Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One (22 page)

Read Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One Online

Authors: Yana Guleva

Tags: #vampire, #love, #paranormal romance, #free, #series, #powers, #werewolf and vampire

BOOK: Found (The Last Watcher Series) Book One
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Stop. Stop with the
what if
bullshit. There
is none of that because it didn’t happen Tae. I did all this for
you and Kierce. I did it so I wouldn’t have to lose you guys
either. It was enough that I lost my own brother without even..
getting to know him.” My defense turned into nothing now and Tae

I know Amabel. I know.” He
said to me as he leaned to hold me. He meant it. “Everything will
be okay. I understand why you did it. Everything will be okay

I hope so.” I told him with
my last tear finally escaping my eyes.

The small house was now filled with more
noise. I looked over to see what the commotion was about and
noticed Kierce. He must be so upset deep down about the people he
knew. I was really hoping it was no one he cared about, but I
wasn’t about to open the connection and find out. I enjoyed being
free of others’ emotions.

So Am, why love the
hunter?” Awan said with laughter behind it. They really thought it
was funny.

For one, don’t call me Am
please! And I love him not because he’s a hunter but the person he
is.” I answered him with a smile. I looked over at Kierce and he
wasn’t as happy as they were. I didn’t know if it was because I was
too close to Tae or because of their remark.

This isn’t fucking funny.
Not my fault I’m a damn hunter.” He spoke back fiercely and left
into the other room.

Jeesh, why so hostile.” Len
said as he turned to me. “So.. are we welcome here for

Make yourselves at home.
Well.. what they’re left of it.” I said looking around. It was
completely trashed with them being in here for the last hour. “But
I think you already have.” I added laughing. I honestly didn’t
care. “I get the bed though!”

Well of course the lady
gets the bed. What do you think we are? Rude?” Dakota said laughing
and got back to talking to his brothers. I looked back at Tae, and
gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

I love you.” Tae whispered
in my ear real quick. With that, I knew everything was going to be
okay. I felt the warmth from him and I felt the love.

I love you too.” I told
him, and got up to go get comfortable for bed.

Chapter Sixteen – Family


The next morning I woke up with one thing on
my mind. I knew what today would bring. I knew what I had to do. I
got out of bed and searched through the draws of my dresser to find
the only device that communicated me with the rest of the world. I
then dialed the number I haven’t looked at in so long. It was the
one person I loved the most yet knew so little about now. All the
trust I had for her was gone a long time ago. My mother.

Amabel, honey. Is that
you?” My mother’s voice broke with tears. “Oh Amabel. I have been
trying to call you but the call wouldn’t go through. I thought
something happened to you.” She told me. I had turned off the phone
a long time ago so I would not be tempted to call her at the wrong
time. I stayed silent for a little while. She hasn’t know about my
brother finding, or that he is now gone. She didn’t know

Mother, can you do me a
favor.” I finally asked. I was preparing her for the


Yes, what is it? Is
everything okay though?” She asked again. Nothing was okay right
now, but she didn’t have to know it all.

No, not everything. Can you
call Zayley though and tell her to get ready. I want you to pick
her up and bring her with you.”

Bring her with me where? Am
I going to see you?”

Yes. We have a funeral to

A.. funeral? Oh gosh, honey
what happened. Who is it?”

Your son.” I told her. Her
voice on the other line was silent now. She didn’t speak for a few
minutes. All that I was hearing was her breath. The breath of a
mother that just found out her son was dead. The breath of a mother
that just realized I knew about him as well. I could picture her
face, so beautiful yet filled with agony. I could picture her tears
rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably without trying to make any


Yes. My

Oh Amabel. Oh how could
this be.”

We have a lot to talk
about. For now though, please call Zayley. When the sun is about to
go down, drive up to the lake. After that, walk towards the
glaciers, right through the woods. You’ll see us.” As angry as I
was with my mother, I knew losing a son wasn’t easy for

..Okay. I will do that.
What should I tell Zayley?”

Tell her she won’t
understand but to trust you.” I told my mother. I knew Zayley
thought I moved away somewhere fast, or just fell off the face of
the earth. In a way, I felt like that was the case.

..and Amabel. I’m sorry I
didn’t tell you.” She knew. She knew exactly what we had to talk
about after.

Well it doesn’t matter now,
he’s gone. I’ll see you later on today.” I said and hung up the
phone before my mother had a chance to start a

I got dressed for my day, and it wasn’t
anything different. Although we’d make our own funeral today,
wearing black didn’t make the feelings any more painful. I never
actually understood why people wore black at funerals. In my mind,
it was a certain dress code to mourn their death not celebrate
their lives. Being happy for them moving onto a different life
should be filled with excitement, not blackness. I also knew James
wouldn’t want us to be that way. He would want us around a campfire
talking about certain moments we had with him. That’s what I was
planning to do. I was planning to share all the glory he had, well,
what I knew anyways.

Can I come in?” Tae asked,
knocking at the door.


How’d you

Fine I guess. Could you
please.. do me a favor?”


Could you please.. set up
my brother’s funeral? I mean, I know it’s short notice, but I was
planning on having it today when the sun sets. I called my mother
telling her to meet us. Also, I think it’s time I had a talk with
her, plus some explanation to Zayley.”

It’s not short notice. I
will have everything ready. Some of the guys will help

Thank you.. so much Tae.
For everything.” I looked him in the eyes, and felt the rush of
feelings from him. I had a temptation to kiss him, but I also
wasn’t sure if those were mine or his.

