Forgotten Lyrics: A Watersong Story (5 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Lyrics: A Watersong Story
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Epilogue: June of This Year

“Aggie, just come back and talk to us,” Thea insisted from behind her, but Aggie refused to turn around and face her sister.

The rocks poked sharply into her feet, but Aggie didn’t mind. Most of Anthemusa Bay was surrounded by soft beaches or docks, but at the south end, the coast was lined with cypress trees and jagged rocks up to the cove at the mouth of the bay.

Her sisters Thea and Penn had taken her out tonight “to talk,” leaving their other sister, Lexi, behind. Penn kept trying to talk her into going out to the cove, but Aggie refused to go any farther. She liked the way the rocks felt underneath her feet as she stood at the edge of the bay, with the water just lapping up to her ankles, making her skin flutter and tingle.

If this was how things had to be, then this was where she wanted it to happen.

Above her, the moon shone brightly, with only a thin black crescent missing from it. The night felt still, almost eerily so, and Aggie tried to relish the moment, cherishing the tranquillity of the water around her, the stars above her, even the scent of the ocean and the trees.

Out in the bay, between where she stood and the cove, she could see the jagged rocks jutting out from the water, marked off by lighted buoys. It was here in this bay she’d swum five years ago, rescuing a boy she was afraid would get her caught.

In fact, none of her sisters had ever found out about her clandestine trip to Capri. She hadn’t met many people, and those she had, she’d tried to make forget her. Still, when the sirens had moved here at Penn’s insistence a few weeks ago, she’d made sure to go by the name Arista, so she couldn’t trigger any memories.

She’d done all these things to keep herself safe, to keep her small treasons hidden. But in the end, it didn’t matter. Penn never found out about her clandestine visit, and here they were anyway.

Penn called to her, and her voice was too sweet, too lyrical.

Every word Penn had spoken to her in the past few months had been dripping with venom. That was how Aggie knew tonight was the night. Penn hadn’t been this nice to her since…well, since before Aggie could even remember anymore.

“I didn’t want to come here, Penn,” Aggie said finally.

“You’ve come this far,” Penn said. “Why not go a little farther?”

Aggie heard the splash of water as Penn walked by, going out deeper until the gentle waves were rolling past her. Then Penn turned to face her, and despite all Penn’s attempts to look sweet and innocent, Aggie could still the wicked glint in her sister’s dark eyes. The moon shimmered on Penn’s long raven hair, reminding Aggie of the way the light reflected on the waves.

“Let’s go for a swim,” Penn said in the same sweet way she had earlier.

“Come on, Aggie,” Thea chimed in, but her huskier tones weren’t able to fully cover up her unease.

Thea walked out into the edge of the water and stood next to Aggie. She tried to give Aggie a reassuring smile, but it faltered just slightly. Besides that, Aggie knew her well enough that she could see the intention in her sister’s eyes.

“I expected this from Penn,” Aggie said, casting a cold gaze on Thea. “But from you? You’ve betrayed me, Thea.”

“I—I…” Thea stammered. “This isn’t my fault.”

“Nothing ever is,” Aggie replied.

“I told you that you needed to stop it and try to get along with her, but you didn’t. You just kept provoking her!” Thea insisted.

“It’s true,” Penn said, and any trace of sweetness had disappeared, although she could never completely lose the velvet edge to her words. “You’ve been a real bitch, Aggie.”

Aggie snapped her head to the side, turning her glare to Penn. “Why? Because I didn’t want to destroy everything around me just because I can? Because I decided I didn’t have to live like that anymore?”

“You will live however I tell you to live, and you’ll like it,” Penn said, a smile twisting up the corners of her full lips.

“You are such a
,” Aggie groaned. “And I am so sick of doing things just because that’s the way you say they should be.”

“And I am so sick of you!” Penn shouted, and her dark eyes shifted into yellow-green, changing their shape slightly. “I’m so sick of all your whining and complaining and all your stupid crap! You are so holier than thou it’s disgusting. You’ve forgotten your place.”

place? I am your
sister, Peisinoe!” Aggie shouted, refusing to be deterred. She’d bitten her tongue so many times before, she was surprised she hadn’t bitten it right off, and she wouldn’t do it anymore. “Or have you forgotten? Have you forgotten everything we were?”

Penn laughed darkly at her old name and began walking through the water toward her, her long strides leaving a rippling wake.

“Arista. Adria. Aglaope.” Penn listed names that Aggie had once gone by. “Aggie, my dear naïve sister. Who gives a crap who we were lifetimes ago? Do you remember who we

Penn stopped right in front of her. She was so close that, to onlookers, it might appear that they were about to kiss, but Penn’s smile was far too vicious for that and her teeth were much too sharp.

“I am not you.” Aggie raised her chin defiantly. “I am not like you, and I never will be. I’m only sorry it took me so long to realize how much of a monster you truly are.”

“Penn, maybe we shouldn’t do this,” Thea said, trying to interrupt. “The moon is almost full.”

“Thea, either help me or shut up and stay out of my way,” Penn snarled.

Penn’s yellow-green eyes were far more animal than human, but they were more soulless than any creature on earth. As Aggie stared into them, refusing to look away or even blink, she knew that Thea was standing beside her, and she hoped that for once—just
time—Thea would do the right thing and stand with her.

But then she heard the sound of the water splashing, and her heart sank. Thea had retreated back onto the land, leaving Aggie alone with Penn, and she knew she wasn’t coming out of this alive.

“If you’re gonna kill me, then just kill me,” Aggie said. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life staring into your dead eyes.”

“As you wish.” Penn smiled wider, revealing more teeth than a beautiful girl like her should have. “But I want you to know that I’m going to enjoy this.”

“I know,” Aggie said. “And I want you to know that I’ll see you in hell.”

Penn laughed, a dark cackling sound, and that was the last thing Aggie ever head. She didn’t want to see her sister coming at her, so she looked up, staring toward the heavens, when Penn attacked her, ripping her life from her.

Aggie fell back into the waves, her blood mixing with the ocean she’d loved so deeply, and her eyes were open, staring up to the moon above. As the life drained from her, she sank beneath the surface and the water filled her empty lungs. For the first time since she was human, Aggie felt at peace.

Also by Amanda Hocking








About the Author


Photo Credit: Mariah Paaverud with Chimera Photography LLC


AMANDA HOCKING is the author of the
New York Times
bestselling Trylle trilogy and six additional self-published novels. She made international headlines by selling more than a million copies of her self-published books, primarily in e-book format. She lives in Minnesota, where she’s at work on the next book in the Watersong series.

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


. Copyright © 2012 by Amanda Hocking. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


Cover design by Lisa Marie Pompilio


Cover photograph by Zak Kendal/Getty Images


ISBN: 978-1-250-03197-6



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