Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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Couples and groups of people are everywhere, making it hard for me to go in unnoticed. I practically stumble in, faking a giggle, lightly pushing the door so it shuts looking like it was an accident. Just before the door shuts my eyes scan the crowd and I notice people moving out of the way, a fight breaking out in the middle.

Knowing I don’t have much time I turn around, ready to get this done with but the second my eyes hit the room my whole body turns cold. The bed to the left of me is unmade. I can still picture the blood stains on the sheets that morning. The room smells just like him and I have to gulp back the bile threatening to come up. It’s like being trapped in your own personal, hell of a prison, everything you fear all caged into one room.

A picture on the side of his bed catches my eye and with shaking hands I pick it up, a sob breaking free.

It’s a picture of me and Logan on my fifteenth birthday. We went to an amusement park for the day with a group of friends and Allie. We’ve got our arms wrapped around each other, huge smiles on our faces after coming off one of the biggest rides there. I remember the day so clearly and its times like this that I feel like the Logan I know and the Logan I knew, are two different people.

How can someone who was so funny, so kind and protective be the monster that he is? He not only raped me but so many others. It wasn’t a misunderstanding or a drunken mistake but something he strategised and planned out to last detail. I can’t fathom why he’d do this.

Putting the picture down I straighten my spine, knowing I need to get this done, not just for myself but for all his other victims. All those girls he tricked and manipulated, only to drug them and rape them. Trudging everything up makes me angrier than I was before coming here tonight.

Starting off with his wardrobe, I open it, pulling out some boxes from the bottom shelf, along with random clothing that has just been shoved in. Not finding what I need or what we’re looking for, I move onto the top shelf; again, finding nothing.

His desk isn’t much help either, just school work and shit. I start to worry I was wrong about him hiding anything in that chest or in his room. Maybe he didn’t even bring it when he left home. Frustrated, tears fill my eyes and I clench my fists, fighting the urge to smash his room to smithereens. Just being here for this long is becoming too much for me and I feel dizzy and sick.

Seeing boxes hidden in the alcove in the corner, I rush over, tipping the top box over.

“Eww, gross,’’ I mutter, looking down at the piles of porn magazines.

Kick the box away I move onto the next, opening it up. Inside is more junk than I care to look at. Stacks of porn DVD’s fill the box, it’s disgusting.

“Where are you?’’ I curse, getting angrier by the minute.

Taking another look around the descent size room, I try to think of other hiding places that are big enough to hide the big chest. Then my eyes scan the bed, the one thing I’ve not wanted to look at again and mutter a curse. Hurrying over to the end I lift the blanket, scanning underneath.

I thought once I found the chest I’d be able to relax, feel some sort of relief, but when my eyes find it, I begin to panic more.

What if he walks in? I’m so close for something to go wrong now.

With shaky hands, I slide half of my body underneath the bed, cursing the wig Allie made me put on when it catches on one of the springs. My fingers reach the edge of the chest and I begin to pant harder. Finally having it in my grasp I get out from under the bed, looking at the chest with watery eyes.

The gems are as I remembered and pressing the correct ones in, it clicks open. Nervous tension surrounds me and slowly, so very slowly, I open the lid, my hands shaking. I gasp when I see the chest is filled with everything I need.

I know I predicted that there would be evidence in here, I just never expected for it to be real. I guess a part of me was still holding out hope that this was all some sort of nightmare and I’d wake up from it soon enough. But no! Inside there is a black CD case folder filled with disks. Dates and names are written on them and I flick to the end, my stomach sinking when I see my name, the date I was raped and Logan’s name written on the front with ninety-six points. There are three more disks after mine and I lean over to the side dry heaving, bile spilling to the floor.

“Oh God, oh God,’’ I chant, feeling out of my element. This is bigger than just me. This folder is filled with so many, so many DVD’s and I’m not naive, I know what is going to be on them disks and it makes me sick.

We promised Cole that we would call the police if we found something but knowing how much bigger this is, I don’t want to risk Logan finding me and destroying them before the police gets here.

