Forever Mine Box Set (BWWM, African American, Interracial,and Multicultural) (11 page)

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Authors: Erica Storm

Tags: #BWWM African American erotic romance, #African American erotica fiction

BOOK: Forever Mine Box Set (BWWM, African American, Interracial,and Multicultural)
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“What’s wrong? Didn’t Bree call you?”

“Yes, Breanne called. Why do you call her Bree and I call her Breanne?”

“Because it saves time. I’m all about saving time.”

“For what to spend it with someone else?” He looks at me as if I’m insane and I probably am. Women have been known to do crazy things when they are pregnant, and I was saying and doing things that were unnatural to me.

I shouldn’t doubt Matt’s love for me, but Alecia had been sowing doubts early, and now I’m beginning to question his commitment to me. 

“I know what you need,” he says kissing me on my neck. “I’ve been neglecting you lately,” he says whispering in my ear leaning over me.

My breasts are ready to explode and they are filling up with milk. And each time he sucks them, they grow larger so he voluntarily gave up something he liked most of all. He shoves his body down the length of the bed. He’s at my feet kissing my ankles, then he helps me open my legs. 

On his knees between my legs, his hands rolls up my gown, and his warm lips trail down my large bump, sending chills through me, and the baby moves from his kisses and Matt glances up at me and smile. Matt’s face ends at my mound. He rakes his fingers though my pubic hair. “I never get enough of seeing and feeling this dark curly hair, and he gently lifts my legs up and opens them wide, and with his fingers he’s opening my folds. He sits back on his legs and gazes at my opening, then his tongue makes a pass across his lips, and he places his warm soft mouth on my clit.

My eyes are shut tight and I exhale and a soft moan escapes through my lips and his lips at the same time. I feel the warmth of his breath. I know he enjoys satisfying me. His dick is hard and I can’t satisfy him, but I put it out of my mind as he uses his fingers to manipulate my sex. He doesn’t put his fingers there just kisses me and let his magnificent tongue do the job. His fingers lightly touches my opening and my juice come flowing down like a river and his face is wet but he doesn’t mind and he licks me.

My bud is extra sensitive and his tongue is doing something to me make me come and I can’t stop it. I reach my climax and I begin to moan and he stays there until my clit doesn’t move but my legs are trembling. I feel his mouth kissing each leg and move up my stomach and up to my chest and then he looks at me and I feel his penis and it’s hard and I can’t satisfy it the way he wants. But I reach for it, unsnap his pajama bottoms, and touch it.

His cock is wet and dripping with pre-come. “I want to satisfy you,” I say to him.

“I can wait. Just lie back and lay in my arms.” And he wraps me in his muscular arms. I feel his hard cock on my bare butt. He’s moving behind me as he holds on to me. His breathing deepens and he’s pushing his penis into my large ass. His cock is resting between my ass cheeks.

I’m wondering how can he stand this much longer. Alecia’s words are coming into my mind and is haunting me. She had said at our last meeting, “Do you think he will be satisfied to have vanilla sex with you. Soon his demons will take hold of him, and he will be calling me.”

I threatened to tell Matt about her little boy toy and against my better judgement, I didn’t. I had my chance to get rid of her once and for all and I “let the enemy slip away to fight me another day,” Seth had said when I confided in him.


omehow I managed to fall asleep and wake the next morning and Matt was gone and the nurse was sitting in our room waiting to check me out.

“Are you Ok Miss Cross? You’re sleeping pretty late. I ask because many pregnant women have difficulty sleeping so far into their pregnancy.”

“I’m fine. Can’t you see?” I pull the covers down and sit up looking out at the ocean, the view is magnificent and I couldn’t have imagined a life like this. But what is the price I would have to pay for this life? My mother always said that people with as much money as Matthew Cross pay steep prices. I thought about how she would whisper to me and say, “Mr. Cross is a good man, but he never sees his wife. What good is all that money if you can’t be with the one you love?”

And she would turn on her music and dance and sing an Isley Brothers’ tune, “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.” I wish I hadn’t thought of that because I became more insecure. “Where is Mr. Cross?” I ask the nurse. I turn swivel around, I’m panicking trying to get out of bed. I’m sweating.

