Four Play (17 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks,Shayla Black

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Anthologies

BOOK: Four Play
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“Ride me, Zoe. Take me inside while Tate fucks your ass.”
Brody’s guttural words hit her like a blowtorch. She reached down, fumbling clumsily with his cock. In the end, he had to help her by grasping the base and guiding her hips down with his other hand.
She closed over him, wet and hot, sucking him deep. They both groaned.
He grasped her hips with both hands, his fingers digging into her skin. He lifted and then pulled her back down, pushing to her very depths.
The bed shook under Tate’s weight as he got up behind her. It took some maneuvering. They were clumsy and desperate and frantic to complete the act.
Brody finally twisted and brought her with him so his legs dangled over the side of the bed. Tate got down and got between Brody’s legs, tucked his cock to her ass, and began to push.
Oh God, he was hard and big and she was tight. Too tight.
“I need some KY,” Tate bit out. “You’re too small this way. I don’t want to hurt you.”
He retreated, and she heard his steps lead away from the bed. Brody arched into her again, and she closed her eyes, throwing back her head as his hands left her hips to cup her breasts.
“Do you have any idea how many times I’ve fantasized about having you on top of me?”
“Do you know how many times I’ve imagined you under me?” she whispered.
She leaned forward, spreading her hands over his chest. She bent to kiss him, devoured his mouth. She was hungry and insatiable. She wanted him.
“God, Zoe, slow down, honey. I’m never going to last.”
She smiled, wicked, flashing her teeth as she sat up, going still over him. She reached for his hands and pulled them to her breasts, molding them over the sensitive mounds.
Tate’s hands spread over her back, smoothing up her skin, eliciting a deep shudder. She closed her eyes and arched back into him, wanting, needing his touch.
“Lean forward, baby. Let me get you ready.”
She bent and as his fingers found her, sliding the lubricant over her opening, she crushed her lips to Brody’s, taking his gasp of pleasure deep inside her, filling her.
He slipped in a finger and then two, stroking and easing her passage. Then he retreated and his cock nudged impatiently at her ass.
She went tense and Brody’s hands gripped her shoulders.
“Easy, honey. Be still a moment and let him in. Let him do the work.”
Her opening stretched around his persistent intrusion. The head slipped in and she gasped into Brody’s mouth at the intense, stretching sensation. Tate halted and she whimpered her protest. She wanted him. Inside her. Now. Any way he had to do it.
Tate’s hands gripped her hips. Brody held her shoulders. Then Tate pushed. Hard.
She cried out. She wiggled and squirmed and four hands held her down. Brody leaned up to kiss her and murmured soothing words that blew over her ears, but she was too hyped to hear what he said.
Every muscle in her body trembled as she fought the overwhelming sensation of both their cocks so deep in her body. They hadn’t moved. They just waited for her to adjust.
Slowly their hands began to move over her, petting and caressing, soothing her ragged nerves. Then Tate pulled slowly out, his cock dragging over her stretched opening with excruciating pressure.
He was nearly out, and her body started to close around his retreat. He thrust forward again, opening her wide. She went crazy and began to buck between them. Brody cursed. Tate muttered something unintelligible and then they both began to pump into her body with ruthless precision.
She hadn’t a prayer of holding off her orgasm. It lit up her insides like fire to dry kindling. She exploded around them, shaking spasmodically. It rolled and continued to roll, tightening her womb, tightening around their cocks, demanding their release.
Hot liquid spilled into her ass and pussy. With each thrust, more pumped into her, until she was slick around their cocks and the tension eased. They moved quicker and smoother now, continuing to thrust through their orgasm.
No longer able to keep herself up, she sagged against Brody and felt Tate come with her, his chest pressed against her back. Sandwiched between them, she felt their bodies tremble and quake.
Brody cupped her jaw and lifted until their lips met in a breathless embrace. He and Tate were both still wedged tight in her body. Warm fluid leaked from her ass and her pussy. She lay there, relishing the feel of both of them in her, around her, their skin against hers, their strength surrounding her.
