Forever Love (Arabesque) (12 page)

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Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

BOOK: Forever Love (Arabesque)
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I’m sorry, I was unavoidably delayed.

No problem. Anything I can do to help?

No. Can we meet later tonight?

Sure, my office still?

Yes, is 10:00 too late?

Not at all, I’ll see you at 10.


Keith smiled for the first time that evening. He placed his cell phone back in his jacket pocket and looked at his watch. It was nine-fifteen. He had to make a move soon. He picked up his drink and took a sip. The hot strong espresso burned down his throat and felt good as he sat out in the cool evening air. He looked around his parents’ deck, then out to the perfectly manicured backyard. Landscape and decorative tree lighting illuminated the area. It was the perfect relaxing setting, but he was still too tightly wound.

When it came to women he’d certainly had his share. Beautiful, stunning, elegant women surrounded him constantly. He liked them and they liked him. Life was very good. The initial feeling was always the same, but then they would inevitably want more than he was willing to give and he’d have to shut them down. So women came and then left. Life was still good.

But of all the others, none of them had given him the instant spark of connection that Gia had. The moment he saw her he felt it. And he knew for a fact that it was mutual. Now the idea of seeing her again excited him even more than he had expected. Kissing her had jump-started a hot burn of desire that he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Her response to his kiss definitely attested to something happening between them. There was no hesitation, nor timidity. She gave just as ardently as he did. Passion met passion and had they been anywhere else there was no telling where that one kiss might have led them. He knew that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Keith looked up suddenly to see his brothers, Jeremy and Drew, standing in the kitchen doorway leading out to the back deck. “What?” he said, since they hadn’t said a word, and even if they had, he hadn’t been paying attention.

“I asked if the good news was work related or otherwise,” Jeremy said, repeating what he’d said a few seconds earlier. He stepped all the way out onto the deck and took a seat next to Keith. Drew followed, taking a seat across from them. They each relaxed back into the heavily padded lounge chairs and looked at Keith.

“Actually I’m not quite sure yet,” Keith said.

Drew glanced over at Jeremy. A second of knowing passed between them. “How’d it go picking up Mamma Lou?” Drew asked.

Keith looked at his brothers. “Why, what did you hear?”

Drew and Jeremy looked at each other. “Okay, what’s going on with you?” Jeremy asked.

“Nothing,” Keith quickly declared.

Drew chuckled. “Don’t give us that. Pru gave you the name Grumpy, but tonight is was an understatement. You walk in here like it’s the end of the world. Mom cooks one of your favorite meals and you pick at it like it’s laced with poison. You barely speak and when Dad asked you a question earlier you had no idea what he was talking about. So the comment ‘nothing’ doesn’t work. Answer the question. What’s going on with you?”

“Is it Mamma Lou?” Jeremy asked quietly. “Is she after you?”

“No, she told me that she’s here for someone else.”

“Do you believe her?” Jeremy asked.

“I don’t know. She may be trying to throw you off,” Drew said.

“She’s good,” Jeremy declared while nodding.

“Mitigating factors would suggest differently,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“I believe her,” Keith said.

“Who is her target?” Drew asked.

“It doesn’t matter,” Jeremy said, “as long as it’s not one of us.” He chuckled joyfully. “Well, my brothers, it looks like we are off the hook. We have successfully dodged the bullet this time. To the target, may we forever be missed.” He held his espresso cup up to toast. Drew nodded and held his up, too. They looked at Keith. He held his up, as well. They all took a sip.

“And what are we celebrating this evening, my dears?” Louise asked as she stepped out onto the deck, seeing the celebratory toast.

All three men began to choke.

Chapter 12

ia hurried to the elevator and pressed the button. The doors opened instantly. She looked at the panel to see the top floor notated for Washington & Associates Law Firm. She pressed the button and silently the doors closed and the elevator began to ascend. She looked at her watch. It was two minutes before ten o’clock. A few seconds later the elevator doors opened. She stepped out and looked left, then right and straight ahead.

