Forgiven (Touched Series #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Forgiven (Touched Series #2)
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The shower is just what I needed, the water as hot as I can stand it, and it feels so good to get clean finally. After washing my hair, I’m careful of my bruised eye as I wash my face and then pour some of the peach scented body wash, always left in this bathroom for my visits, into my hands and wash over my body. Taking my old razor from the shelf, I shave my legs, under my arms and then let the water wash everything away. I only wish it could wash away the horrible parts of my life. When I finish brushing my teeth and my long snarled hair, I walk into the bedroom to find a pair of his mom’s yoga pants and a tank top folded on the bed. She was also so kind as to leave me a clean pair of panties and bra. Good thing we are both the same size. I open the door and walk downstairs, through the enormous house and into the kitchen and stop when I hear voices coming from out on the deck. I stand there for a few minutes listening to their laughter, and I smile.

“Why don’t you go out and join them?” Bo’s mom’s voice sounds from behind me. I turn and see her beautiful smile.

“I will in a few minutes. I think I’d rather stay in here for just a bit.” I walk over and wince a little as I sit down at the kitchen table, still looking outside and longing for Bo to hold me again.

She brings me over a cup of coffee and sits across from me. “It’s so great to see you again. I wish it was under better circumstances. How are you this morning?”

I take a sip of my coffee and relish in the taste. She remembered exactly how I like it. Setting my cup down, I place my hands over it, loving the feeling of the warmth. “You’re so sweet, Mrs. Dunway. I’m a little sore but feeling a little better. Thank you.”

She smiles again. “Oh, my. It’s Jade, you know that. You haven’t called me Mrs. Dunway since you were a little girl. Knox called Phillip this morning and he said he would be here in a couple of hours to take a look at you. I hope you don’t mind. We just want to make sure you aren’t hurt more than you’re telling us.” My smile is beaming at her caring words. She takes a drink and sets her cup back down then reaches across the table and places a hand on top of mine. “I would like to help with the arrangements for Celia’s service, if you don’t mind. In fact, if it’s too hard on you I would be happy to take care of it all for you. She was a great and caring friend.”

I swore I was not going to cry this morning but can’t help the wetness now forming in my eyes. I shake my head and take a deep breath and give her a small smile. “Thank you. I would love your help but I need to do some of it on my own. I also need to go over to the apartment and pack up our things. I’ve been gone for so long and I know it will be hard but I need to do it myself.” I look at her and see her eyes full of kindness and I am overwhelmed. “I should have made breakfast for you all this morning. Lord knows I haven’t done that in a long time and could use the practice.”

She smiles and lets out a small laugh. “True. I know you’re a much better cook than I could ever be. You should really be a cook for a living. Your food is amazing.” I begin to speak but stop when the guys walk in.

“Hey, what’s going on in here? No lovin’ for the men in the house with breakfast?” Knox and Bo walk in through the French doors from the deck, smiling, but then I look at Bo, and his smile instantly turns into a frown. I watch as his eyes look at my bruised eye, and his lips curl up into a snarl.

Jade rises and walks over to Knox, kissing him on the lips and smacks his bottom, playfully. I wish I could have that with someone. I always thought it would be Bo. We had sworn our love to each other so long ago but then both our lives changed. His for the better and mine for the worse.

“Come, darling. Let’s take our plates outside and give the kids a little time alone. They haven’t seen each other in such a long time and need to catch up,” Jade says as she hands Knox a plate and starts to walk towards the doors.

“But I….” Knox takes the plate and begins to complain then Jade takes his free hand, winks and smiles at him as she starts pulling him out to the deck.

I look over as Bo walks to the counter, retrieving two plates full of food. He brings them over, setting one down in front of me and sits in the chair next to me. He looks down and dives into his food but looks at me with his eyes. I’ve just lost my appetite. “You should eat. You’ve lost a ton of weight since I’ve seen you last.”

Looking down I stare at my plate, pick up my fork and then set it down. “You’re upset with me.” It’s not a question.

His head turns towards me, his chewing slows, and he sets his fork down on his plate. “Peaches. I can never be upset with you. I’d think you’d know that by now. But the asshole who gave you that black eye….” His eyes travel down my body and then back up to my eyes. “And who knows what else, that’s the person I’m pissed off at. When are you going to stop doing this to yourself? When is the self-destruct life going to end?” His voice rises as he continues to speak and my eyes flinch.

