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Authors: Crystal B. Bright

Forget Me Not (31 page)

BOOK: Forget Me Not
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Once inside of her bedroom, she went to a tall dresser and opened the top drawer. She pulled out a long, black scarf. “You have to trust me.”



Chapter 19


Janelle had had no plans to ever sleep with Gideon again, although every cell and molecule in her body had begged her to amend her thinking. Seeing him again and listening to him and touching him had her changing her tune.

“What’s the scarf for?” Gideon peered down at her hands before returning his stare to her eyes.

“Let’s call it a trust exercise.” She approached the big man, who looked even more massive in her small bedroom.

Only a couple of feet separated his head from her low ceiling. If he spread his arms apart, he probably could touch the walls on either end.

Her home embarrassed her compared to Gideon’s palatial estate. His bedroom had been decorated in all white, from the walls to the linens. He had several bedrooms and bathrooms and even an in-law suite. She barely had room to add a litter pan for a cat. Then she remembered his story about his childhood. He had been in homes worse than her tiny apartment.

Janelle touched his muscular chest over his pullover sweater. He didn’t have to flex for her to feel his muscles. She licked her lips as she brought her hand to his small pebbled nipple. Using the tip of her finger, she circled it. Under her manipulation, it became harder. She listened to his breathing becoming heavy.

Gideon eased his hand behind her head to bring her forward. When he pressed his lips against hers, her body tingled from her scalp to the soles of her feet. She felt the need to remove all of her clothing so that her bare skin could rub against his. First, she needed to get him naked.

She stepped back long enough to remove his top over his head, or high enough so that he could finish the job. With his bare chest in front of her, she pressed against him. She sought his nipple with one hand. She kissed the other and then licked it.

He growled and wrapped his arm around her waist. She felt so secure in his arms, like nothing mattered outside of her home. He made her feel important and sexy.

As soon as she felt him reaching under her shirt to remove it, she backed up. “I’m the one driving here.”

“That means I don’t get to touch you?”

The longer she looked at him, the more she wanted to buckle. “Not yet. I want you to relax your need to control everything.”

He leaned his head down. In a lowered voice, he said, “You’re asking for a lot.”

She nodded.

“If I’m going to be giving up something, I expect you do to the same.” He swept her hair over her ear and whispered. “I want you to scream.” To ignite the spark, he licked the shell of her ear and then nibbled her fleshy lobe.

“Oh, God.” She put her hand to his chest again in an attempt to push him back.

Instead, she eased it around to his back and held him in place. She felt his heart pounding as she touched his back. He started kissing down her neck. Her body felt like he had doused her with gasoline and set her body aflame.

“Wait. Wait.” Janelle attempted to catch her breath. “I need you to sit on the bed.”

Gideon peered down. “Little difficult to do in my current state.”

She started to look down to see what he meant. Before she could do so, he took her hand and held it against the front of his jeans. His impressive erection pressed against his zipper and the tip nearly peeked over the button closure.

“Jesus.” To give him some relief, and to take another look at his penis, she unbuttoned his jeans and slowly eased down the zipper.

Janelle hooked her thumbs on the sides of his jeans and his briefs, and pushed them down his legs. As she crouched down in front of him, his hard cock waved in her face. She got his jeans down around his ankles.

“Now sit on the bed.” She nudged him back so that he landed on her platform bed.

Janelle dropped to her knees to free him of his shoes and jeans. She finally got to see his knee brace. “Do you need to leave this on?” She rested her hand on his knee.

“No.” He ripped the Velcro straps apart and freed himself from the orthopedic cage. He tossed the device on the floor. “Okay, you have me naked. Now what will you do to me?”

She crawled on the bed and moved behind him. She removed the scarf she had hanging around her neck. “Remember, you trust me.”

“I’m trying.”

“Close your eyes.” She waited a beat before she covered his eyes and tied the silky fabric around his head. “Now lie down.”

Gideon did so. “You’d better be joining me soon or this blindfold is coming off.”

“No. Don’t.” She kissed him. “I hope you like this.” Janelle crawled out of bed.