Half-frosted glass doors with logo and signage announced the law firm’s executive suite. She stepped up to the doors and pushed through. One door gave with ease. A soft alarm began to sound and then shut off almost immediately. She turned and looked around. The lobby lights were slightly dimmed, but she could very easily see Keith walking toward her from down the corridor. “Good evening,” he said, aiming the remote control in his hand at the alarm system again. It beeped a second time.

He continued to the glass door and flipped a lock in place, securing them inside. She was locked in. He turned and pressed a button on the remote control again. The lights in the immediate area brightened. He turned to her. His top button was undone and his tie was pulled loose just slightly, yet still keeping the perfect Windsor knot intact. She wondered what it would feel like to pull that tie free and open the rest of the shirt’s buttons. She looked up into his eyes. It was as if he was reading her thoughts. “Hi, I’m glad you could come this time,” he said, gazing at her.

Gia swallowed hard as she watched his lips move. The memory of his mouth on hers took her breath away. Her heart slammed hard and she began

“Are you okay?” he asked. She nodded. “Water?” he offered.

She shook her head. She barely recovered before realizing she hadn’t spoken yet. “Hi, I’m fine. Good evening,” she said. He smiled, showing bright white teeth and the sexiest smile she’d ever seen. She suddenly felt a shock of excited nerves tingle throughout her body. Locked in with Keith Washington—she wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. She smiled weakly. “Thank you for seeing me so late.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine, just rushing to get here, never enough hours in a day.” She looked around the lobby area, trying to compose herself. “Wow, these paintings are incredible.”

Keith nodded proudly. “Thanks, I really treasure them. My grandmother painted them years ago.”

“Emma Washington.”


“She was very talented.”

“Yes, I think so, too,” he agreed.

There was a very pregnant pause as they looked at each other. “Um, listen, I’m really sorry about before. I hope I didn’t keep you from anything too major.”

“Just dinner with my parents,” he said offhandedly.

“Oh, no, I’m so sorry,” she said sincerely.

“It’s okay, they were fine. We hang out together all the time. Being late for one dinner isn’t gonna get me kicked out of the family will.”

“You’re lucky.”

“What, having dinner with the family?” he asked. She nodded. He smiled. “You obviously don’t know my family very well.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Come, let’s go to my office.”

He led the way. She followed, watching every movement he made. Her gaze lingered on the smooth lay of his suit pants and his shirt still neatly tucked inside.
Stop it. Focus,
she mentally chided herself. He rounded the corner, walking with the sexy swagger of a man in control and who knew exactly what he wanted. She stared shamelessly at his rear as her mouth grew dryer and dryer and her heart began to pound some unrecognizable beat.
Good Lord, this man is too fine.

“This is really nice,” she said, distracting herself from watching him. “I really love the glass atrium in the lobby area. It seems very relaxing.”

“Thanks, actually it’s supposed to be. At least that’s what the designer said. For some reason people don’t always like coming to a lawyer’s office.”

“Imagine that,” she joked as he walked into his office.

“Yeah, imagine that,” he said.

It hit her in a rush of embarrassment. She’d just told him to imagine something just like at the station. Her train of thought, as well as his, quickly went to their kiss. He looked at her, smiling. She looked around his office. It was huge. “Wow, nice.”

“Thanks. Please have a seat,” he said, pointing to the sofa behind her. “Can I get you something to eat or drink?”

She walked over and sat down. “No, thank you, I’m fine. Well, actually, water would be great.”

“Sure.” He walked over to a panel behind his desk and pulled open what didn’t even look like a door, let alone a refrigerator. He grabbed two bottles of water and brought them over. He handed one to her and kept the other as he sat on the chair angled beside the sofa.

