Four (Their Dead Lives,1) (50 page)

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“Yes.” He paced around Alec. “Now I know you have the strength. The power. Find it, friend, and rise.”

“Kale,” he choked again. “I’m not what you think I am. I hurt and I’m in pain. I’m dying.”

“You’re not.”

“Let me see her once, please.”

I wish things were different.
“You’re the hero this world needs, Alec. And I’m the push you require.”

A muddy mix of drool and dirt hung from Alec’s mouth. “You’re insane.”

“Maybe.” Kale crouched by his side, running his stub gently over Alec’s arm. Alec flinched with disgust and pushed him away. “I’m trying to help you.”

“You want me dead.”

Kale bit his lip, staring off at the dark surface. “No. I want you to accept your path.”

“To be a hero?”

With a nod, Kale said, “Whatever you want to call it. But she holds you back, man, and she always has.”

“She makes life worth living.”

Kale stood, impatient. “Rise already.”

“I can’t feel anything. You beat me numb.” He rolled on his back, coughing.

“You’re being a baby.”

Alec pushed his upper body off the ground with his shaking arms. His chin hung down to his chest. “What happened to you, Kale?”

“It came for me.”

“And did what? Turn you? You can fight it.”

“I can’t.”
Sometimes I think I’m stronger. Sometimes I feel I can overcome it. But it consumes me, gives me warmth, gives me purpose. Now I wait for its command.
“The Eradicator of Life claims you.”

“The what? Jesus, Kale, listen to yourself. This isn’t a game.”

“I know that!” Kale slammed his foot at Alec’s face, sending his head flying to the side and on the dirt.

Alec grabbed his broken nose, whimpering. Blood gushed down his lips. He crawled closer to the cliff. But Kale snagged his ankles and dragged him farther from the edge. Alec clawed at the dirt, trying to slow down. His body bumped over a rock.

Kale dropped him and flipped him over. His face bled more, wobbling on his weak and bruised neck.

Alec’s voice cracked. “What do you want?”

“I want you to rise, Alec. You survived that day at the well. Jeff survived the submarine and the zombie attack. Scot survived the stabbing during the egging. You all rise. You all are set to do great things. Marvelous things.” He crouched over him. “So rise, motherfucker.”

And if he does rise, maybe I can help. Maybe we can fight this evil together.

Or maybe I’ll kill.

Alec lay there a minute. The sun began its rise, a sliver of orange wanting to break free across the sky.
Don’t think of it as a sign of hope
Hope died with me.

Teeth clenched, Alec pressed his hands to the dirt, and his back shook as he lifted. He wobbled around, but finally stood, swaying with no strength on his feet. He stumbled toward Kale, who caught him. “I’m up.” Blood oozed down his nose, over his lips, off his chin. “P-please take me to Nicole.”

“No.” Kale let go and circled around him. “We have to talk.”

A painful groan dripped bloodily from Alec’s mouth. “What?”

“This Eradicator, it came to our world, it turns the living into its Embracers of Death. It turns the dead into its decayed army. It wants this world for its own, rid of the human race. But Alec, we can fight it together.”

“You’re a murdering psycho, Kale. You don’t want to save anyone.”

“I do!”
I do.
“But it possesses me!”

Alec’s trembling hands ran over his ripped shirt, soaking blood. “So now what?”

“I want you to run. Get as far from me as you can. Find Jeff. Hey, even find that pathetic piece-of-shit Scot. And do what you guys were born to do.

Alec stepped into Kale’s circling path. “You tell me where Nicole is first.”

“Damn, Alec! I’m sparing you and you ask for her.”

Alec placed a hand on Kale’s shoulder. A light touch. “I admit, I’ve never given you a fair chance. But she is my world. And without her, I have nothing.”

Kale shrugged his hand off. “Don’t get cute with me.”

“Listen. I know you think we’re meant for more. I can see why, but that’s all false. Us sticking together, with the ones we care about, and surviving this mess, that’s the only truth left. It’s not too late for you.” He tried to grab Kale but he shrugged away again. “Hey, let’s get Nicole, go back to the clinic, and all live together.”

Kale grinned. “Happily ever after?”

Alec even smiled. “As four.”

The whisper lashed through Kale’s skull.
“He lies to you, boy. He’s using you to get her.”

“He’s not,” said Kale.

Alec raised a bloodied brow. “Huh?”

“Kill him now. You don’t need me. Let your envy, your frustration, and your hatred guide you. Destroy him. You wanted their power, always wondered why you weren’t in that well. But you now have their gift. Use it.”

“I, I can’t kill him.”

Alec stepped closer, peering at Kale. “Who the hell are you talking to?”

“He never cared about you and he never will.”

Kale grabbed his own skull. “Get out of my head!” Twirling around, waving his stub, he bumped Alec. “Run! Get out of here! It’s coming back!” The darkness flooded through him. The bone-dagger unleashed. And as Kale transformed, Alec made an escape.

He should’ve charged me off the cliff. He should’ve ended my reign of death and suffering that will be forever me.

Like dark lightning, Kale flashed to Alec’s side, running faster with his new powers.
He could have been a hero.
Alec slammed into dirt from Kale’s spinning attack. He crawled and kicked at the ground, back facing the cliff.
We all could’ve been heroes.
Kale grabbed Alec’s head as he tried to rise, and shot a knee at his neck.

Alec rolled over, grabbing and choking. He reached for Kale. “Please, don’t do this. I’ll do whatever you want, tell me where she is, tell me she’s safe, and I’ll do anything.”


“Yes, please.”

