Forsaking All Others (From This Day Forward Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Forsaking All Others (From This Day Forward Book 2)
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I’m mesmerized by my wife. Now that I know she’s carrying my baby, I feel like I notice every detail. When she doesn’t think I’m looking, she pats her abdomen as if she’s reassuring our little one that everything’s okay.

It’s fucking adorable and I have to fight back tears of happiness.

She’s mine forever now.

I packed some chicken salad sandwiches and chips for both of us—my mom actually gave me the idea—and we have a little picnic down on the beach. I checked online to make sure chicken salad was okay for her to eat while pregnant too.

Beth takes a ponytail holder from her wrist and pulls her hair back off of her face, all while laughing at some story I’m telling. She gives me her full attention as if every word I say is important. I wonder if she’s always that focused on me.

After we eat, she kicks off her flip flops and wades out into the surf in her shorts.

“You sure that’s safe?” I call out the warning before realizing my mistake.

She wrinkles her nose, “Why wouldn’t it be safe?”

I laugh in an attempt to cover, “What are you going to wear to dinner if you get your clothes all wet?”


I mentally high-five myself.

She walks back over, the sand turning her feet golden brown. “Is there a place to change into my suit?”

I gesture over to a port-a-potty, “Not really. Aren’t you wearing your suit under your clothes?”

She nods, “Yeah, but I brought a cover up.”

. She’s afraid I’ll see her stomach.

“What if I hold up the blanket and you can just change behind it?”

She bites her lower lip, “Yeah—that would work.”

I clear our lunch stuff away and hold the blanket up. She doesn’t have to know that I peeked once or twice.

I take her purse and our picnic leftovers and lock them in the truck before following her out into the water. I love this time of year. Mike and I spent nearly every weekend here as teens. The beaches aren’t crowded and the water is still warm. The only drawback is that it’s the start of hurricane season.

Out of habit, I scan the sky, checking for developing storms. The clouds have burned off and it’s nothing but blue skies all around.

Beth hits a drop off and disappears under the water. I wade over and quickly pull her back up. She sputters and coughs as I bring her back to shallow water.

“I didn’t see that coming!”

Her cover up is now plastered to her body like a second skin and I can fully appreciate her form. Her breasts are about to spill out of the black bikini top she’s in and I silently give thanks. Her belly is small, but has a definite roundness to it. I would’ve missed it if I hadn’t connected the dots early this morning.

I try to adjust myself discreetly in my suddenly tight swim trunks, but Beth catches my eye and smiles.

Without a word, I take her hand and we wade out until the water is chest deep. I pull her body into mine, her legs wrapping around my waist.

She looks up at me and for the first time in what feels like an eternity, I see it in her eyes.


I place my lips on her forehead, anchoring myself to her, before the current of emotions drags me out to sea.

I lift her up as the waves come rolling in and her hands grip my shoulders tightly.

“You wanna go back to shore?”

Her eyes glisten, “I just want you. Only you.”

My heart plays out a steady beat before she pulls me down to her mouth, one hand looped around my shoulder while the other is tangled in my hair.

I press her body closer to mine, the water lapping around us. Beth lowers her hand and places it on the waistband of my shorts, and I bite back a groan.

The ocean is teeming with bacteria

Where the hell did that thought come from?

I grab her hand, “We can’t—it’s not safe.”

She gives me a panicked look, “Is there a shark?”

I laugh and bring us closer to the shoreline, “No sharks. When I take you, it won’t be in an ocean full of God knows what.”

She lowers herself until her feet touch the sand, the water now only waist deep, “Does this mean you’re finally giving in?”

I laugh, “Yeah, you’ve worn me down.” I look at where the sun is in the sky, “but first—dinner.”

She stands on her tiptoes and nips at my bottom lip with her teeth, “You sure about that?”

Lust has clouded my thoughts and if it weren’t for the baby, I’d probably be giving in right now.

I adjust my shorts before wading to shore, “Yeah…dinner.”



“That was really good,” Beth sleepily whispers against my chest. We’re sitting on the ferry and all I can think about is how fast I can drive to get us back to my mom’s house.

Once I pulled Beth from the ocean and back onto solid ground, we walked along the shoreline until we came to the spot where she took my last name.

I thought I’d have to remind her, but she immediately stopped and looked around. It’s nothing more than a simple wooden arbor that has somehow been able to withstand years of hurricanes. The symbolism isn’t lost on me.

“Here—we got married here, didn’t we?”

“We did.” I cleared my throat as my voice began to waver.

