Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training (20 page)

BOOK: Fort Lenordwood, Missouri was hot as hell in the spring, and even hotter in the summer which happened to be the time that Jensen Ackles arrived for basic training
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“Ryan, I'm gonna kiss you. If you don't want me to do so in like five seconds you better tell me now.”

Ryan would have to be an idiot not to want Phillip's kiss. He just smiled deeper.

Almost in slow motion Phillip leaned forward, took off his glasses and kissed Ryan tenderly. It was a sharp contrast to their other kisses. This one was slow. It asked for permission. Phillip didn't push his tongue between Ryan's lips; instead he traced them gently. He waited for Ryan to open his mouth. When permission was granted Phillip slipped his tongue into the warm recess of Ryan's mouth, exploring slowly and then drawing away. He smiled at the younger man and kissed his lips again.


“Ryan Ross Gracin. You're totally worth the blue balls you gave me all through BCT.” He smirked at Ryan and drew back. His cell phone rang and he cursed. “If it's Post I'm gonna kill someone,” he growled. “Yeah, Sergeant Grabowski.” He rolled his eyes. “ doubt...yeah can you...yeah I'll be there...Austin? Yeah...I got them. No worries.” He slammed the phone shut.

“So, how do you feel about Austin?”

“Got a couple of dumbasses?” Ryan smirked.

“Oh yeah. They are going to hate me...”

“Oh-oh, does this mean Drill Sergeant Grabowski is getting ready to make an appearance?”


“Nah, it's Phillip who was having a kick ass date, interrupted by a couple of knuckleheads. They wish they’d lucked out with Drill Sergeant Grabowski.” He grinned. “Wanna go with me?”

Ryan smiled. “I guess I should stay behind.”

“I think you should come with me. After I put them to bed, then we'll go dancing.”

Ryan adjusted his specs and laughed. “ about we go get your privates and then we'll see afterwards?”

“You know, I think that's probably the best idea ever.” Phillip leered at Ryan.

“Come on, asshat. Let's go.” Ryan chucked him on the shoulder and Phillip threw down a hundred.


“They are seriously fucked. I didn't get my steak.” His phone rang again and he flipped it open. “Sgt. Grabowski,” he barked. They hadn't even made it out to the truck yet. “What? Shit. Is she okay? Yeah. Alright, fuck. Listen Sandy, I need to call Sgt.

Almonz. Yeah. I'll be there. Just give me a half an hour.” He flipped the phone shut and cursed. “Katie climbed a tree and fell out.” He cursed again.

Ryan looked alarmed. “Is she okay?”

“She broke her arm. I need--”

“Call the platoon Sergeant. Tell him I'll go get the guys in Austin,” Ryan replied easily.


“Don't. Just do it. I'll call Patrick and have him bring my truck over,” Ryan said while he dialed. “Hey Patrick, we have an emergency. I need someone to bring me my 373

truck. We're at the Roadhouse. Yeah. Thanks.” He hung up and smiled at Phillip, who stared at him. “He's bringing my truck. Now call Sgt. Almonz and tell him I'll go get them. I'm not on call tonight. Alexander is, so our guys will be taken care of. And Staff Sergeant Veas won't have to be called. I think his kid has a recital or something.”

Phillip nodded and called the Platoon Sergeant who agreed. “Ryan, you're just….thanks.” Phillip leaned over and kissed Ryan gently. “Call me when you're back on post.”

“Will do.” Ryan said. He waved off Phillip, who got into his truck. As far as first dates went this one kind of sucked, but he was willing to help Phillip out.



Patrick brought his truck and he was off. Once he made it to Austin it was easy to find the police station. It wasn't odd for them to have to go and pick up the errant drunk-assed soldier. He got there and waved to Paul. It was a sad fact that he was on a first name basis with the guy.

“Damn, Sgt. Gracin, want us to give ya a desk?”

“Hell no. Just give me my kids and I'll be out of your hair. Drunk driving?”


“Public intox.”

“Go figure.” Ryan sighed. When two of the newest guys were led out he sighed.

“Not the best ‘hello’, guys,” he told them. He signed the paperwork and led them out to his truck.

Ryan called the platoon Sergeant and let him know they were on their way in.

Thirty minutes from post Phillip called.

“Hey, I can do this, ya know,” Ryan said by way of answering.

