Fox, Morgan - Craving Silence [Cowboys and Werewolves] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (10 page)

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Craving Silence [Cowboys and Werewolves] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Heart racing at an uncontrollable speed, she stared at the man she’d betrayed. She didn’t want to feel regret, but it was an impossible task. She felt like weeping and so much more. “I know I have no right to ask anything of you, but I need to explain something. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I don’t even truly know how to explain what happened.” She paused. “Maybe if you didn’t mask your wolf...”

His growl thundered around them with a force that had her reaching to take hold of the desk for balance. “You’re blaming me for what you did?” Walker’s white teeth seemed sharper and more animal-like than she’d ever noticed before. Was it possible his wolf was not so well hidden after all?

She shook her head. “No, that’s not what I was about to say.” Licking her dry lips, she said, “Maybe if you didn’t mask your wolf, you’d understand what happened to Lance, and then you’d be able to explain it to me because I really can’t comprehend how I can be in love with you and have no control over my wolf.” Tears filled her eyes as guilt consumed her. “I thought that when a claiming happened, like the one you and I experienced, it was for life and the bond between wolves would be unbreakable.”

He shakily raised his head. Pain and treachery filled his harsh gaze. “So you do blame me for the reason you were compelled to fuck a stranger.”

Seething anger and disappointment fired into her. She could feel his emotions as if they were her own—another trait of the mating bond, a connection that should’ve been permanent but for some unknown reason it wasn’t.

“No, that’s not what I said.”

Walker’s head bobbled back and forth as he managed to find the strength to hold it up. “Right, in not so many words, you blame me for not being a real lycan. For not being animal enough to fuck you like a dog.”

Instinctive rage flooded through her veins. She stood and grabbed hold of his shirt, twisting the fabric in her hands, and shoved him into a sitting position. Her face was a few inches from his. She could tell something was different about him, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “In so many ways you are no different from each other. You both even fucked me the exact same way. You both took me like a dog takes a bitch, but only you shared your heart with me.” He started to interject, but this time it was her turn to growl with elongated teeth. “I wanted you to be the one that possessed both my body and soul, and I’m sorry that things got screwed up. I had no idea what was going to happen between Lance and me.” She hesitated to continue but knew she had no choice. She had to tell him how she truly felt. “What I do know, Walker, is that I love you more than you’ll ever know, and I have since we were kids, but my wolf needs more than the emotions of love. My wolf has a primal calling, and Lance answered that call.”

He looked away. His eyes were watery.

He couldn’t deny what she’d confessed, and that was the part that hurt the most. Had Walker not relinquished his wolf, then perhaps none of this would’ve happened. “I don’t know what else to say. Other than I’m sorry and I hope one day you can forgive me for hurting you.” She released her hold on him and stepped away. Her heart severed into a million pieces as she stared down at him.

“There’s nothing to forgive, Silence. You’re an animal, after all, and you were only doing what animals do.”

“That’s not fair,” she cried.

“You’re right about that, Silence. However, you won’t have to worry anymore about me. Once I can stand, I’m leaving.”

Panic struck her hard, and her lungs suddenly felt deprived of oxygen. “Walker?” She made a motion to move toward him, but he snarled again and she froze in place. She could feel his wolf urging to the surface. If only he would allow that to happen.

“What, Silence?” He gazed at her with frigid intensity. “I begged you not to do what you did. Obviously, you don’t love me as much as you say you do.”

No, that wasn’t true. She didn’t want him to think that.
I do love you with all my heart.
“Walker, I—”

“Stop talking, Silence! For once, do as your name suggests. I don’t want to hear anymore garbage spewing out of your mouth. I’m not like you, and I never will be.”

For a long, chilled moment, she stared at him. A slow tick worked in her jaw as she compressed her teeth together, fighting to remain in control. It didn’t last long.

“Well, that’s just tough shit! I’m not going to apologize for who and what I am. I shouldn’t have to. Personally, Walker,” she spat, “I don’t have to even give you another moment of my time.” She turned to leave and, with her hand on the doorknob, inclined her head to glance back at his wide-eyed expression. “Maybe getting rid of your wolf was not really one of your brightest ideas. I fear it’s turned you into a giant pussy.”

Silence calmly closed the door and quickly disappeared into the ladies’ restroom. Clinging onto the counter, she erupted into tears. Heart-wrenching sobs shook her body.

By the choices she made, she’d broken her own heart and destroyed the only love she’d ever known from a man. She was a fool. Perhaps she had been wrong. Maybe she was the one who should’ve found a way to mask her wolf…because then she’d still have Walker.

* * * *

Lance immediately felt Silence’s outcry of emotions. He could sense that something was wrong. She was in pain. Not physical pain, but emotional, and he could see it, feel it, and almost touch it like a beacon in the night. The sensation was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Hell, everything about his trip to Silent Falls had been a ride like nothing he’d ever witnessed.

He craved Silence, but he couldn’t have her until he came to terms with the wolf inside him. He stopped walking in the direction he knew he would find her. Shaking his head, he decided he would not go to her until the moment where she wanted him as much as she desired Walker. After all, second fiddle was not his thing.

Determined to stick with his plan to avoid Silence, he turned to head back to the group who waited together in the main lobby of the clinic. Dr. Foster’s office door opened, and in the doorway stood Walker. His wide frame filled the door, but in his weakened condition, even his massive size didn’t seem as impressive as it might’ve been otherwise.

