Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8) (33 page)

BOOK: Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8)
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She looked up at the others, dumbstruck. No one knew what to think, but they’d always agreed to a previous Banon’s wishes when it came to picking a new leader. She was qualified to deal with Amelia, but as Banon? And a seer had never been named Banon before. Or someone so young.

Juliska felt the Banon’s grasp weaken and peered back down at him. His eyes begged for her answer.

“Okay,” she nodded. “I will. Only until you return, or peace is restored and someone proper can be found.”

With this peace of mind, the Banon’s eyes rolled up in his head. Dr. Stamm and the Balaton popped back in. He set in to working on the Banon, trying to get him stable.

“He’s unconscious. But breathing. I can’t be certain yet, but my first guess is he’s been poisoned.”

Everyone gasped. Then looked around at each other. Who would do such a thing?

“It will take time to figure out what kind of potion was used.” He looked at Tanzea. “I’d appreciate your assistance on this, Vian Chase.”

“Of course you may have it.”

“Someone order a carriage. His state is too fragile to pop him to the hospital.”

In minutes, the Banon was on his way, Tanzea, the Balaton and the Doctor all screaming toward the hospital to save his life.

This left a stunned Juliska Blackwell, a couple other Viancourt members and Kanda Macawi sitting around the table, in silence trying to catch their breath. Arnon was not in attendance as he was overseeing a special guard at the Fortress’ entrance, to make sure that Amelia or her followers didn’t try anything.

After a few minutes, one of the Court members named Darius Hadrian stood up and addressed Juliska.

“You must be sworn in. Even if it is just in the interim until Banon Havelock returns.”

Her eyes widened.

“Um. Okay.” She did not sound certain.

He smiled kindly at her.

“I have full confidence in the Banon’s decision. You are the right choice in this time of unrest. In the interest of keeping peace, I implore you to accept.”

She looked at the others. They each smiled compassionately and nodded their agreement. So she stood up and nervously took the oath.


“I, Juliska Blackwell, do solemnly promise to uphold the laws and do all within my power to protect our people.”


And just like that, it was done.

Juliska was the Banon of the Svoda.

There was no time for mourning or worry over the Banon’s prognosis.

The Balaton would pursue who had poisoned him.

It was decided that the Banon’s office was no longer safe. And until the Balaton had done a proper investigation, they’d meet elsewhere. Someone suggested the school and it was quickly agreed upon that this would become their temporary quarters.

Juliska had a short amount of time to deal with the Amelia situation developing at the fortress. And put forth an agreement acceptable to everyone… most likely the one they’d just agreed to under Banon Havelock.

And then somehow, in a few short weeks, she would have to find time to give birth and hide her son.




Tanzea Chase uncovered the draped mirror in her basement.

Fazendiin’s face looked back at her, eagerly awaiting her report.


“Done. The Banon passed away this morning. He spent two days in a coma. They suspect he was poisoned, but they’ll never track it farther than that.”


“It does come in handy to be the criminal and the one investigating the crime.”

Fazendiin could not agree more. “And Juliska has been sworn in?”

“Yes. Just as intended.”

“And the baby?”

“Due soon. I am prepared for the birth. And for what comes after.”

“Very good,” he stated, satisfied. “Here we come to it at last.”

“Yes, Master. It’s all in place. On your side as well?”

“Yes, Isabella had her baby a month ago. All went smoothly,” he lied. “A beautiful boy. I named him Colby.”

He’d already tracked the daughter to the orphanage. The same orphanage he’d prompted Tanzea to place Juliska’s son in. Isabella thought her daughter safe… she would soon find out her daughter was dead. Only he would know what happened to her and where she was. The same with Juliska’s son. He’d let others raise them until he needed them. And he was intrigued by her son; curious to see just how powerful he would become.

He had toyed with raising all three, but then there would be too much competition between them. He wanted one devoted son. Plus he needed the other two for equally vital parts of the plan that came later.

“I must go, Master. We have a funeral to plan. A celebration of the Banon’s life,” she spoke sarcastically.

“And then an uprising to inspire…” he finished for her.

“What can say, I am inspirational.”

Fazendiin got a strange look on his face. “Hold on, I’m being summoned.” He vanished only to return a moment later. “Pajak just contacted me. Juliska’s in trouble at home. The baby is coming.”

Tanzea sucked in and threw the drape over the mirror. She had to hurry. She was prepared, but the baby was early. The timeline would have to be readjusted to line up with this development. But she’d let Fazendiin worry about that… she had a baby to deliver.




Juliska lay in her bed, exhausted, exhilarated… and at last, holding her son.

He was so small. A couple weeks early, but healthy. And perfect.

Thick, dark lashes; just like Eddy… she closed her eyes at the memory of his face.

The moment her son had come into the world, he brought with him a rush of clarity. And for a brief minute, forgiveness. With all Eddy had put her through she was saddened that he’d never meet his son, and his son would never meet his father.

The anger and bitterness rolled around just under the surface. It didn’t stay buried long.

But in that moment of awareness and weakness, she named her son Colin, in memory of the man that helped her create such a beautiful boy. Her son would redeem the name.

They were on their own, but she’d do anything to keep him safe.

Dread already knocked at her heart over the fact that she’d have to take him to the orphanage and let him out of her sight. She wondered if she could bring herself to do it.

