Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training (13 page)

BOOK: Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training
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Phillip seemed to take pity on him, finally. He pulled back and lined himself up with Ryan's opening. Slowly he began to push inside, past the outer rings until the tip was sitting 222

snugly inside of Ryan. It burned and was a little painful. Ryan hissed but refused to let him stop.

Phillip paused and looked at him. Ryan smiled shakily up at him.

“Don't take this the wrong way but you're fucking huge,” Ryan said, breathlessly.

Phillip chuckled and kissed the top of Ryan's head. If Ryan hadn't enjoyed it so much he probably would have bitched about it, but as it was Phillip didn't give him time. He began to suck on the flesh at his neck and then slipped back up to Ryan's red, puffy lips. Nothing to bitch about then.

Phillip's mouth went back to Ryan's neck. Ryan moaned and tried to push his hips down but strong powerful hands stopped him and teeth stung as Phillip bit down. Hard.

Ryan gave up even trying to pretend he was in control. He began to wiggle and whine.

Phillip finally pushed in further until he was deep inside of him.


Both men were breathing hard, trying to calm down some before they continued.

“God, you fucking feel so good,” Phillip hissed when Ryan tightened around him. He pulled out and slowly sank back in.

The pain and burn began to melt away. All Ryan wanted was what Phillip had promised him. He threw back his head and cursed. “Are you fucking going to make me beg you to stop?

Or are you just full of hot air?”

Phillip's hazel eyes turned into slits. His grin turned devilish. “I'm not the one with a dick up my ass and will have problems marching tomorrow.” With that said he pulled out and then slammed back in.

Ryan howled. His hands came to rest on strong, muscled shoulders. Neatly trimmed fingernails broke flesh when Phillip started a pace that was sure to leave him not only bruised but walking more than a little funny.


The desk shook under Phillip's thrusts. Papers fell over the sides. A name plate crashed to the floor and Ryan's cries were echoing off the walls.

“You're a fucking loud piece of ass,” Phillip said hotly and slammed his lips into Ryan's.

Ryan would have been offended if he didn't see the wicked, pleased gleam in the other man's eyes.

Phillip angled the thrust and nailed Ryan's prostate over and over, making Ryan leave a red streak of nail marks down Phillip's back. That seemed to spur Phillip even more. This time it was his cries that filled the office.

“You're a fucking loud piece of ass, Grabowski!” Ryan breathed.

“Phillip. Call me Phillip,” the man ordered.


Put like that, Ryan didn't have a choice. “Phillip.” God, he was saying it for real.

“Fuck!” Phillip moaned. His hand went to Ryan's cock and expertly pulled. “Come for me, Ryan.” The pace and strength of his thrust both sped up and became stronger.

Ryan's eyes went wide and then it was all over. The cock slamming into him, the hand on his cock and Phillip saying his name for the first time ever sent him careening over the edge.

He screamed Phillip's name again and came in long spurts all over the other man's hand and on his own stomach.



When Ryan's muscles clamped tight around his cock Phillip knew it was over. He came hard into the condom, chanting Ryan's name like a prayer.

He rode out his orgasm and then slumped down against Ryan's belly. “Holy shit,” he gasped.

Ryan wasn't saying much. He was trying to keep himself from crying like a girl. He had never come that hard before in his life. He was still seeing stars.

Slowly reality came back. Ryan knew this was a one-time deal. The idea of running into this particular man was a laughable notion. Ryan didn't believe in fate or destiny. This was just a really great fuck - one that when he got older, he would think back to, the time with Phillip, and smile happily.

“I think I just broke about fifty Army regulations,” Phillip said huskily.


“That’s okay. It's not breaking the rules when we both enjoyed it,” Ryan said, his voice hoarse.

Phillip chuckled and pulled out. Ryan hissed but didn't move.

“You okay?”

Ryan nodded his head. “Umm, sure. I'm just the latest in desk decorations.”

Phillip laughed at that. “Then I'll take two - one for my desk here and one for home.”

Then it was as if he realized what he had just said and his mouth slammed shut.

“Luckily for you there‘s a ‘buy one, get one free’ special.” Ryan opened his long lashed eyes and looked at Phillip.