You don’t have to thank
me.” He told me, and I quickly walked away before anything could
happen. Today I wanted my mind free of emotions. I didn’t want to
feel Kierce’s or Tae’s. I wanted to feel everything that was mine,
not theirs. With that, I closed any possible connection I had with
them. Surely I wasn’t good at it but with deep concentration,
closing it was much easier than opening it.

Tae talked to the guys on planning the
funeral for James and they looked more than happy to help. Tae
looked at me one last time, and was out of the house. The only ones
who stayed back was Len and Awan. I loved the lycans more than I
thought. They felt like family to me and I felt as if it would be
completely wrong if they ever had to leave.

Awan was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
Out of all the guys he was the youngest, yes, but also the best
cook. That’s probably why he got left behind. Len, on the other
hand, was left behind to watch over me. Everyone knew the effect my
brother’s death had on me. No one wanted me to make any another
dumb decisions.

So.. what do you want to
do?” Len asked me. I didn’t realize how long I must have been
standing in the living room. He clearly noticed something was
running through my mind.

Want to go outside and
enjoy the fresh air?” I asked him.

Sounds good chick. Let’s
go.” He answered. Len acted a lot like my brother and in a way, I
wanted to consider him as one. We walked outside and sat down on
the seats we had around the campfire we never used. “What’s going
through you mind?” He asked me.

To tell you the truth, more
than I can handle.”

You know you can talk to
me.” I knew he was right. He was the only one that wouldn’t judge
me or tell me I’m wrong. He would even understand why I made the
decision of surrendering to Luthius. That would be a subject for
another day though.

Well... before I knew I had
the ability to feel what others are feeling, I met Kierce. I felt
everything he did but didn’t understand why. The same goes for Tae.
I feel as if… their feelings towards me.. are mixed with

I understand. So have you
tried turning off the connection between you and them?”

Yes, I did that earlier.
Maybe if I get some time away from them my heart will know who to

Choosing isn’t your main
problem right now Amabel. They would understand if you just stepped
back for a while. You know.. organize your thoughts, as well as
your feelings. It would do some good…. The main thing right now is
getting Luthius off your back. He must be sick of getting stuck in
that mansion. He wants to travel and well.. kill.” The last word
sent shivers down my back. I hated Luthius for that, and any hunter
that thought that way. How could they take someone’s life with no
remorse? It was ridiculous in my mind. Everything was.

I know. That’s what I’m
worried about the most. The wedding got broken up, and not only
Argem is furious, but so are the rest of them. Samuele is more
involved now. He’s in town and I have no idea what he’s capable of.
He’s.. different from the rest. He’s capable of things you or I
could never imagine.”

That may be so, but Samuele
also doesn’t want to kill you. There’s something about you Amabel..
something different as well. He knows that.”

So why did Luthius kept
sending those damn staggers? If I was so special, why would he kill
me without Samuele’s okay?”

See.. you don’t know if
Luthius actually sent those staggers to kill you. He might have
just sent them to kill everyone you know. Therefore, you would have
no choice but to go to him. He knows you’re helpless and lost
without your loved ones. And no I don’t mean that you
us to survive, but
that you’re selfless, and can’t possibly live without the ones you
love. It would tear you apart.” Len was right. He was right about

How do you know me so

I don’t know. I just..

I guess that makes sense.”
I told him laughing. “So, what if they attack
this time.”

He won’t hurt you!” A voice
behind us said.

Hell no. he won’t even put
a finger on you!” Another voice said. “We’ll tear that fucker
apart.” He added laughing. It was the guys. They were back from
setting up the funeral. I enjoyed them being around so much.
Everything felt lighter and safer.

Ha ha. Tell that to Luthius
and his staggers.” I answered back. “So if everything all

Yeah for the most part. Tae
and Kierce stayed back though. They said they were adding one last
touch.” Dakota answered me. “So if breakfast ready? I’m starving!”
He added, looking at the house.

Go check. Awan is quick, so
probably.” Len answered him. With that, the crew went into the
house ready to eat everything in sight.

You can go ahead.” I told
Len. “I’ll be in shortly.”

Okay, but hurry up. They
won’t leave left overs.” Len told me laughing and got up to join
the rest of his brothers.

I sat few a few minutes with
complete emptiness in my mind. The view of early spring was
beautiful. Even though there wasn’t much sun with the tall trees
being so close together, it still managed to glimpse in. The
sunlight shone on the leaves that were coming out. I could hear the
birds chirping and building nests all around me. I loved nature and
the way it took its course. It truly
a stunning thing.

My mind soon after was back with worried
thoughts. I had to figure out how to settle everything with
Samuele. Maybe then, Luthius would leave me alone as well. Of
course, I couldn’t think of anything. There was always the move to
just give myself in and try to convince Len and his brothers not to
attack. That also meant Kierce and Tae would be completely torn
apart. I would feel Kierce’s pain the worst. He’s be there while I
was with Argem. He would watch me being with his brother and
wouldn’t be able to do a thing. Thinking about it, Argem would be
the one to change me, not even Kierce. I would hope there wouldn’t
be any connection between me and Argem after that though. It would
make everything so much worse.

Breakfast has passed and so has lunch. No one
really bothered me while I sat out here, but each one of their eyes
kept an eye on me through the windows. I was very grateful for
them, even though I hated being the center of attention. I have
always been used to my old town. There were too many people to have
anyone focus on me. I could die and they wouldn’t have known until
someone on some social media said something. This town wasn’t the
same though. Everyone knew each other and as the last watcher, the
non-humans knew me too. All attention was on me in every way.

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