Forget Me Not (Love in the Fleet) (4 page)

Read Forget Me Not (Love in the Fleet) Online

Authors: Heather Ashby

Tags: #romantic mystery, #romantic suspense, #new adult romance, #military romance, #navy seals, #romance, #navy, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Forget Me Not (Love in the Fleet)
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“Trust me. You’ve made it perfectly clear what you are.” Daisy took a sip of her wine.

Sky turned back to Captain Duncan. “I’m with HSM-23, sir. The Hellcats.”

“Wait,” Daisy interrupted again. “So you’re a
pilot and

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Gee, I never would have guessed.”

Captain Duncan laughed with them. “It’s true, Daisy, I’ve heard about Romeos and I hear them flying over all the time. Brings back good memories hearing a helicopter overhead. Reminds me that you men and women are keeping us safe. How long have you been in the Navy, son?”

“I graduated from the Naval Academy in 2006, sir.”

George chuckled. “A mere baby. I’m from the class of 1956.”

“Awesome. What was your designator, sir?”

“1310. I flew helos too. The original Sea Bats and then Sea Kings in the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s.”

“How cool is that?”

Sky became so caught up sharing aviation adventures with Captain Duncan, he practically forgot about Daisy. Although he did notice her following their conversation, a gentle smile playing on her face.

She stood.  “Don’t let me interrupt, gentlemen. Godiva and I are going to make the rounds.” Then she turned to Sky, trying not to smile. “I’ll see you at dinner...

“Wait, Daisy.” Sky got up to follow her, but George reached out to stop him.

“Let her go. We have to share her with the others. Everyone loves Daisy. Why don’t the two of you join me for dinner tonight? I never get enough time with her and I’d love to hear more of your stories.”

“Sure, sir.” Sky sat down reluctantly. The old man was interesting, but Sky would rather spend time with Daisy. He’d never met a woman quite like her. There was something different about her. Well, for starters he’d never done volunteer work on a date before—if this counted as a date. And he had to admit he was having a pretty good time.

George pulled him out of his reverie. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

“How did you know that, sir?” Sky asked not taking his eyes off Daisy across the room.

“The only good thing about being blind is you learn to not judge a book by its cover. You’d be surprised what you miss about people because you’re so hung up on their physical appearance. I have the benefit of seeing what’s beneath the surface. Looks can be deceiving, you know.”

“Trust me. Daisy is beautiful inside and out.” Sky watched her smile at a woman who was petting the dog. It lit up his world. She needed to do it more often. Smile, that is. And he wouldn’t mind her lighting up his world a time or two either.

George sipped his drink, then continued. “What I know about Daisy is she takes the time to visit a bunch of old geezers. She brings her dogs for those of us who miss our pets. And, she really listens when we talk. She has a beautiful laugh and a fine sense of humor. And I gotta tell you…” He leaned in close. “She smells damn good too.” That brought a laugh from Sky. “So tell me. Man to man. What does she look like?”

Daisy threw back her head and laughed at something a resident had said. There was something clean and fresh and natural about Daisy Schneider. He sighed. “Aw, geez, she’s gorgeous. She’s got these bluey-green eyes. Sometimes they’re blue and sometimes they’re green. It depends on what color she’s wearing. And a sweet face. She looks like an angel. But don’t let that fool you. You can’t pull anything over on her. She’s one smart cookie who doesn’t put up with any bull. I know that for a fact,” he said with a self-deprecating laugh. “And she’s got this silky blond hair that she wears up in a barrette or something. I don’t know how long it is. I’ve never seen it down.”

George looked confused. “You’ve never seen her hair down?”

Sky had almost forgotten George was there. He turned to him. “No, she’s always wearing scrubs. You know, like being in uniform. She’s always working and—”

“You’ve never seen Daisy in street clothes?” George asked.

“I only met her yesterday.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No, see I found this cat and I took it to her clinic and—”

“From the reverence I heard in your voice, I would have guessed you were in love with her.”

“No way, sir. I don’t even know her.” Sky picked up his drink and sipped, eyes back on Daisy.

