FrankenDom (20 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: FrankenDom
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My eyes widened in shock. “What!”

“Don’t give me that look, Dr. McBride. Unprotected submissives can get in over their
heads very quickly with the wrong Dom or sadist. Colin had opened your eyes to your
need for sexual domination, and it was my responsibility to make sure your early experiences
in the lifestyle were not only safe, sane and consensual, but positive and self-affirming.
So I arranged for you to meet an appropriate Dom—a starter Dom, if you will.”

“You set me up with Master Rod?” Aghast, I hissed, “Julian, I almost had sex with

“Since I hadn’t claimed you yet, I would have been pleased that you’d reached that
level of self-awareness and found the confidence to pursue what you needed,” he said.

“You must be joking.”

“Rachel, you need the release of total submission. You’ve needed it for years, and
that was the only way I could provide it at the time. However,” he said, laying his
hand on the back of my neck, “I won’t pretend I wasn’t pleased when you stopped short
of submitting to him in the flesh.”

Wiped out both physically and emotionally, I couldn’t even begin to formulate a reply
to that. Good God, who
this man?

“I’m still envious of Julian, even if he is my employer,” Master Rod said with a wry
grin. “As I believe I told you, any Dom would be proud to hold the heart of such a
devoted sub.”

“Indeed,” Julian said. He kissed my temple. “All right, Dr. McBride, I’m going to
stay with Jordan in recovery for a while and make sure he’s settling in. Why don’t
you and Colin go get some sleep. I’ll be up later.”


* * * * *


For the first time, Colin and I dropped into bed together and simply slept. I awoke
sometime in the middle of the night to the feel of cool, familiar hands sliding over
my spread thighs.

“Forgive me, my dear,” he murmured, kneeling over me in the dark. “I need you too
badly to wait another moment.”

Still half-asleep and aware only of my endless love and yearning for him, I welcomed
him, pulling at his shoulders as he set the head of his cock against my body’s sleep-warmed
opening. I wasn’t the least bit aroused yet, and I gasped in discomfort when he pushed
partway in.

He swore and then pulled out slowly. “I’m sorry, that was poorly done of me. I assumed
you’d still be wet.”

“We were too pooped to party,” Colin mumbled from the pillow beside me.

Julian leaned over me, breathing roughly, his chest squashing my right breast as he
fumbled in the side drawer. Apparently finding what he sought, he pushed away from
me and I heard a snap and the unmistakable sound of flesh being lubed.

Then his fingers slid into me, spreading the slick moisture into every crevice. “Beautiful
little cunt,” Julian whispered. “So hot and tight and mine.”

His crude praise incited a surge of my own natural lubricant and I reached for him
again, suddenly unable to wait myself. He fell on me at once, sliding his forearms
under my shoulders as he shoved deep, and then deeper. God, he was thick. I could
feel every inch of him throbbing inside me—or was that me throbbing? The fit was so
tight, it was hard to tell.

Julian kissed me then, a long, deep, inquisitive greeting that felt so long overdue,
I nearly cried. When he rolled to his back, taking me up on top without breaking the
kiss or slipping out, I gasped against his mouth. Both of his hands immediately roved
down to my butt and his fingers zeroed in on the place where our bodies were joined.

“Mmmm,” he hummed into my mouth.

I hummed back and kissed him hungrily, squeezing my internal muscles on his restless
cock. God, I loved being on top for a change. I was vaguely conscious of Colin moving
on the bed and the snap of the lube lid, but it didn’t dawn on me what was about to
happen until he spread my butt cheeks wider with one hand and slid the cold, slick
fingers of the other into my anus.

Fear and excitement churned through me.

Raising my head, I said, “Um, Colin…”

“I told you we’d do this to you, Rachel,” he said, thrusting inside me in a way that
this was the only warm-up I was getting. “We’re doing it now.”

I swallowed hard, wishing the light were on so I could see but kind of glad it wasn’t
so they couldn’t see me. “Okay.”

Julian groaned deeply. “That’s my good little slut.” Then he clamped his fingers on
my cheeks and pulled them wide. “Now means
, Colin. In. I need to feel you.”