“Thank you. I don’t want to take up too much of your time. But I needed to say this in person—a text, phone call or email wouldn’t do. I think we need to get some things cleared up and boundaries set before we meet next week. This thing, the kiss in the station, the flirting, we need to put a stop to it. With the election right around the corner, neither one of us can afford a scandal. And we both know well enough there’s no such thing as keeping secrets in this day and age.”

“I see,” he said as he opened his water and took a sip.

She watched his lips circle the rim and water flow down his throat. Her mouth suddenly felt like the Sahara Desert.

“What do you suggest we do exactly?” he asked. His deep, sexy voice seemed to tremble right through her.

Good Lord.
The man oozed sex appeal and she was losing this battle with herself. All she could think about was sex, Keith and sex some more. “I suggest we keep our communication strictly professional,” she answered, having no idea how she managed to get the words out.

“And you think we can do that.”

“We’re gonna have to,” she said, trying to sound as decided as possible. He looked at her, and her stomach fluttered. The air in the room was immediately sucked out. “Keith, the looks, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. The way you’re looking at me right now. You have to stop.”

He smiled. “I understand.”

“Thank you.” She stood abruptly. “I need to leave now. Good night.” She grabbed her things and hurried to the front lobby and stopped at the glass door. Keith was right behind her. “Open the door, Keith.” She heard the beep of the alarm being shut off. She pulled the door handle, but the door didn’t budge. “Keith.”

He walked up behind her, reached around and unlocked the door. She grabbed the handle again. “Gia, what if, hypothetically, of course, I want more than a professional relationship with you?”

“Please don’t,” she warned, knowing this game. He wasn’t the type of man whom woman said no to easily. He probably got whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it. She should have known he’d try to challenge her. But she was just as determined as he was. “This isn’t going to happen.”

“Why not?” he asked softly. “Why can’t we—”

“You know why and I can be just as determined as you. So I’m not going to have a verbal sparring match with you.” She whipped around. “We both know it builds to sexual tension and then...”

“Then?” he prompted with a seductive spark in his eyes. “Then what?” His suggestive smile made her stomach jump.

Damn him.
Her body was already on fire. Now she could feel the moisture between her legs. She needed to get out of there now. She clamped her mouth closed, opened the water and took a sip, trying desperately not to chug the whole bottle. “Keith, what do you want from me?”

“I think you know the answer to that.”

“Sex, is that all you want from me? Will that end this?”


She swallowed hard. There was something in his eyes that stilled her heartbeat. She’d known liars before, but this was no lie. He was telling her the truth. He reached his hand out to her. “Do you want me, Gia?”

The question was simple, but she still couldn’t answer. Whatever she said or didn’t say would surely have consequences. The question was, what was she willing to concede? She placed her hand on his, knowing this was the start of something she wasn’t sure she could control. Standing, they stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity. There was just enough space between their bodies to add to the swell of temptation.

She turned and pulled the door open, then stopped. She looked at the dimmed lighting at the elevators, knowing exactly what was waiting for her—an empty, lonely life. She stepped back inside and latched the lock. She turned to see that he’d already turned to walked away. “Yes,” she said, determined, “I do want you.”

He turned around and walked back to her. He slowly leaned in. She met him halfway. Then, in an instant, a kiss exploded out of nowhere. She heard an impatient moan of abandoned passion and realized the sound was coming from her. The kiss was frantically out of control. Heads turned from side to side, mouths opened wider and wider, tongues darted in and out, caressing, protruding and demanding more. Deeper and deeper the ravenous kisses progressed until they were both gasping for air.

They panted breathlessly as a moment of clarity touched them. It wasn’t too late to walk away. But the passion they felt was too strong. She shivered in need. He closed his eyes and dipped his head to her shoulder. “Gia, we can stop this now before...”

She nodded. “Yes, I know...” He stepped back, instantly opening the space between them. She reached out to touch his chest. The solid feel of his body excited her all over again. “...but I don’t want to stop, do you?”

He smiled and shook his head. “No.”