“Didn't your momma teach you to say hi? Bad, bad manners, Sgt. Gracin.”

“I'm a bad, rude man.” Ryan grinned. “It was Smith and Welson. They thought it would be fun to drink and then take a walk. Nah, everything is cool; they have a fine to pay but otherwise it's good.”


“Yeah? Do you need me to meet you there?”

“Taken care of. How's Miss Katie?”

“Clean break. Sore but not as bad as it could have been. Sandy says she's sorry for
interrupting our date. She'll make it up by making you the world’s best steak sandwich when
you get back in. She's sticking around for a bit until we know how Katie's medication is going
to affect her.”

Ryan heard a scuffle and then a soft, drawling voice came on the phone.

“Oh my god, don't mind if I call you that right? Anyway, sorry about the
whole interruption. Children are the world’s best cockblocks. .So...I totally owe you a sandwich.

When you’re done, come over to Phillip's. I'm not staying long, just long enough to make sure
Katie doesn't have a bad reaction to her pain meds...and the whole concussion thing...God, I'm
really sorry.”


Ryan blinked and then laughed huskily. “It's cool, I swear. You must be Sandy.”

“Phillip! You didn't say he had a killer voice. He talks about you constantly. Phillip!

You hit me again I'll kick your oversized ass.”

This had to be the weirdest conversation Ryan ever had.

“Anyway I insisted you come over so I can feed you. You have Phillip's address, right?”

He did. Phillip had given it to him on the slip of paper he slipped into his pocket. “Yeah. I'll be over in about an hour.”

“Alright, I'll have them made.”

The woman hung up on him. He smirked at himself and whistled as he drove the two back.


Once back at the Enlisteds’ Barracks he signed them in. “They are under house arrest. No drinking. No partying. And they don't go anywhere without Sgt.

Grabowski's orders.”

The guy nodded and helped them drag the loud mouth asses back into his room.

“PFC Welson, your best bet is to keep your mouth shut. Sgt. Grabowski will talk to you both in the morning.” He warned and left.


Fifteen minutes later he was standing outside Phillip's front door. He didn't even get to knock before the door was thrown open.


A petite brunette grinned widely at him. “You're Ryan. God, you've grown up.

Phillip pointed you out on Graduation Day.” She didn't even pause while she hugged him tight. “Come on. You can help me finish up. Phillip is with Katie. She's not comfortable.”

He couldn't believe how easily Sandy had let him in. Hell, he was feeling like he fell into a rabbit hole.

She led him into the kitchen and pointed toward the fridge. “Get the steak sauce out…and a few beers.”

Ryan did as she ordered and then smiled when Phillip came into the kitchen.

“How did it go?” Phillip asked when he leaned against the counter.

“Not bad. I felt like knocking them out.”



“They pissed me off.”

“Really, how did they piss you off?”

“They interrupted our date.” Ryan grinned.

“Wait, you're not punching me out, right?” Sandy laughed.

As if. Ryan grinned at her. “No way. Phillip's much bigger than me.”

Sandy laughed harder and got out three plates. She placed large steak sandwiches on them and then put them on the table. “I'm really sorry y'all's date got so screwed up.”


“No she's not. She's still carrying a torch for me,” Phillip said as he ripped into his sandwich.

“Please. Phillip, I love you. You know that, but sex and you...” Sandy curled up her nose.

“It's probably because you got girl parts,” Ryan said, grinning.

She laughed and nodded. “I offered to get a fake one. He got all bitchy about it.

I think he was worried about the whole size thing.”


They talked for another hour, with occasional checks on Katie’s condition.

Sandy Grabowski was one of the funniest women Ryan ever met. She told him all about Phillip and much to Phillip's dismay launched into a Halloween story that made Ryan feel for the guy.


“Okay, I think I can load her up and go home. She's acting normal,” Sandy finally declared.

A tall dark-haired girl came out with a bright neon-green cast. She looked pale and drowsy but otherwise she seemed good. “Hey daddy, Love you,” she whispered.

Phillip rose and wrapped his arms around her.

“Katie, I want you to meet Ryan. Hopefully one day when you're not hurt you can hang out with him.”

Ryan waved to the girl who waved shyly back. “ 'ice to meet you, Ryan. G'night daddy.”

“Nice to meet you too, Katie.” Ryan smiled warmly. Phillip had to be the luckiest man on the planet.


