Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) (4 page)

Read Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) Online

Authors: Marie Dominique

Tags: #erotica, #tattoo, #ruth cardello, #melody anne, #fighter romance, #fighter erotic romance, #tattoo bad boy

BOOK: Forever Love (Fghter Club 1)
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Oh god James,’ she

Oh Alexia, you’re so
fucking wet. I've missed you so much, I’ve never stopped loving

Please James... Oh god
that feels so good.’

James bent down in front of her
and she felt his tongue between her legs, she leant back on the
desk and propped herself up on her right arm as her left hand
gripped his hair. She was biting her lip to stop her moaning out
loud. James continued to work his magic until she cried out, ‘Oh
fuck James...god yes...I’m so close.’ He pulled away from her and
she looked at him wide eyed. ‘What...No. Don’t stop,’ she
whispered. He grinned at her and undid his trousers, he grabbed her
hips and gazed into her eyes with heat and passion then slammed
into her and fucked her hard and fast until she erupted around him
making him erupt after her whilst covering her mouth with a kiss to
stop her moaning out loud.

Alexia fixed her hair and
straightened her clothes as she looked up at him and anger took
over her, it was more at herself but she aimed it at James.‘You
know that doesn’t change anything James, you really are a piece of
shit. After everything you did to me nine years ago, I really
didn’t think you could stoop lower but becoming a loan shark,
beating people who are struggling and then I come here today and
find out you are married to that whore out there! You really have
landed in the gutter!’ With that she stormed out leaving him. She
ran out of the building and to her car again with Tracy running
after her, as she reached her car she got in it and tried to calm
herself down.

Tracy got in the passenger seat,
the look on Alexia’s face said it all and realising what had
happened, her jaw hit the floor. ‘OMG Alexia, you had se.....’

DON’T!’ Alexia shouted
holding up her hand, ‘don’t even say it.’ Tracy smiled at her.
‘Hell girlfriend, you had sex for the first time since having the should be dancing on top of the roof and shouting
about it,’ she giggled. ‘Go girl! Oh and by the way you have a
fantastic just fucked glow and messy hair.’

Alexia groaned and drove back to
her house to where Sarah was looking after the twins. Tracy
practically jumped out the car when they got there and ran into the
kitchen to find Sarah. ‘SARAH! GET THE KETTLE ON, WE HAVE GOSSIP,’
she shouted as they both entered the kitchen. Sarah took one look
at the Alexia and pointed at her, ‘OH OH OH’ she said as she was
unsure of what to say in front of the kids.

OH OH OH’ was what she
was definitely saying, you’re right there Sarah,’ Tracy said with a
big grin on her face.

Alexia had sex with the
loan shark to pay off her dad’s debts and you’re never going to
believe who it was.’

OMG, you didn’t!” She
looked shocked and then smiled, ‘So tell me all.’

Alexia looked at them.
‘ was James.’

James!’ Sarah screeched
in shock and stared at her, ‘And how do you feel about

Well to say I’ve just had
sex for the first time in nine years I feel amazing,
fan-bloody-tastic, on top of the world. I forgot what I was
missing.’ Alexia laughed, Tracy and Sarah laughed with her. ‘On the
other hand,’ she said more seriously, ‘I’m really annoyed with
myself, like I just want to punch myself for giving in so easily.
Why would I do that?’ She looked confused, ‘I hate him! I hate him
for what he did to me and the kids and now my dad, then I go and
take one look at him and my head and body just goes to mush. What a
fucking idiot I am.’

No you’re not Alexia,’
Tracy said. ‘You and James are perfect for each other, you’re meant
to be, happily ever after and all that and unfortunately your body
knows it too. Despite everything he’s done, he’s still the love of
your life.’

Alexia just stood and
looked at Tracy and Sarah,
“God I hate it when their right. God fucking damn that
She cursed herself in her mind then
suddenly remembered there was more to tell them.

