Forever Summer

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Authors: Elaine Dyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Forever Summer
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Forever Summer




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Copyright © 2011 Elaine Dyer


Cover art by Lisa Cook of Blue Moon Promotions




This book is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, any events or locales is purely coincidental.  The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.




No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission from the publisher LazyDay, with the exception of quotes used in reviews and critical articles.












To My Mother, Helen D. Scanlan


I love you, Mama








To My Kids, John and JoAnne


My pride, my joy, my blessings




















Chapter One




Summer Alvarez stood when her name was called and straightened her skirt before following the receptionist to the room where she was to be interviewed for the job of bilingual educator for a four year old little girl whose father was known throughout the world as a singer, entertainer, and heartthrob.  She asked herself for about the hundredth time why she was here as she entered a large office with a long table in the middle where a group of five people sat across from a single chair where she was led.  Suddenly, the lure of world travel and exotic places didn’t sound quite as intriguing as it had before when faced with what looked like at least a partial firing squad.


And there was Mr. Hot and Sexy himself, in the flesh, looking at her as if she was some sort of garbage that needed to be taken outside.  This was a mistake.  She decided on the spot she didn’t want the job – not that Mr. Latin Lover was likely to hire her based on the expression on his face – but since she was here, she’d at least make a good showing and perhaps let everyone present know she was possibly the one person on earth who didn’t think he was all that. 


Buenas tardes, Señorita Alvarez
, good afternoon.  Thank you for coming.  Please be seated and be comfortable.  I am Araceli Rodrigo, this is my husband, Joachim, a family friend, Celia Chavez, my son’s manager, Pablo Serrano, and I’m sure you recognize my son, Gabriel Rodrigo.”


Buenas tardes a todos
.  Will we be conducting the interview in English or in Spanish?”  Summer acknowledged everyone as they were introduced, but directed her question to Señora Rodrigo, since she seemed to be in charge.  She’d be damned if she gave the seemingly disapproving celebrity another glance unless he spoke to her.


“Do you have a preference?”


“No ma’am.  I’m equally proficient in both languages.  Perhaps a mixture of the two?”


Claro que sí
, of course.”


“What exactly are your credentials Miss Alvarez?”  The question was posed by the younger woman, the family friend, who was obviously not an ally if the look in her slitted eyes was anything to go by.  Great.  Two out of five already against her, and she’d hardly said a word. 
Screw it.  I’ll be damned if I allow myself to be intimidated by these people. 
Better had tried to cow her without success.


“My credentials?  Perhaps you haven’t had time to review my resume, or perhaps it’s been lost in the shuffle of the many people who have no doubt applied for the position?  Ah well, no matter, let me brief you.  Educationally speaking, I have a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s degree in Bilingual Education.  I have a second Master’s in Spanish, and I’ve taught at the elementary level, as well as the college level to prepare pre-service teachers.  In terms of work experience, not only have I taught, but I’ve been a consultant to several schools, districts, and countries in North and South America in the design of bilingual education programs for a number of different sized entities as well as purposes, most recently here in Mexico.”


As Gabe listened to her rather aloof – even snooty – response, he couldn’t help thinking that she was a very strange woman, this Summer Alvarez.  She’d come to interview for a job and yet she was obviously angry and not bothering to camouflage her feelings one bit.  Intriguing.  Attractive.  Gabriel Rodrigo wasn’t used to being dismissed or ignored by anyone, but that was exactly what Summer Alvarez had been doing from the moment she’d entered the room.  After acknowledging his introduction by his mother, she hadn’t so much as glanced his way once.  Now she was giving Celia back the same haughtiness that Celia had given her, and damn the consequences.


“Miss Alvarez, have you much experience working with four year old little girls?  Difficult ones at that, I might add.  Although I love my granddaughter, she can be a handful.”


Summer had to return the smile the senior Mr. Rodrigo had offered her.  “Yes, sir, I have.  Aside from having taught an entire classroom full of four year olds, I have tutored several on the side, one on one in English, Spanish, and literacy.  I’m sure your granddaughter is no more difficult than the other children I’ve worked with.  Usually, it’s less the child and more the environment they’re used to, in any case.”


“How so?”  Gabe was more surprised than anyone when the question left his mouth.


Summer returned her gaze to the younger Mr. Rodrigo, but did not offer a smile.  Nor did he.  “Kids are kids, Mr. Rodrigo.  They need clear boundaries, continuity, consistency, and love, not necessarily in that order.  Children who are difficult are generally lacking in at least one of those areas.”


“And if my daughter were to be lacking in any of those areas, do you think you could remedy the problem?”


“In terms of continuity, consistency and boundaries, I absolutely can correct the problem.  However, in terms of love, although I have plenty to share with your daughter or any other child, if that’s what she’s lacking, the love of family can never be fully replaced by a friend, a teacher, or anyone else, although it can soften the loss.”

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