Forever Young: Blessing or Curse (Always Young Trilogy) (17 page)

BOOK: Forever Young: Blessing or Curse (Always Young Trilogy)
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ruffle your feathers, peacock.”

have a right to be aggravated. You didn’t find it, did you? I heard she led you
on a merry chase straight to the police department.”

corners of the short man’s mouth lifted. “She thought she was smart, but I’m
smarter. Before she turned up, I’d hid some tiny, but mighty surveillance
objects in strategic places. If she so much as breathes or goes to the
bathroom, I’ll know.”

lucky the cops didn’t find them.”

likely they’d be checking vents and such.”  

shook his head. “You are depraved. Be that as it may, the phone is the least of
our concerns.”

beg to differ. What could possibly be more important than explosive evidence?”

Your brilliant idea backfired. Dorrie Donato is pregnant and carrying a Forever
Young child.”

man jumped from his chair. “You idiot! You didn’t wear protection?”

course I did, but nothing’s perfect. One of the condoms broke.”

it all. Sure the kid’s yours?”

about it. What’re the odds she’d let someone else bang her? For one thing,
she’s not the type. For another, the timeline is too coincidental. Yeah, it’s
mine all right. ”

man rubbed his chin and sat back down. “This puts a new spin on things. As you
know, children can die from the pill, but one conceived simultaneously when the
pill’s a part of the regimen, combined with that drug I gave you, hmm, that
carries possibilities. Those stem cells could prove valuable.”

doesn’t want an abortion. I already asked.”

the father, you have no say?”

shrugged. “It’s her call.”

she’s the spokesperson. What if she reverts or dies? Talk about bad publicity.”

already told her we need a new model.”

we better get on that. This time an actual test person, not just eye candy. The
widow was already predisposed for success with her weak thyroid, but not much
help for my purposes.  If we’re careful and handle everything right,
circumstances might work in our favor.”


she got home from work, even with the deadbolts in place and lights on in every
corner, Dorrie still paced, her anxiety ratcheting. She didn’t want to live
here anymore. Only bad memories came with this house.

first, her place had been the backdrop of a glorious new adventure, but now had
morphed into an unwanted prison. If only she could get away, but how? Sure,
she’d gotten huge sums of money for her role in the campaign, but she needed
that for the baby.

one of the conditions was she stay in the area to promote the pil. To
complicate matters, much hinged on how the baby would turn out. If all went
well, Roman might take her back for advertisements. If not, she had no idea
what he’d cook up for her to do.

she called Jeanne.

can’t talk long,” her friend said. “Dad’s taken a turn for the worse. He took a
drug overdose, but I caught him in time. They pumped his stomach and he spent a
few days in the hospital, but now he’s back home. I keep hiding his pills in
different spots so he won’t try again. I’ve got to watch him every minute.”

poor guy. It’s tough to get old and have everything fall apart.”

something you don’t need to worry about.”

sighed. “I should count my blessings. I wish I could, but bad stuff keeps
interfering. The latest is my house. Someone broke in, stole my computer,
smashed my figurines and wrecked most of my valuables.

was a mess, but thank God, my friend, Kelly, from the Institute came over with
her husband and helped sort things out. I don’t know what I’d have done

I wished we weren’t so far apart, or I’d have helped.”

vice versa. Sounds like you could use some relief.”

true. Speaking of parenting, how do you feel? Any queasiness?”

lately. Fortunately, the nauseous phase seems to have passed, and I’m thankful
for that. I was deathly afraid of throwing up and losing the pills. If I’d have
missed three, I could have reverted back.”

gave a short laugh. “Our normal age isn’t that bad, Dorrie.”

not the issue. Right now reverting is not an option. How many fifty-five year
olds have kids these days and live to talk about it? Anyway, I’m saving up like
mad, since once I start showing I can’t be a spokesperson.”


the baby isn’t perfect, or even worse, dies, Roman doesn’t want the attention.
Anyway, he’s looking for a new model, but has assured me I can stay on the pill
as long as I want.”

do have a conundrum going on, as do I. We seem to belong to the same bad luck
club. Problems, problems, they never stop. How do we manage?”

I wonder. Thinking of what you’re going through makes me realize I shouldn’t
complain. I feel so sorry about you and your Dad. I keep remembering Mom and
hope your Dad doesn’t go down that same road.”

too late. I’m afraid he’s already on it. I wish I could spare the old man. It’s
the pits seeing him like this.”

she’d hung up, the germ of an idea took hold of Dorrie. Maybe it would work.

cell phone rang a few minutes later. She grimaced when she saw the Caller ID.
Normally she enjoyed calls from Keith, but she had a feeling he would not be
receptive to her news.

admission about her condition was met by silence. “Keith, are you still there?
Listen, you know how much I loved Larry and still do. Please don’t get mad at
me. I can’t believe I did something like this.”

can’t either. You and Larry were my model. You were the perfect couple. In the
back of my mind I thought when I finally settled down, I’d like something like
you and he had. Now I’m wondering if it was all a sham. I’ve always held you in
high regard, but this puts a whole new light on things. To say I’m disappointed
is an understatement.”

swallowed hard. “Keith, I’m only human. Maybe you were right about my not
holding liquor well. I’m sorry if I didn’t live up to your expectations. My
only excuse is I had no idea what I was doing. I’m as disappointed as you about
what I did, but the fact remains an innocent child is growing inside of me and
I won’t blame it for my shortcomings.”

