Fractured (BBW Erotic Romance) (4 page)

Read Fractured (BBW Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Evelyn Rosado

Tags: #coming of age, #bbw, #new adult, #new adult romance, #bbw alpha male, #bbw adult romance, #bbw alpha male erotica, #bbw alpha male romance, #erotica romance fiction, #bbw contemporary, #bbw college sex, #bbw curvy romance

BOOK: Fractured (BBW Erotic Romance)
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He moved in closer to me; his chest brushed
up against mine. The stubble on his jaw grazed my cheek. I inhaled
his scent as I felt my breasts stiffen up as he pressed up against
me. A slight wave of his hand coerced the pest away from me.
“There. I got it.” I unclenched my gut and breathed easier.

Heath rested his arms on my shoulders. His
face mere centimeters away from mine. The heat between us was
rising. “You saved me,” I said biting my lips. His touch made me
inhale sharply. I could taste him. His look told me he was hungry
to take possession of my mouth. He leaned in closer to mesh his
lips with mine only to be interrupted by someone shouting his

Heath!” A six foot
something, one hundred and nothing, blonde decked out in State
volleyball gear sauntered over to where we stood. How could this
bitch interrupt? This was my moment. My eyes lasered upon her frame
with utter disgust.

Heath, how are you? Like
you didn’t get my calls? Or my texts?” She had a voice that
screamed valley girl privilege. I bet she would disown her parents
if they didn’t extend her credit limit to get a new pair of high

I’ve been busy,” he said.
His voice was deadpan.

Her blue eyes took one look at me, and then
rolled away at Heath. “Busy with
? Like really?”

School. Life.” He put his
hands on his hips, and then folded his arms.

Like, busy with her? Like
who’s she?” The airhead nodded in my direction. If she said the
word like one more time I was gonna stab her in the eyeball with
this ink pen.

This is…”

I’m Selena,” I said. I
pouted my chest out rigidly. My tone was sharp and

Oh.” She sighed then turned
back to Heath. “Like, so are you coming to my match on Wednesday?
Like we’re playing Northern U.”

Though her attitude was shitty, she was
beautiful. Thin frame. Long, flowing sandy blonde hair. Much more
of a match for Heath than I was. Here is where I made my exit.

No. I won’t. I’m

What? Like why

Heath grasped my hand tightly. “Like
because.” His fingers intertwined with mine. Playing along, I
defiantly whisked my hair behind my head and pouted my lips at her.
“I’m like busy.” Heath turned away from Michelle and we walked off

I was ready to release my hands from his, but
he didn’t let go. After a few steps, I turned around and gave her a
wink. She stood dead in her tracks. I could tell she’d have never
had a guy turn her down. I felt ten feet tall.

That girl is crazy. And I
mean like cra-zy.” He looked behind us as if to be certain she
wasn’t following us. He clenched my hand even tighter. He was
seriously holding my hand.

You don’t have to explain
anything to me.”

I just don’t want you to
get the wrong idea about me. Last year, I was kind of a live wire
on campus with the girls and developed a reputation. Not one that
I’m proud of. That’s why I live off campus.”

I’m not judging. You’re a
guy and you were a freshman – it’s what you’re supposed to

Oh is that right?” He gave
me a mean pinch on my hip.

Ouch!” I let out a loud
shriek and dropped my book bag to the ground. I slapped him hard on
his bicep. “Put ‘em up!” I put my dukes up and squared off with him
as if he and I were preparing for a twelve round bout.

Oh you want to fight?” His
eyes wiggled with amazement and anticipation.


He closed in on me, fingers closed into a
tight fist, smiling from ear to ear. He threw a light jab, barely
missing my nose on purpose. I slapped him back, just like a
girly-girl would, missing his entire body and stumbling over my
feet. Coordination and hand to hand combat was never my game.

Heath couldn’t contain his laughter. “That’s
not funny,” I said. My face scrunched up from the embarrassment. He
picked up my backpack and handed it to me.