A smile blossomed on Captain Duncan’s face. “You can’t fool me. I say you’re in love with her. I’d bet the rent on it. Do you know her story?”

“What story, sir?”

“I guess if you have to ask, then you don’t know it. I’m sure she’ll tell you when she’s good and ready.”

What the hell? Daisy had a story?

And Sky would bet
rent it had to do with the ex-husband.

Dinner in the formal dining room was a surprisingly civilized affair. Sky was certain there would be droolers and shakers and people being fed, but that wasn’t the case. Apparently these people just needed a little help getting around and remembering their medications. Waiters took everyone’s orders and then served them a four-course meal from soup to dessert.

Besides Daisy and Captain Duncan at the table, there was a retired Army colonel and his wife and a kind woman who quietly guided George as to what was on his plate. It was interesting how she used the face of a clock as a reference point, like aviators did. Sky hadn’t known blind people did that too and was dying to say, “Hey, George, peas at twelve o’clock high.”

Sky shared sea stories and flying adventures with Captain Duncan as they dined. Daisy chatted up the others at the table and several times when Sky looked over at her, he caught her watching him with an approving smile on her face.

Oh, yeah. He was getting big points for this community service stuff. But wait a second, he wasn’t doing this for points. He got to chat with a helo pilot who had graduated from the Naval Academy fifty years before he had. He was in awe of this old man. Not only had he flown helos, but he’d played football at Annapolis like Sky had. So they didn’t just share sea stories, but gridiron tales as well. George Duncan had been stationed in Key West during the tense weeks leading up to the Bay of Pigs incident with Cuba and told harrowing stories about flying in Vietnam.

Sky would have thought he’d mind spending “Daisy time” with the old guy, but George was so interesting. And if the approval on Daisy’s face was any indication, she was touched he was making the old man’s evening so enjoyable. Who would have guessed community service could be fun?

After dinner, Sky walked Captain Duncan back to his room and helped him clean out his new electric razor. And once he got to the guy’s room, well, then there were his photos to look at and old flight logs from the fifties and sixties. Glancing down at his watch, Sky realized he’d been gone almost an hour. “Oh, man, look at the time. Nice to meet you, George, but I gotta find Daisy.”

Smooth move, Skylark. Ditch the babe for the old guy. But her Jeep was still in the parking lot and he found her walking the dogs in the grass.

“Hey,” she called. “I thought maybe you’d left, but then I saw your truck.”

“Sorry, I got carried away with Captain Duncan. I thought maybe
left. I’m sorry I abandoned you. He asked me to help him and I guess time got away from me.”

Daisy settled her dogs in the back seat of her Jeep. “It’s okay. I’m glad you could help him out. He’s a wonderful man and I always enjoy talking with him. I think it’s great you two hit it off.”

But Sky’s brain had switched gears and he was done talking about old men. As she slammed the door and turned to him, he moved into her space. Daisy backed up a step and seemed surprised to find the car at her back. Sky placed his hands on the window frame over her shoulders, bracketing her. “I had a good time tonight. Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked.

“You’ll see me when you pick up your cat. You really should stay home with Daisy Mae tomorrow night and keep an eye on her.”

Sky glanced down at her mouth, then back to her eyes. He leaned in close, but did not try to kiss her. “We might need the doctor to come home with us to, you know, keep an eye on her.”

“Not necessary.”

She was saying no, but it lost its impact with the breathy way she said it. Her voice stroked his body and he could already imagine her whispering into his ear while they were… Focus. “Okay, then my roommate could watch her so you and I can—”

“I’m busy tomorrow.” But the way she was looking at him said she wouldn’t mind being with him instead. Her blue-green eyes seemed lost in his gaze. Sky had her right where he wanted her.

“Do you volunteer on Thursdays too?” he asked.

“Yes, at the Boys and Girls Club.”

He swore she hadn’t been this tall a minute ago and he felt his blood thicken when he realized she was standing on tiptoe. The hell she didn’t want him to kiss her. “At the Y? By the high school?”


