Frankenstein's Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech's Brave New Beasts (36 page)

BOOK: Frankenstein's Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech's Brave New Beasts
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animal-human interactions

Animal Liberation

animals: communication of distress by; educational uses of; fads for; as food; gene therapy in; injuries to; mental anguish in; as organ donors for humans; prosthetic devices for

animals, transgenic: chimeras vs.; as pharmaceutical factories

animal welfare; biotechnology and; cloning and; conservation of welfare in; cyborgs and; human welfare vs.; noninterference principle in; public attitudes toward; scientific research and;
see also

Animal Welfare Act (1966)

Antarctic Ocean

Anthropocene epoch



Arabian oryx

Arabian sand cat, cloning of

Artemis (transgenic goat)

Asilomar conferences

Atlantic salmon, genetically engineered

Atlantic tuna


Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species (ACRES)

Audubon Nature Institute

avian influenza

Baby Fae

Backyard Brains

bacteria: coliform; gene-swapping in

bantengs, cloning of

Barbaro (horse)

beagles, fluorescent

Beck, Alan

beetles, remote-controlled

Bekoff, Marc

Beltsville pigs

Benson, Etienne

Berns, Gregory

BioArts International



biology, synthetic

biosphere, human modification of

biotechnology: animal welfare and; demonization of; ethics of; promise of; as value-neutral tool


Bio-Thermo chips

black-footed ferrets

Blake, Alan

Block, Barbara

bluefin tuna, tracking of

Blunn, Gordon

Borkfelt, Sune

bottlenose dolphins

Boyden, Edward

brain disease, optical “prosthetics” for

Brazil; biotechnology in

breast milk, human

selective breeding

Brooke (cat)

Brownback, Sam

Bruce (cloned bull)


Buck (bloodhound)

Buddy (First Dog)

California Fish and Game Commission

California sea lion

Canada, genetic engineering and

Canadian lynx, cloning of


caracals, cloning of

Carroll, Kevin

Case Western Reserve University

cats, domestic: cloning of; hypoallergenic

cats, exotic: cloning of; as endangered species

cattle, domestic, cloning of

cattle, wild, cloning of

Cavalier King Charles spaniels


CC (cloned cat)

Ceará, Federal University of

Celia (Pyrenean ibex)

cellular differentiation

Census of Marine Life

Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Wildlife (CREW)

Center for Food Safety

Central Intelligence Agency

Chagas’ disease

Chance (Brahman bull)

Chapin, John


chickens, transgenic

chimeras, human-animal; transgenic animals vs.

Chinook salmon

Chrisie (sandhill crane)

Cincinnati Zoo

Clearwater Marine Aquarium

climate change; marine life and

Clinton, Bill

cloning; of endangered species; ethics of; of extinct species; genetic diversity and; health issues in; large offspring syndrome in; of livestock; of pets; public opinion on; sexual reproduction vs.

Coal (American bulldog)

cockroaches, remote-controlled

coliform bacteria


Conron, Wally

Conservation Biology


Craighead, John and Frank

Crick, Francis

Crockett, Richard


crystal jellyfish

CTI (Canine Testicular Implantation) Corporation

cumulus cells

animal cyborgs


dairy animals, transgenic, as pharmaceutical factories

Dalhousie University

Darwin, Charles

deer antlers

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); insect cyborg research of

DelFly Micro

Dewey (cloned deer)


differentiation, cellular

dinosaurs; reverse-engineering of

disease: in genetically engineered animals; genetically engineered resistance to

disease, human, laboratory animals and

Ditteaux (cloned African wildcat)

DNA; banking of; in sexual reproduction; transgenic; viruses as delivery mechanisms for;
see also
genes, genome; genetic engineering

DNA testing, in dog breeding

dogs: cloning of; evolution of; gene therapy in; genetically engineered; prosthetic limbs for; prosthetic testicles for; tail docking of

dogs, breeding of; and designer dogs; disease and disorders caused by; DNA testing and

Dolly (cloned sheep)

