FrankenDom (11 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: FrankenDom
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When he straightened, he took one look at my face and said, “You don’t have to do
this, little Rae. I won’t be angry.”

I’d burst into tears and he immediately unhooked me, dragging me to an easy chair
on the dark periphery of the main room and holding me while I sobbed out my longing
for a man who didn’t even know I was alive and never would. I apologized profusely,
feeling like a complete idiot, but he just shushed me, rubbing my back and saying
he felt privileged to have met me, that he was envious and that any Dom would be thrilled
to hold the heart of such a devoted sub. His presence was so strong and comforting,
it didn’t even dawn on me until we stood up to leave that I was stark naked in a semi-public

When the taxi dropped me off at my apartment, he’d walked me to the door and told
me not to give up on my dreams, that life had a way of giving us what we wanted when
we least expected it.

But keeping the faith had seemed impossible—not to mention pointless—and after that
night I’d basically given up on my need for submission, just packed it away like a
bride who was left at the altar packs away her wedding dress.

Since then, my world had been a little bit grayer, a little bit more stressful.

But the minute I opened my door to Colin, color had begun to bleed back in, and now
the world seemed positively vibrant. I was so happy, I wanted to hop out of bed naked,
break out my guitar and dash off a silly little love song about it.

It was too cold for that, so I just laid there in the waxing dawn and basked in the
feeling of being in Colin’s arms again.

When he woke with an impressive erection, I turned around before he could slide it
into the nearest available opening and put my hand on his chest. “So what was the

Tucking his arm under his head, he gave me a heavy-lidded look. “What bet?”

“Last night. Julian said you were paying some kind of forfeit because you’d lost a

“Oh, that bet. Before you arrived, I bet that you’d read your contracts word for word
before signing them and knew what you were getting into. He bet you hadn’t.” He cupped
my face, stroking my lips with his thumb as he eyed me with a rueful grin. “You picked
a hell of a time to start breaking the rules, Rachel McBride.”

“I’m sorry. And the forfeit?”

“He got to fuck you first, and I got to come down my leg when all I wanted was to
come in you.”

Wow, I’d never been the stakes in a bet before—at least not that I knew of. “What
if you won?”

“He’d have fucked you first and I wouldn’t have had to come down my leg before I came
in you.”

“So Julian wouldn’t have had to pay any kind of forfeit?”

Colin smiled. “Nope. Besides, he hoped he was wrong, so either way he’d come out the

“That hardly seems fair.”

“He’s the Dom, Rachel.”

The words thrilled me, especially knowing Julian was the Dom of both of us.

“Let me make it up to you.” Pushed him to his back, I threw back the covers, intent
on relearning all the intimate things I’d once known about his body. I started licking
and sucking at his earlobes and worked my way down his neck to his cute little nipples.

By the time I reached his eager cock, he was already groaning so I grasped the root
and sucked the head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it sensuously.

He hissed with pleasure. “God, yes! I’ve missed that.”

Almost teary-eyed, I pulled off him and whispered, “Me, too.”

I started to go back down and paused, tipping my head to the side. It looked like
he had a tattoo around his cock, just under the head. Like a tiny armband, only a…
? Two solid lines of black ink enclosed block letters, and I maneuvered him around
until I could read them all.

PROPERTY OF RACHEL, it declared.

I looked up with wide eyes to find him smirking at me. “If you want to know about
that, you’ll have to ask Julian.”

Then he pounced, rolling me to my stomach and sitting on my hips. He took my hands
and wrapped them around the corner bedpost. “Stay. I mean it. Don’t move or I’ll punish

“Okay,” I breathed into the sheet, my heartbeat picking up speed in my throat.

He got off me and climbed down off the bed, then I heard a sliding noise, a grunt
and a big thump. “What the hell have you got in there, a set of encyclopedias?”

Ah, my luggage. “Two years’ worth of clothes.”