Jesus, he’d conquer kingdoms for her, if she asked him with that sultry voice. “May I join you?” Pretty please.

“If you wear your flight suit. I work with elementary kids after school. They’d love it if you came in uniform. Four o’clock?”

Sky’s mouth was so close now he could feel her breath, soft and warm against his lips. “You got it. I’ll take Daisy Mae home and meet you there around four. Okay, darlin’?”

“Brian, I wish you…” Daisy’s eyes slid closed.

brushed his lips over hers, a whisper of a kiss from left to right. “You wish I’d what?” And back again, from the right this time.

Her eyes fluttered open and she sighed. “I wish you wouldn’t…”

Again, barely touching her, he swiped a gentle kiss across her mouth. “Do what? Call you darlin’?” And back. “Or kiss you?” It was all he could do to restrain himself from crushing her to the car, feeling her body up close and personal. But he reined himself in and touched only her mouth with his.

“Both. Look, I have to go.” But she didn’t move. Except to put her hands on his chest. He wasn’t sure if she was going to push him away or pull him closer.

Dream on, Skylark.

He leaned in one more time, but stopped short of kissing her. “Want me to see you home? You did say ‘Follow me’ earlier. Does the offer still stand?”

Daisy pushed him gently and turned her head aside. “No, I’ll be fine. I have the dogs.” That barely-there voice had been replaced by Dr. Untouchable’s.

“Okay, but just say the word. There’s nothing I’d like better than to…protect you.”

Her head snapped back. “Who’s going to protect me from you?”

Sky stepped away, smiling
crookedly. “Doc, you’ve got me all wrong.”

“Do I?” She slid along the side of the car toward the driver’s door.

“Yeah, I’m one of the good guys.” He followed her, opened her door, and ushered her in. The Ice Queen might be back, but she’d sure enjoyed those kisses. Sky took one more chance by leaning into her car, taking her chin in his hand, and kissing her soundly. Careful to keep his tongue squarely in his mouth, he wasn’t sure if she’d welcome it or bite it off. She didn’t respond the way he’d hoped, but she didn’t pull away either. He broke the kiss cleanly, handed her a Portside Manor envelope, and said, “Boys & Girls Club. Four o’clock. Be there or be square!”

Sky was certain he’d bring a smile to Daisy’s face when she saw the check made out to the Oceanside Feline Rescue Fund. If not, then definitely when she read the memo line that said:

How am I doing now?

Chapter 5

Smack in the middle of her canine search and rescue presentation, Daisy saw Brian steal up behind the children and stand in the shadows. He nodded a silent hello. She knew once they became aware of his presence, her show would be over. These children loved it when any adult came to share their time, affection, or expertise with them. Most, starved for attention, loved to hang on to her when she visited on Thursdays. She could only imagine how they’d react to Brian in his impressive Navy flight suit with all the cool patches on it.

As usual, the children weren’t as appreciative of her dogs as they were of her. Many were frightened by their size, so she reviewed the basics on how to approach and treat animals. Next she explained how her Labs had been trained to track. Although Belle’s skills focused on finding live people, Godiva was also certified as a cadaver dog. But Daisy certainly didn’t need to share
with the children.

The kids appeared spellbound as she discussed how the dogs had been taught to
hone in
on a scent and then follow it to find a missing person. Not that she’d done any tracking since Jack left for Afghanistan. They used to do it together. Along with cooking, hiking, kayaking, and other activities. Like having someone to spend the evening with, someone to talk to about her day. Someone to hold her, kiss her, and make love to her.

Things she had no business thinking about right now. She needed to focus.

Daisy threw in a lesson on child safety. About staying with a trusted adult and never talking with strangers. In other words, she reminded them to stay out of situations where a
tracking dog might be necessary. When she asked for a volunteer to leave an article of clothing and then hide somewhere in the facility, Brian’s face lit up, as did the children’s. They all raised their hands to volunteer and begged to be chosen. In the excitement, Daisy’s favorite little girl, Tanya, noticed Brian standing at the back and alerted the others. Cries of “Who’s that?” filled the air. Half the children rushed to Brian and hung on him, while the other half hung back. She’d forgotten. Uniforms meant Police.