The nurse rushes to my side and says, “You shouldn’t be alone. You could fall. Mr. Cross says that I should stay here to look after you.”

“I don’t need any looking after. I’m capable of doing for myself. And when did you and Mr. Cross decide this without me?”

“He said that he will be working late in the afternoons and you needed someone to be with you, and I agreed with him.” Why are they deciding my life? My mother never had anyone to care for her when she was pregnant with me.
I just can’t understand their way of thinking. I don’t want housekeepers, cooks, and a nurse on call. I guess I don’t fit into Matthew’s world. Alecia warned me.

“I don’t need anyone to take care of me,” I said raising my voice when it wasn’t the nurse’s fault. She was just taking orders. I’m reacting because I’m thinking that Matthew is getting me a baby sitter so he can be at liberty to fuck whomever he wants while I’m stuck here waiting for him to come home.

Alecia said that he would surround me with servants and then go away for long periods of time. Stopping in my tracks taking a breath, I can’t believe Alecia’s words are getting in the way of my common sense. My hormones and that fucking bitch Alecia, are messing with my mind.

I reach for my robe, putting my arms through the sleeves with the help of the nurse, and I dress and call Seth.

“Seth, I need you to pick me up. I want to go to lunch.”

“Sure, why not call Matthew’s driver and we can go in the limo. No parking fees.”

“Because I don’t want Matthew to know that I’m spying on him. I will foot all the expenses.”

“I’m just strapped for money and with paying for classes kicking my...” Seth sounds like he’s under stress that makes two of us.

“You don’t have to explain to me and if you need anything, Matthew gives me a generous allowance and I can loan you money that you don’t have to pay back.”

“Well listen to you. You have a regular...what is the expression?”

“A sugar daddy, if that is what you’re searching for. Matthew is not my sugar daddy. He’s my one and only...” He cuts me off.

“I can be there in an hour. It’s eleven now,” he says to me. I guess he wasn’t in the mood to listen to all the good things I had to say about Matthew, especially since he knows that I’m going to spy on Matt to prove that he’s wrong about him, and I’m right.”

Inside I feel like a child falling down, raising up, and falling again.

Chapter 3

took the elevator down to the first floor and peeped out the window and Seth was parking getting ready to exit his Toyota when he saw me. He rushed to help me and I tottered to the curb and got into the car. He entered the driver’s side and we sped off up and down the hills in San Francisco headed for the business district.

“There’s this restaurant that sets across from Brighton Technologies. If we get a seat near the window, we can see everyone coming and going.”

“I didn’t know you were that cunning.” I gave him a wink.

“I have my moments,” I said knowing that I had been initiated by Alecia.

“It comes from watching Alecia and watching her manipulate Matthew. Before, I was too young to know what she was up to, but I heard her lie to him on several occasions when he would call. I thought he was doing something to her.” I felt horrible spying on Matt, but for my own peace of mind, I had to know.

“Now that you know it’s wrong and he could be angry, do you want to continue with this?”

“That’s a good question, and no I don’t want to go through with this. But since we’re here, let’s get something to eat. It’s just a chance he would leave his job to go out to lunch. He never eats at this time anyway. He usually has something delivered in.”


eth parked the car at one of the underground parking spaces and we walked around the corner to the restaurant. Seth enjoyed eating at different restaurants because he could take the menu’s and try the food, and if he liked the dish, he would call the chef out to give complements and try to get a secret ingredient which made the dish different from others.

Seth was so persuasive that he would charm the chefs with his good looks, men and women both would spill their secrets to him.

His charm got us the best table near a window looking in on the chrome and glass building. We sat at the table and the waiter who appeared enamored with Seth, was very attentive. After our order I saw him slip his card under the basket of bread, where Seth immodestly picked it up and put it in his shirt pocket. Then Seth swung his eyes to me.

“What? I warned you about men. Even the best ones go astray.”

“Some men aren’t that way,” I said, sure I had made a mistake taking Seth with me. I had all kinds of thoughts about what I should have done differently.

“You were saying.” I glanced up at Seth from looking at the menu, and he was pointing to the window. “Isn’t that Matthew’s limo and his driver? And who is that blond he’s talking to and laughing with? He’s a handsome man especially when he smiles,” Seth says to me and my heart sinks and I want to crawl under the table and cry but I’m a big girl now and I have to face the facts.