Kale cocked his head. “You’re pathetic. Both you and Scot. You were given a gift that went to waste. All for what, some pussy? At least simple-minded Homer tried to make something of himself, even if he did abandon me. And you know what, Alec? You don’t deserve any power. I do!” With a ferocious anger, Kale yanked Alec off the ground and flung him a good ten yards away from the cliff. Alec tumbled, rolled, and sprawled in the dirt. But he did try to rise.

They should have embraced me.

Alec knelt. “I’m sorry, Kale. Fuck, I’m so sorry. I tried. I really did. Fighting fires, fighting for Brian, damn it, I tried. I’m nothing.”

Begging now, pathetic.
Kale ran his fingers across Alec’s cheek, then teased his flesh with the bone-dagger. And Alec just knelt quietly, waiting for his death. “Fuck,” his lips trembled, “just let me see her one last time. Please, Kale.”

“God! Blah, blah, blah! There you go again.
. It’s always her. Some stupid, weak, girl with big tits. All the while, so much good, man, so much you could’ve done. And I sat by, watching you waste it all
for her
.” He slapped Alec hard in the face. “Now rise and fight me.”

Alec’s legs shook but he stood, struggling at Kale’s side. “You’ll never understand,” he said.

“Oh? Understand what?”

Alec stood straight, fists clenched. “My love for her is stronger than any power you can ever have. So you know what, Kale?” A muddy gob of saliva flew from his mouth and stuck to the Embracer’s shirt. “Go fuck yourself.” And he struck.

In a single swift motion, Kale ducked, impaling the bone-dagger through Alec’s stomach. Warm blood spilled on his face. A quick lunge at Alec’s chest sent him back to the ground.

Alec pushed off the dirt, one hand blocking the leaking wound. “Kale!” He charged and the Embracer dodged nimbly out of the way.

Alec tumbled, rolling over his back, chest, back, chest, back. Kale flashed over as he tried to rise. Hovering above his face, Kale gave him a quick slap. “Get up. Use your power.

Blood bubbled from Alec’s throat. “I, I can’t.”

“Then, I’m sorry.” Kale knelt, touching Alec’s chest. His eyes were sad. “Goodbye, friend.”

The Embracer’s brush painted red across the canvas of Alec’s flesh. Its victim’s eyes widened. Lips broke. Gurgles. Alec grabbed the slit in his neck, his legs kicking, quickly drowning in his own blood.

Kale’s grin formed as he realized the Eradicator had no control over him. He had wanted this death. He’d needed it.

Red froth bubbled over Alec’s trembling lips. His bloody fingers grazed Kale’s cheek. Regret filled his eyes. And as Kale salivated over every last pain Alec felt, he finally realized his destiny.

All shall die by my hand.

episode five



She snapped the strings on Oderly’s guitar, Moonjava.

The old hippy had the bad habit of occasionally breaking into song, oblivious to the world dying around them. So Sadie, in order to keep the two of them safe, broke the strings on his guitar.

After the attack on the restaurant Neptune’s Retreat, the two of them had escaped and fled to a nearby beach. Most of the zombies had gone for Kelsey, Scot, and the others, leaving a safer path for Sadie and Oderly. But she was still pissed.
I call the darkness down on them for leaving me with this smelly singing hippy.

On the beach, Oderly sulked next to her. “My poor Moonjava.”

“Do you want them to almost eat us again?”

Oderly lowered his head, his hair a curly red and grey cloud. “It’s such a terrible place to live now.”

“Darkness. Accept it, Choderly.”

“I like lighter stuff. Such as marshmallows, ice cream, fairies and blueberries and whipped cream. Oh! And how I love rainbow sprinkles. Don’t you?”

Sadie stopped dead in the sand. Waves crashed at her side.
, she wondered how her friend was doing.

Mere hours had passed since the attack on the restaurant, but it felt like ages, and—

“Sadie, Sadie, Sadie—” He would not stop. “Sadie.”


Oderly stretched out his hand to get her attention. “Rainbow sprinkles, do you like ‘em?”

May the Dark Dragon burn him down.
But she deeply inhaled and breathed. “Sure, sure.” She grabbed his wrist. “Let’s keep moving.”

They found an alcove on the beach to rest. Warm sand slipped beneath her toes until they walked on heated, soothing pebbles. The alcove provided shade from the striking sun. Oderly had complained numerous times that he’d burn without protective sunshine jelly.
Who the hell calls it that?

She pressed her back against the soft alcove. Some shriveled roots hung above her.

“I miss Moonjava’s strings. Why did you hurt her?”

“Those zombies follow noise, Odes.”

“Oy, I’m a dumb dumb.”

Exasperated beyond toleration, Sadie thought,
I hope you’re better off, Kelsey.

Night would fall soon, and with it, a prayer to her Dark Dragon.
It saved me at the restaurant, no way I survived that invasion without Its protection.

“Sadie,” Odes voice spoke softly, “what are you thinking about?”

She leaned over her knees, seated on pebbles. Shade inched farther over the alcove. “I’m thinking we are quite lucky.”

“I think so, too. At least I think I do.”

Thank the Dark Dragon, Oderly, and thank him true.

As the day fell darker, the waves of the ocean grew louder. She hoped the sound would soothe her to sleep. But for an hour she stayed awake, her eyes wide and listening.


She curled on the pebbles, back against Oderly. He snored, of course, because the man possessed every annoying trait that existed. She wondered about his age. What he did before all this. If he had any family. A wife. A partner. An animal—

The thought sickened her. She just wanted her own bed. She wanted Kelsey and Nicole, and, she thought of Jeff. Her head on his broad chest seemed like a slice of paradise. But she was on her own, always had been when she really thought about it.

Such a peculiar man. He curled around his mutilated guitar, chopping his lips. The snores subsided momentarily but quickly returned.

Sadie slid both hands over her face, her black bangs sliding between her fingers.


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