Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) (65 page)

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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Arriving at Gina’s place, a condo building in the east end of Ottawa, he regarded the locked front door with a frown. He didn’t want to announce his presence, however, someone needed to buzz the portal to let him in. He tossed some change into the parking meter before strolling across the street, timing his arrival to that of a couple slowing in front. The older gent gave him a hard look when Sheng caught the door and held it open.

“I’m just visiting my girlfriend, Gina, on the fifth floor,” he said, adopting his most benign expression.

“Gina, the cop, Gina?” the woman asked.

“That’s my girl,” he said with a wide smile. “You know her?”

“Who doesn’t? She made sure the druggies in the park found another spot. It’s so nice to go for walks now and not worry about the needles and other junk.”

“Sounds like my Gina.” Grin still plastered to his face, Sheng wondered if he looked as crazy as he felt. Apparently not, because the couple let him follow them in and got on the elevator with him. When he got off at the fifth floor, they even wished him a good evening.

Oh, I’m planning on a good night, so don’t mind the screams and thumps.

Arriving in front of her door, he didn’t hesitate or try to talk himself out the confrontation. He wasn’t about to let one nosy wolf chase him out of town. Or keep him up any longer. He raised his fist and knocked.




In the midst of doing some yoga, Gina, currently bent over with her arms extended, frowned. Who the heck knocked? She rarely got visitors, and forget surprise ones. To access the building a person needed a key or have someone buzz them in. The impatient rap came again.

Curious, she unwound her body and padded over to the front door. Before opening it, she grabbed her gun off the sideboard and held it behind her before swinging open the portal. A cute, yet pissed off, Asian man pushed his way in past her.

“Won’t you come in?” she said, with all the sarcasm possible.

“We need to talk,” Jack growled.

“Fine, but do you mine taking off your shoes first. I just vacuumed.”

Brows knitting together to form one annoyed slash, and lips tight, despite his annoyance, Jack bent over and removed his shoes. Grinning, she admired his ass as she slid her gun back into her junk basket.

“Good pussycat. I don’t suppose you’d let the pants follow?” Darn but she’d never known a man to blush like this one did.

“I am not here for sex.”

Odd, her cop radar said he lied. Awesome. “Plans change. People get naked. Sometimes sex happens. Or at least some hot and heavy oral.” Gina tried not to laugh as he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Yeah, she freely admitted to getting a perverse pleasure out of shocking him.

“You are the most uncouth creature,” he finally managed to choke.

“And you are the most repressed. Holy smokes, pussycat. Relax a little. Can’t a girl toss around a few dirty jokes? Maybe hope for a little no strings, sweaty action? Maybe a boob job?” She pushed her breasts together to further emphasize her words and wet her panties when he almost went cross eyed. A girl did so enjoy knowing she turned a man on. And if she wasn’t mistaken, her pussycat had reached the point of no return.

Unfortunately, he didn’t ravish her, despite his obvious erection. “I can’t relax,” he snapped.

“Why not? Tough day at work?”

“It was my day off.”

“Undershorts too tight?” she asked.

“I don’t wear any.”

Oh, no. He did not say that with a smirk. Her eyes shot to his groin, trying to x-ray the fabric and see if he told the truth. “Really? I don’t believe you. Prove it.”

He recoiled. “I will not prove it. Why would I lie?”

She shrugged and stepped past him into her living room, a chaotic space filled with a pair of overstuffed, brushed suede love seats covered in multi colored cushions rivaling the hues of a rainbow. Her Wii game system was paused as it waited for her to resume her yoga session. Grabbing up a remote, and ignoring her visitor, she selected the next pose and got in position.

“What are you doing?”

“Well, since someone won’t show me his commando state, nor tell me why he’s here, I’m going back to my yoga. Feel free to join me.”

“We need to talk about what you did.” He moved until he stood in front of her, his arms crossed over his chest.