There was no hesitation when Colin shifted and put his cock against me. He forged
deep on the first thrust and stretched out over me with a groan, pressing his lips
against the top of my spine as he pressed me into Julian. Breathless, overfilled and
insanely aroused, I felt his arms and Julian’s come down by my sides. I reached down,
too, and found their hands linked.

A tidal wave of emotion rolled over me. Love. And fear. They loved each other so much.
What did it mean to me? Why did I feel like they’d be together long after I moved

“Fuck me,” I gasped, desperate to move away from this state of suspension. “Do it.”

Colin started moving at once and Julian and I both groaned. It felt sooooo good.

Julian’s thighs shifted behind me and his hands grabbed my butt again, holding me
in place as he thrust up hard, making me cry out. He did it again and again, in a
rhythm that seemed completely unrelated to Colin’s. It was like they were both looking
out for number one, like I was nothing more than an inanimate object for them both
to get off in.

The idea drove me wild, as did the unpredictability of the stimulation. I couldn’t
slip into any sort of internal rhythm with them jarring me haphazardly. Thrilled and
frustrated, I tried to move too, but Julian forced my hips down against him and fucked
me harder, driving into me like he had only seconds to reach orgasm.

“Don’t move,” he gasped. “You take what we give you.”

I raked my nails up his ribs. Hard.

“Fuck!” he shouted, bucking wildly and just about knocking Colin off. They both stopped
moving as he grappled with my evading arms until he got ahold of my wrists. “Bratty
little slut wants some pain with her pleasure, Colin.”

Panting, Colin said, “I can do that, Sir.”

Bracing himself away from my back, he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head
back hard enough to bring tears to my eyes. Then he held me there and started slapping
the hell out of my right thigh and hip. Julian managed to snag my nipples between
his thumbs and my wrist bones and I screamed when he pinched them brutally.

I was still keening when Colin let go and my head dropped onto Julian’s shoulder.
Colin began to slap my other thigh and hip, alternating randomly between the sides,
and finally I burst into sobs. “Ow, ow, ow!”

He seized my hips and fucked me roughly.

“Don’t come, little slut,” Julian growled, pulling on my stinging nipples. “You do
not have permission.”

“Oh God,” I choked. I couldn’t come from this pain, but I might come from the excitement.
“Please, oh God—”

His voice rose. “Don’t you dare fucking come, Rachel Anne. You don’t want to know
what will happen to you if you do.”

I whimpered, trying to stop it, trying to block out—

“I want to see what happens to you,” Colin panted. “Come, Rachel.” He wiggled a hand
in between my belly and Julian’s, and I gasped when I realized he was going for my

“No! Colin, don’t!”

“Rachel, if you come, I’m going to forget you ever had a safe word and fucking turn
you inside out with pain and humiliation.”

Colin found my clit and worked it in rough circles as he pounded into my aching butt.
“Let’s do it. Come on, Rachel, come so we can turn you into a real slave and do whatever
the hell we want to you.”

The chilling, tingling wave rose in my abdomen and I struggled wildly, keening, “No,
no, no, no...”

“Mmmm, oh, yeah, here she comes, Sir.”

Julian gasped, letting go of my wrists to slap both my hips over and over. “Stop it,
Rachel, now!”

I shook my head wildly. “No, no, no…”

The orgasm blew my head off and I sank straight to the bottom, where it was dark and
warm and peaceful.




Chapter Thirteen


November 2


By the time I opened my eyes late the next morning, the peaceful feeling had vanished
along with Julian, and the vague stirrings of foreboding had returned.

Colin was wrapped around me like a vine. He woke almost as soon as I did and rocked
his morning erection against my bare butt.

“I love you, Rachel,” he murmured in my ear.

Tears prickled in my nose. “I love you too.”

With the arm under my head, he pulled my face around and kissed me. Tenderly. Almost
solemnly. “Thank you,” he finally said. “Let’s go see how Jordan’s doing.”

My apprehension increased, but I shoved it down and got up immediately. There would
be time enough to sort through my concerns after Jordan turned the corner.

When we went down to the medical floor, he was still holding his own but deeply sedated.
Julian sat in a chair beside his bed, looking even more exhausted than he had the
day before.

