Forgotten Awakenings (Awakenings #2) (31 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Awakenings (Awakenings #2)
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Sadie slid her hands up her legs to the front of her pants. “Lift.”

Elle’s breathing quickened as she lifted her hips off the bed, allowing Sadie to remove her pants and panties. Tossing them on the floor, Sadie reached for the hem on Elle’s shirt. Without being asked, Elle sat up and allowed her lover to remove the last of her clothes, leaving her naked and vulnerable.

Sadie placed her hands on Elle’s bare belly, her touch tingling her skin. “I love the way your body has changed over the last eight months. You’d lost so much weights. Too much. I worried about you constantly.”

“I’m sorry for making you worry,” Elle murmured, biting the inside of her lip to keep from moaning as Sadie’s lips grazed her heated flesh. “Lover, please!”

“Please what?” Sadie asked, shifting her eyes up to Elle’s. “Hmm? What does my girl want?”

“You,” Elle cried. “Always you.”

“You’ve always had me, Elle, and you always will.”

Sadie scooted down on the bed and pressed Elle’s legs apart as she lowered her mouth to her pussy.

“Oh, my . . . Fuck!” Elle snarled, gripping the blanket as tight as she could. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

“For fuck sake!” Callum groaned, and Elle looked over to find him and Derek standing in the doorway of their bedroom. “You couldn’t wait five minutes?”

“I could have,” Sadie said, “but I got hungry.”

“You did, huh?” Derek laughed. “Well, don’t let us stop you from enjoying a nice meal.”

While Sadie turned her attention back to Elle, Derek and Callum stripped off their clothes, climbing on the bed next to them. Elle had always enjoyed watching the two of them together, the simple way they allowed themselves to love.

Derek crawled across the bed, placing his hand on the back of Elle’s head, gently nudging her lips with the tip of his hard cock. Smiling, she snaked her tongue out, dipping it into the slit.

“Elle, beautiful, please,” Derek begged.

Him pleading for more, begging for her to taste him had her pussy clenching around Sadie’s tongue.

“Oh, she likes your cock, baby,” Sadie teased, lapping at her sensitive clit.

“I do,” Elle said before sliding him into her mouth and throat.

Derek let out a strangled groan as his fingers tangled in her hair and he slowly rocked his hip against her, not wanting to hurt her, but needing the feel of her warm mouth around him.

“Oh, fuck, Cal,” Sadie moaned, and when Elle looked down, she saw Sadie’s straddling Callum’s face, her hands nestled in her own hair.

“Goddamn, that’s hot,” Derek muttered, his eyes flickering from their lovers down to Elle. “Aren’t they, beautiful?”

Elle hummed around him, causing him to shutter. His hand tightened in her hair, almost to the point of being painful, but she didn’t mind. He would never hurt her.

“Fuck, I’m going to come, Elle!”

She barely had time to relax her throat when she felt him twitch and spill inside her mouth. She swallowed every drop before releasing him, immediately finding Callum’s lips. His tongue traced along hers, licking and sucking the taste of their husband off her.

“Roll over,” he murmured, leaning away and grabbing her legs, trying to turn her onto her hands and knees.

Elle’s legs trembled as she moved so that she was ready for him. She felt on displace, yet she wasn’t embarrassed. No, she knew her lovers loved her body, loved her soul, and they’d never make her feel uncomfortable in her own body.

“I’ve been thinking about fucking you all day,” Callum said, placing one hand on her hip while positioning himself at her pussy. With a quick thrust of his hips, he filled her. “Sweet mother of . . .”

“Keep going,” Elle whimpered.

Callum didn’t say anything as he set his pace, fast yet tender. And as they came together, their bodies covered in sweat and want, she knew their lives were perfect.

He loved her with every thrust of his hips, every groan that left his lips. Callum, Derek, and Sadie had loved her through hell and back, and they would never stop. She knew that now. They were hers, she was there, and together, they were flawless.







