Frat Boy and Toppy (13 page)

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Authors: Anne Tenino

BOOK: Frat Boy and Toppy
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“Oh, fuck,” Brad choked.

Collin looked back into Brad’s eyes and dropped to his knees.

“Oh, God, dude. I can’t—” Brad’s voice got stuck in his throat when Collin’s tongue reappeared, licking almost delicately into Brad’s slit. Collin stared into his eyes and Brad watched the water sluicing down his shoulders. Felt the stinging pellets hit his own lower back, and somehow it made him more sensitive to the mouth on his dick.

“You taste good.” Collin dropped his eyes and started licking Brad like a lollipop. God, his tongue was just fucking obscene and so, so hot and wet and pink and fuck, what was that word? Agile.

Brad planted a hand on the wall to keep himself upright. He was trying to work up to stopping Collin, but wasn’t sure he could.

“There’s no one here but us,” Collin whispered right before he sucked the head of Brad’s cock into his mouth, tonguing the ridge and stroking up the underside to his head, swirling around it.

“Uh.” Brad’s higher brain shorted out. What was he gonna do, pull his dick out of the guy’s mouth? It would take a stronger man than him to do that.

Collin sucked him down his throat without warning, and Brad yelped. Before he really knew how they got there, Collin had one hand on Brad’s butt cheek, urging him to fuck his mouth, one hand on his own dick, and he was blowing Brad’s mind. Looking into his eyes.

They were too light; hazel, not brown.

Brad shut his eyes. Fuck, he’d never . . . no girl had ever made him feel like this giving him a blowjob. Their hands weren’t that strong or maybe it was the occasional scrape of stubble or the sheer suction power. Or just because it was a guy. Brad didn’t know and didn’t particularly care.

Collin swallowed on him again, and Brad felt the cum right there, boiling over. He couldn’t even warn Collin, but Collin didn’t seem to care as those muscles behind Brad’s balls contracted and expanded and shot down Collin’s throat.

Collin was moaning around his dick, and when he could, Brad looked down to see Collin coming into his own hand as he licked Brad clean. Brad was panting hard, leaning heavily on the wall, so loose he felt like gelatin on a skeleton.

Thank God I don’t have to suck him now.

Because he’d never done it, and he might suck at it (haha), but mostly because he wanted to be on his knees in a shower with Sebastian, tasting Sebastian’s cum in his mouth.

Fuck. Sebastian.

Brad collapsed back against the wall, pulling his dick out of Collin’s mouth before Collin seemed totally ready to relinquish it. Collin had licked him all clean, but Brad didn’t feel so clean inside. Some internal organ beneath his ribs was trying to turn itself inside out or something.

Collin stood up after a minute and shut off the water. The showers had been running the whole time. Val would kill him if she knew he’d been so wasteful.

Why the fuck was he thinking about her right now?
Because she’d call you a loser for what you just did with Collin.

“Sorry,” Collin said. Brad looked at him in confusion. “I should have asked if you had something going with someone first, huh?” He looked ashamed, maybe, and sad. Humiliated?

Brad cleared his throat. “What makes you think . . .?”

“You called me Sebastian.”

Brad closed his eyes and leaned his head against the tiles. “Fuck.”

“S’okay man. My bad. Hard to turn down a blowjob. I won’t say anything.”

He could feel his face flaming. “I’m not really . . . he’s not really. We just hooked up a couple of times.”

“So you’re not exclusive?”

Brad’s eyes popped open at the hopeful note in Collin’s voice. Collin was watching him intently.

“I don’t know if we’re anything.” He hated the way his voice came out. It sounded sad, the same way Collin’s had a few seconds before.

Collin looked at the tile wall and traced some grout with a finger. “Oh. I get it.” He took a deep breath and nodded his head once, as if agreeing on something with the wall. Then he looked at Brad again, turning his whole body to face him. “I’m really into you, Brad. Like, this could be more than a random shower hook-up, if you wanted. So, um . . .” He laughed shortly, not really sounding amused. “If you ever figure out what you have with Sebastian and it’s not, um . . .” He ran a hand through his dark hair.

