Four Play (8 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks,Shayla Black

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Anthologies

BOOK: Four Play
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Mesmerized, he watched as Tate leaned over her, put his hand down to guide his cock to her pussy, and then rammed his hips forward. Zoe bowed up under the force of his assault, her back coming off the bed. Her breasts thrust outward, and the silhouette of her perfect body made him want to go over and put his mouth around her nipples while his friends went at her from both ends.
Later. Later, he promised himself. He’d incorporate his part of the fantasy where he fucked her mouth while one of them fucked her from behind. He’d come down her throat while her body shook and swayed from the force of Brody or Tate’s thrusts.
Hell, maybe they could both take her at the same time. One could fuck her ass while the other took her pussy. And he’d have her mouth.
His groin tightened painfully. The bulge in his jeans was becoming unbearable, but he felt a little weird about pulling his dick out when he wasn’t an active participant.
Brody pulled away, then motioned for Tate. Tate backed off the bed, leaving Zoe deflated. She sagged downward, and Chase could see her chest heaving as she sucked in her breaths. The two men switched positions. Tate tore off his condom and Brody rolled one on.
Tate cupped the side of Zoe’s face and then leaned in, no finesse, no warning. His cock slid inside, and Chase could see her throat work to accommodate him. Holy fuck but it was hot to see her stretched out like that.
Brody got onto the bed and hauled her legs over his arms. He doubled back her knees and then thrust into her. Zoe gave a strangled cry from around Tate’s cock. For a moment, his friends seemed unsure. Tate withdrew, giving her a chance to breathe while Brody shot Chase a quick look.
Chase merely nodded for them to continue. It was what Zoe wanted, and she could call a halt at any time. And the truth was, Chase was enthralled with the spectacle before him.
Still, Brody gentled his movements. He leaned over Zoe and began moving slower, his big body covering hers as Tate continued to fuck her mouth.
The slim beautiful woman lying bound on the bed as two much larger men made use of her body evoked powerful lust within Chase. He was riveted to the undulating bodies, and he didn’t miss the enjoyment his friends took from the experience.
Tate touched the side of her face in a tender gesture that belied the strength of his thrusts. His face was drawn in intense pleasure, but there was also satisfaction, as if he were finally obtaining the one thing he’d wanted most.
Brody’s hands skimmed up and down Zoe’s sides and then to her breasts, where he thumbed her nipples. Then he leaned down and took one of them in his mouth. The same thing Chase ached to do. Zoe had fantastic breasts. They were a source of endless fascination to him, and it was one of the two spots on her body guaranteed to drive her wild.
Predictably she arched up, and her entire body went rigid as Brody sucked strongly at one and then the other.
Chase grinned. He’d give her five seconds tops before she orgasmed.
Zoe’s entire body tightened as soon as Brody’s lips surrounded her nipple. She gasped and convulsed, then arched up, straining for more. Her legs shook, her thighs spasmed, and her orgasm caught fire in her womb.
“Whoa,” Brody murmured as he pulled away from one breast. “I’m guessing you like that.”
An inarticulate sound tore from her throat even as Tate plunged forward, cutting her off.
For one horrible moment, she thought Brody wasn’t going to touch her breasts again and she’d be left teetering on the edge of explosion.
Then he powered his hips forward, sending his huge cock into her depths just as he sucked her other nipple between his teeth and nipped.
It set off a chain reaction so fierce that she lost awareness of anything other than the intense fire blowing over her. She bucked wildly. The action tightened her mouth around Tate’s cock, and she sucked hard as Brody stoked the fires even higher.
“Oh Jesus,” Tate groaned.
Tate gripped her face between his hands, held her firmly in place, and began fucking her hard and fast. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t process. She couldn’t think. All she could do was lie there and allow them to do as they wanted.
Tate began coming, the hot spurts exploding into her mouth and hitting the back of her throat. His thumbs dug into the side of her face, and she heard the hiss of pleasure tear from his lips.