Finally Tate eased off her and withdrew. Brody put his arms around her, cupped her ass, and then rolled her underneath him. His hips lifted and he slipped from the clasp of her body.
He pressed one last, breathless kiss to her lips before moving off her.
“We made a mess,” he murmured. “Let me grab a clean sheet, okay?”
She lay there, waiting for them to return. Tate came back a moment later with a warm washcloth and tenderly wiped the semen from between her legs and from the back of her thighs.
When Brody returned, Tate scooped her off the bed and held her up close to his chest while Brody stripped the sheet and hastily threw the other one back on. When he was done, Tate laid her back on the bed, and she immediately cuddled into Brody’s embrace.
The bed dipped on the other side as Tate climbed up beside her. He spooned up behind her and kissed her shoulder.
“All better?” he murmured.
She smiled. “Yeah, I’m not scared anymore.”
Brody chuckled and tucked her head underneath his chin. “Get some rest. You’ve had a long night.”
Zoe woke all tangled up with Brody and Tate. She faced Tate but
was spooned against Brody. He had one arm and a leg thrown possessively over her body. Tate slept with one hand cupping her naked breast.
She closed her eyes again as a sick feeling washed over her. Last night had been magic. She’d been caught up in the moment, and she’d let things go too far.
Chase had been at work. Chase hadn’t been here. He hadn’t been watching, and he damn sure hadn’t known what was going on.
And he’d be home shortly.
In agony over how to face him with this, she carefully pried herself away from Brody’s grasp. He mumbled something in his sleep but turned over, and soon his soft, even breathing filled the room again.
She scrambled from the bed, picked her clothing up off the floor, and hurried across the house to her room. Hers and Chase’s room.
How was she going to tell him? There were no secrets between them, and there damn sure weren’t any lies. She detested lying and so did Chase. This wasn’t something she’d ever hide, but what the hell would it do to the friendship the four of them shared?
She dressed and sat on the edge of the bed. A glance at the clock told her Chase would be here any minute. She buried her face in her hands. If only . . .
She couldn’t even bring herself to regret it.
She flinched when she heard footsteps in the hallway. Chase.
“Zoe? Baby, what’s wrong?”
His concern made her flinch all the more. She raised her head to look at him. He looked tired and disheveled, like he hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before. She closed her eyes again. How could she tell him? How could she
tell him?
“Zoe, talk to me,” Chase demanded as he came over to the bed.
He sat down and pulled her into his arms, but she went stiff as a board.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” she said quietly.
Chase loosened his hold and pulled away. His gaze was worried and seeking. He opened his mouth, closed it, and then looked away for a moment.
Finally he turned back to her and reached for her, tucking away a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Whatever it is, just tell me, baby.”
“Last night . . . last night I broke down on my way home from work. It was dark, cold and raining. It happened out on Old Bridge Road—”
“Why didn’t you call me?” he demanded.
She held up her hand to stop him. “Just listen, Chase. I knew you were at work, so I called Brody and Tate. They came out to get me. I was soaked and cold. They took me home and made me some soup. We were sitting on the couch and ...”
Her voice trailed off. She swallowed nervously but kept her eyes on him. She owed him the unvarnished truth. She wouldn’t be a coward.
“And?” he prompted.
“I had sex with Brody and Tate.”
He kept staring at her as if he expected her to continue, like there was something else to add. She remained silent.
“That’s it?” His features relaxed, and relief spread into his eyes. Relief? Her brow furrowed in confusion.
“I slept with them both, Chase. You weren’t here. It shouldn’t have happened.”
He blew out a long breath and then, to her further amazement, he smiled. The smile grew larger, and then he yanked her into his arms, crushing her against his chest.
“For God’s sake, you scared the shit out of me.”
She struggled to loosen his hold on her, and she pulled away, staring at him in astonishment. “Is that all you have to say?”