Hands touching her toes, she peeked up at him. “Talk about what? The kiss? Don’t be so anal. We shared one little smooch. Not a big deal. If you’re worried about your wife finding out, then don’t. I’m not the type to kiss and tell.”

“This has nothing to do with the kiss. I meant the other thing you did.”

Other? Seeing as how she’d not gotten drunk in the last few days and woken up in a strange bed with a fuzzy mouth and no recollection of events after a round of tequila shooters, she really had no clue what he meant. “You’ll have to be more specific, pussycat. Although, I’m pretty sure if we’d done something else, I would remember it, unless you really weren’t that memorable.”

Oh no, he looked pissed now. “For the last time, this isn’t about sex, but for the record, if I did do something to you, you’d remember it. Now stop playing stupid. I’m talking about your inquiries in to me and Jill.”

How did he find out about that?
Gina frowned and knew she should ask him, but dammit, he’d challenged her. And Gina Greco never turned down a challenge. “You think you’re that good in the sack? I dare you to prove it. Personally, I think you’re too repressed to be anything other than perfunctory, but I’m game to try.”

“Perfunctory? I’m an excellent lover. I take a lot of care with my partners to ensure they enjoy themselves.”

Gina buffed her nails on the edge of her shirt and pretended boredom. “Gee, I haven’t heard that one before. Hate to break it to you, pussycat, but most men don’t live up to their claims.”

“And you would know, wouldn’t you?” he spat bitterly.

Her brows arched. “If you’re calling me a slut, watch out, because while I’ll tolerate many names, that’s not one of them.”

“And what are you going to do about it?”

“I’m a cop. I know how to hurt you.”

His lips curled into a smirk. “You’re a girl. I’d like to see you try.”

“You did not just say that,” she sputtered at his chauvinistic remark.

“I did. It’s a known fact women just aren’t as physically capable as men. It’s why we have to take on the role of protector.”

?” she asked framing the word in finger quotes. “That’s priceless. I can’t believe your wife lets you get away spouting bullshit like that.”

“My wife knows her place,” he pompously asserted.

“I’m not your wife.” And no, despite her wolf’s whining, she didn’t intend to apply for the position not even when Jill hooked up with Chris. The guy, while hot, was not her type at all. Cute yes. But also an obvious control freak. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re a jerk.” Not content to let words act as her only rebuttal, she also swept her leg at Jack’s ankle and dumped him on his ass. Or meant to. He somehow got his hands out and managed to spring away and land on his feet.

Cool. And hot because it showed her another layer to Mr. Prim-and-Proper. “Martial arts?”

“Among other things,” he replied.

Curious about the other things, she threw a pillow at him, and as he caught it, she dove at him. He caught her, twisted her so her back was to his chest while his arms pinned hers at her side. His breath fluttered against her ear lobe. “See. You can’t beat a man.”

“But I can hurt one,” she snarled, annoyed at how easily he handled her. Jamming her foot down, she stomped him, then rammed her elbow at the part of his body that supposedly went commando. His arms loosened as his breath whooshed out. She leapt free and turned to face him, blood pumping and strangely aroused by their wrestling match.

“That was a low blow,” he chided.

“Want me to kiss it better?”

His eyes flashed but not with annoyance. “I prefer my women more ladylike.”

“I prefer my men without a stick up their ass.”

“You are the most annoying she-wolf.”

“Ditto, Mr. Irritable cat.”

With each word, they took a step toward each other.

“Temptress.” He growled it like an insult. It still made her cleft flood with moisture.

“Stupid stud.” And with that, she kissed him.

Chapter Twenty Three

How they went from sparring with fists and words to locked in a frantic kiss, Sheng couldn’t have said, but once his lips clashed with hers, he forgot his reason for coming over. Forgot why he disliked Gina.