With wide eyes and a pounding heart, my face turns angry. “Sometimes we don’t have a choice, Bo. Sometimes we have to do things we may not like.” I stand, pushing my chair back loudly and take a step back. “I think I should leave. Please thank your parents for me. I need…. I need to go.” I begin to turn when he stops me with his hand on my upper arm.

I look down at his face, so much hurt, so much concern and worry and so much anger. “It’s so easy for you to just walk away, isn’t it? So easy when things get rough that you can just leave.”

I pull my arm away angrily and try to stop my tears from falling. Lifting my chin up, I back away another step. “You think it’s easy, Mr. I have everything I ever could want. Mr. I’ve never had to find where my next meal will come from or I don’t have to worry about what I want out of life,” I spit. I turn and walk out of the kitchen, wiping my tears away forcefully and grimace when I rub too hard on my bruised eye. My body is turned abruptly, his arms both on my shoulders, shaking me.

“You can have anything! Anything your heart desires. You’re just as stubborn as my mom, I fucking swear! You never had to do the things you’ve done. I’ve always tried to help you, take care of you. What the fuck, Stormy!” He yells, his chest rising and falling quickly with his anger.

“Fuck you! You’ve always been there? Ha! Really? That’s why I haven’t seen you for over a year, barely heard from you while my mom and I struggled every day to make ends meet, to put food on our table, to pay the bills so our electricity wasn’t shut off, again and to just live a halfway decent life. Yes, I’m sure I could have just anything I wanted.”

“God dammit! I’m sorry that I left for college. I’m sorry that you’ve had struggles but shit…. You could have done things a different way to get money, Stormy! Not everyone with money problems hooks to get things they need. There are respectable ways to earn a living!” He shouts causing my head to snap back as if he’d slapped me, and it felt like he had. My chin quivers but I refuse to shed another tear. I try to break free from his hold and begin to struggle when he pulls me into his arms, holding me so tightly that I can barely move or breathe. “Fuck! I’m so sorry, Peaches. I’m so sorry! It’s not your fault. None of it is your fault.”

Finally giving in to his hold, I relax and put my arms around his back, holding him just as tight. I take in his smell, the smell I’ve missed and longed for, for so long. I breathe him in and tighten my arms. “You’re right, you know. I’ve never been one to do things the easy way, like everyone else. But…. I think you have the corner on stubbornness, like your mom, more than me.” He laughs, his hand covering the back of my head and the other threading through my long hair over and over.

He finally releases me but takes my hand and begins leading me back into the kitchen. “Come. Let’s get you fed before Dr. Phillip arrives. Lord knows you need it.” My smile is wide and relief fills me as I look over at his gorgeous face. God, how I’ve missed him.

Chapter Two

Fuck! I almost blew it right off the bat this morning with Peaches. Dammit! I seriously need to keep my anger in check around her. Dr. Phillip arrived a few minutes ago and is upstairs with her, in her room, and I’m pacing the floor in the living room, praying she isn’t hurt too badly. My fingers run through my hair as I contemplate the best way to tell my parents that I’m not returning to school, that I have to stay here and try to help Stormy. I need to get her to fall back in love with me and take care of her. She needs me, more now than ever before, and I’ll be damned if I’ll leave her again. I won’t let her continue her path to self-destruction. I’m not making that mistake twice. I can’t do that to her. I won’t.

I stop my pacing abruptly when Dad walks into the room. He hands me a bottled water and I chug half of it. “So, Stormy’s pretty messed up again, huh?”

I lower the bottle and watch as he sits down, concern and worry on his face. He’s always had a soft spot for Peaches, just like me. I lean against the corner bar counter, setting my bottle down and my eyebrows crease with worry. “Yeah, I guess. Dad?”

He looks up at me, rubbing his own bottle back and forth in his hands. “Yes, son? What’s on your mind?”

I sigh, taking a deep breath. This is gonna be harder than I thought, and I know he’s gonna freak out. Finally, I stand up straight, square my shoulders and get ready for the lashing he’ll give me. “I’ve decided I’m going to finish out the last few months of school at the junior college.” I watch as his body stiffens. “Stormy needs me, Dad. She needs to get her life on the right track and now with Celia gone…. I have to help her, Dad. I need to make things right with her, for her, and I’m the only one she has now.” Closing my eyes, I try to prepare myself for the blow.

