Freedom to Ride - Resolution (Raven's MC) (16 page)

BOOK: Freedom to Ride - Resolution (Raven's MC)
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“No. Fuck you and this garage. This isn’t the last you’ll hear from me,” Shaun yelled as he stomped over to his bike and climbed on.

Nate watched as Shaun’s eyes strayed back to Deanna and his face filled with resolve. Before Nate could act or say anything Shaun revved his engine and tore out of the compound.

“All sorted?” Deanna asked as she walked over to Nate a few seconds later, not having witnessed any of what had just occurred.

“Aye, he won’t be coming back,” he tried to answer positively, but was filled with unease.


“Listen, with everything that’s been going on, I spoke to Jamie earlier. He’s agreed that when I’m no’ around he’ll accompany you wherever you need to go.”

“Nate, he can’t . . .”

“He said he’s more than happy to do it. So whenever you want to leave the compound and none of us can go with you, take Jamie. Alright?”

Deanna was about to object, but she remembered that, although there had been nothing since the car accident, danger could come at any time. Plus, Deanna looked into Nate’s determined eyes and knew nothing she said would change his mind.

“Okay. But I’m sure he’ll be bored following me around women’s clothes shops.”

“As long as you don’t go buying lingerie, I don’t care where you go. It’s important that someone is there to watch out for you,” Nate said, remembering Shaun’s threatening parting words.

Thankfully his mind was pulled from his troubling thoughts as a brand new white Audi 4x4 pulled into the compound with Quinn and Olivia inside. Deanna and Nate walked over to the car and welcomed their friends.

“Deanna,” Olivia cried excitedly as she hugged her friend.

She was so happy to see Deanna, someone who had become important to her and had helped her through some dark days. She also knew that her husband and Deanna’s had formed a friendship and the four of them got together regularly.

Olivia stared around the compound, naughtily eyeing some of the members busy working on bikes in the garage, their tops off and bodies shining with sweat.

Deanna had struggled when she’d first started working here, being surrounded by burly hunky men all day, her concentration had often wandered. But now she had her man and he was the best of them all.

“You’ll have to give me the grand tour,” Olivia said.

Winking at Deanna, she linked her arm through hers and they walked over to the clubhouse entrance, the women chatting animatedly as they went.

“Alright Quinn, how’s things?” Nate greeted Quinn as the men shook hands.

“Okay mate. This place looks great. Ethan said he’ll be here in a few minutes. He had to deal with something last minute at McKnights.”

“Come on, I’ll show you around,” Nate said as he clapped Quinn on the back and the men followed after their wives.


“I’m not disturbing you, am I?” Fiona asked as Deanna opened the front door of her house.

“No Fiona, come in. I actually want to introduce you to Olivia. Her husband Quinn is over at the clubhouse having a look around,” Deanna said as she waved Fiona into the house.

“I know. I came with Ethan and he’s over there too.”

“You were with Ethan?” Deanna asked with interest.

“Yes, I officially started work at McKnights today. I’m helping to train the female security team. When he said he was coming here I asked if I could tag along as I hadn’t seen you in a few days.”

“Congratulations and you’re welcome anytime Fiona. So, you and Ethan, huh?”

“It’s early days, but hopefully.”

“I’m very happy for both of you. Ethan’s a great guy.”

“Yeah, he is.”

“Sorry, I haven’t introduced you. This is Olivia. Olivia, my kung fu crazy friend Fiona.”

“Hello, nice to meet you. I’m so sorry for your loss,” Fiona said kindly to Olivia as they shook hands warmly.

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you too. I heard about you kicking that son of a bitch’s arse. You’ll have to show me how sometime,” Olivia replied smiling.

“Any time,” Fiona said and turned back to Deanna.

“Actually, Ethan wanted me to discuss something with you. I know you took part in a couple of self-defence classes when you moved here. He wants to run an evening class, offering defence techniques to any women who are interested. Would you like to run the class with me? I’ll teach you at the same time, but I’ve been told you already know the basics,” Fiona said.

