fortuneswheel (17 page)

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Authors: Lisanne Norman

BOOK: fortuneswheel
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* * *


The comm chimed as he was about to leave. With an exclamation of annoyance, Garras went over to his desk and activated the unit.
"Kaid?" he said uncertainly.
"Can you join me in the level thirty-nine viewing lounge in ten minutes? I need you to introduce me to one of your last crew. The female, Mito."
Garras hesitated. "I can't stay, I have an appointment."
"Give me ten minutes, that's all I need." The line went dead.


* * *


Kaid was waiting for him when the elevator doors opened.
"What's so urgent?" he asked.
Kaid took him by the arm, drawing him along the corridor to the lounge. "I want an introduction to Mito. I need you to stay with us for a few minutes, that's all." He flashed a quick grin. "You can join your young lady then."
Garras grunted. "You haven't changed. Even at the guild you always knew everything that went on."
His friend shrugged. "I just keep my ear to the ground."
Garras grunted again. "What's this all about?"
"Later. Just introduce me to Mito," he murmured as they approached her table.
"Mito, can we join you?" asked Garras, stopping opposite her.
She looked up, ears tipping round and backward in surprise. "Captain Garras. Yes, of course. Please, sit down."
"This is Kaid, an old friend of mine. Mito was my communications officer on the
said Garras as they sat.
"Garras told me about your work with the Valtegan computer programs. Very professional. I hear that you're still working on them in Linguistics," said Kaid. "How's it progressing?"
Mito's facial expressions went from annoyed through surprised to delighted. "You heard about my work? Do you know you're the first person I've met since my return that's been interested in what we achieved on Keiss?"
"Communications is one of my fields," said Kaid. "Can I get you a c'shar?" he asked, looking over to the service counter where they sold c'shar and other hot beverages as well as various snacks.
"I'd love one," she said.
"I'm afraid I have to go," he said, standing up. "I'll catch you both later."