“I think that’s very admirable, son. I’ll send Ralph over to pack up your things and I’ll call the administrator myself today.”
My eyes open into a slit and see him relaxed and sitting back against the couch. My heart rate begins to decrease in relief. “But know that you still need to maintain your grade average and continue your studies as you have before. No slacking off. You know your mother and I will do what we can for Stormy as well. We talked last night and your mother wants to talk with her today and see if she can convince her into moving in here with us, until she can get on her feet.” He rises from his seat and walks over to me, laying his hand on my shoulder. “You know Stormy is more stubborn than your mom and I didn’t think that could be possible.”

My laugh escapes me and he starts laughing too. “I love you, Dad. You and Mom are the best! I do agree though, I didn’t think anyone could ever be more stubborn and pigheaded then Mom.”

“Watch it! Only I can say that about your mother,” he continues laughing again and we both turn quickly when Mom walks into the room.

“What’s so funny? Care to share?” Her smile is huge, her face so beautiful. I’m so lucky to have the best parents in the world.

Dr. Phillip walks into the room and Dad takes Mom’s arm. “I’ll tell you all about it, Angel. Come let’s give them some privacy. So, Bo told me….” His voice becomes quieter as they leave the room as I walk over to Dr. Phillip and shake his extended hand.

“Good to see you, Bo. Hope things are well in college,” he smiles. “Good news! Other than a bruised eye, her ribs seem to be a bit bruised as well but I don’t believe anything is broken. She just needs some TLC and some rest. I’m so sorry to hear about Celia though. I’m sure this is really tough on her. But I have to tell you….” His voice changes to concern, and I stiffen. “She’s a little under nourished. I hope you can get her to eat more and take care of herself better. Her ribs are sticking out a little more than I’d care to admit. Think you can get her to do that?” My heart breaks at his news but I guess I already had figured most of this out on my own. That’s partly why I made my decision.

“Thanks, doc. I’m on it. I’ve decided to move back home and I’m planning on taking care of her. No worries there.”

“Good. Good. But don’t let your studies falter. You’re so close to graduating. I’ll just show myself out. It’s not like I don’t know the way,” he laughs, shakes my hand again and I watch him walk from the room, and thank him again.

My heart stops when Stormy rounds the corner and walks slowly towards me, her face scrunched up telling me she’s overheard our conversation. She stops short of me, folds her arms around her waist and smirks. “You’re not moving back for me. I won’t let you. You only have a few months left, Bo. What in the hell are you thinking!”

I push away from the bar and walk over to her in two large strides, placing my hands on her shoulders. “I’m thinking I want to help you. I should have always been here for you and I haven’t. I’m changing all that. Dad’s going to call the college administrator this morning and have my transcripts transferred over to the junior college. It’s not a big deal, Peaches.”

Her arms snap away, pushing my hands off her shoulders in the process and she walks away but turns around abruptly. “Bullshit! It IS a big deal, Bo! Once again you come to my rescue when you should be living your life, doing what you love and what you’re meant to do. Go! Be the greatest and forget about me!”
Is she fucking kidding?

I storm over to her and take her face in my hands, my eyes searching her angered ones, and I let out a sigh. “Don’t you know my life isn’t anything without you? Don’t you know I love you and want to take care of you? Why is it so hard for you to let me in? Why can’t you accept the help of those who want to be there for you? You’re so fucking stubborn!” Her mouth opens to speak, but before she can my mouth covers hers and my heart swells when her moan enters it, her tongue soon to follow and our breathing accelerates as our kissing becomes more heated. I reluctantly release her mouth for some much needed air but press my forehead against hers, our chests meeting each other’s as they rise and fall with our heavy breathing. “Don’t you remember that I’ve always loved you since we were little and that I promised to always be there for you?” The skin on my forehead moves as she nods, and I hear her let out a small sob. “I’ve never stopped loving you, that’s one of the only consistent things in my life. I’ll never stop loving you.”