Sandy grinned and kissed Ryan's cheek, then repeated it with Phillip. “Alright, call if you need anything. I'm gonna go ahead and take her home.” Phillip helped them to the car, asking twice if Sandy didn't want to stay there and sleep in Katie's room. She begged off and winked at Ryan. “Don't do anything I wouldn't.” The door slipped shut, leaving Ryan and Phillip alone.

“You have the coolest ex,” Ryan said with a smile.

“I do. I really do,” Phillip murmured. “Wanna watch ESPN?”

“Why not?” They carried their beer into Phillip's living room. They both sat down and began to watch 'Sportscenter'.

“There’s talk we're heading back over,” Ryan said.


“Yeah, wouldn't surprise me,” Phillip agreed. “Everyone is gonna have two or three tours in before they get out. Fucking Army. I love it but damn. They have to give us some room to breathe. Too many of us are getting home, just to be sent out again.”

Ryan agreed with that.

“William's heading back for his fourth tour in March.”

“God. You're on your fourth, aren't you?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah.” During their little conversation they moved closer and closer until they were practically on top of each other.

“Ryan...” Phillip warned.

“Uh huh.” They both leaned forward at the same time. Soft chaste kisses were exchanged.


“Everyone I talk to says you had it bad for me in basic...” Ryan breathed against Phillip's lips.

have it bad. You were so fucking sexy. And you had that cute little...God, Ryan I wanted you so badly I was walking around hard half the fucking time.” His mouth trailed hotly from his mouth to his neck.

“I'll tell you a secret,” Ryan whispered. “I thought you were the sexiest thing I had ever seen.” Ryan tilted his head allowing Phillip access to his neck. “I dreamed about you…so many times.”

“I know. You would moan my name in your sleep.” Phillip growled and turned the kiss from chaste sweetness to dirty and hard. His lips slammed over Ryan's and their mouths devoured each other as they both arched closer together. Neither could get enough. Hands tore at each other's clothing.


In Ryan's fog-covered mind this wasn't exactly how he saw the date going. Sure, in his wet dreams they had done this, but this was reality. Phillip seemed to sense Ryan's reluctance. He pulled away jerkily.

“You...God Ryan, how do you always taste so good?” he said breathlessly. They both slipped apart, trying to slow down their raging libidos.

“Good genes,” Ryan said slowly. But then he slipped his hand from his pocket and showed Phillip the breath mints he had started carrying around ever since Phillip sneaked back into his life.

Phillip chuckled and slipped an arm around Ryan, pulling him close.

Ryan had never been a cuddler but he seriously loved being held by Phillip. It was the only time in his life he felt small. “This is kinda nice.”


“Yeah it is. Ryan…” Phillip released him and looked him in the eyes. “I want to…see where this goes...”

Ryan was about to answer when his cell went off. “Shit.” He looked at it and swore again. “I have to answer it. Patrick wouldn't be calling unless it was important.”

He looked at his watch and noticed it was going on 1 am. This had been the most fucked-up date ever. They had been interrupted by everyone and their brother.

Phillip nodded as Ryan answered.


Kenny's off the reservation. We can't find him anywhere.”

Ryan cursed and got up. “I'll be over in twenty minutes.” He closed it and looked at Phillip. “I have to go.”


“What's wrong?”

“Kenny's taken off.”

“I take it he has some problems.”

“Yeah, he's drinking too much...he's not dealing well.”

“Want me to come and help?”

Ryan thought about it for a moment. If anyone knew how to deal with Kenneth it would be Phillip. He didn't know how he knew it but he could feel that deep in his bones. “Please.”

“Let's go. You take your truck I'll meet you over at Mark's. Brendon gonna be there?”


“Yup. See you over there.”


Half an hour later they were all at ‘FUBAR’.

“Apt name, Mark,” Phillip drawled.

“I know. He ran off on Brendon,” Mark said grimly.

“Dude, he decked me and ran off,” Brendon bitched, holding an ice pack to his chin.

“Alright, we know this area. We split up,” Ryan said.


“Brendon, you can take the van we use to drive people home in,” Mark said.

“Hit every bar, every place that even serves booze,” Patrick added.

“Find out of the way places. He's going to think you'll hit the big clubs. He'll want enough leeway that we won't interrupt until it's too late,” Phillip said quietly. “I would even go to Belton.”

“That far away?” Ryan asked.

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