“Where are you going?” He reached his hand up like he wanted to touch her.

“I’m getting undressed.” She pulled her shirt over her head and removed her bra.

“No fair. I want to see that.” He started to take off his blindfold when she stopped him.

“Hey, no peeking. You promised you would do this.”

“Okay.” He lowered his hand. “I hope you know you’re the only woman I have ever let do this to me.”

“Really? None of your previous girlfriends wanted to blindfold you or tie you down?” She removed her pants and panties.

“You aren’t going to tie me down, are you?” A bit of worry laced his voice.

“Would you let me?” She tiptoed to her adjoining bathroom and looked around for lotion or baby oil.

“You really are pushing it, aren’t you?”

Unable to find oil, she went with her vanilla-scented lotion. When she returned to the bedroom, she straddled his body. “I don’t want to tie you down. Just keep you blindfolded so that you don’t know what’s coming.”

Gideon put his hands on Janelle’s thighs. “I have condoms in my wallet.”

She leaned forward and put her mouth by his ear. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect us both.”

He wrapped his arms around her in her prone position. While down on his body, she kissed the side of his face. His goatee scratched against her skin.

When she felt him trying to turn her over onto her back, she wriggled out of his grip and sat. “Relax.”

“How am I supposed to do that when you—”

The first dollop of lotion that hit Gideon’s chest silenced him for a moment. His body stiffened under hers. When she rubbed the creamy lotion into his flesh, she felt his
body loosening. He exhaled and rested his hands on her thighs.

“Smells like a cake or cookies.” He took in a deep breath.

“It’s my lotion. You like it?”

“Do I like you rubbing my body? Of course. Do I like smelling like a bakery? Not so much.” He chuckled.

“Hey, are you saying I smelling like a pastry?” Before he could answer, Janelle reached down and held Gideon’s sac.

He gritted his teeth and arched his back. “You smell and feel so good.”

“Good answer.” She continued massaging him until he sat and wrapped his arms around her.

“You are torturing me, you know that, right? I couldn’t watch you undress. You’re limiting my touch. And now you’re making me so hard I can’t think straight because all my blood is rushing to my lower half.”

“I thought you liked a little teasing.” She raked her fingers through his blond hair.

“Teasing is one thing. Tormenting me is something else. But two can play that game.” He lowered his head and found her breast.

“Oh, yes.” She held the back of his head as he licked her nipple.

When he sucked her whole breast into his mouth, Janelle felt powerless to do anything but fold to his will. She shouldn’t have been surprised when he massaged her other breast. Taking away his sight didn’t lessen his need or his ability to find her hot spots.

“Wait. Stop.” She kissed the side of his face. “Back.” She tried pushing him down again.

“What are you doing now?” He kept his hands on her thighs and slid them up to her core.

Janelle sat taller and opened the drawer next to her bed. She’d stored the condoms Penny had packed in her bag on Valentine’s Day in there. She grabbed one in the black wrapper. When she opened it, a smile crept across Gideon’s face.

“That’s it, babe. Come on.”

She rolled the condom onto him. Before he could object, she held the base of his shaft and hovered herself over him. Janelle braced her hand on his chest as she impaled herself ever so slowly. “Oh, yes.”

He squeezed her thighs as she settled on him. “I should be on top.”

“No. Let me satisfy you. Let me cater to you.” Janelle closed her eyes. “See if you like this little trick I learned.”

Without moving her body, she squeezed her inner vaginal muscles around his shaft. She tightened her walls, held it for a beat
and then released him.

“Where in the world did you learn to do that?” Gideon leaned his head back and gripped her thighs tighter. “That feels incredible.”

“Thank God for Kegel exercises.” She braced one hand on his chest.

Gradually, she began to rotate her hips on him while still clamping her muscles around him. When she felt him pulling her back and forth and raising and lowering his hips to thrust deeper, she ground her hips down harder on him.

“I can’t take this.” He removed one hand and ripped off the blindfold.