Her tear moistened mouth presses against mine, and I lose myself in her. A clearing of a throat sounds behind her. My eyes open to see Mom and Dad, their arms around each other and tears in Mom’s eyes as Stormy breaks free and turns but my arm grabs ahold of her waist. I bring her to my side as she wipes her face quickly, removing her tears.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Mom tries hiding her smile with her hand but there’s no way to miss it. “Stormy, the funeral home called and I need to talk to you about some things. Bo? Your dad called the college and needs to speak with you. Come, Stormy. Let’s go out on to the deck. It’s a beautiful day outside.” She holds her hand out to her, and I turn my head down and see her cheeks tinted a little bit with embarrassment. My head lowers, and I give her a quick peck on her full lips and lightly smack her cute ass. She smiles, rolls her eyes and walks to my mom, taking her hand but looking back at me, her smile huge as she leaves the room. I lean against the back of the couch watching that cute butt as it sways until it disappears and finally tear my eyes away when I hear Dad clear his throat then chuckle.

“You’re definitely a chip off the ole block, son.” I look over at him, my laugh not containing itself and fold my arms over my broad chest. “Your transcripts are on their way over to the junior college and Ralph has left to pack up and bring home your things.” I’m so relieved that I’m staying and love my parents even more for understanding. “Also, your mother is talking to Stormy about living here with us.” My eyes widen, and my heart begins to beat a little faster. “But….”
Oh, here we go! I knew there would be a ‘but’ in there at some point.
His face turns serious, and I know I’m in trouble. “I know you and Stormy care for each other and there’s nothing wrong with that but can you keep it down to a minimum with the kissing and touching, especially in front of your mother and myself?”
Oh, is that all.

I walk over and punch him on his arm. “If you wouldn’t walk in on us, then we wouldn’t be doing that in front of you guys.” He laughs and then punches me back.

“Another thing. We have something in mind to help Stormy get on her feet and make something out of her life but what will help us out is not having to worry about you and college so much during this. Got me?” I roll my eyes but he definitely has my interest piqued. His arm moves around my shoulder, and we begin walking towards the basement. “I’ll tell you as we’re shooting some pool. I owe you a rematch from a year ago.”
How the hell does he remember that?

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

“So, we’d like you to move in here with us, just until you get on your feet. We know how independent you are.” Jade smiles at me, lovingly, and I’m about to protest when she continues. “We’d also like to help you out with a good career. Um, Stormy?” My eyes close as her voice changes from sweetness to concern. “No one knows more than us how hard your life’s been. Celia did everything she could to help you have as normal of a life as she could. We want to buy the old restaurant and have you manage it. You can cook at times and do whatever you want with it. Knox wants to draw up plans to redesign it, but keeping the old feel to it, if that’s what you’d like to do or he can change it to be however you want. It will be yours. How about it? Will you let us do this for you?”

I’ve promised I won’t cry anymore until Mom’s funeral, but I can’t stop my eyes from welling up. Dammit! How can I let them do this? I know they have the money, more than enough, but I can’t let them spend money on me. They’ve done so much for me and Mom over the years. It just seems so wrong. I look down at my hands that are twisting and turning in my nervousness. “I dunno, Jade. I can’t….”

Her hand covers mine, stopping them immediately. When I look up, her caring smile and beautiful eyes are gleaming at me, I about lose it. “Just think about it. We have time. We don’t want you back out on the streets, Stormy. We want you to have a good life. Do this for Celia, make her proud. We love you.”
Dammit! There goes my tears!

As I rub my finger under my nose, I quickly look up as Bo and Knox’s laughter becomes louder as they walk into the kitchen. Smiling at Jade, I pull back my hands and turn towards them. “Gotcha again, ole man. When are you going to learn that I’ll always beat you?” They both laugh, and I can’t stop my smile as they walk through the back door and onto the deck. Bo looks at me, winks, but then he frowns at my obvious tear streaked face and red eyes. He immediately walks to me, places his hand on the back of my chair and leans down, his face breathing on mine in his closeness. “Let’s go take a walk on the beach, Peaches. Fresh air will do us some good.” I only nod as he helps me stand, and as we begin to pass Jade, I stop, lean down and kiss her cheek. She smiles and takes a deep breath, and we continue our walk down the steps. “So what happened with Mom?” he asks as we walk along the beach, barefoot and holding hands. I turn my head to him, my hand covering my eyes from the sun.