But Sheng did remember every erotic fantasy he’d had about her. Like a tsunami, arousal washed over him and swept him in its grip. Awash in sensation, he could only struggle to breathe, frantic pants as he nibbled on her lips and sucked on her lithe tongue. Encased in his arms, she didn’t struggle to escape. On the contrary, she held onto him just as tight, her rounded body, with its undertone of muscle, rubbing against him.

He wound his hand in her hair and pulled, tilting her face back. “This is such a bad idea,” he growled.

Eyes heavy with languor, she licked her lips. “Yes it is. Now shut up and get naked or I’ll get the cuffs out.” She no sooner finished speaking than her hands tugged at his shirt.

As if he’d let her control the situation. He placed his hands over hers and helped her strip it off. For once in his life, Sheng gave in to something other than the right thing to do. He chose the path of pleasure instead of duty and made quick work of her clothes as she fumbled at his slacks. It took only a few frantic moments for them to denude themselves. Damn his fantasies didn’t do justice to her body.

Full hips, rounded belly, heavy breasts with a slight tan all over, every inch of her demanded worship, especially her large, brown nipples.

To his ego’s manly delight, she sucked in a breath as she eyeballed him. “Holy shit. You are commando.”

“And you talk too much.” Grabbing her by the nape, he dragged her to him, something about the she-wolf bringing out his more dominant side. He devoured her mouth hungrily, nipping her bottom lip. God, he wanted to bite her so bad. The feel of her skin against his, rubbing and marking him with her scent had his cat yeowling.

His cat wanted her. Wanted him to bite her. Mark her.

Sheng retained enough sanity to know better. But not enough to stop himself from letting his mouth travel from her lips to her neck, then further down to her heavy breasts. Cupping large handfuls, so different than his usual experience, he mentally revised his previous dislike of big breasts. Smothering his face between them, squeezing the round globes was much more satisfying than he expected. And sucking on her prominent nipples? Almost as fun as the noises Gina made, guttural cries of pleasure as she yanked his hair, pushing him harder into her breasts. Rough, and vocal, and so responsive. A wet dream come true.

“Suck them, pussycat,” she demanded. “Bite them too. Work that mouth.”

So she thought to command the situation? To control him? Not likely. Sheng didn’t have much say over many parts of his life, but when it came to sex, especially with this woman, he intended to call the shots. Capturing her lips again, he walked them until the back of her knees hit the couch. She toppled onto it, legs splayed. He stepped between them, his cock jutting forth at just the right height – in other words, even with her mouth. Even without its garish layer of color, the fullness of her lips beckoned him.

“Is this a hint, pussycat?” she asked, eyeing him coyly even as she grabbed his dick and stroked it.

“No hint. Suck it.”

His frank order widened her gaze. “Or?”

“Or you won’t get a turn.” He flicked a finger against the dampness between her legs, fighting an urge to sink to his knees and bury his face. Not yet. First, he needed her mouth around his cock.

It didn’t take her long to decide. Lips latched onto his swollen head and Sheng threw his head back with a loud groan. With an impressive suction, Gina drew him into her mouth, while her fingers kneaded his sac. She took every inch of him and then slid it back out. She bobbed her head along his length, fast and eager, but he still wrapped his hands in her hair, tugging at her. Controlling the pace, gagging her every so often to show her who was in charge. The minx enjoyed it too, groaning loudly, the rumble vibrating along the length of his cock.

Damn. If she didn’t stop he’d come in her freakn’ mouth. He wasn’t ready for that, not when he had another destination in mind. He pulled free, not with ease as she tried to follow him, her lips not eager to relinquish their prize.

Before she could protest – and he gave in to the climax her sultry wet mouth promised – he dropped to his knees and buried his face between her thighs. Then he did what cats did best. He lapped at her cream.




Gina must have died and gone to heaven, or so she assumed as she moaned and thrashed on her couch as she got the most amazing oral ever, and from the most straight laced of sources. Who would have guessed the passionate nature hiding behind the scowl? The deft tongue flicking across her clit, its gentle rasp an unexpected delight.

BOOK: Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)
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