She took a piece of old beach wood and carved our initials in the sand. Once she finished, I took the wood from her and carved “Always” underneath it. She teared up at the
Harry Potter

I never thought anything would top our wedding day, but this—this day spent with her may just surpass it.

We had dinner at
and I’m sure the food was delicious, but I was a little too preoccupied to enjoy it.

I pull her in closer to me and answer, “It was the best, babe.”

I hope she knows I’m not talking about the food.


We pull up outside my mom’s house a little after ten. Beth fell asleep once we left the ferry and hasn’t moved once. I shut the truck off and carry her inside.

She stirs a little when I place her on the bed, but then settles right back into a deep sleep.

She’s not waking up again tonight.

The thought makes me inwardly groan. I’ve been uncomfortable since we stepped out of the ocean, what’s another eight hours or so?

I walk into the en suite bathroom and start the water.

Looks like it’s another cold shower for me.

I’ve just stepped under the freezing showerhead when I feel the curtain move. I open my eyes and there she is.

I blink several times, not entirely convinced I didn’t fall asleep and dream her.

“Can I join you?” Her words are weighted and she grins wickedly at me.

I nod dumbly, all the blood has left my brain at this point.

The cold spray of water hits her body and she sucks in a breath, “C-c-could we warm it up a bit there, David? That’s awful.”

I need a minute to fully take in her body. “I don’t know. I kinda like the effect it has on you, baby.”

Beth crosses her arms over her chest and gives me a stern look. I laugh and turn the handle over to hot, the water instantly warming us both. “Do you make a habit of spying on people in the shower?”

She blushes before dropping her arms away from her body, “I thought we could finish what we started earlier. You look like you’re up for it.”

I follow her gaze down and bite my lip. I want nothing more than to launch myself at her right now, but I need to take it slow.

“C’mere.” I hold out my hand and she obliges. Pregnancy has only enhanced her beauty, making me crave her even more. “Jesus, Beth. Your—” I gesture at her chest, suddenly unable to form a complete sentence.

“Tits?” she supplies helpfully.

I nod slowly, “Fucking amazing, babe.” I lower my mouth to one and she rewards me with a moan that echoes off the shower tiles.

“You taste like the ocean,” I whisper against her skin.

She doesn’t speak, just reaches down and grips me in her hands. When she uses her tongue along the tattoo of her name, all rational thought ceases.

“Mmm…your skin is salty.” She murmurs the words and I damn near come undone.

I twist her hair around my hand and gently pull her mouth back up to mine. My other hand is gripping her hip and my thumb is perfectly aligned with her belly. I lightly skim it up and down and love that she doesn’t try to stop me.

When she sucks my bottom lip into her mouth, I free my hand from her hair and bring it between her legs.

“You’re soaked, babe.”

Her eyes flutter open briefly, “Just for you.”

I growl and use my fingers to bring her right to the edge. Her breathing quickens and I know she’s close. I stop at the last second and pull my fingers from her warm body.

Her eyes fly open, “W-w-why did you s-stop?”

“Say it. Say you’ll call off the divorce…please.” My words surprise me, I don’t beg—but I need to hear it. I want to know this isn’t goodbye for her.

I expect her to argue, but she doesn’t, “I don’t want a divorce. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Please…” Her eyes plead with me to finish what I started.

I kiss her soundly on the mouth, my tongue joining with hers. “I love you, Beth Greene.”

I lower my hand back down and give in to her pleas. Her moans turn to quiet screams and then she goes limp. Before she’s fully recovered, I shut off the shower and lift her into my arms.

The cool air makes the hair on her arms stand up so I lay her gently on the bed and cover her body with mine. I want to take it slow and enjoy every moment, but I’ve waited too long for this.

I push myself into her body and groan at how tight she is. It’s like coming home and my thrusts increase as her nails run down my back.

“David…don’t stop. Don’t stop. I’m close…” Her voice trails off with a cry and she comes undone.

I watch the look on her face thanks to the bathroom light streaming in and follow her over the edge, her name on my lips.

It’s only after I’ve gotten her a towel so that she can dry herself off that I realize I wasn’t gentle with her.

“Are you okay? You feel okay?”

She lays back against the pillows, her eyes closed and a smile on her face, “I’m fantastic, David. How about you?”

I worriedly scan her body, “I’m fine—you don’t hurt anywhere? I didn’t hurt you?”

She laughs, “David, I’m good. Why are you worrying? You know I’m not made of glass.”

I climb into bed next to her, “I got a little carried away.”

She nestles in closer to me, her back to my chest, “I like it when you get carried away. You should do it more often.”

I place my hand on her abdomen and fall asleep almost immediately.

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