“Good,” she said seductively, then began pulling the perfect Windsor knot apart. “Now, do you think we could get on to something more important?”

“Yeah, we can do that. Come on.” He locked the doors again, took her hand and started walking backward to his office.

She then reached for his belt and slowly pulled it free. They went into his office and he kicked the door closed. He held tight to her waist as she began unbuttoning his shirt. When she finished she opened it wide and saw the luscious strength of his chest. She spread her fingers wide and touched him all over, then rolled his hardened nipple between her thumb and forefinger. A deep groan rumbled through his throat. She liked the sound. She reached up and pulled him close. She watched as he licked his lips. “Please tell me you have condoms here?”

He shook his head. “I don’t, but my brother does in his office. I’ll be right back.”

She nodded as he slowly moved around her. Still holding on to the end of his tie, she pulled it free as he walked away. When he left she looked around. This office was truly amazing. It was part work area with a desk credenza, and part conference room with a table and chairs, and part living room with a comfortable sofa, chairs, a coffee table and full decorative accents. There were also two closed doors, which she assumed led to a bathroom and a vault of gold. She walked over to the desk and began to wonder.

“Second thoughts?” Keith said, walking back in.

Gia looked up but didn’t turn around. “No, just thinking.”

“About what?” he asked.

“How comfortable this all seems. I mean me being here with you. On paper it probably looks insane, but for some reason it feels so right.” She turned around to see him. He stole her breath. “Who would have guessed you and me here now about to...”

“Make love.” He finished her statement.

She nodded and leaned back on the edge of his desk. “Yeah, make love. I really don’t know much about you, the real you.”

He came over to lean back beside her. “My full name is Keith Emery Washington, my favorite color is purple, I listen to classical music in the car most times, but on really good days I listen to R & B and rap. I love to cook, but I seldom have the opportunity, I love jigsaw puzzles and I put clocks together as a hobby. I’m left-handed—the only one in the family, I drive an old beat-up truck on the weekend and I just bought an old farmhouse on three acres of land in Chestnut Hill. I’ve had a number of women in my life, but work is and will always be my main focus. And if this is as far as we go tonight, I’m okay with that.” He stopped.

“I guess it’s my turn now, huh?” she said, then stood up and stepped to stand in front of him, straddling his legs. She took the three condoms from his hand and tossed two on the desk. “I think maybe I’ll tell you about me later. And for the record, this isn’t as far as we go.” She nibbled his earlobe and whispered, “Make love to me.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her tenderly. His tongue slipped into her mouth and they savored the sweet essence of sensual pleasure. Moving his head from side to side, he deepened the kiss. The swelling sensation of arousal in the pit of her stomach dipped down between her legs, sending shock waves of heat through her body.

He held her waist, then pulled her even closer, gripped her rear to grind against his already hardened penis. Breathlessly she pulled back, breaking the kiss. She leaned her head back and he immediately began slowly ravishing her neck with tiny kisses, tender nips and long luscious licks.

Her body was well past the point of desire. She needed him now. It had been a long time since any man made her feel this wanted. She savored the feeling, knowing it would be a long time coming again. She felt the zipper pull down on her dress as Keith slowly pulled it from her shoulders. She stepped back. He eased it down her shoulders and waist, allowing her to step out.

She stood before him in stiletto heels, thigh-high stockings, panties and bra. He stared down the length of her body wordlessly. Suddenly she felt uneasy until he licked his lips and smiled lecherously. “I knew you were beautiful, but Gia, you are beyond stunning.”

She smiled, slightly embarrassed. “Thank you.”

“Turn around,” he whispered.

She turned. He pulled her back between his legs as his hands came up to cup her beasts, circling her firm mounds with the palms of his hands paying special attention to her nipples. Already hardened, they ached to be released. As if reading her mind, he unsnapped the front clasp of her bra. He covered her breasts and began teasing her nipples. She rolled her head back, leaning on his shoulder and gasping in breathless pants.

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