Forgotten Truth (The Forgotten Series Book 1) (18 page)

Read Forgotten Truth (The Forgotten Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Virginia Wine

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Forgotten Truth (The Forgotten Series Book 1)
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“I’ll talk with Nathan. Let’s see if our men are up for it.”

“Yes, this will be epic! Bryer, I miss you girl.”

“Me too! I’m so happy for you!” We say our goodbyes.

Later that night, I get a text from Gen giving me the name of a Dr. George Fields. I didn’t realize the hypnotist would be a M.D., so I Google him and find his website. It has testimonials, videos, and his background. He seems to be legitimate. I can’t wait to bring this up with Nathan. But, for now, work is going to come soon enough, so I head to bed.

Chapter Sixteen




was thinking about you. Call me when you get a break.” I leave Nathan a voicemail, wanting to plan out the weekend. I know he never carries his phone when he’s working. I’m learning his schedule, so he should be completing with his client at the top of the hour. He’ll check it then.

My phone rings and I smile. “Hello.”

“Thinking about me, huh?” I can hear the smile in his voice. “Is it my talented skills in the bedroom or my fantastic ability to know your every want and desire?”

“Wow. Cocky.”

“Confident, babe, confident.”

“I thought we could sideline those magic skills and make some plans.”

“Weekend plans? I’m all yours.”

“Gen’s met someone and wants to double date this weekend. I thought we could do that on Saturday.”

“I like it. Who’s the dude?”

“I don’t know him. His name is Walker and she likes him, so I want to support her.”

“We can do that. What were you two girls planning? God help me.”

“Karaoke bar.” I tease.

“Ah, how about dancing? Girls love that, right?”

“I like that. I know Gen will too. I’ll arrange everything and fill you in tomorrow. Oh, and I’ve been researching doctor’s and have a referral for a hypnotist.”

I’m met with silence.

“I see.” I understand his reaction. “Talk later?

There’s a slight hesitation. “Sounds good babe, bye.”




to the gym by minutes, I won’t have time to warm up on the death machine. I walk into the locker room and put my stuff in the locker, but before I have everything crammed into this small space it slams hard.

“What the hell?” I shout.

And I’m face to face with Camilla, Fucking great. She keeps her hand flat on the locker while she leans over me, which is a little too close for comfort.

“Damn, not you again. What do you want?” I’m thirty seconds away from choking her.

“You know it’s just a matter of time.”

“Uh huh. We need to find you a man.” I snicker, not allowing her bitchiness to affect me.

“That’s rich, since you’re fucking mine.”

“So, that’s a no?”

“You think you’re someone special to him? You’re just one in a long list of women he goes through. Like I said, flavor of the week.” She sneers and steps closer.

“I must be the right flavor, since he’s been sticking around.” I stand my ground. “You need to move on with your life and get the fuck out of mine.”

I vacate the room and leave her stewing.

This time, I brought my lifting gloves because I want to challenge myself with weight. I do that often just to prove my strength is growing. I see Nathan in the office walking out to greet me. I decide I’m going to ignore Camilla’s comment and start fresh.

“Hey, babe. You’re looking pretty serious with those gloves. Do you have something special in mind?” He grins and one dimple appears.

“I do. I want to lift hard today. Are you game?” I pull my gloves on.

“I’m always game for hard.” He winks. “Let’s start with upper body. Follow me.” He walks towards the free weights.

The workout is hard, and I know I’ll feel it tomorrow, but it’s a mental boost too. I wipe the sweat from my forehead while Camilla melts away from my brain. But before she fades, I visualize duct tape over her mouth.

“I’ll take a chocolate banana protein shake, please,” I say to the trainer behind the bar, who winks and starts to make it. Nathan makes his way to the counter, leaning on one elbow close to me. “Mine,” he says to Ryder behind the bar. He looks like a sex god, his shirt stretched to its max, barely holding in his muscles. I can make out his eight-pack as he sits on a stool. He kisses me hard and long. Ryder rolls his eyes.

“If you don’t like it, look away.” He thumps on his chest. I just laugh, looking back and forth at the pissing contest.

“So what’s the plan you two girls came up with for tonight?”

“There a club called The Tunnel. It’s in the city in an old brick building that’s been converted. Have you been there?” I ask him.