heard a long sigh. “Dorrie, you’re treading on dangerous waters. First, with
that pill, then the alcohol. You should have thought twice before drinking.”

was only one, I swear.”

that was enough.” 

really don’t know. Roman insists I matched him drink for drink, but I don’t
remember doing that.”

you wouldn’t after you got drunk.”

say you forgive me and we’re still friends. I don’t have much of Larry left.
His parents never talk to me because I’m too much a reminder of him. Every time
I call, they get defensive and clam up, acting as if Larry never existed.”

have to mull this over. I’m not sure if I can continue in the same capacity as
before. Your being pregnant by someone other than Larry doesn’t sit right in my

Keith quietly broke the connection, Dorrie stared at her cell phone. Thinking
of how she’d disappointed him made her stomach churn.

keeping it a secret would have been worse. She understood why he was upset, but
could only hope that maybe in time he’d forgive and forget. Babies had a way of
mellowing the hardest of hearts.





stepped into Roman’s office. Would he go along with her idea?  It was kind
of farfetched, but could be a good solution.

have a suggestion for your new model. Though I know Wisconsin isn’t a high
priority test market at the moment, maybe you could bump it up. There’s someone
I know who’s in bad shape. If he took the pill and turned young, he’d be great
publicity. People could see how bad off he was to begin with and how great he
turned out afterward. That’s bound to boost sales.”

as well as you,” Roman said, with a glint in his eyes.

not too sure about that. I’ve seen photos from this guy’s younger years, and he
was a real hottie.”

is he?”

my friend’s Dad. They don’t know I’m asking you about him because I didn’t want
to get their hopes up. If you let him take the pill, it would be a lifesaver
for him, and a great sell.”

leaned forward. “You may have something there. I’ll think about it and get back
to you.”

next morning he called her into his office. “It’s worth a try, Dorrie. See if
you can persuade them. If it’s a go, offer my cell number.”

pounding, she dialed Jeanne. She and Mike had to agree. It was the perfect
solution. “I have an idea. Please say yes and talk to your Dad. I do so want
him to get better and for you to get on with your life.”

outlined the plan and procedures. Silence stretched.

could bear it no longer. “Well, what do you think, Jeanne? Do you want to try?”

don’t know. It’s awfully risky.”

fine, aren’t I? Besides, what choice does Mike have? You said he’s not getting
any better, and it’s not like he has any hopes for the future. He’s already
looking for a way out, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds it. At
least this way he has a fighting chance.”

sighed. “Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t, right? Okay, I’ll talk to
him. If he wants to go along, we’ll figure out an age for him. It can’t be too
much younger than me. That would be freaky.”

could take it, too, when it’s out for the public. Just think, you could pick my
age and we’d be best friends forever.”

friend gave a short laugh. “I get it, BFFs, just like online. One of us at a
time, please. I’ll see if he wants it first.”


morning, Dorrie made a quick trip to the bank for the iPhone. At first when she
tried to turn it on in the café, the screen went dark and the phone wouldn’t
start. She plugged the adaptor into the socket and ate slowly, waiting and
hoping. After about fifteen minutes, she heard the welcome ping sound,
indicating the charge had started. She took her time eating and went back for
more snacks during the two hours it took for the phone to get fully charged.

a quick glance at the photo section, it appeared they were all there. She
didn’t have much time before the bank would close, but for sure next time she’d
look over the photos.

cell rang a few hours later while Dorrie was gathering her dirty clothes from
the bedroom hamper. When she saw Caller ID, she dropped the clothes and
switched on the phone before it could go into voice mail.

a yes. Dad said he’ll try anything to get better.”

let her breath out with a swoosh. “Oh, thank goodness. I’m sure he won’t regret
it. Here’s Roman’s number. It’ll be great to see your Dad well again, not only
for his sake, but yours. Think how free you’ll be.”


called Dorrie into his office Monday morning. “Your friend and her father will
arrive in two weeks. I’ve initiated travel arrangements and will arrange nearby

more I think of it, the more this will work to our advantage. I’d been
considering a male model for diversity, plus the timeline will fit in well with
your pregnancy. Sounds like a win-win situation.”

Dorrie went back to her desk, she couldn’t help smiling. She’d been so intent
on doing what was best for Mike, she hadn’t thought of the added bonus of
having her best friend live so close, like in the old days.

rest of the week was spent in happy anticipation. Before she knew it, she was
leaving the office on Friday. 


put it off long enough. Seated in the corner of the café, as far from prying
eyes as possible, Dorrie pulled out the iPhone from her purse, plugged in the
adaptor, then clicked on the photos app.

her own pictures, she concentrated on the ones of Larry—ordinary, yet such
heartbreaking photos of happiness and hope.

eyes teared as the memories rushed back: Larry smiling from behind his desk in
the new den, Larry looking up from his chore of planting the rose bushes by the
patio, another of Larry bent over the stove stirring one of his special

even figured out how to take timed photos. In one they’d cuddled together on
the couch, in another she’d sat on his lap in the easy chair. She could almost
feel the warmth of his arms and smell the scent of his tangy aftershave, but
she knew those were illusions existing only in her memory.

BOOK: Forever Young: Blessing or Curse (Always Young Trilogy)
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