Dolphin Tale

Donnelly, Strachan

Dresser, Betsy


Dvorsky, George

E. coli

ecosystems, and endangered species reintroductions

education, use of animals in

Ehrenfeld, David

electronic tags

elephant seals, tracking of

elk, Yellowstone population of

endangered species: biotechnology and; cloning of; lack of genetic diversity in; reintroductions of

English bulldogs

English springer spaniels

environmentalists, cloning and


ethics: animal cyborgs and; animal prosthetics and; biotechnology and; of cloning; conservation of welfare and; of genetic engineering; human-animal chimeras and; tracking devices and; “yuck factor” in;
see also
animal welfare

Europe, genetic engineering and

European Union


extinctions: global warming and; mass

extinct species; cloning of

Fedak, Michael

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

Fédération Equestre Internationale

Fel d 1

Felix Pets

fish, genetically engineered; ethical concerns about

Fisher, Ralph

Fitzpatrick, Noel

flies, remote-controlled

Flores, Michael

flower beetles


Food and Drug Administration (FDA): cloned meat and; genetically modified salmon and; GloFish and; livestock cloning report of; pharming and; transgenic pets and

Fortaleza, Brazil

Fox, Lee

FOXP2 gene

Frankenstein Syndrome, The

Freeport-McMoRan Audubon Species Survival Center

Frozen Ark Project

“frozen zoos”

Fudan University

Gage, Greg

Galápagos sharks


genes, genome: environmental modulation of; expression of; natural modification of; recombination of; transposons and;
see also

gene therapy

genetically modified organisms (GMOs): in agriculture; escape of

genetic diversity, of endangered species

genetic engineering; animal cognition and; antitechnology activists and; of disease-resistant animals; ethics of; of fish; of livestock; of mice; of pets; political and social responses to; as value-neutral tool

genetic reprogramming

Genetic Savings & Clone (GSC)

Gillespie, Ron

Global Tagging of Pelagic Predators (GTOPP)

global warming; marine life and

GloFish; FDA statement on; public enthusiasm for

goats, cloning of

goats, transgenic, as pharmaceutical factories

Golden Clone Giveaway

golden lion tamarins

goldfish, breeding of

Gong, Zhiyuan

Goodall, Jane

gray wolves; cloning of; Yellowstone reintroduction of

great apes: cognition in; rights of

Great Plains, rewilding of

green fluorescent protein (GFP)

grizzly bears

GTC Biotherapeutics


Guelph, University of

Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals

habitat: destruction of; preservation of

Hackett, Perry

Hallerman, Eric

Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics

Hawthorne, Joan

Hawthorne, Lou

Health and Human Services Department, U.S.

Hermer-Vazquez, Linda

Herzog, Harold


honeybees, remote-controlled

Horner, Jack

horses: cloning of; prosthetic limbs for

Howell, Evan


human-animal interactions

Humane Society of the United States

humans, biosphere modification by

Hwang Woo Suk

hybrids, human-animal;
see also
chimeras, human-animal

immune systems, organ rejection by

insect cyborgs

Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies

Institute for Laboratory and Animal Research

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees

Integrated Ocean Observing System, U.S.

International Center for Technology Assessment

International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)

International Genetically Engineered Machine competition

intraosseous transcutaneous amputation prosthesis (ITAP)


in vitro fertilization

Irish setters

Ivanov, Ilya

Jazz (African wildcat)

Jonathan Sealwart (elephant seal)

Kass, Leon

Kochevar, Randy

Kraemer, Duane

Kraemer, Shirley

laboratory animals: GM-induced disease in; popular attitudes toward; in study of human disease; welfare of


Labrador retrievers

Lal, Amit

large offspring syndrome

Lifestyle Pets

lions, cloning of

livestock: breeding of; cloning of; rights of

livestock, genetically engineered; disease-resistant; pain-free

loggerhead turtles

Lonesome George (Galapagos tortoise)


mad cow disease

Maga, Elizabeth

Maharbiz, Michel


mammoth, cloning of

Marcellin-Little, Denis

marine animals: global warming and; population decline among; tracking of

Marzullo, Tim

meat, cloned


medial forebrain bundle (MFB)

mental anguish, in animals

messenger RNA (mRNA)

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