* * *


He woke in stages, at first thinking he was dreaming as gentle fingers moved across the heavy muscles of his neck and shoulders. Remembering the utter despair and ache of loneliness inside from the days before, he turned his mind inward again, not wishing to lose this dream.
A feather touch on his thigh made his leg twitch, bringing him nearer to wakefulness again. The sensation continued, moving up toward his hip.
This time he lay still, his mind barely registering his wakefulness as he carefully probed to find out who or what was disturbing his sleep.
he thought incredulously. Then he remembered.
Now fully awake, he continued to feign sleep, eyes open just enough to watch her in the almost dark room. There was a half smile on her face as her hand gently played with the longer fur that coated his belly and groin. No dream then, she was here. The worst was over. Closing his eyes again, he moved restlessly as if still asleep, fetching up lying on his back.
She waited a moment, then sidled closer till they touched, her hand growing bolder as her teeth gently captured his jawline and cheek. She released him laughing, her face looking down at his.
I can feel your pulse,
she sent, her thought almost a purr.
It matches mine.
Kusac opened his eyes, his mouth reaching for hers. The kiss was more Terran now as his tongue touched hers and his hands clasped round her hips, bringing her body down to meet his.
"Is it any wonder?" he growled, nipping her ear with his front teeth. "Your presence is enough, cub," he said, his voice trailing off as they joined again with all the urgency of the night before.
Gradually Carrie became aware of a loud banging on the door.
Ignore it.
She sensed Kusac push the thought aside from their minds.
The knocking continued, its insistence beginning to dominate Carrie's senses and draw her mind away from his.
"Kusac," she said, but he pulled her down against him and began to gently bite at her lips to silence her. He had no intention of being diverted by the door or anything else.
The door,
she sent as he rolled her over on her back, continuing his efforts to reclaim her total attention.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," said Vanna.
Carrie froze, then in a flurry of pale limbs grabbed the cover around herself and disappeared under it.
Kusac lay beside the pile of bedding for a moment then, ears and tail flicking, looked over toward the door.
"Vanna," he said. "Couldn't it have waited?"
"I'm sorry," she said, backing through the partially open door, "I was worried when you didn't answer. I wanted to make sure you were both all right."
"You needn't go now," he said, sitting up. "What do you mean, are we all right?" he asked.
Vanna slid the door shut and approached the bed, stopping at the end of it. "You both look a lot better," she said. "How do you feel?"
Kusac regarded her with puzzlement. "I'm fine, Vanna. Is there any reason why I shouldn't be?"
Putting her medikit on the floor, Vanna walked round to sit beside him, taking hold of his arm.
"Don't you remember what happened last night?" she asked, looking at her wrist unit.
Kusac's glance flicked to the anonymous lump that was Carrie, then back.
"Before that," grinned Vanna, letting him go. "Let me check your eyes, please."
"What's all this about, Vanna? I know I was ill, but surely you're overreacting," he said as she gently checked the color of his eyelids.
"You're fine," she said, getting up and moving round to Carrie's side to make the same checks. "You, too, cub," she said, waiting till a somewhat red-faced Carrie emerged.
"There don't seem to be any lasting effects from your experiences that I can see, but I'd like you to report to my lab tomorrow morning so I can run more extensive tests."
"Vanna!" exclaimed Kusac, exasperated.
She settled on the end of the bed, regarding them both. "You were pretty out of it," she said to Kusac. "I'm not surprised you didn't notice us."
"Notice you?"
"Rhian, Askad, and I brought Carrie to you last night," she said. "Didn't you tell him, Carrie? Perhaps you were too busy to talk much." She grinned again.
"Sounds like all the world and his cousin was here last night minding our business," he muttered.
Carrie flushed again and anchoring the cover round her, climbed out of bed. Reaching for her clothes she beat a hasty retreat to the bathroom.
Still confused, Kusac got out of bed and headed for the drink dispenser.