Janelle didn’t care at this point. She wanted to stare into his eyes. They looked almost black with a small silvery-blue ring around them. With the barrier between them
gone, she took his hand and placed it on her breast. Her hard nipple brushed against his palm, and her throbbing heart pounded against her chest.

He slid his hand off her thigh and brought it up to her back. With very little effort, he eased her down so that she lay against his massive chest.

The nerd and the football player. Who would have imagined this pairing?

“Talk to me.” Gideon’s deep voice rumbled in his chest and vibrated Janelle’s body. “Tell me how it feels.”

She started to open her mouth but stopped herself. She crushed her lips against his as he held her around her waist. After she parted her lips, he took no time to snake his tongue into her mouth. In such a short amount of time, he’d managed to infuse himself into her life, into her routine. She wanted more of him but didn’t know how to express herself. Growing up with the type of mother she had, she didn’t have to say anything. Before Janelle could complain about the cold temperatures, Ida had already proclaimed her displeasure.

Plants and flowers never talked back to her, although she talked enough for a whole forest as she tended to them. She could complain about a bad day to them or lament about a horrible relationship. They didn’t judge her. Instead, they flourished. They flowered. They gave her life.

“Tell me how you feel.” Gideon continued thrusting in her. “So good.”

“Good.” She nodded like a broken bobblehead doll.

“More. Tell me more. What do you want?” He kissed the side of her neck.

She froze. Having him kiss her in that spot, continue to massage her tit, and fill her completely with his cock, she finally succumbed to her hidden desires.

Janelle grasped at words in her head and blurted whatever came in her mind. “Beautiful man.”

“Keep going.” The thrusting increased in speed.

“Big hands.” She brought her mouth down beside his ear. “Great eyes.”

“You are my bleeding heart flower. Sexy, seductive, enticing.” He held her tighter.

His compliment wove its way around her heart. She brought her face up to stare into his eyes. “No one has made me feel as special as you.”

Gideon released his hold on her chest, sat, and swung his legs around the side of the bed. In this new position, she wrapped her legs around his waist but never stopped moving.

“Ixora.” The name of the flower popped out of her mouth as fast as it entered her head.


“Ixora. Ixora. Ixora.” Sweat poured down her back. “Jasmine plant.” She kissed the side of his face. “Supposed to renew passions.” She held the sides of his face as she stared into his eyes. “Oh, God, yes! Yes! Yes! Ixora!” Her chest opened as she screamed each word.

Never before had she felt so free. She clamped her thighs around him and her body trembled as the orgasm took over her senses. Before she could settle back down, Gideon drove himself deeper into her core.

He surprised her with his sheer strength and determination when he stood with her still connected to him. He carried her to a waist-high dresser and placed her on top, toppling over bottles of perfume and a small mirror.

“Your knee.”

He stopped her worry with a simple kiss. Gideon erased all doubt with his incredible stamina, stroking her so lovingly that he coaxed another climax from her, one that had him joining with her.

“Christ, I want this every day, every hour.” He captured her lips in a soul-stirring kiss.

When he broke from it, Janelle couldn’t help but scream her excitement again. She clawed his back until her body could settle down and her heart had stopped racing.

“I knew you could do it.” He brushed her hair back from her face. “I knew you could open up that voice box of yours and tell me how you feel.” He swept his thumb over her throat before bending over to kiss it.

“I’ve been quiet for far too long.” She ran her fingers through his shaggy hair. “It felt good to let it all out like that. Now I understand why you football players scream at each other.”

“I am a little jealous though.” His face went serious.

Janelle’s heart stopped for a moment. “Why?”

“Here you finally express yourself, and you scream out a plant’s name.”

She laughed as she hugged him. “That was strange. I know. I don’t know where that came from. I thought about the sexiest plant out there that reminded me of you, and that was the first thing that popped in my head.”

“You’re going to have to teach me about that flower.” He smiled as he pressed his forehead against hers. “I’ve never heard of it.”

“Anytime. And I promise the next time we do it, I’ll only call out your name.”

Gideon kissed her. “Don’t tease me.” He pulled back from her and held her waist. “Since you exposed a little of yourself, I think I should.”

BOOK: Forget Me Not
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