Freak of Nature (12 page)

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Authors: Julia Crane

BOOK: Freak of Nature
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Her face went still, as if a mask had dropped down. “You’re right. I wasn’t programmed that way.”

“Kate, please…” he said, “you don’t understand. Yesterday, I found out there was an error in your coding that would leave you vulnerable to forming attachments. Forming attachments like…but I fixed it. So this can’t be. It shouldn’t be possible.”

He knew her mind was whirring, processing the information. There was a certain look to her eyes when it happened. Maybe nobody but Lucas could tell, and only because he had studied her for so long—and not just as a robot.

“You fixed me?” she asked coldly.

“I didn’t mean it that way. I meant I fixed the coding. If you still feel this way, it’s amazing. It’s astounding….” He shoved a hand through his hair, trying to pick his words. “It shouldn’t be, but it is. There’s more to it than coding, here.”

“So when you ‘fixed’ me,” Kaitlyn said, as if he hadn’t spoken, “I was no longer supposed to be attracted to you?”

Lucas paused to take a deep breath. “That’s what I expected, yeah.”

“And you did it anyway?” Her grey eyes flashed with anger and her jaw tightened.

Oh shit, she’s pissed
. He scrambled to think of the words to right the situation. “You don’t understand. I did it for you.”

Her voice raised. “For me?”

“Yes, it could be a liability when you leave here. I couldn’t stand the risk of you getting hurt.”

“So you wanted to take away what little feelings I had left? What little there was of my humanity?”

Lucas looked down at the ground, shame settling over him.

“Well I’m sorry to inform you, but it didn’t work.” She moved to stand up, and Lucas grabbed her arm.

“Kate, please just hear me out. You’re leaving in a couple of days. I don’t know if we will see each other again. Do you really want to waste what little time we have left together arguing? I’m begging you. Please, I was an idiot, but I really thought I was doing what was best for you.””

She pulled her hand away and stared at him. Several emotions flashed across her face. Lucas saw the moment logic took over her thought processes, and her grey eyes softened. He was thankful she was able to see the situation objectively. Even though she was clearly upset only a moment ago. If she never talked to him again he would never forgive himself.

One dainty, long-fingered hand flitted to rest on his arm. Lucas stood up to tentatively pulled her towards him. When she didn’t resist his shoulders relaxed.

“As much as I hate to admit it, I can comprehend why you would think it was a good idea. But you should have asked me first. I deserve a choice. You took that away from me. You can’t imagine what it’s like having others make ever decision for you.”

“You’re right. I should have talked it over with you. I’m sorry. I really am.”

“So, I shouldn’t have feelings for you, but I do. What does that mean?” Kaitlyn pulled back to look up at him.

His lip twitched. “That I’m irresistible?” He looked away, bashful.
That was so lame.

“It does seem that way, doesn’t it?” She looked pensive. “I guess I don’t understand why they don’t want me to have feelings or emotions. There are soldiers everyday that do their jobs well, and they have families and people they care about.”

“You’re not supposed to be any old soldier, though,” Lucas said. “You are supposed to surpass the best soldier. And emotions get in the way.” Lucas touched her cheek; her skin was warm.

There was a long silence before she spoke again. “Are you going to tell Professor Adams?”

Lucas stuck his hands deep in his pockets and looked off in the distance at the towering trees. The sun was gone completely; night had fallen. He knew he should tell the professor. “Not unless you want me to. As far as I’m concerned, the coding is correct. I did my part, and you have done a convincing job of fooling everyone.”

“I don’t want you to tell them.” She held out her pinky.

“You learned that from Quess?” He laughed.

She nodded and waited. Lucas held out his own hand, so much larger than hers. They hooked pinky fingers, and shook.

Chapter Fifteen

aitlyn sank to the ground, pulling Lucas with her, and rested against the tree. She felt better after their pinky promise. She had to admit she was a little relieved to know that the feelings for Lucas were real, and not a computing error.

Lucas opened his arms and tugged her close. She rested her head against his chest and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart. Even in the cool evening she could feel the warmth of his skin through his clothes.

She should have been angry with Lucas, but being with him felt so right. She didn’t want to squander away the short amount of time they had together not getting along. The thought of never seeing him again sent a brief wave of panic through her that her systems quickly overrode.

“What were you like when you were younger?” Kaitlyn asked, lifting her face to peer up at him.

“I can’t believe you still want to be with me,” Lucas said softly and ran his thumb slowly across her lower lip. “I thought I’d lost you forever.”

“That feels good.” Kaitlyn closed her eyes at the touch of his hand.

“How about this?” Lucas’s warm breath on her neck caused her to gasp as he flipped her hair off her shoulder and lightly kissed from her collarbone to her temple.

“That, too.”

His lips moved across the sensitive skin at the base of her neck, his tongue darting out to touch her. She shuddered, one hand reaching up to cup his face and draw him closer.

His touch was intoxicating; it set her blood boiling, flushing her body with heat. Kaitlyn completely lost herself when he was so near. “Kiss me,” she whispered.

His lips met hers, slowly exploring with an urgency that left her breathless.

Eventually, she pulled away and met his gaze. “Are you distracting me with pleasure to avoid my question?”

Lucas laughed, long and hard, his body shaking beneath her touch. He leaned forward, kissing her again, just a short, affectionate peck. “You’re too astute.”

Kaitlyn straightened up, putting some breathing room between them. She cupped his face and looked him in the eye. “Tell me about your childhood. We don’t have much time together, and I want to know more about your past. I hardly know anything about you.”

“Let’s just say I’m glad you didn’t know me when I was younger.” He tugged on a lock of her hair, but his eyes were dark and sad.