“What time is it?” Elle asked, rubbing her hands over her stomach. Lying on the couch, she was trying not to move. Movement equaled sweat. Movement made her hurt, and she’d be doing plenty of both by the end of the day.

Elle wasn’t sure why she thought it was a good idea to schedule a day of pampering with her mom and sister in the middle of July, while she was thirty-eight weeks pregnant, and completely miserable. But she had, and they were due to pick her up at any moment.

“Almost ten,” Sadie said.

When Elle looked over at her, she smiled. Sadie was sitting on the floor with Flora, who was holding onto her mother’s hands as she bounced up and down.

“Looks like she’s having fun,” Elle laughed, drawing Flora’s attention.

She smiled, showing the single tooth that poked out of her gums as she released Sadie’s hands and crawled over to Elle, pulling up and placing her hands on her belly.

“Hey there, pretty girl. Give sissy a kiss.”

“Babababa,” Flora babbled before placing a series of open-mouthed kiss in Elle’s stomach.

The sound of the doorbell ringing pulled Flora’s attention once more, and they all looked toward the entry room as Callum rushed out of the kitchen and over to the door, pulling it open.

“Hey,” he said, stepping backward so Helina and Ivy could come inside.

“It feels good in here,” Helina chirped, rubbing her hands along her arms. She turned to Elle, who was attempting to sit up. “Need some help?”

“Please,” Elle replied, holding her hands out to her mother, who rushed over. She helped her stand, grabbed her cane, and made sure Elle had a good hold on it before letting go. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Helina reached down and lifted Flora into her arms. “Hey, sweetheart.”

Flora babbled as she gestured toward her basket of toys.

Helina carried her over and picked up one of her teddy bears before looking back at Elle and Sadie. “I can’t believe how big she is. Seems like overnight.”

“Tell me about it,” Sadie scoffed, relieving her of the squirming infant. “I think she’s just a few weeks away from taking her first step. Has that look in her eye, you know?”

Helina laughed. “I do. Elle was practically running by the time she was ten months old.”

“Had a lot to do,” Elle groused. “You know, sisters to annoy, toys to steal.”

“Walls to draw on,” Helina teased.

“Not to be a party pooper, but are we about ready to head out?” Ivy asked. “Our reservation is in thirty minutes.”

“Yep,” Elle chirped and wobbled toward the door. She grabbed her purse and hoisted it over her shoulder before looking back at Callum and Sadie, who had a squirming Flora in her arms. “Well, don’t have too much fun without me.”

“We’ll try,” Derek scoffed as he walked downstairs. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Have fun, or at least try to.”

“I will.” Elle smiled as she followed Ivy and Helina out to the car.

“Do you need help in?” Ivy asked, opening the front passenger seat for her.

“I can sit in the back seat,” Elle insisted, but when Ivy gave her a look that clearly said not to argue, she said, “No, I can get in myself.  I think, at least.”

Ivy laughed. “Stubborn as always, I see.”

“Yeah, yeah; whatever,” Elle muttered, but managed to get into the front seat of Helina’s SUV without too much trouble. The seatbelt was tight around her, uncomfortable.

“I’m so glad we’re doing this today,” Helina said, starting the car and turning the AC on high before fiddling with the vents so that they faced her. “I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks.”

“Me, too.” Elle smiled, because she had.

Work and doctor’s appointments had kept her from being to make plans to utilize the gift certificate her sister had given her to Senspa, though she’d been looking forward to a day of pampering. The last few weeks of her pregnancy had been difficult. Her leg hurt more than ever. Just the night before, she’d tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable because of cramps in her back and hips.

Senspa was located in Alameda, a small island community located in the heart of the Bay Area. It was quite the tourist trap, with lots of old buildings, museums, and wonderful beaches. When Elle and Sadie first moved to the city, they had spent every weekend for six months touring the city, finding every nook and cranny.