“She and Knox want to buy the old restaurant, fix it up and give it to me to run, cook or whatever I want to do.” His eyes open wide. He turns and starts walking backward so he can see my face, taking my other hand and pulling me with him. “That’s great! It will be perfect for you! You are an amazing cook, you’ve always concocted your own recipes and they’ve turned out fantastic! And you have a good head on your shoulders….” He flicks my hair, and I tilt my head in laughter. “And not just for holding up that beautiful face.” I stop abruptly, and he follows my lead.

I release his hands and walk into the shallow part of the ocean, digging my toes into the wet sand and look far away into the blueness of the water. “I’ve done things, Bo. Things I’m not proud of. You wouldn’t possibly care for me the way you do if you knew.”

His arms wrap around me from behind, his hands splayed across my stomach as his chin rests on top of my head. “I love you no matter what, Peaches. Take the restaurant, make something great out of your life, be proud of yourself and pay Mom and Dad back once you start seeing profits, if you’d like.” His chin lifts as I look up at him and smile.
Can I do that? Should I do that? It’s so tempting.
“I’ve always loved you.” He looks down at me. “You know I’m gonna marry you one day.”

This is becoming way too serious. Breaking free from his hold, I start walking. “Race ya!” And then begin running, the sand making it hard to keep my balance, but I run as fast as I can.

“No fair!” I can hear him running behind me and know he’ll catch up to me really quick.

“Oomph!” My body hits the sand hard when he tackles me, sand caked in my long hair, and I’m spitting it out of my mouth. He rolls me over, the look on his face is of shock and worry.

“Fuck! I’m sorry, Peaches! I wasn’t thinking!” He lightly touches my ribs, and I let out a cry. He quickly stands, gathers me up in his arms and starts walking towards the house. “I’m such an idiot!” I’d answer him, but the wind is knocked clean out of me and the pain in my ribs not helping me catch my breath. I close my eyes, my arm around my waist as my hand covers my ribs.

“Oh, my God! Bo! What happened?” Jade’s voice is loud and clear and can hear her scurrying with us. “Take her to her room. I’ll get an ice pack!” Her voice begins to fade as we keep walking. I’m jostled around as he climbs the stairs, a breeze blowing as we move, but finally, he lays me gently on a soft mattress, and I let out the breath I hadn’t been able to earlier.

“Ungh!” My eyes open slowly. I feel my hair being moved from my face, and my eyes turn to the door when Jade comes running in. Bo grabs the ice and gently places it over my ribs causing a hiss to leave my mouth.

“Damn, I’m sorry, baby.” I look into his concerned eyes and try to smile but I think it probably looks more like a grimace.

“I called Phillip and he said to keep the ice on for a little bit but just rest and try not to move. If he needs to come over he will or if the pain doesn’t subside he said he’d meet us at the hospital if you need to go.” I look over at Jade who’s talking a mile a minute but my eyes grow wide, my eyebrows raising high when I hear ‘hospital’.

“NO! I mean…. No, thank you. I’ll be fine.” I blurt. My eyes cautiously move to Bo, who’s looking at me suspiciously. “They’re just bruised. It’s really no big deal.” I swear he looks like he’s about to come unhinged.

“Ok, dear. You just rest then. If you need anything, please let me know.” I smile as I watch her leave, shutting the door behind her and then look back at Bo, who’s sitting down on the bed now as close as he can get to me. When I look up at him there’s a scowl on his face.

“Stormy. What aren’t you telling me? Are you trying to hide something?” My heartbeat begins to race.
Do I tell him? I can’t. I’m too embarrassed and he’ll go looking.

I reach my hand out and grasp his arm. “No, Bo. There’s nothing to tell. I just hate hospitals. I’m fine. Really I am.” His bright blue eyes that were squinting finally relax. I fake a large yawn and his face softens.

“Get some sleep, Peaches.” He leans down and kisses my forehead then moves back but only enough to be in breathing distance from my face. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. You know I’d never hurt you intentionally. I love you. Get some good sleep.” He kisses my lips, and I watch him stand and walk out of the room. I wince as I roll over onto my other side, curl my arms around the corner of the pillow and push my mouth into it so that no one can hear my sobs.

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