“What the fuck are you staring at, boy?” Walker might have been drug induced, but it was obvious that he still didn’t want to appear weak to the man that had just nailed his woman.

A sudden burst of sexual pride had Lance’s chest puffing out. Cocking a brow, he said with a snicker, “I’m looking at you, half-breed, and you look like shit.”

Surprise lit his expression. Walker’s hands cradled around the edge of the door, and his nails bit into the wood frame. “What did you call me?”

“You heard me. It might be my new lycan senses, but I can smell your wannabe wolf all over you. It’s like a nasty-ass perfume you just washed your pussy in.” He sucked in a long, exaggerated breath, inhaling as much of Walker’s scent as he could. Then his eyes flared open wide. “There’s something different about you. You’re not really a wolf, but then you’re not really human either.”

Through clenched teeth, Walker said, “You should mind your own business, pup, and stay the fuck out of mine. That also includes keeping your little pecker away from Silence.”

Lance erupted into laughter, a deep, hearty chuckle that had several of the other men coming to check out what was going on.

“Little pecker? That’s not what had her screaming like a banshee as I showed her what a real wolf can do.”

A fierce growl ripped from Walker’s chest as he sprung from the doorway, landing on top of Lance. Their bodies rolled on the floor, while their fists and legs pounded into each other’s bodies. Knees slammed into sternums, fists pounded into faces, and deep, thunderous roars erupted from them, the sound exploding inside the clinic like the walls themselves were coming down.

Gripping Walker by his hair, Lance slammed his face several times against the hard, marble floor. Blood spattered everywhere, and the sound of cartilage snapping had Lance smiling just a little.

The victorious moment was short-lived. Walker’s elbow came back, knocking into Lance with a force he’d expect from a Mack truck. The impact sent him hurdling to the side of the room. Without a second to even blink, Walker was all over him, punching his face and chest with an onslaught of wild and uncontrollable hits. The cold, hard look in his eyes was that of a man gone mad.

Lance had expected Walker to be easy prey, but he wasn’t. His physical strength was much more intense and powerful than he’d once predicted, and a tingling energy permeated off his flesh like radiating sunburn. This proved his initial reaction to Walker was right. There was something different about him—a wolf, but not a wolf. If that was truly the case, than what the fuck was he?

Lance was still coming to terms with the idea of being a lycan himself, and juggling something else supernatural didn’t seem like a job he cared to have. Instead, he reached deep inside himself and pulled his wolf closer to the surface. Walker might have unnatural physical strength, but it wouldn’t be enough against his.

Lance’s heart raced, the blood pumping so fast through his veins it was all he could hear. Anger and jealousy swelled in his chest, and his claws and teeth lengthened. He wanted to rip Walker’s rich, pretty-boy head from his shoulders and shove it square up his ass.

The scent of Walker’s blood leaking from his nose and mouth had Lance’s stomach churning like acid. He was starving once again—ravenous for blood. The scent of his victim was making him crazed.

Distracted by the absorbing energy the wolf provided, Lance was momentarily at a disadvantage. Being a young wolf, Lance hadn’t had time to master the change. He hadn’t figured out how to harness the powers of the lycan and still remain in human form. Walker took advantage, slamming his fist into his face before planting a firm boot in Lance’s chest, sending him flying back against the wall. The sheetrock cracked behind him from the force of the crash.

Stunned once again by his strength and speed, Lance charged at him. This time Lance was ready for a full-out assault and primal annihilation. He was going to kill Walker with his bare hands.

As Lance pounded down on the ground, running toward Walker, a massive hand connected with Lance’s chest and sent him sailing backward. He hit the wall, snapping his head back. His vision blurry, Lance tried to shake the waves of dizziness that rocked him. He could barely move.

Suddenly, a clawed hand scraped against his chest as it gathered the fabric of his shirt in its hand and lifted him effortlessly off the ground. “I suggest you knock that shit off before I have you pinned to the ground, begging for your life.” The deep, menacing voice poured over him with alarming awareness. The power of this man gripping hold of him was so intense he felt his body shake in response. The warning was well received.

Lance knew he had no business fighting others like himself. He was just a newbie. Honestly, if Walker hadn’t charged after him, he never would have. Fighting was not something Lance was accustomed to. He wasn’t raised to be this kind of man, but the animal nesting inside him was turning him into something he couldn’t quite get a handle on.

Calming himself, Lance took several deep breaths, and slowly his vision returned. Gavin held him suspended in the air. His eyes were a fiery red, and his mouth was full of razor-sharp teeth. Seeing the power resonating from him was enough to make Lance’s throat constrict. Gavin looked ferocious and deadly.

Lance patted Gavin on the shoulder and said calmly, “I’m okay. I won’t do anything stupid.”

“You’re damn right you won’t. If you try that shit again—” Gavin’s threat went unspoken, but the message was heard loud and clear.

Gavin slowly lowered Lance to the floor. Walker stood with his fists balled at his sides. The blood from his mouth and nose had been wiped on the sleeve of his gray suit jacket. The tall cowboy looked intensely pissed and out for death. Lance stared after Walker as he picked up his cowboy hat and placed it on his head. Then he simply turned and headed for the main lobby doors.

“Walker, wait,” Shadow called out, taking hold of his arm.

He didn’t turn to face her. He simply stood, towering beside her. “Shadow, your sister made her choice, and I’m not sticking around any longer to watch part two of wild kingdom.” He shook off her grasp, and with long strides was out the door and gone in a flash.

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