Oh there’s another thing,
his two heavies are Matt and Sam.’

The girls looked at each other
and never said a word, because they couldn’t. Tracy was more
shocked that she had been sat in the reception area and not seen


James hit a button on his phone
to call Sam and he answered using the hands free.

Yes boss?’

Get in here,’ James

What got up your arse?’
Matt asked.

Just get in here,’ he
said and then hung up.

Matt and Sam entered the office
and sat down at James’ desk looking at him expectantly.

So… what has got up your
arse? Sam asked, 'OOOooooohhhhhhh’ He said with a smirk on his
face. ‘By the looks of you, Alexia didn’t come here for a loan, to
organise a fight and I doubt she was looking to get laid too but
got it anyway.’

It just happened! Not
that it’s any of your business!’ he snapped. ‘She came here because
Tony Clay is her dad and she wanted to pay off his debt’

SHIT!’ Sam and Matt said

Yeah I’ve told her I
would write it off and she didn’t need to pay.’

But she did pay! She
fucked you!’ Sam said laughing, trying to lighten up his

James looked at him and threw
his pen at him but he caught it. ‘Fuck off! I’m going to go get
showered before my wife comes in here and sees me.’

Like you’d give a shit if
she did. Alexia is the only girl for you man. Rachel is just a
convenient fuck.’

James looked and just
nodded at them as he walked off to get showered. As he’s under the
hot cascading water he closed his eyes and tried to come to terms
with what has just happened in his office with Alexia. After nine
years she comes storming in, screaming at him, catching him totally
off guard. As if that’s not a big shock she then proceeds to tell
him who her dad was.
“Oh god,
she already hates me for cheating on her, now she finds out I’m the
reason her dads in hospital….she’s really going to despise
he thought to himself. He can feel
his breathing getting heavy as his anger builds up and he punched
the wall, ‘GOD DAMN IT,’ he shouted at the top of his voice, not
caring who heard… He leant his forehead up against the wall to calm
himself down and his mind drifted off to the sex he’d just had with
her on his desk. Since he got his office seven years ago he’d often
imagined taking Alexia on his desk. She had and always would haunt
his thoughts as she is the one for him. Rachel had always hinted
about them having sex on the desk but he really couldn’t stand the
thought of her being near her. A group of them had gone to Vegas
and they had got married as a bet. When they came back James hit
the big time with his fighting and she was very popular too so it
became a marriage of convenience to them, they weren’t in love…well
he wasn’t in love with her anyway. His mind then drifted to the god
awful morning that Alexia had caught him and Rachel together…Him,
Matt and Sam had gone to a party and got very drunk, they were
always getting attention from women. Rachel was out with her
friends at the same time when she saw them. She could see how drunk
they were, so she offered to take them home, dropping Matt and Sam
off first before taking James home but he was so drunk she had to
help him inside and to his room. Rachel had always fancied James
but knew him and Alexia were together so she never acted on it,
until that night. She took advantage of his drunken state. As she
got him on his bed and went to walk away he grabbed her, took her
face and kissed her. Things got very heated between them very
quickly and before he realised what was happening they were having
sex. He suddenly stopped and pushed her off, as he did he looked up
at the door and saw Alexia stood there in tears looking horrified.
He jumped up off the bed but she ran off. He quickly found his
trousers cursing and screaming at Rachel whilst he got dressed to
run after Alexia but by the time he had got outside, she was
nowhere to be seen. He ran all the way to her house and started
banging on the door shouting for her but there was no answer, so he
rang her phone and text her and got no reply from them either. The
next morning he went to her house again where her mum answered the
door and had talked him into giving her a few days to sort herself
out but after two weeks of nothing he went back to discover her
gone…moved house…..out of his life….he’d lost her for good. Tracy
and Sarah were none the wiser, or at least they weren’t telling him
if they were.