“It's cool. I'm not some clingy chick who’s going to go all crazy on you.”


Phillip nodded.

The younger man decided that there was never a better sight in the world than a post-orgasmic Phillip Grabowski.

“Come on.” Phillip helped Ryan get up and then settled their bodies together on the couch. Ryan’s BCGs were over there.

They looked at the clock. It was getting close to the time for the guys to come back.

Phillip looked at Ryan and grinned. Phillip's hands began to travel down and he winked.

“I think we can manage one for the road.” And they proceeded to do just that.


An hour later, Ryan was getting ready to leave. He found his scattered buttons and glared at the Drill Sergeant, who commented on his 'messed up uniform.'

“I wasn't the one who ripped the buttons off.” Ryan defended.

Phillip just sucked his own bottom lip into his mouth and then broke into that heartbreaking grin.

On his way out Phillip called him back. “Ryan, here.” Ryan warmed at the nickname and barely caught what Phillip had thrown at him.

It was a sewing kit.



The next morning Ryan woke slowly. He was wonderfully sore in all the right places. He didn't bother covering up the hickey close to his collar. It felt good to have it there, like a sign to show him that he hadn't dreamed it. He stretched and winced. There was a reason he didn't bottom and he was feeling it now.

“Dude, come on!” Patrick said, poking him. “We gotta get dressed.”

“Patrick?” Ryan asked huskily.

The other man rolled his eyes. “No, I'm a short Drill Sergeant Grabowski.” Patrick laughed when Ryan's eyes popped open.

Kenneth and Brendon came in at that point and kept the conversation light.

Ryan rolled out of the bed and walked gingerly to his wall locker.


“Dude!” Patrick exclaimed. “You alright? I mean you always were bow legged but...damn is there something worse than bowlegged?”

Kenneth watched Ryan for a minute and then declared, “You're walking like you had a two-by-four up your ass.”

Brendon blinked and didn't get right away why everyone burst into laughter.


There was something about marching in front of the view stands that made all of them stand a little taller. Drill Sergeant Grabowski had marched them to the field. He called a cadence that was low and sad. His voice fitted it perfectly.


Onto the field they marched. At the call of 'Eyes Right!' everyone except the one closest to the stands snapped their heads to the right. It was a salute without being a salute. The ceremony seemed to go too fast for Ryan to remember it all that well.

Drill Sergeant Grabowski in his Class A's was a sight to behold. He looked absolutely untouchable, which made Ryan a happy man because he had already touched him.

They stood still for the speeches. Instead of being bored out of his freaking mind by all the buttering up 'they came here as boys and left as men' speech, Ryan actually listened this time. Hell, he thought he had tears forming.

His mind drifted over all of the trials they’d been subjected to since they arrived there.

Brendon and sitting at the Drill Sergeant's table; Ken damn nearly knocking Drill Sergeant King's hat to the ground; Patrick being called ‘Patricia’ by Drill Sergeant Connelly. It was the small shit that Ryan would always remember.


Running with Patrick to make sure he passed his PT test; the look of pride in Drill Sergeant Grabowski's eyes when Brendon gave up his goal of a perfect PT test; the small things that made this whole mess the absolute best of times.

Being called DSL, Freckles, fuck-up and all of the assorted nicknames didn't make him feel any less of a man. Instead they seemed like badges of sorts.

Afterwards they marched back to the barracks. No one was really leaving. Some would go straight to training while others were going home for a week or two. Ryan decided to just head straight to AIT.

“Well. That's that,” Ken said. For the first time he sounded gruff.

Brendon who never was one to hide his feelings was already crying.

Even stoic Patrick was 'leaking'.


“Yeah, I guess so,” Ryan said, taking a deep breath.

“Without sounding like a girl, we have to keep in touch,” Ken said stiffly.

“AKO,” Patrick said.

“Patrick!” A middle aged woman came running up to the man. “God, you were great!”

The other guys just smiled when Patrick rolled his eyes.

“Guys, mom...Mom, Guys.” Patrick introduced them.

“This one has to be Ryan. He has those beautiful green eyes!”

Ryan had to bite his lip not to laugh at that.