“Well, I was what one would call a ‘nerd.’ Tall, lanky, no social skills, and eye glasses as thick as a coke bottle.”

Kaitlyn tried to match the mental image with the man sitting beside her, but they didn’t seem to match.

“When you have an IQ as high as mine, it’s hard to fit in. I skipped ahead in school, so I was always around older kids, and they didn’t want anything to do with me. Plus I would get lost in my own world and didn’t care about anything else.”

“What changed?”

He was silent for a moment. “My father left when I was twelve. He always wanted an athletic son—someone he could be proud of. He wanted to go to football games, not science fairs. One day, he just walked out on me and my mom and never came back. I guess I thought if I could be the son he wanted, he would return.”

“Did he come back?”


Kaitlyn didn’t know what to say. Finally, she said, “I don’t think he left because you weren’t athletic enough. That doesn’t seem to make sense.”

“You’re right, but I was a kid, I didn’t know that at the time. I guess, in a way, I’m glad. Glad he left, glad he didn’t come back. It was good for me to get out of my comfort zone. I started running and lifting weights. I joined a couple of clubs in school and learned to be more social. By the time I made it to college, I wasn’t such an awkward disaster.”

“I don’t remember what I was like when I was younger.”

Lucas entwined his fingers with hers. “I’m sure you were amazing.”

“Quess found a Facebook page that had images of me on it. She said I needed help in the style department. That my clothing was lame, but that doesn’t tell much about my personality does it?”

Lucas squeezed her hand. “I think what’s important is who you are now. You have a second chance at life. I know it’s easy for me to say since I’m not in your shoes, but Kate I’d hate for you to be miserable for the rest of your existence.”

Kaitlyn didn’t even think about the consequences of her next question; she didn’t consider how awkward it would be for him to answer. “Why did they have to take my memories?”

Lucas stiffened, his face stricken. It was a minute before he gathered his thoughts and was able to answer. “We thought it would be easier for you to adjust to your new life if you couldn’t recall your old one.”

“I don’t even know if I have any family.”

“If you knew you had family, would you want to see them?”

Kaitlyn thought it over for a few moments and shook her head. “No. I know that life is over. They think I’m dead. I also understand the reason for the secrecy. I guess I just wish I could remember it.”

“I’m sorry, Kate.” Lucas tugged her into a bear hug, speaking against her hair. “We were working blind. We had no idea what we were doing. You’re the first of your kind.”

Kaitlyn pulled away and met his gaze. “Maybe you’ll do better with the next

She caught a flicker of something in his eyes. The facial program scanned images, looking for its equivalent. The answer promptly blinked on her internal screen: Regret, or maybe sadness.

“It would help our next project if we told Harrington and Adams that you still have emotions. That way, we’ll know it isn’t necessary to erase them for the next…person.”

Kaitlyn turned away. “I don’t want that. At least, not right now. Don’t tell. Please.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

The wind blew. Lucas shivered, and Kaitlyn wondered what that felt like. She sat with her back to him, gazing out over the darkening yard. The fence was visible in the distance—the fence that penned her in.

“Lucas, when will I be leaving?” she asked quietly.

“The day after tomorrow you’ll meet with the committee. Then they’ll negotiate. I’m not sure how long that will take. Could be days, weeks or even months.”

“Is there any way out of this?”

“As you know, there are always alternate scenarios. But Harrington is dead-set on releasing you to the government. I can’t think of a single reason that would convince him otherwise. Believe me, it’s been keeping me up at night trying to come up with something Harrington would go for.”

“I could run away.”

Lucas turned to face her. “Yes, you could run away, but then what? You would be on your own. What if something happened with your programming? Like the way you shut down the other day. It would be impossible for you to hide in society. The upgrades have helped, but you’d still have trouble blending in for a long period of time with the general populace. Not to mention you have GPS installed. They’ll find you.”

As much as she hated to admit it, she knew he was right. Perhaps the new life wouldn’t be bad. Maybe she would come to enjoy her new existence the way she had the compound. It would certainly be easier to accept the changes if Lucas was there with her.

“Could you come with me? Maybe work for the government and oversee the project?”

Lucas sighed and ran his hand through her hair. “If only it were that easy. But I’m not ready to give up. I’m going to hound Harrington to make sure he insists that we have some oversight of the project. It should be easy enough to convince him that it’s needed in order to proceed with stage two.”

“More cyborgs?”

“Eventually. It took us a long time to find you, and I don’t think it will be any easier to find a new subject. We’ve been searching all this time with no luck. Not many people offer to donate their body to science within the age requirements and fitness abilities.”

“I’m…” Kaitlyn scanned her memory banks, trying to come up with the correct word to fit the situation. “Grateful for the time we were able to have together.”

Lucas cupped her face in his hands and leaned in to kiss her gently. The kiss quickly intensified. When he kissed her, everything else faded away. All she was aware of was his scent, his lips on hers, and how warm his hands felt on her body.

Abruptly, her sensors picked up on another presence. Apparently, he couldn’t block out everything.

Kaitlyn’s eyes flew open, and she pulled away, jumping up. “Someone is coming.”

Lucas looked around and didn’t see or hear anything, but he knew better than to question her. He stood up, brushing off his slacks. “We should head back.”

“I wish we could stay here forever. Away from everyone.”

“Me too,” he said softly. He stepped closer and kissed her one last time.

As they were walking back, one of the guards came into view. “There you are. We lost you on the cameras after a while and became concerned. Everything okay?”

Lucas nodded. “We’re fine. We were just taking a walk and testing out Katilyn’s new upgrades. We must have been in a blind spot.”

“There are a couple of those, unfortunately. Perhaps we should have a guard patrolling those areas more often,” the guard said, more to himself than to them.

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