Forget Me Not (#2, The Mystic Wolves)

BOOK: Forget Me Not (#2, The Mystic Wolves)
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Only a fool would think to steal from a werewolf …



“Excuse me?”

I looked the woman up and down. It irritated me how she hung on Mason, as if she had every right in the world to do it. I growled and stepped forward, ready to go to war for the man I loved. I didn’t even care about whatever excuse she would give for invading our lives with her false presumptions—I was pissed. I could feel the change happening, and I smiled. Judging from the way she blanched, I knew my fangs must have shown.

“Darcy, stop.” Mason’s voice broke through my anger, and luckily for him he’d moved away from her. “This is Amber, and it’s not what it seems.”

“Who is this, Mason? And why does she think she has a hold over you?” Amber asked.

The syrupy sweetness of her tone set my teeth on edge, and I launched myself at her.




Praise for The Mystic Wolves


“Not since Twilight has a book grabbed me so fast.”

Cindy, Amazon.


“This book is filled with great characters - including a lead female that readers can identify with and the swoon-worthy alpha male that you'll drool over.”

Tishia, Paranormal Opinion.


“Mason and Darcy are my favorite werewolves since Elena and Clay.”

Mandie, Time 4 Mommy.



TSM, Amazon.


“The Mystic Wolves is an intoxicating read with pages full of action, suspense, intrigue, and a wonderful romance.”

Kathryn Grimes, Amazon.




Forget Me Not

A Mystic Wolves Novel


Belinda Boring


Copyright 2012 Belinda Boring

Moonstruck Media

Cover art by Belinda Boring

Kindle Edition


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To the voice of doubt in my head:


I have nothing to say to you other than this …

*blows the LOUDEST raspberry EVER*





This has definitely been one of those ventures that required everything – blood, sweat, and tears. Sounds scary, right? Nope. Now that I’m standing at the finish line, I’m grateful for the lessons that came with this journey.


It never ceases to amaze me how I’m surrounded by some of the most genuine, supportive, loving, “I’m there for you whenever you need me,” friends. It’s humbling to know that I’ve warranted such loyalty, and I will always be grateful for how you all have helped me through these last few months. For the cheerleader texts, the chats that helped renew my perspective, and the heartfelt
I love you
messages that gave me strength to keep going, regardless of what life kept throwing at me. You are all such an integral part of my life, an important one, and I wouldn’t trade any of you for the world. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for being unfailing. For being you.


This book will forever be my “the little book that could.” I love it. I’m proud of it. I fought hard for it. I hope you all enjoy it as much as me.


~ Bels


Chapter One


“Excuse me?”

I looked the woman up and down. It irritated me how she hung on Mason, as if she had every right in the world to do it. I growled and stepped forward, ready to go to war for the man I loved. I didn’t even care about whatever excuse she would give for invading our lives with her false presumptions—I was pissed. I could feel the change happening, and I smiled. Judging from the way she blanched, I knew my fangs must have shown.

“Darcy, stop.” Mason’s voice broke through my anger, and luckily for him he’d moved away from her. “This is Amber, and it’s not what it seems.”

“Who is this, Mason? And why does she think she has a hold over you?” Amber asked.

The syrupy sweetness of her tone set my teeth on edge, and I launched myself at her. I was acting on the most primal of levels, hospitality be damned. I was instantly caught up in strong embrace of Alpha, and pulled in tight to his chest. I lunged again with my hands clenched into fists.

“Calm down, baby,” he whispered into my ear, his deep, rumbling timbre trying to soothe the savageness rising within me. “There’s no threat here. Trust me.” I felt a small layer of power under his words, and my wolf stood down—for the moment. I realized I was panting as my body tensed—ready to fight.

Wrapped tightly in his arms, I glared at the intruder, and tried to unclench my jaw. Everything inside was on high alert, and I refused to look away. Listening for Mason’s response, I almost missed the flicker of amusement that crossed her face.

“What are you doing here? I’m pretty sure I made myself clear.” It was the coldness in his tone which finally caused me to relax. He was surprised to see her, but there was no mistaking the anger as well. There was history between them, but whatever designs this Amber had were all one sided.

“I heard, but it still doesn’t change that it was the wish of our parents. I thought you needed time to see the sense between the pairing, and now with the death of your sister, I knew you would need me.” Her focus was on Mason, but her body language told me she was still aware of me. “Maybe this is a discussion we need to continue away from your girlfriend.”

Finally meeting my gaze, she smiled sympathetically. “I’m sorry, I know this is sudden, but whatever you have with the Alpha is over. He is betrothed, so any promise you think you have with him can’t ever become a reality.”

“Amber. We are not betrothed.”