“Oh, wow,” Elle murmured as she climbed out of her mother’s car. “It’s incredible. Look at how open it is with all the windows and glass. Makes the place seem twice as big. They really utilized the open space, don’t you think?”

“Look, Mom, she’s turned architect nerd on us again,” Ivy teased.

“Yeah, yeah; whatever,” Elle scoffed, her hand sliding over her round stomach. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you criticize badly colored hair. Or bad haircuts. Remember when we were at that mall and that woman with green and yellow hair.”

“The one that looked like a peacock,” Ivy said. “Oh, God, that was horrible.”

Helina laughed. “A peacock? Seriously?”

Ivy nodded. “It was really bad.”

“Oh my . . .” Helina shook her head as she placed her hand on Elle’s elbow, carefully nudging her toward the entrance.

They were greeted by a young, petite woman with shocking, hot-pink hair and bright blue eyes. “Hello and welcome to Senspa. You must be the Fisher party.”

“Yes,” Ivy said.

“We’ve been expecting you,” she said, softly. “I’m Ida, and I’ll be your host today. Now, we have you signed up for the pre-natal massages, correct?”

“Yes,” Ivy told her. “And manicures and pedicures.”

“Of course.” Ida smiled. “If you’re ready, I’ll take you to your suite.”

“Thank you.”

The three of them followed Ida through the lobby and down a long hallway. After passing a dozen doors, the young woman stopped in front of a set of double doors, smiling as she pushed them open.

“There is water in the fridge. Please help yourself to the chocolate covered strawberries, cheese, fruit, and crackers. If you’ll change into the robes that are located in the bathroom, your team will be along in a few minutes.” Ida pointed toward a room on the left before she turned and faced the three of them. “If you need anything, please do not hesitate to let me know. We here at Senspa want your experience to be magical.”

“Thank you,” Helina said. “We’ll let you know.”

Ida’s grin grew as she strode out of the room, closing the set of doors on her way out.

“This is . . .” Elle whistled under her breath as she gestured her hand around the room. “Kind of unreal, huh?”

“Only the best for my sis,” Ivy snickered, walking toward the bathroom. “Holy crap, this place is bigger than my apartment!”

Elle and Helina hurried across the suite to the bathroom, each gasping. The bathroom was indeed enormous, though Ivy’s statement was overdramatic. Marble tile and granite countertops. A large glass shower with multiple massaging showerheads, a Jacuzzi tub, and warm, welcoming colors. It was a designers dream, and Elle knew Sadie would have loved it.

“Oh, she’s blushing, Mom. Must be thinking about Derek, Callum, or Sadie. Maybe all three,” Ivy snickered.

“Am not,” Elle lied.

“Stop teasing your sister,” Helina chided, though the smirk on her face made it clear she wasn’t serious.

“Okay, Okay.” Ivy huffed, but the smile made it clear that she wasn’t angry.

Five minutes later, the three of them were seated in the most comfortable chairs Elle had ever sat in. It felt as if it was molded for her body, supporting and nurturing her back and legs. For the first time in weeks, Elle felt relaxed.

Her eyes had just started to close when the door to the suite opened and three people walked inside. The first two were men — one in his early forties, with thick blond hair and large blue eyes, and the other in his mid-fifties. His black hair was sprinkled with grey. The third was a woman with short brown hair, who seemed closer to Elle’s age.

“Hi,” the older man said, his lips curving upward as he shifted his attention between the three women. “I’m Eddie. These are my partners Steven and Kierra.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Ivy stood, holding her robe together as she gestured toward Elle and Helina. “I’m Ivy. This is my sister Elle and our mother Helina.”

“Beautiful names for beautiful ladies,” Eddie cooed. “Now, if you’re ready, we’ll get started with massages.”

Anxiety filled Elle at the thought of being alone with them, the feel of their hands caressing her body. She shivered and tears burned the corners of her eyes.