I’m sorry. You look so cute
when you’re frustrated.”

I tried to straighten my hair and fix my
shorts which were bunched up my backside. “Whatever.”

Look, I have to get going.
I have to get to work. Looks like today was another day we didn’t
get any work done.”

Yea. At least we tried,

I guess.”

We stood there, hesitant. The earlier attempt
at a kiss weighed heavy on both of our minds. I played with the
strap on my bag. He scratched the back of his neck. I wanted it and
so did he.

He cleared his throat. “So, yea…I’ll be
seeing you.”

Sure. Yea. I’ll see you
later.” I turned away from him as fast as I could and scrambled
back to my car and drove off. I banged the steering wheel with me


You didn’t kiss him?” said
Candace. She raised her fist to the heavens in a display of fury.
“Why didn’t you make a move on him?” She sat down on the couch and
buried her face in her lap, her fingers massaging her

Seems like this is
bothering you more than it is me,” I said. I sat down on the couch
and turned on the television.

Candace grabbed the remote and shut the TV
off. She threw the remote across the room onto blue beanbag. “Do I
have to fucking teach you everything about boys?”

Who said I needed to

I do. You’re going to get
laid tonight, Selena. Mark my words. By hook or crook. I’m going to
make it happen.”

Wow. You’re more riled up
about this than I am.”

Do you remember last week,
on the first day, when Heath walked into the classroom? Every
girl’s head lifted from their phones and eyed him when he walked
through the door. Every. Single. Girl. Including me. And he wants
you. And you’re blowing it.”

He doesn’t want me.” I
shook my head and looked out the window.

She grabbed my chin and yanked it towards her
like my father would when I back-talked him. “Look at me. He wants
you.” She pounded the cushion of the couch for emphasis. As if her
grabbing my chin wasn’t getting my attention. “I’m not going to let
this happen.” Candace stood up off the couch and rested her hands
on her hips. “It might be too late with Heath. Onto Plan B.”

Plan B?” I asked. “How long
have you thought about this?”

Too long.” She paced back
and forth in front of her bedroom door. “Don’t pretend like you’re
not aware of the problem.”

What problem?”

Look over in the corner and
tell me what you see.” There was a waste basket filled to the brim
with empty pizza boxes stacked under it.”

I just see

Wrong. Wrong!” She folded
her arms and tapped her feet on the carpet. “I see a big fucking
pink elephant over there.”

What in the world are you
talking about?”

I’m talking about all this
pent up sexual frustration you need to release. All you talk about
is school and your scholarship. And don’t think I didn’t hear you
scream in the middle of the night the other night.”

Well that was just…um…that
was a nightmare.”

Whatever it was. It’s time
to let your hair down and enjoy college for what it’s really about.
Boys and beer. Heath might be too late, but there’s hundreds of
horny freshman guys who are going to be roaming the streets,
thirsty for tender female flesh. Tonight there’s a keg party at the
Theta Kappa house. We’re going. You’re getting some dick. And
that’s final.”

But I have a lot of
studying to get done…”

But nothing.” This girl was
not budging from her, I mean, our mission. I guess tonight was
party time – whether I liked it or not.


It was another sweltering night as Candace
and I trekked on foot a few blocks off campus to the Theta house.
She coerced me into wearing the tightest and skimpiest clothes I
could muster up from my closet. I might as well have worn a
forehead sign which read ‘take me back to your dorm for drunken
sex’. I was a bit ashamed stepping out in these types of clothes,
but after a few shots of cheap tequila warmed my belly, the
reluctance subsided.

I didn’t admit it to Candace, but I thought I
looked damn hot. I wore cute, black flats and low cut black shorts
which accentuated my mountainous backside marvelously. A tight,
black blouse covered my torso. A suggestion of cleavage peeked
through. And the red lipstick was the finishing touch to put it
over the top.

We finally arrived at the frat house right
before my feet starting to scream bloody murder. Candace knew one
of the guys in the fraternity and got us two free plastic cups. We
stepped inside among the raucous, bumping beats from the speakers
and the roar of the crowd in the corner cheering on the girl doing
a keg stand.