“No, but it sounds fun.”

“There are several floors, so if we want to drink and talk we can go upstairs. If we want to dance, we can stay on the main floor.”

“The best of both worlds. Hold you close and move to the music, or sit close and touch you. I’m in. What time should I pick you up?”

“Seven, so we can grab a table. Gen and Walker will meet us there, so we’ll have a few minutes to ourselves.”

“I like the way you think, babe.” He leans over and kisses me again in front of everyone. I was surprised he would announce our relationship here with all his friends and clients, but I was doing a happy dance inside.




find myself standing in my closet trying to figure out what to wear. Why don’t I ever go shopping like most girls? I find a simple halter dress that’s hidden in the back. It’s black and comes to mid-thigh. It’s older, but still has charm. Apparently the sexy little black dress never goes out of style. It’s nothing special, but I feel good in it, and going braless is normally not an option, but it has a built in bra. I’m sure Gen will be in something that glitters and sparkles, and possibly with the price tag still hanging from it. All eyes are always on her anyway. But that’s her. She loves the attention. Not me. So, I match it with some strappy heels and my normal hair and makeup. I take one last glance in the mirror. It’ll do.

As we walk into the club, Nathan whispers in my ear, “I’m not sure I’m going to like all these men drooling over you.” He kisses my cheek, possessively wraps his arm around my waist, and tightens his grip.

“I’m fucking you with my mind right now,” I whisper.

“Jesus, Bryer. I won’t be able to sit now.”

Taking my phone from my purse, I text Gen: We’re here, finding a table.

As we move through a sea of people, Nathan points to a spot against the wall.

I hear a chime.

Tumbleina: Walking in the door now.

Gen’s early. That must be Walker’s thing.

I see her before she sees me. She’s beautiful as always, in a pink dress with sparkles that twinkle in the clubs lights. Her date is as handsome as she described, and I wave them over.

“Gen, you look amazing,” I tell her.

“Bryer. You’re hot as hell,” she says. “When are you going to figure that out?”

“Filter, dial it down, you’re embarrassing me.” I say as we hug, and the boys introduce themselves.

I hold my hand out, but I’m pulled into a hug by Walker. “I’ve heard so much about you. It’s good to finally meet you.” He’s forced to lean in close so I can hear him over the music. I can sense Nathan stiffen over Walker’s familiarity.

“Why don’t Walker and I go to the bar to get us all drinks?” Nathan says.

I nod, but snicker to myself over my caveman not wanting Walker to be left here alone with us.

“So, what do you think?” Gen anxiously asks.

“He’s hot, Gen, and seems very nice and outgoing.”

“He’s so sexy it burns my eyes to look at him.”

The guys return with our drinks. I take a small sip of Nathan’s drink while looking into his eyes. Club Soda once again.

“Someone has to be responsible.” He smiles.

“Who wants to dance?” Gen asks.

“You go ahead. We’ll join you later.” I say.

“Oh, come on, you two. Get out there,” Walker says.

“Well, baby, I guess that means you get to see my moves,” Nathan teases.

Ouch. I’ve witnessed those moves with another woman, and that only brings back bad memories of his arms around Camilla.

“Oh, I would love to watch your moves,” I say. I refuse to think about Camilla again. Not tonight. Not ever.

He removes his leather jacket and he looks like pure sex in his dark tight jeans and simple white t-shirt that hugs every muscle. Even his eight-pack is defined. I reach to touch his chest and run my finger down the length of his abs, only to notice this shirt is almost see-through. God help me. I’m glad he’s mine.

Once we’re on the dance floor, his hands are all over me as he brings me in close. If this is his style of dancing, I’m not going to last long.

“God! You can dance,” I whisper in his ear. I get two full-blown dimples and I wonder if he’s thinking what I am.

“Go to the bathroom and take off your panties,” he says forcefully.

I inhale sharply. “Now?”


“Interesting,” I say, and he follows close behind.

I head into the ladies stall, slip my panties down my legs and tuck them in my handbag

God. I can’t believe I’m doing this.

We are soon back on the floor and he’s rubbing against me, as if a slow song were playing.

“Touch yourself right now.”