Daisy tried to get their attention, but Brian was louder. He stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled. They quieted immediately.“I’m Lieutenant Crawford from the Navy base and I’m here to talk about some cool stuff, but right now Dr. Daisy’s in charge and you need to give her your full attention. When she’s finished talking, and after Belle and Godiva find your friend, then it’s my turn to talk.”

They settled down and he nodded to her. Daisy was impressed with how he took charge of the situation and continued with the hunt.

“I’m going to ask Cory to give me his sweatshirt,” Daisy said. “Then we’ll give him three minutes to hide anywhere in the building.”

Cory untied his red sweatshirt from around his waist and handed it to her. One of the counselors accompanied him as he giggled and skipped away to hide. While they waited, several children turned, smiled sheepishly, and waved at Brian, but he gave them
the look
to redirect their focus back to Daisy.

“Now, children, remember,” she said. “Don’t be afraid if the dogs bark while they search. They’re talking to each other and they are signaling me to follow. Please try to keep quiet during the hunt, though. Loud voices could distract them.”

After three minutes, Daisy leaned down and spoke gently and quietly to her dogs, then she held Cory’s sweatshirt under their noses and said, “Find him! Away!” Belle barked and tugged on her leash, which frightened several children. Daisy was touched that Brian knelt down and comforted them along with the counselors. Once reassured, the crowd advanced out of the community center gym and down the halls.

In no time the dogs found Cory and the counselor hidden across the courtyard in a storage room adjoining the swimming pool. Every child was ecstatic upon discovering them. Every counselor became involved in quieting the children. Daisy was impressed that Brian seized the moment and again took charge.

“Okay, listen up!” They immediately quieted. “That was quite a show, Dr. Daisy. Your dogs are amazing. Now, kids, if you’d like to know what it’s like to fly a helicopter, you need to walk back to the gym silently and sit on the bleachers. If you understand those directions, let me hear a ‘Yes, sir!’ ”

A chorus of “Yes, sir!” rang out.

. For-waaaard…march!”

Some of the boys marched in an exaggerated manner, while Brian called out, “Hup, two, three, four.” Tanya and a little girl in a pink sweat suit latched on to Brian’s hands as the group marched back to the gym. He grinned at them and they smiled back, swinging their arms while they marched. Other children begged to have a turn holding his hand.

The kids were obviously crazy about Brian and why shouldn’t they be? There was no question he was charming. In the past twenty-four hours, Daisy had watched him charm both children and the elderly. Her goal was to avoid letting him charm
As they walked back through the halls, she reminded herself of how annoying he was, calling her pet names: sweetheart and honey and darlin’. She’d chastised him repeatedly and yet he’d continued. 

But then she thought about those mind-blowing kisses last night. No way should she have been so turned on. He’d hardly even touched her lips and yet somehow that made his kisses more passionate. Was she really so desperate that those barely-there kisses were like water to a dying soul in the desert? Like she was a dry sponge soaking up every drop she could absorb. And later she’d stared at the ceiling for
half the night, not able to get those kisses—or him—out of her mind.

Daisy shifted her focus to her dogs, the hunt, and the pounding rhythm of a Zumba class in order to quiet the butterflies fluttering low in her belly. She had no business getting excited over some charming playboy—a military pilot of all things—and his almost non-existent kisses.

Who was she trying to fool? Those kisses had been existent enough to make her half-crazy. What in the world was wrong with her?

“Do you really fly helicopters?”

“Why does your jacket say, ‘Skylark?’”

“You got guns on your ’copter?”

“What’s it feel like to fly?”

“You ever shoot anybody?”

Sky put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. “Hey! Hold your horses!” The children settled quietly on the bleachers. “Here’s how we’re going to do this. Dr. Daisy invited me here today.” He bowed to her and watched her blush. He liked that he could make her do that. “I’m going to talk to you for a few minutes and then
I’ll answer your questions. But here are my rules. When I’m talking, you’re not.” Then he yelled, “
Get it?”

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