Forged in Stone (18 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Tags: #The Forged Chronicles, #Book 1

BOOK: Forged in Stone
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. The word repeated in my head over and over as I stroked Ainsley’s back. She had fallen asleep after a second glass of wine and a third round of making love. For that was what it was with Ainsley. It was more than anything I had ever hoped to experience. I may have tried to deny it, but we were truly destined for each other. She was truly made for me.

There were details to consider. There were issues to face, but none of them mattered. She could never return to her old life, because that would mean leaving me, and I could not allow that. I would find a way to make her happy, to give her anything and everything her heart desired. I would keep her satisfied and content for the rest of her life—her very long life.

I had already felt the spark. We were truly connected now. No one had told me it would feel this way. I thought it was more a general attachment rather than a physical spark, but something had passed between us during that first intense connection. It was more than just our bodies joining together. It was like the moment in the waterfall. We were forged as one again. Two halves becoming a whole.

I rested my head on the pillow. She was using my chest as hers, and although I knew it was not soft, she seemed comfortable. Her position gave me access to her beautiful back, but in the dim light from the last bit of candle I could also see the swell of her breast pressed against me. I always slept naked, and she would now do the same. I could provide her more warmth and comfort than any clothing she could wear.

As the last candle went out, I closed my eyes. Ainsley was right where she belonged, tucked securely in my arms. Nothing and no one could touch her now.

. The word swirled around my head as I tried to sleep. The possessiveness was new, but it was only a side effect from having met my kindred. She was mine, and I had every right to feel that way. Still the voice felt foreign.

The voice changed and became darker. Louder.

The voice was not mine. It was sickeningly familiar, and one I had hoped to never hear again.

I argued with the voice that had no place in my head. I argued with my father.

Yours in the flesh and in the soul. Ours in the power.

The voice could not be real. He could not be back.

Miss me, James?

. I spoke inside my head.
You are dead.

A Cipher cannot die.

Kevin killed you. Calvin gave his life. Fighting darkness took light.

The light destroyed my body, destroyed what I was as a man.

What do you want with me?

Our time has come.

There is no ‘our’. I hate you.

But son, I have given you the greatest gift ever.

I want nothing from you.

It is too late.

Take it back.
Anger swelled through me. I wanted nothing to do with him.

This is not a gift that can be returned.

What did you do?
My chest clenched.

Every king needs a queen. You have the finest.

I am not a king.

You will be.

Leave me.
My body shook. My worst nightmares were coming true.

I cannot do that, and if you look inside yourself you will realize you do not want me to.

I hate you and all you stand for. Whatever plans you have, count me out. I will not help.

You will.

I screamed inside my head.

The poison already runs through her veins.

What poison?
Ainsley. What had he done to her?

Your poison. Once mine. This brand of poison uses itself as an antidote. As long as she has more, she will live.

More what?

Of you, h
e taunted.
You are old enough to understand the ways of men and women. Her body knows. Her body will forever crave the poison that will keep her living.

What have you done?
Fear engulfed me.
This is impossible.

Not impossible. Real. If you die she dies too. Do not forget that, and you can thank me later. Thought I would use an insurance policy that would reward you at the same time. You were always my favorite son.

I was your only son. What do you want with us? Did you have to return now and poison the one thing I want?

I could not return until you had the strength for me. She gives you the strength. Her strength.

What does that mean? She is just a girl. My girl.

Do not worry. I am not a man anymore. I do not wish to take from you. I wish to give.

I will find a way to rid myself of you.
I had to. I had to protect Ainsley.

Be careful to keep the girl close. There is no telling how fast that poison will snuff out her life without the antidote.

I will stop you!
I seethed

You will not. I am your only ally.

I am allies with the Essence and all her family.

What would they do if they knew of the darkness in you? The darkness that allows you to hear me?

I do not fear death.

But your death will mean the death of her too. I will take my leave for now, but when the time comes you will answer to me.

My body shuddered as his words echoed in my head.

“James?” Ainsley spoke my name softly. “Are you all right?”

I ran my hand down her back. “I am fine. Everything is fine.” The lies slipped off my lips easily, too easily.

“Don’t leave me,” she mumbled as she snuggled into my side.

“Never. I will forever keep you at my side.” I closed my eyes, relieved when the voice did not return. Was it all in my head? Did I dream it?

I continued to stroke Ainsley until I found something new. A raised spot just beneath her collar bone.

I ran my hand over the mark, but I already knew what it was. It was the Mendel mark. She was marked with my family name. She was cursed.

It would be okay. It was only a mark. Maybe it was normal. I had never had a kindred before. That was it. It was not my father.

I tried to convince myself that it was all a hallucination. I focused on her even breathing. “I will be with you forever.” The words had now taken on a life of their own.

ames and Ainsley’s
story continues in
Forged in Ice
(The Forged Chronicles #2)!

eep reading
for a
Crescent Chronicles
bonus story and a preview of
Seduction’s Kiss
, the prequel novella to the
Allure Chronicles

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Part 1

A crescent chronicles story


ome back to bed
.” Levi’s drowsy voice carried into the marble floored bathroom.

“In a minute.” I attempted to hide my annoyance. Did he have a sensor or something? I’d sworn he was sleeping when I slipped out of his arms a few minutes before.

“Are you okay?” He sounded worried. He wasn’t going back to sleep.

I tossed the little piece of plastic back under the sink and flushed the toilet. “Yeah, be right out.” I washed my hands for longer than necessary and took a moment to stare at my reflection. I looked pale and overtired. I was surprised Levi hadn’t called a doctor on me already. I loved his protectiveness, but sometimes he took it too far.

