little hard, and she closed her mouth around his cock to suck.


he gently squeezed his balls and she looked up at him. His eyes were closed tightly. He took his hands out of her hair and she kept the pace as he leaned back against the door, his palms pressing into the wood. She sucked him as she massaged his balls with one hand.

going to come if you don’t stop,” he groaned.

She didn’t stop just stroked him faster in
to her mouth.

“Gretchen!” Stefan shouted
as she felt his hot come hit the back of her throat.

She didn’t stop
until he was done coming and she slowly released him from her mouth. Stefan fell to his knees in front of her breathing hard. He still had his eyes closed, but he had a huge grin on his face.

When he opened his eyes, he stared at her. “You are incredible, you know that right?”

he felt her cheeks heat up, but she smiled at him and stood up offering him her hand. “Come to bed with me. I like sleeping in your arms.”

He took he
r hand and pulled her to him, lowering his lips to hers, he kissed her deeply. He groaned as she rubbed her tongue against his. He pulled away from her, but leaned his forehead against hers. “I like you sleeping in my arms.” He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

“I’m going to get my jammies on.” She didn’t like to sleep in much, normally just a shirt and panties.

Stefan lowered his sweet scorching peppermint lips to her neck and licked her. She shuddered in his arms. “Hmm…sleep naked with me.”

She giggled and nodded as he kissed his way up to her earlobe.
His fingers inched to the hem of her shirt and he pulled it off of her in one swift move, he kissed her as he unfastened her bra. He moved to her pants and he quickly removed them. He backed them up to the bed, and laid her down with him on top of her. He cupped her face with his large hands, and she arched up to kiss him harder. She moaned when she felt the head of his cock brush against her pussy, she loved the feel of him bare against her.

“I want you
, but we both need to sleep, sweetheart.”

nodded and smiled up at him. He moved off of her and she scooted over to the right side of the bed, where she normally slept.

When he lay
next to her, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into him so her back was against his front. “Good night,” he whispered as he kissed her shoulder.

he reached for the lamp next to the bed, normally she would have turned it off on the wall by the door. “Good night Stefan.” She closed her eyes, and willed herself to sleep.


* * *

Hours later Stefan
lay awake in Gretchen’s bed wondering what she was keeping from him. He understood why she didn’t want to be in a relationship, she wasn’t even divorced yet. But he couldn’t think about her being with anyone else because it made his blood boil, he wanted to be the one she counted on. When he got to work he would be checking any police records that had either her name or her soon to be ex.

Slowly he eased out of bed
, careful not to wake her, and walked into her small living room. He really hated that she lived there, it was an unsafe neighborhood and she deserved to be living somewhere where hookers and drug dealers didn’t live.

He heard his phone ringing back in the bedroom and he quickly went to it, he noticed that Gretchen was turning on the light as he walked in. “Sorry,” he said to her as he
reached for his pants on the floor. He took out his phone and frowned when he saw his youngest sister’s name. “Britney, what’s going on?”

“I need you, please come and get me.”
Her voice shook as she spoke. He looked up at Gretchen and she covered her mouth with her hand.

, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” His heart raced because he had a bad feeling.

Britney sniffled, “I need you.

“Where are you?”

She told him and he started to put his pants on, but his hands were shaking too bad. Small soft hands moved his hands out of the way and he glanced down to see Gretchen helping him button his pants. “Okay Britney I will be there soon. I love you.” He removed his phone from his ear, and dropped his head. His baby sister was hurting and he wanted to kill whoever had put the sorrow in her lovely voice.

“Stefan I don’t think you should drive right now,
you’re too upset. Why don’t you let me get dressed and I will drive you to where ever you need to go?”

looked down at her, brushed his fingers down her cheek and laid his hand on her shoulder. “Thank you, but I think I need to handle my sister alone. Something happened and I need to know what. I have a feeling she won’t talk if you are there.”

She nodded, but took him by surprise
as she rose up on her toes and kissed him. “Fine, but call me when you get home, I want to know you are safe.”

He nodded, and turned away from her to pick up his white tan
k top. He walked out of the bedroom and to the living room where he’d left his uniform shirt and weapon. “I’ll call you when I get home.” He turned to her, and kissed her forehead.

He walked to his car and started to drive
. He followed his youngest sister’s directions and thanked God it wasn’t far, just about ten minutes away. She was only seventeen and if some boy hurt her he would kill them. She was the baby of the family and he’d been her age when she was born, so she had a special place in his heart.

He saw her standing under a street light with her arms wrapped around her
middle. When she looked up his heart sank. Her lip was bloody, and she had a black eye starting to become brighter under the harsh lighting. Swiftly he took his jacket from the passage seat that read, ‘Police’ in bright yellow on the back, to cover her and got out of the car.

Britney ran to him
, throwing her arms around him. She cried hard into his chest and he wrapped the jacket around her.

it, I need to know who did this,” he insisted. He fisted hands at his sides.

She shook her
head as she backed away from him. She pulled the front of his jacket closed against her chest. “It doesn’t matter tonight, Stefan. I just want to go home.”

He narrowed his eyes, but something behind her caught his attention. It was her on and off again boyfriend, Derek.
“Was it Derek?” he asked through clenched teeth, and she flinched. He moved past her to get to Derek and she grabbed his hand.