“What I want?”

“Yeah,” Collin said softly, back to talking to the wall. “I’d try, you know. To give you what you want.”

Brad wasn’t the best at following emotional subtext, but he was pretty sure he was getting what Collin was saying. He leaned toward Collin and kissed him on the cheek.

“Okay.” At Collin’s suddenly hopeful look, Brad thought maybe he needed to explain that a little. “If what I have with Sebastian doesn’t work out or turn into anything, we can see what happens with you and me.”

“Oh.” Collin looked back at the wall, smiling sadly at it.

Brad cleared his throat. “Um, sorry.” He should probably get the hell out of here and give Collin some time alone. He pushed away from the wall, but stopped after two steps. “Thanks.” Was that what he should do? Thank the guy for the blowjob? He was uncomfortable as hell, and he was sure Collin knew, but he couldn’t just walk away and say nothing.

“Anytime.” Collin’s voice didn’t sound right, but Brad had used up his emotional subtext allotment for the day. So he sighed and walked out. Brad thought about watching Collin come at his feet, moaning around Brad’s cock, and felt even worse.

He scrubbed off his dick in a sink.



Brad went straight over to Sebastian’s. He didn’t know if Sebastian had classes Friday or what, but was hoping he would be home. It was barely nine.

Sebastian answered the door. “Hey!” he said, sounding pleased rather than the annoyed Brad was afraid he’d be. He let Brad in, scratching his head and yawning. He had on pajama bottoms. Only.

When Brad saw Sebastian’s roommate on the couch, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and tried not to look at the way Sebastian’s chest hair made that beautiful dark line down the center of his torso.

The roommate—Brad thought it was that guy Sebastian had come to the frat party with, Toby maybe?—gave a long-suffering sigh and looked at Sebastian. “I suppose it’s time for me to leave for class, huh?”

Sebastian just smiled at his roommate, a toothy grin. Brad stood there, uncomfortable, while the guy grabbed his backpack and left. Right before he walked out the door, Brad heard him mutter something about “frat boy.”

He cleared his throat, staring at the floor. After another few seconds of silence, Sebastian said, “Hey,” again, but it was softer now. He walked over to stand in front of Brad, circling the side of Brad’s neck with his hand.

Brad looked at Sebastian. He was totally fucking this up. He’d planned on being all cool and maybe never mentioning the whole Collin-cock-sucking thing, seeing where things went with Sebastian. He didn’t even know how he’d ended up here. When girls had come to him wanting more, he’d hated it, partly for how pathetic it was—didn’t they have more self-respect than that?—and partly because of how shitty it made him feel.

He almost turned and walked out. But Sebastian stroked a thumb across his jaw once and asked, “Is something wrong?”

“Collin sucked me off in the shower.” It just tumbled out of his mouth.

Sebastian blinked, his head jerking back slightly. His thumb stopped that soothing stroke, but he didn’t move his hand. “Okaaaay,” Sebastian finally said. “And you’re telling me this because . . .?”

Oh God. Brad was just another piece of ass for Sebastian. “I almost stopped him.”

“Why?” Sebastian’s short laugh sounded just a little weird. Weird enough that Brad kept talking.

“Because of you.”

Sebastian dropped his head and blew out a breath. His hand tightened a little on Brad’s neck. He looked back up into Brad’s eyes. “Okay.”

They looked at each other.


“Okay, as in ‘Okay, tell me why because of me.’”

“Because if someone other than me sucked you off I’d break his jaw.”

Sebastian looked at him, his eyes dancing across Brad’s face. “We never said this was anything exclusive,” he said slowly. “We never said this was anything.”