“Like you’ll be needing those,” he murmured. Was he digging in my cedar chest? I hadn’t
even thought to open it, assuming it contained blankets and pillows like most cedar

Colin appeared beside the bed with a set of neoprene cuffs, which was what I got for
assuming. He looped it around the bedpost and wrapped my wrists. Then he dug in the
bottom drawer of the nightstand and came up with a realistic-looking dildo of average

“What are you going to do with that?” I asked warily as he drizzled it with lube from
the top drawer.

He grinned. “I’ll give you two guesses.”

Over my half-hearted protests, he climbed between my legs and slid it into my vagina,
which was still slick from last night’s activities. When he lubed up his rigid cock,
nudged my knees wider and pushed himself into my butt, I squealed with something close
to pain…but not quite. He stretched out on my back with a satisfied groan, squashing
me into the mattress.

“Oh, Rachel, that’s so fucking good,” he groaned.

Sliding both hands under me, he forced the dildo deeper with one while the other fingered
my clit. The whole time, his hips maintained a slow, even pumping, sliding his cock
into my rectum without apology.

“You are such a dirty girl, Rachel McBride,” he breathed without pausing. “You like
having two cocks fuck you at once, don’t you?”

“It hurts,” I said in a small voice, feeling very naughty because it didn’t really
hurt that much. It just felt thick and full and deliciously depraved. My imagination
ran amok with forbidden possibilities.

“Get used to it,” he ordered. “We’re going to do this to you, and unless we hear a
safe word, neither of us will stop.”

My mind sank like a stone tossed into deep water, and safe-wording was never an option,
even when he thrust deeper and harder. Instead, I came violently, shuddering and shouting
into the sheet, twisting against the cuffs.

Before I’d recovered my wits, he pulled out and yanked my hips up. Shoving a pillow
under them, he clamped my thighs together with his. Then he braced himself over my
back and fucked me feverishly, moaning and panting like he was about to break apart,
dripping sweat, and possibly saliva, all over my spine.

Though his utter abandon thrilled me, it hurt my stretched, stinging anus and made
me ache deep inside. And yet even the pain was an insane turn-on. Every hard thrust
nudged the dildo into places that stripped away my restraint, too, and I screamed
when the wicked rush of sensation pounded through me again.

Sucked away into nirvana, I was only vaguely aware of Colin’s shouts as he bucked
and emptied inside me.

“God, I love your ass,” he gasped in my ear, sprawled out on top of me, still shuddering
and jerking inside me. “I’m going to fuck it every single day, Rachel. Some days more
than once.”

I blinked and wheezed, and he finally rolled off.

“Won’t Julian have something to say about that?” I asked as he yanked open one of
the cuffs.

“We have a deal.”

Relieved to be free, I pulled my arms down and undid the other cuff, tossing it on
the floor. “Oh yeah? What kind of deal?”

I plucked out the dildo still lodged inside me and looked around self-consciously.
Before I could decide what to do with the thing, Colin shot me a wicked look and took
it. I couldn’t hold back a groan of shocked arousal when he took the head into his
mouth and made brazen love to it with his lips and tongue.

“Jesus, Colin,” I breathed, imagining it was Julian he was doing that to. “That’s…unbelievably

Smiling, he withdrew it with a noisy suck goodbye and dropped it on the sheet between
us, propping his head on his fist. “Your ass is mine.”

Lost in a fog of lust, I blinked at him. “What?”

“That’s the deal. Your ass is mine, at least to fuck, anyway.” He reached out to tweak
my breast. “I’m sure Julian will do plenty of other nasty things to it when the mood
takes him.”

I scowled. “What is the deal with guys and butts?”

“Not butts, Rachel.
butt. And your resistance makes it all the more appealing, so just keep fussing.
We’ll never leave it alone.”

“Now there’s a catch-22,” I said breathlessly as the wonderful sinking feeling washed
over me again.

“Welcome to our world, Rachel McBride.”




Chapter Eight


We went our separate ways to shower quickly and then Colin escorted me to breakfast
in Julian’s sitting area, which was served promptly at eight. Once again, Julian was
in jeans and a sweater, this one pearl gray, but this time he kissed me lightly on
the lips before pulling my chair out for me. Colin got the same treatment.