He snapped out of his
memory to find himself sat on the floor of his shower crying, he
took a deep breath and stood up,
“I have to get her back!, I need to go find her and win her
back. She stills loves me too I know it, that wasn’t just sex, that
was pure love,”
he thought to himself and
got out the shower.


The next day Alexia went to
visit her dad, when she walked into his room he was sat up watching

Hey baby girl, how you
doing?’ he smiled.

Fine,’ she smiled, ‘So I
sorted your loan out, he’s going to write it off.’

How did you manage

Does it matter? They
won’t be bothering you again.’

Yes it matters, how did
you get round the most feared man in Manchester?’ Alexia looked
down at the floor with guilt written all over her face and he knew
straight away. ‘Oh Alexia, please tell me you didn’t! Oh you had sex with him.’


Alexia, why?’

he’s the twins father.....and I had a moment of

Tony sighed and looked down at
the blankets covering him, ‘You don’t have to tell me about it
honey, I understand. I know how much you love him still but he’s a
dangerous man now, however saying that he must have it bad for you
to if you survived going there.’ They just looked at each other not
sure what to say next. Had James really changed that much? Alexia
didn’t want to believe it.


A week later Alexia checked her

Friday 3rd
February 2012 - going with the girls to look at dance

Alexia grinned to herself, she
couldn’t wait to fulfil her dreams of having her own dance studio.
She picked up Tracy and Sarah after dropping Ben and Amber off at
school and went to a local dance studio to have a look at it. As
they got out the car they were greeted by a smartly dressed

Good Morning Ladies, my
name is Joanne and I’ll be showing you around today.’

Hi, I’m Alexia, I’m the
one who’s looking to buy and these are my friends Tracy and Sarah
who will be working for me.’ They said their hellos and started
walking toward the door.

Now the current owner
tells me that they have agreed to do a performance at the fight
club two weeks on Friday and if the club like what they see there
will be a meeting to discuss a nice healthy contract. The dancers
will perform at four thirty for an hour and then the fight starts
at 8:30 so this gives you plenty of time to get any persons that
are underage out before the fight crowd starts packing the place

OK,’ Alexia said, ‘which
fight club is it?’

I believe it’s the “The
South” fight club.’

OK Fab.’ Alexia said as
they walked in.

As they walked around the
building, they were amazed. It really was worth every bit of the £1
million price tag. Not only did it have six separate studios, it
also had a gym, swimming pool, it’s own theatre which was open to
the public to come and watch shows, a bar and restaurant and
attached on the side which could be either bought with the building
or sold separately was a massive indoor children’s play area which
held birthday parties. The furniture and equipment were certainly
not cheap but Alexia got a really good vibe. Just as they were
coming down from cloud nine, the agent took them upstairs to look
around the part that was built for the purpose of the staff. This
included a staff room, shower rooms, changing rooms, a meeting room
and every member of staff had their own office which they had made
personal to them. Alexia really liked that as she knew all too well
that since you spend most of your life at work you have to be happy
and it was little things like that helped. Then they followed the
agent into what would be Alexia’s office and she nearly fell over,
it was massive with floor to ceiling windows, a seating area, a
meeting table, a kitchen, a bathroom and just outside there was two
more offices that would be for Tracy and Sarah.

Tracy and Sarah stood gobsmacked
and without thinking Alexia blurted out, ‘I’ll take it, with the
children’s play area as well, cash payment, I can have the money
transferred ASAP, it’s sat there ready.’ The agent looked at her
with a big grin on her face and Tracy and Sarah whipped their heads
round to look at her in shock. They went to meet with the current
owner to get things sorted and due to the fact that “money talks”
as people say, everything was sorted there and then. They had
called both lawyers on a conference call and the money was
transferred that day. Alexia was going to be holding the keys in
her hand a week on the following Monday. The girls drove home in a
daze and as soon as they got inside Alexia’s house they went mad
screaming and jumping up and down, they put some music on and went

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