Brody leaned farther over her now, and her hands were trapped between their bodies. She turned her hands as much as she could, wanting to touch him. Feel the hardness of his chest and the muscles ripple underneath her fingertips.
How long she had known this man, admired his body, but she’d never touched. Not intimately. Until now.
Tate stilled against her, allowing the last of his release to leak into her mouth. Then he pulled away, his cock smearing fluid on her cheek. He leaned down until she could see his eyes so close to hers, and he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Just as when Chase had touched her a short time ago, she was buoyed by Tate’s reassurance. Even amid the full-on assault they’d launched, this reminder of their regard for her was something she needed.
As he moved away, she lifted her head so she could see Brody. The fierceness in his eyes, the wild spark that smoldered back at her sent a wave of satisfaction through her. There was no doubt she was enjoying the deepest, darkest parts of her fantasy come to life, but here was proof that she wasn’t the only one.
Their gazes connected, and she was powerless to look away. His body rocked against her, and still he didn’t drop his gaze. His jaw clenched and his lips tightened and she felt him, so hard and powerful tunneling into her body.
Finally, as if the strain were too much to bear, he closed his eyes, threw back his head. An agonized sound escaped those tightly held lips, and then he dropped his head and slowly lowered himself to her body.
He lay there, his chest heaving, her bound hands trapped tightly between them. His heartbeat thumped against her breasts, and his back rose with the sharp breaths he drew in.
She closed her eyes as exhaustion settled over her. She was sore—deliciously so. Her jaw ached, her hands were numb, and she wasn’t sure she could even feel her legs. She let her head fall back and lay there, Brody sprawled on top of her, as they both attempted to recover from the night’s events.
Zoe stood in the shower, eyes closed and head turned up into the
spray as hot water cascaded over her body. It had taken her more than a few moments to collect herself and drag herself off the bed and into the bathroom after Chase had given her the terse order to “clean up.”
He and the others had left the bedroom, and her mind was still too fuzzed to imagine what they were planning next.
She was ridiculously loose and limber, so much so that it took all her concentration to stand and wash the tender parts of her body. Each brush of the washcloth brought back memories of how
touched her.
Her clit still tingled. It was swollen and excruciatingly sensitive. Her breasts were heavy, and her nipples seemed to be in a permanently erect state.
Even amid her fatigue, anticipation whispered a seductive promise. There was more. She wanted more. She wanted to be pushed to her limits and beyond.
She stepped from the shower, wrapped in a towel, and she quickly combed through her wet hair. After looking through the drawers, she found an old hair dryer that to her surprise worked.
A few minutes later, clean, hair dried, she walked nervously into the bedroom, still clutching the towel around her breasts.
Chase had been clear. Take a shower and then meet them in the living room. And she wasn’t to wear a single thing.
God, it was one thing to have had power taken from her, to have had her clothing stripped from her body by others, but it was quite another to walk of her own accord—naked—into the living room where Chase and her best friends waited. Best friends that had just fucked her six ways to Sunday.
She sat on the edge of the bed and attempted to collect her scattered wits. Okay, she was being ridiculous. After all, she’d dragged both Brody and Tate to a strip club where they saw her take it off in front of the entire fire crew. Walking out naked in front of them was nothing. Right?
Only this time they were going to lay claim to her. She didn’t have Chase to hide behind. For all she knew Chase would be content to watch from the sidelines while his friends got down and dirty with her.
Ohhh but that image made her shiver with excitement. She liked having sex while Chase watched. Loved the sensation of his eyes burning over her body, watching in satisfaction as another man took what was his.
They’d acted on a lot of their fantasies in the past, but this was a new chapter in their relationship. It displayed a boldness she loved. Never had they gone beyond the confines of their personal intimacy. And as she sat here examining her feelings on the subject, all she could think was that she was
Taking a deep breath, she rose and let the towel fall to the floor.
She hesitated at the entrance to the living room, her gaze seeking the occupants before she took another step forward. The guys were sprawled on the couches watching television. It looked very much like days off at their own house. Only she wasn’t normally about to walk in naked and tempt them to do their worst.