He chuckled softly and touched her cheek. “Tell me you haven’t tortured yourself the entire night over this.”
“No,” she mumbled. “Only when I woke up this morning.”
He sighed. “Did you expect me to be angry? Feel betrayed?”
“Well, yeah. I guess.”
She was truly bewildered by his reaction. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected. Anger? Disappointment?
He took her hands in his and rubbed his thumbs over her wrists. “I’m not any of those things, Zoe. If I were, I’d be a flaming hypocrite. I opened that door, not you. I’m the one who asked them to participate in your fantasy.”
“Let me finish.”
She shut up and waited for him to continue.
“I guess if it had been someone else, some random guy you decided to hook up with, then yeah, I’d be pissed. Brody and Tate are different. They live here with us. They’re friends. Good friends. They care a lot about you, and I know you care a lot about them. I thought about what might happen if I opened the door to them having sex with you. I had a lot of thoughts. Things might get awkward. Or things might go really well. I even considered the possibility that one or both of them would have sex with you away from me.”
“That didn’t bother you?” she asked.
He seemed to consider it a moment, and then he shook his head. “I can’t explain it. The thought didn’t bother me. Don’t get me wrong, if it had been someone else, then yeah, I get pissed even thinking about it. I know we didn’t talk about this. Maybe we should have, but I figured things would evolve or not evolve and we’d take it as it came. But if you’re wondering if I feel threatened or jealous because you had sex with them, the answer is no. I don’t see the difference whether I involve them in a fantasy and they have sex with you, or they have sex with you outside that fantasy. The result is the same.”
She bit her bottom lip. “I didn’t feel bad about the night with Dillon because it was a decision we made together. And it didn’t mean anything. But this . . .”
“It meant something,” she said softly. “And you weren’t involved. I feel like I cheated on you, and you have to know Chase, I love you. I’d never do anything to purposely hurt you.”
He leaned in and kissed her. “I love you too, baby.”
“But Chase, it meant something,” she persisted. “It was different than it was with Dillon. With him it was hot sex. Playful and fun. I loved teasing you and the idea that you were watching. Last night . . . last night I just wanted to be with them. You weren’t here and I wanted to make love with them.”
“If I had to guess, I’d say it meant something to them too,” Chase said quietly. “You have to know how much they care about you, Zoe. And if you reach down, I think you’ll see how much you care about them too. Loving me doesn’t preclude you loving other people. It’s just a different kind of love.”
“How the hell did you get so philosophical?” she blurted.
He smiled. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about it.”
She closed her eyes. “So what do I do? I can’t pretend it didn’t happen, but I don’t want it to fuck things up either.”
“Just see how it goes,” he said. “It doesn’t change things between us. I love you. You love me. Whatever happens, we’ll face it together, okay?”
She went into his arms and circled her arms around his waist. His heart thudded reassuringly against her ear, and she sighed.
“How can you be so perfect? It must be damn exhausting.”
He shook against her cheek as he laughed. “As long as you think I’m perfect, that’s all that counts.”
She picked up her head again and kissed his jaw. “You need a shave. Rough shift?”
He sighed. “Yeah. You?”
She nodded. “I didn’t get out until past two.”
“Damn, and you broke down on the way home. That sucks.”
“Yeah, Tate and Brody said they’d take my car to the shop today.”
“Where are they, speaking of?”
“I left them in bed,” she said lamely.
She nodded.
Chase burst out laughing. “I’ll have to go wake them up. Would be worth it to see their expressions when they figure out they’re in bed together.”
“Maybe that’s not such a good idea,” she hedged.
If she felt as guilty as she did, would they feel the same way?
Chase squeezed her hand. “The best way to handle this is to go on, business as usual. I don’t want you beating yourself up over something that in the end I’m responsible for. If it weren’t for me, they would have never had sex with you in the first place.”
“And if it happens again?” she asked softly.
“Are you asking my permission?”
Slowly she shook her head.

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