Fractured (12 page)

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Authors: Dani Atkins

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Fractured
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Silently, Matt came up to the other side of the bed and rested his hand lightly against the back of my neck. Something flickered in Jimmy’s eyes as he immediately let go of my hand and got up from the bed. This dream was
peculiar; it was like going back to when we were teenagers all over again. The awkward moment was interrupted by a softly ringing bell from the nurses’ station.

‘I think that’s the end of visiting,’ my father announced with relief. ‘Perhaps you should all go now, I think Rachel could do with her rest.’

Actually, I was feeling much calmer now I’d finally worked out that none of this was really happening at all.

‘Look, why don’t you go home and rest too, Tony,’ offered Matt, unexpectedly. ‘You look really exhausted. I’ll stay with Rachel.’

Dad looked reluctant, but Dream Matt was insistent. ‘Go on, you go and get a few hours’ sleep.’

But my dad still appeared unwilling to go.

‘I don’t know, I think I should stay. I’d feel wrong going home and leaving her.’ Adding in final justification, ‘She’s my daughter; she needs me here.’

Matt’s response was firm.

‘I understand that but you’re not much use to her if you’re dead on your feet. Go home. I’ll take good care of her, Tony. I know she’s your only daughter but you’re not the only one who wants to look after her; after all she
my only fiancée!’

I jolted with surprise and instinctively looked over at Cathy who was picking up her coat and handbag and getting ready to go. Matt’s words didn’t seem to have affected her at all.

‘Although right now she’s a fiancée without a ring,’ observed Jimmy in an unfathomable tone.

I stupidly looked down at my left hand as if to seek confirmation. There was obviously no jewellery upon it, although as I looked more closely I could see the faint white mark where a ring had obviously sat. Also strangely, the knuckle appeared reddened and swollen, something I’d not noticed before amongst the others cuts and bruises. It looked as though whatever had been on my finger might have been pulled off quite roughly.

I looked up, my face registering a sort of dazed surprise, and interrupted a very dark exchange of looks between Matt and Jimmy as they stood facing each other on either side of my bed. The thin veil of friendship between them looked stretched to the point of rupturing.

‘Ring or no ring, she’s still my fiancée, mate.’

Oohh… this dream was getting more interesting every minute.


Sometime over the next twenty-four hours it all stopped being quite so funny.

When does a dream become a nightmare? I’d always thought it was when the familiar suddenly becomes strange and threatening; or when you get lost somewhere you thought you knew well; or even when you feel overwhelmed by a feeling of impotence – when you know you’re speaking clearly but no one appears to be listening. And it’s true, a nightmare is all of those things. But
true nightmare began with the realisation that I wasn’t waking up: that somehow, impossibly and unbelievably, this was all
really happening

This realisation didn’t come all at once but slowly pricked away at my conscious with a questioning voice that refused to be quiet. The first indicators to concern me were the continuing and detailed vividness of the dream. There were no strange shifts in time or place; this dream had continuity and even monotony. What dream could I ever recall having before that had incorporated the truly mundane details of day-to-day life? In this one I ate the unappetising hospital meals, I slept (who does that in a dream?), I even visited the bathroom. None of this had any place in a ‘real’ dream.

Of course, when Matt and I had been left alone in my room, after my other visitors had left, I was still happily ensconced in blissful ignorance. I was content to sit back and let events around me unfold like a play. This was just a dream, after all; nothing I did or said had any real consequence.

So I made no protest when Matt drew a chair up close to the bed and entwined his long tanned fingers around mine. I winced slightly as he caught the grazes on my palms, never stopping to think how odd it was to actually experience the sensation of pain in a dream. I let his lips cover mine as he bent to kiss me tenderly, whispering soft and low between kisses how frantically worried he had been about me. And when he eventually pulled back, I could feel my heart fluttering madly against my ribs like a frenzied canary. Well, that wasn’t really a surprise; it had been a long, long time since I’d been kissed like that – either in a dream or wide awake.

What I hadn’t expected after such a display of tenderness was for him draw back and for his tone to turn so quickly to one of censure.