Oh, God. Sebastian
been with someone else. Not that Brad had any room to complain, because they’d only been together twice, and the first time was supposed to be a one-off. Not to mention the whole Collin-in-the-shower scene. “I know.”

Sebastian’s eyebrows drew together. “Do you want it to be exclusive?”

Brad swallowed the glue in his mouth. “Yeah.”

“You just let some guy suck you off in the shower.” Sebastian’s hand slid down from Brad’s neck to rest on his shoulder.

“I know,” Brad whispered. He closed his eyes and hung his head. “He’s one of my roommates.”

Sebastian dropped his hand from Brad’s shoulder.
. “Brad, look at me.” His voice was so strong Brad’s head snapped up before he realized what he was doing. Sebastian had a funny look on his face. “Have you ever had
guy suck you?”

Sebastian had to know the answer to that one. Brad shook his head.

A little smile flirted with the corners of Sebastian’s mouth. “And you didn’t ask him for it, right?”

Brad’s heart started to knock lightly on his ribs. He swallowed. “No, he just . . . I was thinking of being in the shower with you and I got, you know.” Deep breath. “I got hard and he was there and the next thing I knew he was on his knees. I mean, I was going to step away, but he

How sick was it that telling Sebastian about it, looking into his eyes, was getting Brad excited again? Now Sebastian had that slightly teasing smile on his face. It was really wrong what that smile did to his insides. Shouldn’t he feel mocked instead of turned on?

Sebastian stepped forward and got in Brad’s space, eyes just below his, slipping one hand around the back of his neck and gripping Brad’s hip with the other, wide-legged stance bracketing him. “And if I give you what you want, tell you I’ll make this exclusive—for now—you won’t do it again, will you, Bradley? It’ll just be me.”

That fast, Brad was mostly hard again. He wanted to grab Sebastian and bury his face in the crook of his neck, grind his hips into him. He left his hands in his pockets. “Just you,” he croaked.

Sebastian slowly lost the smile and lifted both hands to Brad’s face, tracing his cheekbones with his thumbs. He looked into Brad’s eyes and said. “Okay.”

Brad swallowed. He pulled his hands out of his pockets, finally, and circled Sebastian’s waist. “Okay?”

Sebastian leaned into him. “I’ll be with just you. Nobody else,” he said against Brad’s mouth. Then he nipped Brad’s lower lip hard, making Brad jump. He was already strung taut, heart pounding in his ears, dick straining against his jeans, guts knotting up. The sting of Sebastian’s teeth was somehow exactly what he needed, focusing him on the strangely pleasurable pain. Painful like the aching, addictive feeling of Sebastian pushing into him the first time. His breath sped up on a whine.

Sebastian smiled against his lips, then pulled back and looked at him, the smile melting away again. “If you hook up with anyone else, we’re done.”

Brad nodded, feeling like a bobble-head doll. “You trust me?”

Sebastian nodded back. He held Brad’s face a little tighter. “You didn’t have to tell me. It wouldn’t have been wrong of you not to.”

Brad wasn’t sure why that would make Sebastian trust him. But he had a more pressing concern. “You forgive me?”

Sebastian looked at him in silence, while Brad’s throat choked up on him. “Nothing to forgive, hon. You didn’t do anything dishonest.” Brad swallowed, saw Sebastian’s eyes on his Adam’s apple. “But you need that, yeah? I forgive you.”

Brad felt weak with relief.

Sebastian leaned in and kissed him, a short kiss, tracing Brad’s lips with his tongue. Brad gripped him tighter and tried to bring him into his body, but Sebastian pulled back one more time. “Now you’re going to make it up to me.”

Brad’s heart jumped. “I am?”

Sebastian stepped back and smiled. Brad dropped his hands and waited.

“You’re going to go into the bathroom, get your naked ass in the shower, and show me exactly what he did to you.”

“Oh, fuck yes I am,” he breathed, then hightailed it to the bathroom, losing his shirt somewhere on the way.


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