"Will you join us in a cup of c'shar?" he asked.
"With pleasure," Vanna replied, turning back to look at him. "You'll have to be more gentle with her, Kusac," she said. "Remember, her skin is more fragile than ours and will break easily."
The blank look on his face faded and his tail and ears flicked with acute embarrassment. "I told her you would scold me," he said. "I was too urgent, I know, but I'd waited a long time for her to decide, Vanna."
"I know you did," she said gently as he handed her a drink.
"I wish I'd known sooner what she was afraid of. It's going to take a little time to get used to all the cultural differences between us."
"Knowing wouldn't have helped, Kusac. She was too afraid of what she felt for you and the way the Link amplified it to think coherently until she realized you were dying. We were barely in time as it was. She was so ill she couldn't have come to you even if she'd wanted to. What in Vartra's name possessed you to play games with your lives?"
"The stakes were very high. Without all of her, part of me was already dead," he replied, returning with two more cups. Setting one on the floor, he sat beside her. "I couldn't live with only seeing her every five days, not when our Link bound us so closely even then. I thought the separation hardly seemed to affect her, and because she'd blocked our Link completely, I had no way of finding out. I hoped that as a Terran she would be immune somehow. It seems I was wrong."
"You were," said Vanna. "Both of you came close to dying."
"How close were we?" he asked quietly, avoiding her eyes by looking into the depths of his cup.
"Too damned close, Kusac," she said.
He sensed her sharp fear as she remembered.
"Don't ever frighten me like that again." She reached out and ruffled the longer fur between his ears, making him grin.
"Another place, another time, eh, Vanna?" he said, giving her a sidelong glance.
Vanna smiled. "Come looking for me when she needs to choose a father for her children," she said. "Oh, I know I'm not from the Telepath Clan, but there have been a few wild Talents in our family."
Kusac frowned briefly. He didn't want to think of that. Clan duties lay well ahead in the future for both of them. "How did you know what was happening to us?" he asked, changing the subject.
"Someone was sensible enough to dump your file on my desk yesterday," she said, "and a damned good thing they did, too. Now enough of this," she said brightly, draining her cup. "You've got your first meal to have and quarters to move, and it's already past second mealtime!"
"Why do we have to move quarters?" asked Carrie, emerging from the bathroom with the cover over her arm and a brush in her hand.
Kusac rose and took the brush from her. "I'll do that for you," he said, turning her round.
"Have you forgotten that we had to shoot the lock off the door last night?" reminded Vanna. "Besides, now you're together, you will need larger accommodation."
"Do you mean anyone could have walked in last night..." began Kusac, glancing round as he ran the brush through Carrie's hair.
"If they did, they didn't disturb you, did they? Come on, let's eat."
Kusac shook his head. "I want a quick shower first," he said firmly, handing the brush to Carrie. "There's a cup of c'shar for you," he said to her, catching hold of her long enough to attack her neck and ears. He set her down on her feet again and disappeared into the bathroom.
Embarrassed, Carrie started to spread the cover over the bed— anything to avoid looking at Vanna. Eventually, the other female called her over.
"Your drink will be cold."
Carrie joined Vanna, picking up her drink.
"Vanna," she said hesitantly, "I don't know how to say this, but..."
"I know," she said, patting Carrie's hand. "Next time, just listen to Kusac. He knows what he's talking about."
"He knew the risk he was taking all along. Why didn't he tell me?"
"It would have influenced your choice, you know that. But it's in the past now, you made your decision last night."
Carrie smiled faintly. "I'll still have to face my father in a few days. I'm not going to enjoy that."
"Will there be trouble?" Vanna asked.
"Oh, yes," said Carrie. "I'm his daughter, I won't be allowed to frustrate his plans for me. What I want is irrelevant."
"Wouldn't it be easier to let our people tell him?"
"Yes, but I've got to do it myself," she said firmly.