“Stefan, you can
’t do anything! He is under age and you will go to jail.”

He was a fucking cop
! He knew the law, but that asshole had hurt his baby sister and he needed to pay.

“Please let me handle it. I want to file a police report, but in the morning.”

He shook his head as he turned back around to face her, her hair was cut so it brushed the top of her shoulders, and her hazel eyes were darker than he had seen before. “You need to go to the station right now, Brit. You need to have him arrested now,” he demanded and took her arm to lead her to the car. He opened the door and she got in without another word. He drove them to the police station and listened as she told the officer on duty what had happened.


Chapter Eight


Gretchen looked at her phone when she got out of the shower the next morning, nothing from Stefan and she was concerned. But she didn’t have time to call him to find out if he was alright. She needed to be at the courthouse and it took her thirty-five minutes to get there. Laura had called her that morning and she had jumped out of bed thinking it was him and answered without looking, saying his name.

, but I have bad news. The ass-hat is fighting the divorced. So now instead of doing this civil, we have to go to the courthouse. Be there at nine-thirty. And by the way, we need to chat about Claus.” Laura had hung up without saying anything else.

Gretchen tore herself out of her bed where she
’d tossed and turned after he left. She pulled her long blonde hair back into a ponytail, sprayed on some hairspray and smoothed the top of her hair down. When she walked out of her bathroom she grabbed her purse and keys, and then headed to the courthouse.

She thought about Stefan, but
decided that she would wait for him to contact her because his sister had needed him, and she really wasn’t anything more than a
fuck buddy
to him. Her chest ached as she thought that, but she pushed it aside because right then she needed to worry about why she and Robert were going to a judge to get their divorce.

She pulled her beloved
car into the parking garage and noticed Robert standing by the elevators talking to his lawyer. He looked toward her and her heart raced. She took a deep breath and got out of her car, hoping he would be gone before she got there, but she knew he would wait for her. She thought maybe she should take the stairs, but she’d parked on the tenth floor and she was in heels.

“Gretchen?” a
familiar voice said and she smiled.

he turned to see Stefan walking toward her with a young woman. She looked a lot like Stefan and knew she was the sister he’d gone to get last night. He was still in his black police uniform, and she remembered peeling it off of him. He stopped right in front of her, and she was unsure how to greet him. In a normal relationship she would have kissed him, but what they had wasn’t normal.

Instead, she smiled at his little sister. S
he didn’t miss the black eye or the busted up lip. “Hey, Stefan.”

He leaned down and brushed his lips
against her cheek, she felt the heat rise in her cheeks. “What are you doing here?” he asked as they started walking toward the elevator.

er soon to be ex was staring at them with a glare on his face. “I’m not quite sure. Laura called me to tell me that my divorce was going to court and would be settled here.” She was happy when the elevator doors opened.

“Since my brother is an ass, you must be the girl he was talking about last night. I’m Britney.” The young girl put her hand out for Gretchen to shake and she did, but
she noticed bruises on her arm.

She smiled, and looked into Britney’s hazel eyes. “I hope it was good things
and not that I snore or that I’m a bad cook.”

, all good.” Britney smiled.

Gretchen looked over at Stefan
and he was beaming at her. She didn’t miss the dark circles that were forming under his eyes or the stubble on his face that he hadn’t had time to shave off. When the doors closed she felt Robert’s eyes on her. She took a deep breath and smiled at Stefan, but it fell as she looked past him and noticed her ex squeezing his hands tightly by his sides. “Stefan, my soon to be ex-husband is the man standing behind you.” She lowered her voice just enough for him to hear, he narrowed his eyes, and turned to face Robert.

Slowly Stefan turned around. “Robert Elliott.”

She bit her lip because she wasn’t sure what would happen.

Robert narrowed his eyes. “Who the hell are you?”

Thankfully Stefan didn’t have time to answer because the elevator doors opened. Robert’s lawyer grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the small elevator. Gretchen took the deep breath she needed and walked out with Stefan and his sister closely behind her. When he grabbed her arm she flinched, because it reminded her of that night. She felt the warmth of his arm disappear. “Gretchen I need you to look at me.” She didn’t want to because she felt her tears burning the back of her eyes, but she did.

She didn’t look at Stefan
, but at his sister. Gretchen walked to her and took her hands into hers. She didn’t want to see this young girl’s life be ruined because of some asshole boyfriend. “You need to know that if he will hit you once, he will do it again. Since you are at the courthouse and called your brother, the cop, I take it you filed a police report on him?”

Britney nodded.

Good. Don’t go back to him, and get some counseling. Trust me, you’ll need it.” She squeezed her hands around the girl’s, and Britney smiled at her.

“I take it your ass of an ex hurt you in more ways
than one,” Britney replied.

Gretchen smiled sadly at her, and slowly
nodded. “Bruises fade, but memories don’t.”

“Gretchen Mary Elliott.”

She heard her best friend say from behind her. Gretchen let go of Britney’s hands and turn to face a pissed off Laura and Stefan.

“When the fuck were you going to t
ell me? I could have helped you! I know people who would have taken care of him.”

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