‘Rachel, I have to ask, what the hell were you thinking of, setting off alone from the station and walking down that deserted road? Didn’t you realise the stupid risks you were taking?’

I blinked up at him slowly, caught off guard by the sudden switch in his mood.

‘Why didn’t you phone me to pick you up, or get a cab, or just wait with the other passengers?’

He was looking at me intently. Clearly expecting some coherent reply. I had none.

‘I’m sorry…’ I offered lamely. ‘I don’t remember anything except…’ Except everything that
happened: the dinner, the ride back to my hotel, and then the disastrous visit to the cemetery.

‘Except?’ he prompted hopefully.

‘Except waking up here.’ Even in my dream I was smart enough not to keep on insisting that
reality appeared to be completely different from everyone else’s.

‘And it’s not just about losing the ring, don’t think that – though thank God we had it well insured.’

The ring? Was that what was concerning him, losing the engagement ring? Jeez, Dream Matt was certainly all about the money.

‘You could have been seriously hurt, it could have been so much worse than just cuts and grazes and a bump on the head. When I think of what that guy could have done to you…’

He seemed to be waiting for me to say something, so I nodded slowly as though absorbing the dilemma that my dream persona had apparently brought upon myself.

‘When we got that call, when you cried out for help… well, I’ve never felt so useless in my entire life. Thank God Jimmy was there – and it’s not often you’ll hear me saying that!’

I gave a watery smile in response. Then curiosity to learn more took over.

‘Why, what did he do?’

‘Took charge. I guess it’s his policeman’s training to act like that in an emergency. We were all about to go charging off God-knows-where to find you but he was the one who kept calm and cool and called his police station. He figured you were probably at the railway station or somewhere nearby and got several cars out looking for you before we had even got out of the car park! A squad car found you by the church only ten or fifteen minutes after your call and you were off in the ambulance before we were even halfway there. I guess it pays to have a copper on hand in a crisis.’

So Jimmy had saved me once again. I guess I could see why, in a dream, I had once more cast Jimmy in the role of hero. It was, after all, how he’d lost his life.

‘Not that his behaviour afterwards was very professional though.’

My ears pricked up at that comment.

‘Why, what happened then?’

‘Well he really lost it while we were at the hospital waiting for you to be assessed: when we didn’t know how seriously you’d been hurt. He started yelling at me about how could I be so irresponsible; how I never should have left you to travel alone at night. I particularly liked the bit about how I didn’t deserve to have you, if I couldn’t look after you properly.’ He rubbed his hand ruefully over his handsome chin. ‘And then he took a swing at me!’

I sat up sharply. ‘He did?’

Mistaking my total astonishment for loving concern, he patted my arm in reassurance.

‘Don’t worry, he didn’t do any damage; Phil had a hold of his arm before he even made contact. Damn unprofessional of him though, even if he was off duty. I
make an official complaint…’ He saw the look in my eyes and continued quickly, ‘I won’t, of course. I realise it was all just heat-of-the-moment stuff. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get old PC Plod in trouble. And I guess it
understandable, feeling as he did about you all those years ago.’

There it was again. Even in my dream I couldn’t seem to get away from someone trying to convince me that Jimmy had been deeply in love with me.

‘I think he must have forgotten how strong-willed you can be. And independent. After all, you haven’t been in touch with him for quite a while now, have you?’

I wanted to say:
Well no, not without the aid of a Ouija board.
But settled instead for a less controversial, ‘No, not really… we must have kind of lost touch.’

I was really quite glad when the nurse came in at that point, wheeling a laden trolley of pharmaceuticals. She tactfully reminded Matt that visiting hours were long over and he took the hint, kissing me lightly on the forehead and leaving with the promise to return the next day.

As I lay on the starchy hospital sheets, waiting for the pills I’d swallowed to take effect, I pondered on the curiously complex scenario my subconscious had summoned up. All the facts and characters were present but the details and events were twisted into such a bizarre parallel reality. It was my life but not as I knew it, for here it was all so much better: Jimmy was still alive, my Dad wasn’t sick – and neither was I, apparently – and Matt and I were engaged to be married. It was almost a shame to wake up.