“Yeah, sure,” Helina said, reaching over and placing her hand on Elle’s elbow, almost in an effort to remind her that she wasn’t alone.

“Great.” Eddie grinned as he walked around them to the massage tables near the windows, adjusting the middle table so that the back was propped up. He turned back to the women, his eyes flickering to Helina and Ivy before landing on Elle. “You’ll get this table, Elle. Ivy, Helina, you can have your pick of the other two. We’ll give you a minute to get settled on the table. Sheets covering you from your chest down. Need anything?”

“Um.” Ivy looked around at them. “I don’t think so.”

“Great.” Eddie followed his partners out of the room, closing the doors behind them.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Helina asked, looking at Elle. “We didn’t think about . . . you know, how you’d feel with people touching you.”

“It’s . . . It’s fine,” Elle lied. “I’ll be okay.”

“Are you sure?” Ivy fretted.


She blew out a heavy breath as she hobbled over to her table, bracing herself against the table as she untied her robe. She could feel her legs trembling as she slid the robe down her arms, laying it across the bottom of the bed before climbing onto the table and covering herself with the sheet. Her hands automatically came to rest on her abdomen.

Helina and Ivy followed her lead, removing their robes and climbing onto their tables with Ivy to her left and Helina on her right. At nineteen weeks, Ivy had just begun to show, her belly appearing tiny compared Elle.

The door to the suite opened once more and Eddie, Steven, and Kierra walked in with Ida right behind them, a tray with orange juice.

Ida placed the tray on the bottom of Elle’s bed, pouring all three glasses. “This is a special blend of the best California oranges, packed with tons of calcium and folic acid.”

She held out one of the glasses to Elle. “Go on. It’s delicious.”

“Um, okay.” Elle bit her lip as she took the glass from her, taking a small sip.

“Well?” Ida asked.

“It’s good.”

“Right?” Ida laughed before handing Helina and Ivy their glasses. “Now, I’ll stop being a nag, and let you get on with your massages.”

“Thanks, Ida,” Steven said, winking at her as she scurried past them.

She giggled as she shut the doors to the suite.

“All right, Elle, how far along are you?” Eddie asked, stepping up to the side of her table.

“Thirty-eight weeks, three days.”

“Do you know if you’re having a boy or girl?” he asked, sliding the sheet off her belly, but keeping the rest of her body covered.

“A girl,” she murmured.

“Ah, a sweet baby girl.” He smiled. “Steven and I have three. Though they aren’t little anymore. Our oldest is almost thirteen.”

“You and Steven?” Elle asked, shifting her eyes from him to the man preparing Ivy for her massage.

The younger man grinned, the balls of his cheeks turning red. “For almost twenty years.”

“Aw, that’s amazing,” Helina gushed. “How old are your other two girls?”

“Ten and seven,” Steven replied.

“Cherish it while you can,” Helina told them, her voice thick and tight. “They grow up fast, and before you realize it, they’re having babies of their own.”

There was an air of regret to her words that Elle hated. She had changed so much over the last couple of years, but in the end, there would always be a part of Elle that worried about her mother’s acceptance of her lifestyle.

“Okay, Elle, I’m start you on your back, and then depending on how you feel, we’ll roll you onto your side. Sound good?”

“Yep,” she replied.

“All right.”

It took Elle a few minutes, but as Eddie began his massage on her stomach, she began to relax. Though, when he fingers grazed the scare beneath her breast, she automatically tensed. No matter how hard she tried to ignore them, they always seem to stand out.

Elle had almost drifted off to sleep when Eddie pulled her sheet back over her belly and then moved so that he was standing at the head of her bed.

“I’m going to lower this just a bit,” he told her before she felt the bed jar and the top half of her body being lowered. “You good, Elle?”

“Mmhmm,” she hummed, keeping her eyes closed.

“Good, good.”

Eddie placed his hands on her shoulders, gently massaging up her neck and down her arms.

BOOK: Forgotten Awakenings (Awakenings #2)
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