The facts are he is leaving his office during lunch when he says he never eats lunch out and he’s opening the door for a beautiful blond wearing an expensive dress and shoes and a thirty thousand dollar purse. It appears he’s attracted to those money grubbing superficial women.

We wait until the food comes but I’m ready to go the minute I see Matthew open the door for that woman and help her into the limo and slide in beside her. My head is light and I ask for water.

“Are you Ok Amanda?” Hell no I’m not Ok, but I pretend I am. What kind of question is that? You watch your man leave with a beautiful woman and you’re sitting there fat and can’t move, can’t do anything. Who would be Ok under those circumstances?

Seth finishes his food and for the first time I can’t eat, I pay for the check, and we leave. Seth drops me home because he knows I want to be alone. I had to ask him several times not to ask if I’m Ok.

I get in my house and find my bed because by this time, I’m feeling horrible and I want to be alone with my thoughts. I want to be alone period. I want to cry but now I can’t. I’m no longer a child crying for her mother with Matt coming to my rescue. He’s the dark knight making me cry, making me miserable.

Falling into bed I go to sleep because by now I’m exhausted. I’m awaken by the house phone. It’s Matthew’s secretary again.

“Miss Cross...” I cut her off.

“Yes, I know. Mr. Cross will be late as usual tonight.” I hang up the phone and the phone rings immediately after I put it down.

“Matthew?” I say with urgency and tears welling in my eyes.

“No. It’s Alecia.” There is silence. My heart is pounding in my chest like mad. “Did you hear me Amanda? It’s Alecia.”

“What do you want now, Alecia?”

“I want to see you. I know you don’t have anyone to confide in and Matthew has isolated you, and you may need a friend now. Remember as bad as I was at some point, I was the only mother you had.” I must have been crazy to listen to Alecia. My mother always said
when you let a snake in, don’t be surprise if it bites you.
But I didn’t think of that. I thought of
a friend in need is a friend indeed.

“You and Matt are having a baby. I just want to see you and tell you how sorry I am for the problems I caused you.” She sounds sincere. I didn’t believe her but I didn’t know what could be the harm, so I invited her over.

Chapter 4 

here was no chance that Matthew would be back before ten tonight and I didn’t want him to know that I would even talk to Alecia. But there was something I had to discover on my own. The maid opened the door for her and she came up by the elevator. I stand close to the door and open it. I’m glancing at her trying to read her face.

“You look different Amanda.”

“I’m fat and all out of shape,” I say and my face says the rest.

“I mean you look mature.” I show her into the living room, and she walks tentatively, not trying to assess what Matt had paid for the furnishings, as she had done before. This time she doesn’t appear as arrogant, as haughty, and with a big head. She looks like life wasn’t being kind to her, or was it that young boy she had been fucking that was taking its toll on her. Her clothes were expensive, but it was old stuff I had seen years ago. No new shoes, or purse. When she was married to Matthew her blond hair was immaculate.

She appears to have a few dark roots as if her hair hadn’t been done, or she tried dying it herself, and it didn’t take.

“Are you Ok Alecia? I mean do you need anything.”

“I didn’t come here for money.” She appears insulted. Since when has the mention of money ever insulted Alecia.

“I wanted to warn you about Matt.”
I rolled my eyes at her. What the fuck is wrong with me. I should have known.
“I know you’re having his baby, and I don’t want some woman to come in and take him from you. I told you before, he has a certain preference for sex, and I have it from reliable sources...” She raises her finger as if she’s talking to a child.

“Alecia, I don’t want to discuss Matthew again with you.”

“But I’m thinking about you and the baby. You have no mother and family, I want to be something to you and the baby. Matt has a father somewhere, but he doesn’t know where, his mother is dead and he doesn’t keep in contact with his relatives, so all you have is me. I want to be in the baby’s life if you let me.” I don’t know what to think but I want her to go.

“That’s why I came here today, to protect you and the baby. You can’t tell Matt that I was here, he will naturally think that I’m here to tell you about him. There’s something I know about him.” My curiosity peaks and with all that’s happened today, I’m ready and primed to listen to her destructive gossip.

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