And I didn’t. Well, that’s to say I slept and when I opened my eyes it was a new day, but still the dream continued. That’s when the voice first started up, telling me something was really wrong here. They had scheduled me for God knows how many more tests that morning, and my pleasurable euphoria of living in a dream began to gradually dissipate when my real life failed to return. I even resorted to the old trick of pinching myself hard, a real old Chinese-burn style pinch, whilst waiting outside the room for a second MRI scan. Nothing happened, except that I gave myself a very nasty-looking red and white mark on my forearm. Even then, I only stopped contorting the soft flesh when I caught the pitying glance from the nurse who had wheeled me down for this latest test. Clearly news of the delusional new patient was widespread and all comments directed at me were in the softly spoken sing-song tones usually reserved for dealing with those under five or the imbecilic.

Somewhere between the blood tests, the scans, and the X-rays I started to get really scared. I felt like a prisoner in Neverland; it might be nice place to come for a visit, but I really, really wanted to go ‘home’ now, however bad things might be there. One of the worst moments came when I caught sight of my reflection for the first time in the small square mirror positioned above the basin in my room. A nurse had come running at my cry, and I could tell she was at a loss to know what to do, when she saw me running my fingers frantically over the smooth unblemished skin of my cheek. And who could blame her; what was the poor woman supposed to say when I rounded on her, crying, 'My scar. Where's it gone? What have you people done with my scar?'

I just about held myself together until the afternoon, when I was due to meet again with the consultant. The nurse who came to collect me with a wheelchair looked disappointed to see my untouched lunch. Fear and confusion had robbed me of my appetite, well, that and the appalling culinary offerings of the hospital kitchens.

When they wheeled me into the doctor’s consultation room, I was pleased to see my (newly-restored-to-good-health) father waiting for me.

‘Good afternoon, Rachel. Are you feeling a little better today?’ The doctor’s voice was kind and solicitous. Clearly he was expecting an answer in the affirmative.

I shook my head slowly, unable to speak as hot tears began to course down my cheeks. My father reached across from his chair and took my hand. Tactfully choosing to ignore my distress the doctor continued.

‘Well, I have good news, young lady. We have done just about every test imaginable, and I’m happy to report there is no serious or permanent damage resulting from your little escapade.’ He turned in his chair to indicate an illuminated X-ray of a skull, presumably mine, on a lit panel behind him. ‘Everything looks completely normal. No injuries to the brain or cranium whatsoever.’

‘Thank God,’ breathed my father in fervent relief.

‘But it’s all wrong!’ I cried out, ashamed at how pathetic my voice sounded.

‘Oh no, Rachel, I can assure you the tests are all conclusive. We repeated several of them, just to be sure. They most definitely are not wrong.’

‘Not the tests,’ I contradicted, striving not to lose control again and be sedated before I could make them understand. ‘If you say the tests are right, then I suppose I have to believe you. Why would you lie to me about that? But everything else is wrong!’

‘Hush, hush, Rachel.’ I could tell from his tone that I was scaring my dad again. Hell, I was scaring me again, but I had to get through to them this time.

I drew a deep shuddering breath and tried to continue in a less hysterical tone.

‘I know this sounds crazy to you but please just hear me out. I don’t know what is happening here, but none of this is real – at least not to me. In my life – in my
life, my father is sick, very very sick and I think I am too.’

The tone the doctor used was mild and placating.

‘So you believe you have cancer as well, is that it?’

He was making me really angry now. I truly did not like this man.

‘No, not cancer. I have something wrong with my brain.’ Strangely enough no one butted in to refute that one. ‘It’s all due to the accident…’

‘When you were mugged?’ asked Dad.

‘No, the car accident at the restaurant; the one where Jimmy died and I got badly hurt.’

The doctor looked across in confusion at my father, who was shaking his head as though trying to see a solution through a fog.

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