Deanna thought back to when she’d first arrived in Scotland after running from Lee. Nate had taken her to a self-defence class which is where she’d first met Ethan. It had been a great day, especially as most of the training meant she’d had to get up close and personal with Nate. Both the men had been impressed with how quickly she’d caught on, Deanna had wanted to learn all she could to help regain the confidence that Lee had taken away from her.

“I’d love that. I’ll speak to Nate but I don’t think he’ll mind. It’ll make me feel like I’m helping others. I’d never want anyone to go through some of the things I have. Nobody wants to be a victim.”

Both Olivia and Fiona regarded her, knowing what she’d gone through and were actually in awe of the strong woman stood in front of them.

“Ethan said he’d mention it to Nate during the meeting. He wanted to know if you, Olivia, would be interested as well, since Quinn is going to be working with McKnights,” Fiona said.

“I’ll ask him, but I’d definitely like to learn a few defence moves,” Olivia replied.

“Sounds good. There’ll be a party at the clubhouse later. Would you like to join us?” Deanna asked both Olivia and Fiona.

“Sure, I’ve got nothing planned,” Fiona responded.

“I’m not really dressed for a party,” Olivia said, frowning down at her jeans and blouse.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be anything fancy. Just the club having a few drinks together. They’re celebrating cutting the workload so things will be easier around here,” Deanna said.

“I’ll check with Quinn, but I think we’re free,” Olivia replied.

“Great. How about I crack open a bottle and we can get started?” Deanna offered.

“Just what I was thinking,” Fiona said.

Sinking into one of the sofas Fiona turned as Olivia sat next to her, both women chatting as Deanna wandered into the kitchen.

After collecting glasses and a bottle of rose wine, Deanna heard crying from one of the bedrooms, knowing that Holly had woken from her nap.

She wandered into Holly’s pink and white bedroom and picked up her daughter, cuddling her as Holly giggled.

“Hey baby girl. Do you want some tea?” Deanna said affectionately as she carried Holly into the living room.

“Fee Fee,” Holly chirped when she saw Fiona.

“Hello sweetie pie. Did you have a nice sleep?” Fiona asked her.

Fiona walked over to Deanna and took Holly from her. Fiona’s easy going nature had instantly won Holly over when they’d first met.

“Yes Fee Fee. Daddy got me a new dolly, do you like her?” Holly said as she held up the doll Nate had bought her as a treat. He loved to spoil her.

“She’s beautiful. This is mine and your mummy’s friend, Olivia. Say hi,” Fiona said as she sat down again next to Olivia, who looked at the adorable wee girl that looked so like her mother.

“Hi Holly. It’s nice to meet you,” Olivia said smiling brightly.

Holly liked the new lady’s big smile and instantly climbed onto her knee, wrapping her arms around Olivia’s surprised neck as she sat happily on her lap, Olivia gazing down in wonder at her.

Deanna looked up when the front door opened and smiled as Nate walked in, who instantly spotted Holly with her arms wrapped around Olivia.

“I see she’s made a new friend,” Nate said as he winked at Deanna, a group of men following him inside.

“Daddy,” Holly cried on hearing his voice. She jumped off Olivia as Nate bent down and scooped her up and held her close.

Quinn had come to an abrupt halt when he’d glimpsed the young child with Olivia, and he knew she would have been a fantastic mother. The couple stared at each other, sadness and hurt filling their faces, but also hope for the future.

“Well ladies, we’ve got some partying to do. Megan and Heather are on their way as well. Are we ready for a wild night?” Logan said.

“I’m up for it. I’d like to drink to our new venture,” Quinn said.

Quinn was planning on employing a large number of McKnights experienced security staff and systems in his nightclubs.

Things were finally coming together for them all.



“You ready Deanna?” Jamie asked as Deanna finished her conversation with one of the ladies from her self-defence class, Fiona stood talking to a couple of the other women not far away.