Julian immediately delivered the promised quiz and I passed with flying colors, which
wasn’t surprising. Once read, the details of my personal conduct agreement were pretty
hard to forget.

Then he asked to see my lines.

Wincing, I paused with my grapefruit juice halfway to my mouth. “Oops. I didn’t really
have time last night.”

“You would have had time if you’d stayed in your room as ordered,” he pointed out

“Well, yes, but then I wouldn’t have gone to the dungeon, would I?” The sight of his
eyebrow going up imperiously made me sigh. “Sorry, you’re right. But I think I had
a lot more fun disobeying orders.”

“If that’s the case, you can write the lines I’ve already assigned and then you can
Obeying my Master is more important to me than having fun
one hundred times. After we’re done with breakfast, you’ll fetch pen and paper from
your room and write them here, where I can keep an eye on you. Understood?”

I sighed again, scowling at an amused Colin. “Fine.”

“The correct response would be
Thank you, Sir
. After all, I’m allowing you to eat your breakfast first…for the moment.”

“Yes, Sir,” I said hurriedly. “Thank you very much, Sir. I’m starving.”

“Because you didn’t eat the dinner I provided for you last night,” he reminded me
with another frown. “I’m still thinking on a punishment for that one, though I suppose
going hungry qualifies as its own punishment. Don’t do it again.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Lili placed a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and wheat toast in front of me and I
thanked her before tucking into them.

“So, do you have questions this morning, Rachel?” Julian asked as he spread jam on
his toast.

God, where to start? “Colin said I had to ask you about the tattoo on his penis.”

“I knew she’d go right for that one,” Colin murmured before sipping his coffee.

Julian sighed. “That’s a rather distressing story that begins the day of Colin’s thoughtless
words to you five years ago, when he goaded you about your attraction to me.”

I listened with wide eyes and a full mouth as he continued, “We hadn’t become lovers
yet, but he was living in my house and I’d been playing my sadistic little games with
him for almost a year. I’d just received some shocking news and was already planning
on taking him further, being a little more brutal with him, than I ever had before.
Which wasn’t a prudent call on my part, I know, but he’d been begging for it for weeks
so why not satisfy us both?”

Breathless and nerve-wracked, I gulped down the last of my eggs.

“I was even planning on fucking him, though I’d intended to save that until his residency
ended. I’d wanted to make it a special occasion we’d both remember fondly. But I needed
him that night, and the occasion was momentous enough to warrant a change of plans.
Do you know what happened, Rachel, when Colin came home and confessed what he’d said
to you, that he’d hurt you?”

I shook my head, almost afraid to hear.

“I beat him within an inch of safe-wording and then made him my sweet, dirty fuckhole.
I rode his beautiful, hellishly striped and bruised virgin ass until he screamed himself
hoarse. Isn’t that right, fuckhole mine?”

“Yes, Sir,” Colin said. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Don’t ever thank me for that, Colin,” Julian said sharply. “I wasn’t proud of myself
afterward, and I still regret that our formal relationship started with violence,
not to mention such a lack of control and rational thought on my part. If I’d realized
you were provoking me out of jealousy—”

Colin’s eyes widened. “Sir, I—”

“Don’t bother denying it or I’ll have you caned again for lying. I played right into
your hands and if I hadn’t been so wrecked, I might have realized it.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Before I tell Rachel the rest of the story, why don’t you show her your other stamp
of ownership.”

Colin slid me a sideways look and then rose from his chair to stand beside me, facing
away. My gaze was just wandering down his long, finely muscled back, clearly outlined
beneath his bright blue polo, when I heard the clink of his belt buckle and the buzz
of his zipper.

When he dropped trou, I dropped jaw. He was wearing low-rise, white-trimmed, bright
blue underwear that left most of his spectacular buttocks bare.

Even more shocking, there was actually a tattooed stamp, probably five inches in diameter,
spanning the lower part of both cheeks. It was made of two concentric circles with
block lettering in between—on the left side it said
, and on the right was a date very near the last time I’d seen Colin.

How had I missed that in all our nude capering? I touched the date with an awed fingertip.

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