Quickly, I shove as much as I can out of the chest into my bag. In the middle of pushing the chest back under the bed, the bedroom door slams open. I freeze, my head snapping up, a cold shiver racing across my body.

“I wondered when you’d turn up,’’ he grins smugly.

My whole body locks up.

This is not good. Seriously not good, especially when my phone is buried under all the crap I’ve just stolen from his chest.



Unfreezing, I stand up quickly, making sure my bag slides around my back out of sight. It works because his eyes don’t leave my face, his creepy smirk in place.

“Logan,’’ I greet, trying not to show how scared I am right now because I am, I’m petrified. I feel like the walls are closing in on me and I’m finding it hard to breathe. How could I have let this happen? I was stupid to think I would get away with this without being caught. But the stupid, dreadful feeling I had in my stomach from the second I woke up wouldn’t let me just stay out of the way and let Cole and CJ do what they planned. I just wanted to protect them. Now I may have just fucked everything up.

“Come for round two, baby?’’ he asks, a slight slur to his voice. Hearing him call me baby has my stomach tied up in knots.

I shudder, my face scrunching up in disgust. “There should never have been a first time,’’ I snap, not able to control my anger and it’s going to be my downfall.

He laughs bitterly, throwing his head back and taking a step towards me. I take one back not wanting him anywhere near me, he’s already too close for my liking.

“Now, now, babe, you enjoyed it,’’ he tells me arrogantly and I gag.

“Why? Why did you do this to me? What did I ever do to you to deserve for you to rape me?’’ I shout, feeling fat, angry tears fall from my face. “Why?’’ I scream louder.

“Why?’’ He laughs, taking another step forward. “You really are a dumb bitch aren’t you?’’

I shake my head, not understanding where he’s going with this. I’ve never been anything but a good friend to him. I’ve always made it clear that we were only ever going to be friends.

“Years I put up with you, fucking years. You were always there, in my face, kissing my cheek whenever you had the chance, cuddling me, sitting on my lap, always making sure to keep me on your tight fucking string.’’

“What are you talking about?’’ I ask him, confused more than ever. I kiss most people on the cheek goodbye, I cuddle all my friends, it’s who I am and as for sitting on his lap, he was my friend, I didn’t think he’d care or take it as an invitation to rape me.

He laughs again and I take another step backwards, moving a little to the side when he steps forward.

“You flaunted yourself in front of me for years and expected me to sit back and take it. You threw other lads in my face trying to make me jealous. Well, I had enough. You needed the push,’’ he sneers.

“Are you insane?’’ I ask quietly. “I’ve never, not once, given you any kind of impression I had any feelings for you other than being your friend. If you didn’t like it you should have said something. It doesn’t give you the right to rape someone,’’ I scream at him, my anger building higher and higher by the second.

“All you bitches deserved it. Why should I waste more fucking time on some slut? This way we all get what we want,’’ he tells me. He makes it sound like he was doing us a favour. How can he even remotely think anyone would want this, to be violated, taken against their will?

“You rape girls, Logan. You take them against their will. If they had a chance or a choice, they wouldn’t ever sleep with you. That’s why you did it? Because you knew I’d never sleep with you otherwise. It’s the same with all those other girls. You’re a weak fucking man Logan, one that is going to pay for what he’s done.’’

With wide eyes I watch him transform before me, looking like a wild, angry beast ready to massacre a village of people. It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever witnessed. The veins in his neck and temples pulse and redness spreads across his face and down his neck. Worriedly, I take a step back, finding myself bumping into the edge of his bed.

“You really think you can try and stop me? None of you can stop me. No one will ever believe some cheap slut like you over someone like me. I’m going to be someone, but you, you’ll forever be some cheap skank,’’ he sneers.

Shocked is the only way to describe what I’m feeling right now. “You honestly believe that? The
thing you’ll ever be is a rapist,’’ I tell him, calmer than I feel.

“You fucking asked for it,’’ he grates out.

“No I didn’t,’’ I choke out. “I thought you were my friend. I thought you cared about me, but you’re not who I thought you were. What happened to you Logan? What happened for you to turn into this savage?’’

“This is who I am,’’ he sneers and steps closer.