“Yep. I just need to get my bag and we can go.”

Jamie followed Deanna as she collected her things and they both walked over to Fiona, who was tidying away the mats.

“You did good Deanna. You’re learning really quickly, soon you’ll be able to kick my arse,” Fiona said as she winked and said goodbye to them, leaving in a hurry to meet Ethan. They were meeting up for a quick date at a nearby restaurant as Ethan had to come back to work on an important case he was involved with.

It was late, Fiona and Deanna’s self-defence for women evening classes were a success. Deanna felt empowered as she never wanted to feel helpless again in the event of another attack, which she knew could happen again any day. The times she had been assaulted were still fresh in her memory and she was determined to learn all Fiona could teach her.

Deanna switched the lights off and walked out, locking the door behind her and they made their way through the quiet and deserted reception area of McKnights.

“You were great tonight. Nate better watch his back. I bet you could knock him down,” Jamie joked.

Deanna snorted. “Thanks, but I don’t think there’s a force on earth that could do that,” Deanna replied, thinking fondly of her husband.

They both stopped when they heard a smashing sound coming from behind them. Whirling around she mentally scolded herself that they hadn’t even bothered putting any lights on, so familiar with the layout of the building that they could find their way in the dark. Now though she felt stupid as she tried to peer through the darkness surrounding them.

“Wait here,” Jamie said as he took a few steps away from her.

“Jamie, don’t . .  ,” Deanna suddenly cut off when she felt a cold hard object press against her throat and unknown arms wrap around her like a vise.

“Don’t move. Oi dickhead, don’t try to be a hero,” said a male voice behind her.

Jamie had turned when he’d heard the shout, an angry expression on his face when he saw the danger Deanna was in. He went to move but the man pushed the object further into her neck, making her wince.

“Stay back or I’ll slit her throat. I ain’t got a problem with you but if you get in my way I’ll kill you,” the man warned Jamie.

“Shaun? What the hell?” Deanna asked as she finally recognised the voice behind her from all the times he’d been hovering around the compound. Nate had warned her of his suspicions about him. She felt his hand flex as he scraped, what she now understood to be a knife, against her throat.

“Clever girl. It’s in the genes, dearest Sister,” Shaun replied.

Deanna stilled in shock. “What?”

Shaun sneered gleefully. “Did you honestly think you were going mad seeing Lee everywhere? Lee is my half-brother. We could be twins, we look so alike. Only our height and eyes are different. Did you never see the resemblance between me and you?  The same green eyes as our father, Deanna.”

“Father?” she asked tentatively, not believing what she was hearing.

“Maybe not so clever after all.  We have the same father. Lee and I have the same mother. Or should I say, had. Our father abandoned her and she was heartbroken. She found out she was pregnant weeks later but never told him. She killed herself just after I was born. I was left with Lee’s father, a cold ruthless bastard who made mine and Lee’s lives a misery. You had such a perfect childhood, but me and Lee made sure that ended as soon as we found you,” Shaun ended proudly.

“You killed our father? Where is he? Please, I need to know what happened.”

“You’ll never know. But I can honestly say that he suffered a hell of a lot before we killed him.”

“You bastard,” Deanna spat, squirming madly in his arms but he tightened his hold so hard she struggled to breathe, the blade slicing into her neck and she felt a warmth running down her throat as it pierced her skin.

“Back off,” Shaun demanded as Jamie took a few steps closer, staring into Deanna’s wide and frightened eyes.

Shaun slowly began to drag her backwards so Deanna acted quickly and yanked free, grabbing his arm that was holding the knife and bit into his wrist hard, tasting blood. He cried out in pain and released her as Jamie rushed forward.

“Deanna, run,” Jamie shouted as he tackled Shaun to the ground.

Deanna turned and tripped on her unsteady legs when she heard a pain filled cry and as she glanced back she saw Jamie staggering to his feet with a knife protruding from his stomach.

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