“I couldn’t sleep, but I don’t know what to do with myself,” he said. “I love that
the surgery is finished but I hate having nothing to do. It’s all up to Jordan now,
and I hate it.”

Feeling protective, I sat down in his lap and wrapped my arms around him. “He’s going
to be fine, Julian.”

He threaded his hand through my hair and kissed my temple. “I know. It’s just the
waiting and wondering and worrying that drives me mad.” Then he turned my face to
his. “I love you very much, Rachel. Never doubt that. No matter what happens.”

I looked into his eyes and was startled at the darkness in their depths. He’d never
expressed the least doubt before this moment. “I love you too, but I think you need
a little more sleep. You’re sounding awfully pessimistic.”

“I don’t think sleep is what he needs right now,” Colin said abruptly.

I frowned at him. “Well it couldn’t hurt.”

“You’re right, but I’m pretty sure he needs something else first.” I was shocked when
Colin grabbed a handful of Julian’s hair and pulled his head backward. Leaning down
until his face was bare inches from Julian’s, he said, “Don’t you, Sir?”

Julian swallowed but didn’t answer.

“Just get it over with and tell her,” Colin said flatly.

“Colin, what the hell?” I protested. “Leave him alone.”

They both ignored me as Colin’s expression grew cruel. “Are you going to make me beat
it out of you, Julian?”

I gasped. “Colin!”

Julian closed his eyes as a sigh shuddered through him. “Please do.”

“Very well.” Colin put a hard kiss on his lips. “Be waiting for me in the punishment
room in one hour. You know how it works.”

Julian shuddered again. “Yes, Sir.”


* * * * *


An hour later, my stomach was rolling with anxiety when Colin and I entered the dungeons
through the door directly across from my room. I’d begged him to tell me what was
going on, what he thought he was doing, but as usual, he said it was something Julian
would have to tell me himself.

When Colin flipped an externally wired wall switch, half a dozen clear incandescent
bulbs hanging from the ceiling flared to life, starkly illuminating the more traditional-looking
dungeon. There were crosses, stocks, cages of different sizes and styles, a variety
of padded saw horses and benches, and an entire long wall hung with instruments of
torture. And everywhere above us, chains dripped from the ceiling like streamers at
a kinky prom.

My heart stopped when I saw Julian kneeling naked on the stone floor, his head down,
his hands behind his back.

“I hate this, Julian,” Colin said shortly.

“I know,” Julian whispered. “I’m sorry.”

“We’ll see, won’t we? As you’re so fond of telling me, real repentance is expressed
through actions rather than words.”

“Yes, Sir.”

My tummy twisted with fear. Was this just another mind fuck, an intense role-playing
scene, or had Julian truly done something wrong?

Had he cut some legal corners to make his brother’s surgery happen? It had crossed
my mind more than once that donating his body to the experiment was an awfully altruistic
gesture for a serial killer, whatever concessions he might have been granted. If Julian
had hadn’t obtained permission from the “donor”, it would be the modern-day equivalent
of body-snatching.

I shuddered.
God, please don’t let that be it.

Colin nudged Julian’s thigh with the toe of his shoe. “Up.”

Julian climbed awkwardly to his feet and stood there with his head down, his hands
still behind his back. His long, pale body and heavy, flaccid cock looked unreasonably

“Come with me.” Colin led him to a heavy wooden stock in the corner with a leather-padded
neck and wrist holes and a similarly padded low platform. While Julian stood there,
Colin lowered both neck boards until the openings were at knee height and then raised
the upper one. “In.”

Once Julian had knelt on the platform and placed his neck and wrists into the openings,
Colin slid the top board down and latched it so that Julian was locked in place with
his head only a foot from the wall. Then he picked up some kind of mini-stock with
just two holes and kicked Julian’s ankles further apart. Crouching, he opened up the
stock and locked it around Julian’s ankles and then hooked the ends to the side rails.

Julian jerked a little in his bonds. “I’m sorry, Colin.”

“Quiet. Unless you’re ready to tell Rachel what you did?” When Julian didn’t reply,
Colin said, “I didn’t think so. The next time you speak without permission, it had
better be to tell her the truth or you’ll wish you were standing.”

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