“I hate you. I fucking hate you,’’ I cry out, not bothering to hide the tears that are falling.

“Yeah? Well, I’m about to fuck you like I hate you,’’ he growls angrily and bends a little at the waist, ready to attack me. I move quickly, jumping onto the bed, struggling to reach the door. “Get back here,’’ he shouts behind me.

Blood curses through my body. My whole body feels like jelly as I try to move as fast as I can to get out of here. I’m off the bed in a split second, my hand reaching out for the door handle. I don’t get far, my fingers barely reaching the door handle before I’m ripped back by my hair. The wig I was wearing falls to the floor and the bun my hair was in falls free, falling into waves across my face.

A piercing scream reaches my ears and it takes me a second to realise that it’s coming from me. A small whimper escapes me knowing that no one will hear me over the music and come to my rescue. I’m on my own.

A hard body pushes me to the ground and a frightened squeak leaves my mouth.

“Get off me,’’ I shout, kicking out with all my strength.

“No, I think you need a reminder of who’s in charge around here,’’ he sneers and bites the inside of my leg. I howl out in pain and start to wiggle, twisting and turning. I end up on my stomach, crawling my way towards the door when he grabs at my ankle. Kicking out again I land a kick to his face and a deafening roar rips from his chest.

I use the distraction to move further away and I’m on my knees when he strikes me again, sending me tumbling, my chin smacking off the floor causing me to bite down on my tongue, blood filling my mouth. Before he can rise above me I grab the closest thing that my hand comes into contact with under the bed and turn over onto my back. I’m shocked to find I’m holding a metal bat. It feels heavy in my hand, making me feel more powerful than I actually feel right now.

With as much force as I can with the little room I have, I swing back, smacking him in the shoulder. It sends him rolling to the side, grunting in pain and with a look of pure rage painted on his face.

On shaky legs, I manage to stand up, backing away from Logan, though, stepping further into the room and away from the exit.

“Move,’’ I demand, holding the bat up above my head. I’m surprised I can hold it with how badly my hands and arms are shaking.

“Put that down,’’ he growls, spitting blood on the carpeted floor.

“You forget, I know what you’re capable of,’’ I spit back, not once looking away from him. I don’t know where I’m finding the strength since seconds ago I felt like my body was ready to give up on me completely.

“You know nothing,’’ he sneers and I choke back on a sob, not recognising the person before me at all. He’s no longer the Logan I knew but someone else entirely. It’s like someone has taken over his body, some pure evil, a demon of sorts. He looks like he’d rip my soul out and sing a nursery rhyme whilst doing it. Just one look from him has put the fear of God into me.

“I know all I need to know,’’ I tell him, my voice beginning to shake at the possibility I’ll actually have to use the bat secured tightly in my hand.

This is bad, so very fucking bad.

“No, you don’t. But I’ll let you in on a secret; I’m goin’ to tear you apart. I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll never let that prick, Cole near you. After I’m done fucking you, I’ll let Jamie have a go, then the rest of my friends. They already know you like it rough. Maybe I’ll fuck your arse this time too,’’ he grins evilly and this time I have to swallow back the bile, leaving an acid taste burning in my mouth.

They say that bad luck comes in threes or good luck, whichever way you want to look at it. I don’t know if you’d call what happened to me bad luck, however, I’m not about to let something else bad happen to me, not without putting up a fight.

I’d been in too much of a shock and too scared when I first woke up and realised what Logan had done to me, this time I’m not. I’m not drugged or weak. I’m stronger. Not because of him or because I’ve had great support around me, but because of myself. I’ve made myself stronger. I know life isn’t rainbows and roses and that it can be dark, grey and cruel. I’ve fought through one of the hardest tragedies a woman can go through and I’ve come out of it still intact. I’ve seen what trusting someone can do to you but I still manage to be able to trust others.

He may have destroyed me but there’s no doubt I’ve slowly put myself back together, stronger than ever.

“What? You got nout to say?’’ he laughs, goading me.