Tate looked up and saw her first. He froze and stared unabashedly up and down her body, his eyes lingering first at her pussy and then her breasts. Then he simply crooked his finger in a clear come-here motion.
Brody and Chase turned when she took a step forward. She had the instant urge to cover up everything her hands and arms would cover up, but given that they’d just spent the last hour touching all those places, her urge was pretty damn silly.
She’d always been proud of her body, and she damn sure hadn’t minded flaunting it in the strip club. No reason to become a shrinking violet now. If Chase had any inkling of the ridiculous thoughts floating through her head, he’d laugh his fool head off at the absurdity.
When she reached Tate, she was surprised by his directness. Maybe her fantasy brought out the latent caveman in all of them. He was by far the most easygoing of the group, and she had trouble picturing him as this blunt, forceful man who’d ravaged her body.
He loosened his fly with one hand and reached up with his other to jerk her down to her knees. She landed between his knees and braced her hands on either side of them. His hand left her long enough to pull his jeans down around his hips, and she stared at his cock lying at an angle over his thigh.
He was by no means fully erect, but he wasn’t flaccid either. This was the first chance she’d had to really study the beauty of his body, the size of his cock and his muscled thighs. She imagined stroking every inch of his flesh, cupping him and guiding him to her mouth. Would he want her to seduce him, or did he prefer the control?
She had her answer when he fisted his cock, stroked up and down as it lengthened and grew more rigid. He cupped his other hand behind her neck and pulled her roughly toward him.
As her mouth closed over the tip, she inhaled his scent and savored it. Forgotten for the moment was the fact that Chase and Brody watched. She was caught up in her fascination with Tate. Lovable, loyal Tate. Who would have ever thought she’d have him in her mouth, his strong hand cupped around her neck so that she was powerless to do anything but obey his silent commands.
She was more focused now. She’d had time to adjust to the idea of being fucked by three different men. Now she wanted to enjoy the sensation instead of just having it thrust on her. So she took her time, lavishing attention on Tate’s cock, working with her hands and her mouth as she sucked him to full erection.
She heard a noise behind her, but she paid no attention until firm hands grasped her ass and a cock nudged at her pussy. She tried to turn, but Tate grasped her jaw and held her firmly in place.
The question of who was quickly answered when Brody pushed into her from behind. He had her in one hard thrust, his cock wedged so tight she couldn’t move. She felt deliciously pinned between two gorgeous cocks. If she could purr, she most assuredly would at this point.
She pushed back against Brody, wanting all he could give. He in turn thrust into her, pushing her against Tate’s cock so that it lodged at the back of her throat.
When Brody pulled out, she made a sound of disappointment that was quickly quelled when he ran a finger over the seam of her ass. She caught her breath. Was he going to fuck her ass?
He was big. Bigger than Chase. Chase had fucked her ass plenty of times, but she’d never taken anything bigger than Chase, and Chase had a difficult enough time getting in.
She twitched when the cool slide of liquid spilled down the cleft of her ass. Brody caught it with his fingers and smeared over her opening, up and down and then pushing inside.
Her body fought even his finger, but he persisted, pushing against her until finally she surrendered and took the tip.
“That’s it, Zoe,” Brody murmured. “Let me in. I’m going to fuck that ass and fuck it hard. It will be a hell of a lot easier if you’re ready for me.”
The implication was that he’d fuck her whether she was prepared or not. A decadent thrill washed over her at the thought of Brody forcing his way into her resisting body. Oh yeah. Nice. It obviously didn’t pay to be too accommodating. She’d stop that nonsense right now.
She clamped down and pulled away, causing his finger to slide out of her ass. He let out a growl of reprimand, and she smiled around Tate’s dick. When he tried to ease his finger back in, she clamped down once more and flinched away.
“Zoe, goddamn it.”
Then, as if realizing her game, he gripped both hips and held her in place. He slid his cock up and down the cleft of her ass, spreading the lubricant, but then he stopped at her tight little hole and pushed. Hard.

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