I quickly look up into his eyes and see smoldering sex. He’s totally serious. Can I do this? I reach between our bodies, under my dress, and his muscular arms hide us from the world. Then I slide my finger over my clit for a few minutes, and can’t help but groan.

“Are you wet?”

I look up at him as if I’m powerless.

“Mine.” He pulls my hand up and sucks the finger I just had inside of me. “Sweet Jesus.”

Soon his finger is inside of me, pumping in and out. I can’t even find the decency to fear exposure. He has me under his spell.

“Hush,” he says, like I have control. When he adds another finger my legs give out and he has to hold me up. People are dancing very close, but all I feel is my erratic heartbeat and my body about to explode.

“Fuck,” I say against his neck as I come.

He continues until I ride it out, then removes his fingers and licks them. Slowly.

I shudder. “You undo me, Nathan.”

“Back ‘atcha,” he mumbles.

We dance through the next two songs, acting as if he didn’t just finger fuck me in front of a hundred strangers. I’m already perspiring.

“Let’s take a break.” I lean over to Gen and she nods.

We finish our drinks and I’m just cooling down when Nathan looks at me, reaching into his pocket for his phone.

“I have to get this, baby. I might have to go outside. I won’t be long.” He kisses me gently on the lips. As he walks away, I watch as many women’s heads turn. I know I’ll have to cope with that for a long as I’m with him.

“Let’s not let that stop us. I can handle two women at once on the dance floor,” Walker says.

I look at Gen for permission, or a sign that it’s okay.

“You got it, sexy,” Gen says, giving me a big smile. “Let’s see if you can handle the both of us.”

We’re both giggling and dancing around Walker when he takes Gen into his arms, turns her, and starts grinding into her from behind. I suddenly feel like a third wheel and start dancing alone. It’s so crowded, no one even notices.

Although when it’s my turn, Walker also grabs me to put me in the same position. “You’re so fucking hot, Bryer. I’d love to have you for just one night,” he whispers in my ear while grinding into me. I try to pull away when his arms tighten. I’m looking everywhere for Gen when I see Nathan standing at our table, leaning back, his arms crossed and looking like he wants to kill Walker. If I were him, I would feel the same way.

He storms towards us. “Are you trying to get yourself killed, Walker?” Nathan pulls me out of his grasp.

“Fuck! Nathan, we were just dancing,” Walker says.

“Oh is that what they’re calling it now?” Nathan is pissed.

I know the truth. It was more, and I need to find Gen.

Nathan pulls me to the table without a word. “Clayton just called. He has some work information. I invited him to join us, rather than leave you here.” He’s short with me.

“Nathan that was nothing. I know you understand, right?”

He only looks at me after what feels like minutes. “I know it was nothing to you, but it was something to Walker. And it was definitely something to me.” I reach to kiss his cheek, in place of a reply.

I watch for Gen and finally see her with Walker again. They’re dancing together like they never skipped a beat. The song ends and they walk towards us. Once she’s close, I grab her hand.

“Bathroom time. You know we go in pairs.”

Gen laughs and lets me pull her through the maze of people till we reach the ladies room.

What should I say? How will she take it?

I’m washing my hands as she comes out and does the same. She freshens her makeup, and I watch her.


Her eyes move to mine.

“I don’t trust Walker,” is all I can get out.

Her mouth drops open. “What? Why?”

“He’s a player Gen, he made a play for me.”

“He was just being Walker, he wasn’t serious Bryer.” She doesn’t believe me.

“And Nathan is the biggest player I know.”

That hurt.

“I took him seriously”

“Nathan may have been a player, but he isn’t now that we’re together.” I can feel myself get defensive.

“So you changed him?”

The temperature in the room just dropped thirty degrees, and the cold shoulder is unexpected.

“I’m only telling you this so you don’t get hurt.”

“I won’t. I know he’s into me. It just might take a while to get the playboy out of him,” she says.

“Okay.” I don’t know how else to answer her. So I give her a hug, though I’m unsettled about this. I’ll just have to wait to see how it plays out.

When we get back to the table, I find Clayton has joined us and he’s in a deep discussion with Nathan. I notice Clayton’s eyes move over Gen, while never breaking the discussion between Nathan and himself. I laugh quietly to myself at how he slobbers over my best friend.

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