The air was saturated with the residue of bad
intentions. It was exactly how I imagined a frat party to look.
Scantily dressed girls, drunk for the first time grinding on dozens
of guys with cheap vodka soaking their tongue, spewing lame pickup
lines, trying to get into their pants. Empty plastic red cups
littered the floor and the kitchen counter. Two girls next to the
stairway rammed their tongues in each other’s mouths while four
guys egged them on.

Candace and stood in the middle of the room
squished by bodies grinding on each other to the bumping bass. The
legend goes Theta parties were where all the freshman girl’s
innocence came to die. Was mine on the chopping block? If Candace
had anything to do with it – it sure was.

We need to fill our cups
up,” Candace said. I barely could hear her above the Nicki Minaj. I
nodded my head up and down and followed her lead. She worked the
room like a true pro; weaving in and out of the fracas like a
ballerina. I managed to step on the sneakers and sandals of at
least a dozen dancing couples, but it didn’t seem to break them out
of their lust filled trance.

It was chaos. It wasn’t my type of scene. I’d
rather be snuggled up on the couch, painting my toenails or playing
board games. I wished Heath were there.

After a few sips of lousy beer, class was in
session for me. Candace schooled me on the ins and outs of the
college party-going experience. What sort of guys to steer clear of
and how to laugh at their corny jokes. It was a crash course and I
wasn’t totally sure if I knew which way was up afterwards.

I had freshman written all over me. The look,
the pheromones I gave off. All freshmen and every man in that room
could smell my naïveté. I was ripe prey for a pack of bloodthirsty
wolves – skimpy clothes, drunk off my ass, vision blurred and
slurring my words. I wasn’t Selena to them. I was just flesh, just
a one night - which in some circles isn’t a bad thing. I just stood
there. But I didn’t have too much more time to ponder my next
course of action because a dark haired hottie, with a cute smile
graced my presence.

What’s up sexy?” he asked.
His pelvis swayed left and right to the music. I looked back at
Candace. And she looked at me; her eyes bulged open and nodded
towards his direction. I took a huge sip out of my cup as my heart
raced. The nameless guy put one arm around my lower back, his other
on my hip. When everybody in the house howled the chorus of “We Are
Young”, his hand palmed my ass. It was inappropriate, but it felt
so good I didn’t bother removing it.

Four songs and two tall cups of beers later,
I still didn’t know this boy’s name. Did it matter? My sex was
charged from his groping my ass and breasts. He was heavy on the
cologne, but it didn’t stop me from sticking my tongue down his

We went over to a dark corner and he pulled
two shooters of gin out of his pocket. The fiery liquid funneled
down my esophagus making me cough. He smirked. I chased it with
beer as he suggested. My vision became blurrier and he became
sexier by each thump of the bass. I looked around for Candace, she
was nowhere in sight. We continued grinding on each other, our
tongues entangled.

His groping was sloppy and aggressive but it
heated me up beyond control. I felt his manhood growing larger on
my thigh as I held his body tighter. “Let’s get out of here,” he
said. My heart raced out of my chest.

Where?” I said. With all
the drinking I did that night, I lost all sense of logic and
reason. I knew this wasn’t right, but my body wanted it. Needed

My place.”

Where do you

Chestnut Village
apartments.” He wobbled back on his heels. So did I.

Okay….let me…let me. T-tell
my roommate. I-I need to find Candace.” I looked around for
Candace. She was nowhere in sight.

L-looks like she left you,”
he said. His breath reeked of stale beer and lust. He wasn’t really
cute either. He guided me out of the party, holding me up by my
waist. I could barely walk straight.

What are we gonna when we
get to y-your place.”

Just talk.

Are you sure? Where are we
going? Why are we walking?”

We’re going to my car?” He
could barely walk straight either. He had no business getting
behind the wheel. I sobered up quickly.

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