“And you must be Brendon. So young. That would make you Ken.” The woman beamed at the other two boys.

Ken snorted, then nodded. “Why Patrick, you didn't have anything to describe me as?”

He batted his eyes at his friend, who flipped him off behind his mother’s back.

“Kenneth,” a gruff voice called.

Ken sighed and straightened his shoulders. “Sir.” Ryan could see relief on Ken's face to see his father not in uniform.

Even Brendon's family had caught up with him.

Ryan was feeling a bit awkward and excused himself. He walked up the barracks steps and realized it was probably the last time he would do it.


“PFC Gracin. You have guests,” King called from the other side of the walk way.

Ryan blinked and turned around. A smile broke across his face.

“Did you really think that Mom and Dad would keep us away?” his brother Josh asked.

Even his baby sister Mackenzie was there.

He ran and hugged both of them. He couldn't believe they came.

“We wanted to get here last night but Mom refused to let Mac get out of school early.

So we left right after school let out.”



Ryan turned suddenly and caught sight of Phillip. His breath caught and he blushed.

The man looked entirely too good in uniform.

“Drill Sergeant Grabowski,” he said respectfully.

“DUDE! That's Grabowski?” Josh blinked. “You didn't mention he was freaking huge...”

“Yeah, and hot!” Mac echoed her brother.

Maybe having his siblings here wasn't such a good idea.

Grabowski just grinned that 'shit-eating grin.’ After seeing the post-orgasmic grin on the taller man, Ryan wasn't sure which one he loved the best.

“Mac, Josh. This is Drill Sergeant Grabowski. Drill Sergeant, these are my siblings.

They're normally locked up but someone left paper clips lying around and they broke out.”


He ducked when Josh tried to hit him.

Phillip’s grin deepened.

Mac was staring at the brown cadre hat on Phillip's head. Ryan bit his lip when his sister reached up “Mac!” Ryan hissed, grabbing her around the middle. “Don't touch.”

“But...Why not?” Oh perfect, she was pouting.

Phillip took a step back and smiled at Mac. “If you touch my hat I may have to be evil to your brother.”

Ryan frowned when Mac actually had to consider it. “Brat.”


“I wanna see the punishments. Did they spank you?” Mac gave her very best ‘I'm innocent’ look.

“Get bent, Mac.” Ryan sighed.


He spent a few hours with his siblings and then waved as they drove off. Patrick and Brendon were waiting back at the barracks. All three had a four AM bus for Fort Knox.

Ken had already taken off with his father, with the promise to keep in touch. Ryan looked up and saw Drill Sergeant Connelly walking toward them.

“Get your stuff together. It's time to go.”


All three took one last look around their barracks room.

“Why am I so sad?” Brendon asked.

“Because no matter how hellish this place was…It was probably the best place we've ever been,” Patrick said quietly.

Ryan nodded. “What's that old quote? It was the best of times and the worst of times.”

They walked quietly out of the room. Ryan was the last one out. With one last look he turned off the lights.

At the bus station Connelly dropped them off. He grinned at them all. Then he surprised the shit out of both Ryan and Brendon by leaning down, whispering into Patrick's ear.

When Patrick turned around he was blushing.



“You did not!”

Both Ryan and Brendon didn't quite know what to say.

“First off, don't dude me, Ryan…you were walking awfully funny this morning for a reason.” He turned to Brendon, who was doing his best impression of a goldfish. “Brendon, don't think about it. You'll just melt your brain.”

The bus pulled up and all three got on. Ryan was kinda bummed that Phillip hadn't come, but he didn't think he would. He looked out the window and sighed.


That’s when he saw him. Phillip was standing in civvies, with a tight, white shirt that proclaimed him a ‘Cav Trooper’ and tight jeans with cowboy boots on. Their eyes met and for a split second Ryan thought about jumping off the bus.

Phillip smiled softly and raised his hand in a mock salute.

Ryan smiled and raised his hand.

That was it. No more. No Less. Basic training was officially over.





Hey bud. I'm over in the suck now. I can't believe it's been over a year already. The unit I'm assigned to are a bunch of jack-offs. I wished they would have had Grabowski as a Drill.

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