“Yeah, I do. It’s over. I’m never letting you hurt anyone else ever again. I know everything Logan. I know about your little bets with Jamie, your sick games and that you record what you do,’’ I tell him disgustingly, faking the small smirk on my lips. I’m rattled, more than rattled but I’ll be damned if I show him that, I’d rather go down fighting. It helps that the metal bat is still gripped in the palms of my sweaty hands.

An animalistic roar escapes from his throat, his eyes bloodshot, glaring back at me viciously and a sudden soul-shattering chill runs down my spine.

Everything around me fizzles out and it’s like a bomb has gone off inside of me. My arms raise the bat higher, my hands gripping it tighter and before I can congest what I’m about to do, I’m swinging, connecting the bat to the side of Logan’s face, bone crunching.

An ear splitting screech echoes around the room and I lose control, like a band snapping inside me, letting the dark side of me free. I lift the bat again, this time my strength weakening and connect it with his shoulder.

He howls in pain and I don’t blink, I can’t, a sick side of me wants to see him suffer, to have him begging me stop.

“I hate you,’’ I scream. “I fucking hate you!’’

My voice is shrilled, high and I don’t stop raising the bat, this time hitting him close to his groin. I’m crying, my sobs a tad higher than my screams. Blinding light hits my face and I look up through wet tears to find Cole and CJ looking at me with wide, fearful eyes. I’m unsure whether it’s because of my safety or because of what I’ve done.

The second my eyes meet Cole’s my body slumps, the bat slipping from my fingers, falling to the floor and before I know it, my knees are hitting the soft carpet next to Logan’s unconscious body.

Strong arms wrap around me and I sob into Cole’s warm, familiar chest, feeling ashamed about my outburst, for what I’ve done. What I don’t feel is guilt. I’m glad he gets to suffer some sort of pain and if that makes me an evil person then so be it. I can live with that.

“It’s okay, Low. It’s over,’’ he whispers against my hair. I move away from him, looking up into his stormy blue eyes and whimper. He has a few red marks on his cheek and jaw along with a split lip. I reach out cooping his face and the contact snaps the band that snapped inside me, back together.

“What have I done?’’ I whisper, my eyes wide with fear. I turn to look at Logan who is still lying unconscious and if it wasn’t for the fact his chest was rising and falling I’d believe he was dead.

“What you needed to do to survive,’’ he tells me, softly, already making me feel stronger once again.

“He... he kept DVD’s of what he did,’’ I stumble out, and pull my bag strap from around my neck and shakily empty the content over the floor, pointing at the folder.

CJ steps in, an angry bruise already swelling below his right eye and I want to ask what happened but I don’t want to risk forgetting to tell them something. If I change the subject now, I have a feeling I’ll never get any of this out.

“Sick motherfucker, pass me that bat,’’ CJ demands and a high pitched giggle tumbles from my lips. I slap a hand over my mouth but it’s too late, both CJ and Cole look at me like I’m crazy and maybe I am but after everything that has happened, no one could really blame me.

“It’s over,’’ I laugh. “It’s really over,’’ I repeat, laughing so hard it turns into another sob, one that causes a horrendous pain in my chest. Cole pulls me into his chest, holding me tight until a few police offers and a couple of paramedics enter the room. He stands me up and leads me out of the room, not before showing, who I presume is his uncle, where the evidence is. I also notice the police officer who took my statement looking through the stuff I left in the chest and on the floor, a disgusted look on her face.

“Holy crap, are you okay?’’ Allie gasps when we step into the front room. The room is practically empty, only a few people lingering and that’s probably because they live here. I also notice Jamie being handcuffed outside. His face is busted up and he’s not wearing a shirt.

His eyes meet mine through the doorway and a sinister sneer reaches his face when he looks at me.

“I’m going to fucking kill you, you bitch. I’ll fucking kill you,’’ he roars through the door and I whimper, my body feeling too drained to move, to fight.

“No before some black bloke called Tiny makes you his bitch and kills you, you fucking prick,’’ CJ shouts back and an officer close by gives him a warning look. “I’m done. I’m done. I had some soap jokes ready so you’re lucky,’’ he winks at her. She mutters something under her breath before moving over to one of the people sitting in the corner, all of whom look shocked and appalled over everything they’re hearing around them.

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