I took a few deep, calm breaths before opening the door and stepping back into our bedroom.

Levi’s bedside lamp was on, something he’d done for my benefit and not his. His night vision was near perfect. “Are you okay, babe?”

I nodded. “I’m fine.” Technically I was, even if I hadn’t fully accepted that my life as I knew it was going to change completely.

“You sure?” He sat up, revealing his perfectly chiseled chest and abs. I’d never get tired of staring at my husband shirtless, even if it still sounded crazy to call him that.

“Absolutely.” I slid back into our ultra-high thread count red sheets. Levi had compromised on the cotton instead of satin, and I’d compromised on the color. I didn’t dislike the color red, but I’d always been a fan of neutral and relaxing colors in the bedroom.

“You’re not mad at me, are you?” He made no move to lie back down. “I know I haven’t been around much this week, but things have been crazy.”

“You’re the king, Levi. I understand you get busy. I’m not mad. Stop worrying.” I closed my eyes, hoping he’d get the hint and turn off the light.

“But you’d tell me if you were, right? You wouldn’t pretend everything is ok if it weren’t?”

“Where is all this paranoia coming from?” I opened my eyes. Levi was always confident. He’d worried for a while I’d never agree to mate—and marry him, but from the beginning I’d had no chance. He was my other half. I couldn’t imagine life without him.

“It’s not paranoia. You’ve been acting distant.”

“It’s been a long week.”

“We’ve been through long weeks before, and you’ve never acted this way. You only do this when you’re upset or something.” He ran his hand down the bare skin of my arm.

“I’m not upset.” I closed my eyes and rolled away from him. Thankfully he didn’t stop his feather light touch. Instead he moved his attention to the back of my arm.

He turned off the light and lay down behind me. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I rolled back to face him. I couldn’t see him in the dark room, but he could see me. “I promise I’m not upset with you. I’m just worn out, and you know I’ve been feeling under the weather.”

“Want me to call Dr. Ellis?” He brushed some hair back from my face.

“Not tonight, but maybe if I still feel this way in a few days.” I might have to see him anyway. Something told me I couldn’t see a regular human doctor for what I was dealing with.

“Okay, we’ll give it another few days, but that’s it.”

“You worry about me too much.”

“Nope.” He kissed my forehead. “I worry about you the perfect amount.”

“Do you have to go in to work early tomorrow?” I snuggled in against his strong chest.

“Everything is under control for the time being. I’ll need to go in at some point, but how about I make you breakfast in bed?”

“It doesn’t have to be in bed. I can help cook with you in the kitchen.”

“I want it to be in bed.” He ran his lips down my neck. “I like spoiling you.”

“That sounds bad.”

“You’re my queen.” His lips trailed down lower. “I’m supposed to spoil you.”

“Nope, you’re supposed to treat me with love and respect. That doesn’t mean I want to be spoiled.”

“Most of the time your wants are what I focus on, but this time it’s about my want. I want to spoil you, so I will.”

“Do you really want to spoil me?” I ran my fingers down his chest in the way I knew he loved.

“Of course.”

“Then please give me a back rub. I’m tense.”

“I’d love to.” Even though I couldn’t see, I knew he was grinning.

I rolled onto my stomach and his hands moved to my shoulders. “You weren’t kidding about the tense part.”

“I know.”

“You should have asked for this earlier.”

“Mmm yeah,” I mumbled. His hands felt so good, and I could feel the tension leaving me. “This is the kind of spoiling I’m never going to complain about.”

“Good.” He slipped the straps of my cami down and pulled the shirt down to my waist.

I closed my eyes as he expertly worked my back. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” He continued to work on my back, but before long his hands slid underneath my body and cupped my breasts. “Are these tense too?”


“Yes?” He asked innocently with his lips by my ear.

“I thought you were tired.”

“Who said I was tired? I’ve already had plenty of sleep.” He kissed the back of my neck.

“I’m not tired either.” I rolled over.

Levi moved over me, one hand already tugging down on my cami and pajama shorts. “I know one way to relieve all of your tension.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” I teased. Levi loved when I teased.

“You want me to show you?” He pulled my shorts and shirt all the way down my legs, before slowly following them with my panties.

“I’m not sure. I’ll have to think about it.”

He moved beside me, and I knew he was removing his boxers.

“That’s fine. Take all the time you need to decide.” His hand moved between my legs. I pretended to try to keep him out, but my willpower didn’t last long before I very willingly opened up to him. “I promise not to rush you, just take your time.”

I closed my eyes and relaxed down into the bed. There were some luxuries in life I would never trade—like a really nice mattress. Well, and a husband like Levi.

“Any progress? Still thinking?” His free hand ran up and down my body while still keeping us covered by the sheet.

“I have to do one more thing before I decide.” I took him in my hand.

He moaned. “Now you can really take all the time you need.”

I laughed. “Oh yeah? What made you change your mind?”

“You kill me, Al. You kill me.”

“Calling me Al again?” I opened my legs wider, hoping to send a message that I was ready for more of him.

“You like it. I like it. Why not use it?”

“With that same logic, why aren’t you inside me right now? I like it. You like it.”

“You mean I love it. You love it.”

“Same thing,” I teased.

“Not the same thing at all.” He removed his hand, but I didn’t complain. I knew exactly what was about to happen.

“Remind me. I think I need a refresher.” I grinned.

“Oh, I’ll give you a refresher.” He thrust into me and everything else disappeared. I held onto him, letting all my stresses and fears fade away. I was with Levi, and he was with me. Forever. We could handle everything, even the kind of everything that would change our relationship in a way nothing else ever had or would.

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