“But, you’re not tied to anyone. You don’t bear the marks. Why else would a male of your virility and status remain alone?” She looked at me again. “Surely, she’s not the reason why. She’s nothing, Mason, merely something to slake your lust with.”

He’d loosened his grip on me, and I broke free from his embrace. My vision zeroed in on her throat, restarting the process of shifting. I was determined that one way or the other, there would be one less werewolf on the property when I was done.

“Darcy.” Not only did he use my name, but Mason also slammed his plea through our mental connection, layering it thick with his love and need for me to stop. I wanted blood—needing to do something to show this two-bit hussy I wasn’t so easily tossed aside. I was the one Mason would be mating with, and another growl escaped from my mouth in warning.

I felt myself start to waiver, understanding the worry reflected in his eyes. Calming, I dragged a deep breath into my lungs. I ignored the words of apology he sent, the look of regret. I didn’t ignore the triumph on her face, however.

“I refuse to leave until you at least listen to what I have to say. We have much to discuss… privately,” she answered, looking down her nose at me.

“Enough, Amber. I don’t care who you think you are, you do not come into my home and threaten my future mate. Do you understand?” He waited for her to nod before he continued. “I don’t want you, and I thought I made that perfectly clear. If you need a reminder, then by all means, let me explain it one last time. But this ends tonight.” He jabbed his finger at her to add emphasis.

Gesturing for me to wait a moment, he led the stunned Amber into the living room. Signaling for me to lead the way, we headed toward my bedroom, the tension and unanswered questions hanging between us. The anger I’d been feeling began to diffuse as a need to know what just happened replaced it, and I let out a heavy breath.

Was this a sign of things to come?
I thought to myself. Lately it seemed we’d suffer from one tragedy, and before we could even recover, someone else stepped in to wreak havoc. I knew life as a werewolf was a constant source of ups and downs, especially being closely tied with an Alpha, but somehow I’d gotten used to things being quieter. We’d gone from a relatively peaceful pack, to losing our pack sister, to having to deal with a vampire with a need to control everything, and now this.

Thinking about Avery still made me cringe. The measures he’d taken to get what he wanted were extreme and the image of Mason chained to the basement wall of the vampire’s estate still haunted me. Avery had thought to use me as a bargaining chip, but with the help of Devlin, a vampire enforcer, I’d managed to stop his plans. But it came at a high cost—Mason’s sister Jasmine had been killed by a human Avery had been manipulating.

We entered and I went to sit on the bed. Thinking better of it, I shifted the clothing resting on the armchair, and took a seat. Now that we were alone, and I could ask Mason to explain, I couldn’t find the words to start. It seemed neither could he, and we sat there in silence until I finally spoke up.

“You didn’t need to step in.” I couldn’t hide the hurt in my voice.

“I know.” His answer came out with a long sigh. “In my defense, if I hadn’t, you would’ve killed her.”

“She deserved it. She’s lucky to still be breathing.”

Mason chuckled, and I glared at him. Trying to judge my mood, he added, “I’m proud of you. I’m not going to lie—part of me was willing to let you go at it just to watch.”

His confession surprised me. “So why did you stop me? It was within my right.”

“I know it was, but it’s also my right to keep you from danger. Not that she stood a chance at hurting you. I just … I didn’t want another death on your conscience. I know I can’t shield you from this part of pack politics, especially with you as my wife. You’ll see your fair share of challenges, but this conflict was easily avoidable. Amber is no threat to you—to us—so once she sees that, she’ll be on her way. I guarantee when we go out there, she’ll apologize and then slink off back to wherever she’s been hiding.”

What he said made sense, even though it left a bitter taste in my mouth. It was just hard to bury the bloodthirsty need to destroy anything standing in the way of our mating ritual. I’d go to hell and back for Mason. Having just battled a power hungry vampire, who thought he could threaten him, some blonde werewolf was nothing. I took in another deep, calming breath.

“So, who is she?”

“Amber’s someone from my past who won’t stay there—the daughter of a family who’s been associated with this pack for a very long time,” Mason answered, finally taking a seat on the edge of my bed before he continued.

“It was all about power with my father. There was a joke circulating around the pack during my early childhood that the only thing saving me from a drowning was that I hadn’t been born a female. Nothing I did was right in his eyes. I was never good enough, and a constant source of derision. He was a tough man to please—impossible—and I know it created a lot of worry for my mother. She did her best to shield me, but it only made his belief in my weakness stronger so she eventually left me to his defenses. Things changed for the better, however, when a neighboring pack celebrated the birth of a daughter. Finally I had a purpose. I could be used to form an alliance to solidify his influence, so I became betrothed.”

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