Tanzea had come to her rescue. Again.

Juliska’s water had broken rather suddenly and without any warning Colin decided he wanted to come out into the world. It all happened quite fast after that. Tanzea put a spell around the house so no one would hear the crying of a baby. It was a temporary solution. She’d give Juliska a few days with the child, to bond, and make sure he was healthy before taking him to the orphanage.

Juliska just stared into her son’s eyes. She had no idea if he could actually see her, but he looked back with a gaze that adored her as much as she already adored him.

For a moment, she was at peace with everything.

As long as she had her son, she could manage everything else.

Even being the Banon of the Svoda.

She was in control, and could make certain the island was safe again, for her son, and all children of the Svoda. It’s all any of them had wanted for all the years she’d been on the island. Peace and safety. A quiet life. She wanted her quiet life back. No more chaos. And anger. Fear or pain. Distrust… doubt.

She’d made some mistakes. Some unforgiveable.

It would take a lifetime to make up for them.

And she’d always hold resentment over what Eddy had done.

But he’d given her this exquisite gift… she wanted to let go of the anger but it would not release its grasp. It lessened though. Healing a little.

There was still one thing standing in the way of her perfectly peaceful future…


Juliska gazed lovingly at her son, knowing just what she had to do.




Amelia and her followers refused to give up the fortress and life on the island was on hold. Juliska was about to make her move, but first, she had a very important job to do. Fazendiin assisted her in getting off the island with her son. It was early morning just before dawn.

Leaving Colin was the most painful thing she’d ever done. But Fazendiin told her he’d check in whenever she could not. And not to worry, he’d be home soon. She left him at the front door of the orphanage wrapped securely in a blanket. She kissed him goodbye with tears in her eyes, promising to visit each night until he was home with her.

She included a note.


Please look after my son. His name is Colin.

I will return for him soon, but I fear for his life and our home is not safe.

As soon as it is, I will return for him.


In Juliska’s mind, she hoped this would only take a few days, at the most a week. Initially she’d hoped two days, but with everything going on with Amelia, she feared delays.

She hid down the block, and flicked her palm; there was a knock at the orphanage door. A minute later, someone answered, saw Colin, looked around, and brought him inside. It crushed her, to let him out of her sight. It felt unnatural and wrong to be separated from him.

But Tanzea was right, this was the safest way to bring him home to live with her, forever. And keep her secret and her son, safe. And give him the most normal life possible, just like her parents had done for her.

She could sacrifice a few days to misery, for a lifetime of security.

Juliska returned to the island to find it in sudden chaos.

It had gotten out to the public that their beloved Banon Havelock’s death was a murder, that he’d been poisoned, and blame spread fast that it was Amelia and her followers. Svoda were threatening to attack the fortress and make Amelia pay for her crimes. The Balaton were barely holding them off. They had a magical barrier keeping them from getting onto the roadway, but it was failing with all the attempts to bring it down. They didn’t want to use force against their own.

Juliska was called upon immediately for assistance.

She had half a mind to just let the Svoda attack and make their own judgement.

Amelia deserved no less.

Instead, she ordered the Balaton to pop her to the scene at once.

Balaton were struggling to block the Svoda from getting onto the roadway leading to the fortress. Amelia and her followers were at the end of that road in a courtyard just outside the fortress, ready to defend themselves.

Juliska had to act fast to avoid a war.

The Svoda broke through the Balaton’s barrier. They raced down the road, eager for revenge.

“Pop me to the end of the road,” Juliska ordered.

The Balaton did so.

She landed in the middle of them all. The Balaton jumped out of the way as a burst of fire ignited out of her, hoisting her into the air above them.

“This will stop!” she shouted to both sides, threatening to strike anyone down that defied her order. Out of sheer shock, everyone did stop. But tempers were reaching a boiling point.

Amelia and Juliska exchanged an icy glare.

“We are innocent of this charge,” Amelia stated wildly. “And we did not kill PanSofia. We are not responsible for their deaths!”

There were shouts of disbelief from the Svoda.

“Silence,” roared Juliska. They went quiet.

Juliska had no idea who poisoned the Banon as no proof had yet been offered one way or another. But blaming it on Amelia would be too easy… and only make her job later that much easier. Instead, she addressed both groups.

“There is no evidence to prove who murdered Banon Havelock. And until proof is given, this conflict
stop.” She turned to the Svoda. “I realize you are in mourning over the loss of our beloved leader. And our island is in peril. But he would never condone this behavior. Now go home. All of you.”

They caved quickly, looking deflated and humiliated.

Juliska turned to Amelia.

have three days.” She eyed everyone in the group severely. “Make your choice wisely. Choose your side wisely. I am done waiting for you to wake up and smell reality. If you really want to war against those you claim no ill will, you will get your wish.
And you will lose.
You think by taking over the fortress you have the upper hand. You do not. Consider yourselves
prisoners. You can have the fortress… if you choose to war against your own people, it will become your graveyard

She turned and strode back toward the island, ordering a twenty-four seven guard in place at the end of the roadway, and the entrance of the fortress, to enforce what she’d just ruled. She even authorized the use of force if anyone tried to escape. If someone wanted to voluntarily leave and rejoin those on the island, they were to be brought before the Viancourt first.

BOOK: Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8)
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