* * *


Garras was waiting for them when they arrived. Vanna greeted him with a smile and gentle touch to his neck. He put his arm round her shoulders and they followed Kusac and Carrie into the small mess.
The meal over, they were finishing their c'shar when Garras drew Kusac's attention to a male hovering nearby.
"Kusac, I think Myak wants to talk to you," he said.
Kusac looked up. The Commander's adjutant. Frowning, he got to his feet and went over to him.
"Liegen Aldatan," the Sholan said, crossing his forearms over his chest and inclining his head. "I'm Adjutant Myak, assistant to Commander Raguul. There is a call from the Clan Lord, your father. If you would accompany me to the communications office on this level...?"
Kusac nodded. "I'll tell my companions where I'm going."
He returned to the table, ears and tail flicking in annoyance.
"Kusac, why did he salute you?" asked Vanna.
"Later. I have a call to answer." He reached out to touch Carrie's cheek. "I won't be long," he said, his expression softening.
Carrie watched him leave with Myak.
"He's annoyed and distressed at the same time, that's all I can sense," she said. "Who'd be calling him?"
"I don't know," said Garras slowly, "but I can guess. I think you should prepare yourself for the fact that Kusac isn't just a telepath but a high-ranking civilian, never mind his true military rank."
Carrie looked at him in surprise.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm just remembering little things, like that message from his father when the
arrived, and at the courtmartial when the Sub-Commander said that the more serious charge of Challenging an Officer of too superior a grade couldn't fairly be leveled against Guynor. I have a feeling that Kusac is a member of a Clan Leader's family."
"Does that make a difference?"
Vanna frowned slightly, her nose wrinkling.
"It might cause you more problems, but on the other hand, it could make life easier. You'll just have to take it as it comes."
Myak ushered Kusac into the communications office, showing him into a smaller room that had obviously been hurriedly vacated to ensure he could take his call in privacy.
Kusac sat at the table while Myak activated the unit. Mentally, he constructed a barrier deep below his conscious thoughts where he could conduct this conversation without Carrie picking it up, and without his father being able to read him. He was not looking forward to it. Nearly a year had passed since they'd last spoken.
"I'll be waiting outside for you, Liegen," Myak said, bowing before leaving.
The screen began to clear and Kusac's father appeared.
"Kusac, what in all the names of hell have you been doing?" the Clan Lord thundered without preamble.
"Nothing, Father."
"Don't give me nothing! When I can pick up your distress from here on Shola, I know something is wrong! I demand to be told what."
"You might be the most powerful telepath on Shola, Father, but how can you possibly be picking up my mental state from that far away? Surely you're mistaking me for someone else."
"I didn't train you to be a fool, boy," his father growled. "When I started picking you up through your increased Talent, I knew the Gods had blessed you with a Leska, but these last few days have been indescribable, despite the diluting effect of the distances involved! You should know I'm up to my ears in work with this Sholan/Keissian treaty at the moment. I can't afford to be distracted like this. You haven't been foolish enough to try and refuse the Leska bond, have you?"
Kusac closed his eyes briefly. What to do? Tell him now, or let him discover it for himself when they landed on Shola?
"I'm waiting for an answer," came the angry prompt.
He opened his eyes again. "Father, grant me the basic privilege of privacy. You have no right to pick up my emotions and demand an explanation. I'm not a child, nor am I your pupil. All I will tell you for now is that there were... complications, which have now been resolved."
"They had better be," his father grumbled. "I'll grant that everything's quiet now, but I'll thank you to take better care of yourself in the future. I've requested that your military service be curtailed because of your civilian rank. You've spent enough time on this foolish desire of yours to live without the duties or privileges of your position. It wasn't until this incident occurred that I knew where to find you."
"Father, I..."
"Don't interrupt me, Kusac. I know you were seriously injured on Keiss, and I also have my suspicions about the last few days, but enough is enough. It's time for you to resume your duties. You are heir to your mother's Clan, and because your Talent is second only to mine, you are a contender as heir to the leadership of the Clans, and I'm not prepared to let you risk your life any further on this nonsense."
Kusac sat silently. There was nothing much he could say in the face of his father's determination.
"Besides, your mother misses you, as do your sisters," his father said, softening at last. "She and I concur in this matter. You will return home at the earliest opportunity."
"I will be returning, Father," sighed Kusac, ears flicking despite his efforts to stop them. "But I have guild matters to attend to before I can come to the estate."
"The Commander has told me of your orders. Apparently your Leska has abilities that are unusual. Something about her being a healer, too," he said.
Kusac nodded. "Yes, she's a powerful telepath, and an unusual Leska."
"Well and good. See to your duties at the guild first, but visit us as soon as you can. I wish to meet this Leska of yours. Her mind has an unusual flavor to it— in fact, I found her so meshed with you that it was difficult to sense her as an individual. I can't remember coming across so complete a Link before. I presume the complications you mention concern that, so I'll request a report regarding them from your Mentor. If you're having abnormal difficulties concerning your Link, then I should know what they are. I may be able to help."
Even now he has to pry between the lines of my life,
Kusac thought angrily.
When he finds out she's Terran, it'll
get worse.
"I don't need any help, Father. We can deal with it ourselves. I'll contact you from the guild house," he said.
"Very well. By the way, Rala sends her greetings. If you would marry and father children of your own, then some of the weight of being Clan Heir would devolve from your shoulders. It's a matter to think on if you find your rank too restricting. Now you have a Leska, this marriage shouldn't prove the burden you feared."
Kusac closed his eyes again tiredly. Maintaining the block was taking a lot of energy he didn't yet have. "Father, you know I dislike the female. I refuse to talk of marriage at the present. There is plenty of time for such things."
His father sighed. "You're as obstinate as I was at your age. I will see you presently."
"Fare you well, Father," said Kusac as the screen blanked.
Too many duties and too many problems, that had been what had driven him to leave home and enlist in the military as an ordinary telepath. Now it seemed there was no escape from the future that fate had mapped out for him.
Resignedly, he got to his feet and left the office. Myak was waiting outside.
"If you're ready, Liegen, I'll show you and your Leska to your new quarters."
"We've got to pack first," said Kusac as they made their way back to the mess.
"All has been seen to, Liegen," said Myak. "The Commander ordered Personnel to collect the few items belonging to your Leska from Rhian's and Askad's quarters and take them to your new rooms. Yours are already there."
"Why the haste? Where are our quarters?"
"Your present quarters are not secure, Liegen. Your new ones are on the same level, corridor seven."
Kusac headed back to where Vanna and Carrie were still waiting.
"Garras had to leave. He sends his apologies," said Vanna.
"Is something wrong?" asked Carrie, looking up at him.
"I'll tell you later. Adjutant Myak is waiting to take us to our new quarters."

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