Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2 (33 page)

BOOK: Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2
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“How’d you do that?”

“I told them if they did it for a two-week trial, and felt marginally better, then we’d talk about it when we returned. And they agreed.”

“You definitely need to be working at HTS. You are a deal closer, kea.”

“I’m a psychiatrist, Kolson.”

“True, but think about how you could study the behaviors of my prospective clients.” He smirks at me.

“Nice try, ace.”

Then he pulls me into his arms and kisses me. And it’s not a peck on the lips, but a long, sexy, drawn-out delicious kiss that leaves me breathless.

Case yells out, “Get a room!”

Kolson replies, “Nah, we’re getting on a plane instead. Come on, Gabriella, we’ve got a jet with our names written all over it.”

Sam collects our bags and everyone wishes us bon voyage as we head toward the elevator. Kolson has only said we’re going to some private island in the Caribbean and that I will only need a few items of clothing and some bikinis. Fine with me. I’m far more than ready for this.

As we head down to the garage, Sam says, “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hart.”

We laugh.

Sam drives us to HTS where Steven is waiting to fly us via helicopter to the airport. Kolson finally fills me in. One of HTS’s jets will fly us to Beef Island in the British Virgin Islands. Once there, we’ll take a boat to Guana Island, which is private. Kolson has rented a house on a secluded beach for two weeks. It’ll be just the two of us, plus a private chef and butler.

After the craziness of the last few months, we’re more than ready to relax and let loose.

Though Kolson is well traveled, he claims he’s never been anywhere that has excited him as much as this trip. I, on the other hand, have been nowhere. My parents traveled, but I was never included. So when I get my first glimpse of the azure seas of the Caribbean, I’m speechless.

Of course I’ve been to the shore before … Fire Island and the Jersey shore. But this is nothing like I’ve ever seen. The turquoise water is warm and clear, I can see all the way to my toes and the sand is so white, it looks like it’s been artificially bleached. It’s magnificent. Our house is the only one on the north end of the island, so we can sunbathe in the nude if we want. There is no one to disturb us because the only access to our beach is by boat or the steps from our house. It’s blocked by huge outcroppings of rocks on either side. We’re giddy with excitement when we see it.

And our house is perfect. It’s quaint yet luxurious. The one bedroom has a king-sized bed in the center of the room; everything in it is white. The ensuite is opulent, with a double-sized jetted tub, a walk-in shower, and a double sink with vanity. Double doors off the bedroom open to a deck with a private pool and jetted hot tub overlooking the sea. Then a small flight of steps takes you to our private beach. The deck is also accessible off our living room, which is filled with white furnishings and dark-woodbeamed ceilings. There is a full kitchen and dining room. Every morning, a fresh basket of bread and croissants, along with fresh fruit, juices, and coffee are delivered. In a word, paradise.

Kolson spoils me. He takes me scuba diving and I’m hooked. We go sailing, deep sea fishing, visit the other islands in the BVI, and spend lots of naked time, doing things to each other that sweep us off our feet and then some.

The sun bleaches his darkened hair back to its lighter shade, and I smile as I run my fingers through it.

“What?” he asks.

“You look like my old Kolson again. I like you better this way. But keep the scruff on your face. It’s very sexy.”


“Oh, yeah.”

Soon it’s time to return to our lives … to Manhattan and to what we left behind. It’s good, though, because now we start to build what we began together. And I have a deep sense of excitement.

“Are you sad?” he asks.

“Not at all. This has been the best two weeks of my life. And the beginning of what we build together as a family.”

“Oh, and that reminds me. I have a surprise for you when we get back.”

I hate when he does this. “No fair. Now I’ll be in suspense for hours.”

“True, but think of it this way. It’ll be like getting another present when you get home.”

I lean in and kiss his cheek. “I don’t need another present. I have the best one of all, right here next to me.”




It’s late when we get home. Sylvia has gone to bed, but Kestrel is still awake, waiting up for us.

We visit briefly as he wants to know how the trip went. He seems to think Sylvia is better since she’s been away from the mansion. This may be my opportunity to get her out of there for good. The FBI is dismantling Hart Entertainment and Sons because of the involvement in so many illegal activities. Kestrel and Kolson will be called in to testify, but so far, all records indicate what Drex told us earlier. They can’t find anything that shows their involvement in any illicit activities. It’s such a paradox when I think about it. For as much as he wanted to destroy Kolson, Langston went to great lengths to protect his sons as far as his business dealings went. It makes no sense at all.

“How do you feel about all of this?” Kolson asks.

“Relieved. I feel for the employees,” Kestrel says.

“Don’t. After the FBI figures out how much money was gained illegally, they’ll take that and leave the rest to you. You’ll be free to regain control if you want. If not, someone will come in and buy the company. They’ll be fine. A corporation that large will bring in all kinds of interest.”

“I know. It’s just a bit unsettling. I don’t want to stay there. I want to be away from everything associated with Langston. And besides, casinos in Atlantic City aren’t doing too well right now.”

“What about the Vegas end?”

“Nah, it still has the Langston touch. I want out of it altogether.”

“Wanna come to work for me?”

“I appreciate it, but right now, I need to get my head straight. I have my trust fund, which is sizable. And after the fallout from all of this, I’ll take what’s left and invest in something … do something. I’m just not sure what yet.”

“You’ll be fine. You have enough money in that trust that you won’t ever have to work again if you don’t want. They can’t touch that since it came through Mom’s side. It had nothing to do with Dad. But I need someone in the south to open up a branch of HTS, if you’re interested.”

“Maybe, Kolson. Give me some time.”

“Let me know when.” Kolson stares at him. As I watch their exchange, I note that Kestrel already looks better. Tons better.

“What?” Kestrel asks.

I don’t give Kolson a chance to respond. “You look rested, Kestrel. Like you’ve been on vacation too.”

He actually smiles. “I like it here. You all have the shits of a place. I’ve told Mom she’s crazy for not moving here. And I gotta say, I’ve been laying a guilt trip on her like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve been telling her a smaller place would be so much better for her.”

“Yeah?” Kolson asks.


“All kidding aside, I hope it works. That would be the best thing for her. Psychologically speaking,” I say.

We’re interrupted by Sylvia’s voice. “Okay, I know when I’m being talked about.”

We turn to face her, like little kids caught with our hands in the cookie jar. I take the lead.

“Sylvia, we know how much you hate to leave, but really, the change would do you good.”

“You’re right. Once I let myself go, I realized it. That mansion sort of had a hold on me.”

We all gape at her.

Kolson says, “Can you repeat that?”

“I’m selling. The estate. And everything in it.”

Now it’s Kestrel’s turn. “Huh?”

I announce, “Let me repeat this for you. Sylvia is selling the estate and everything in it. She is moving to Manhattan where she can be close to us. I think this calls for champagne. Kolson?”

“On it!”

I hug her and say, “You won’t regret this for one minute, and I’ll help you with anything you need.”

It’s after one in the morning when we finally go to bed, but I don’t mind. What a way to end a honeymoon.

“So you think she’ll be happy here?” Kolson asks.

“I think she’ll be happy anywhere away from that dreadful place she’s been trapped in for years.”

“I think you’re right.”

“So, you told me you had a surprise for me.”

“I do.”



Then, true to Kolson, he takes over and makes me forget everything except him, his hands, his mouth, and his body.

Right before I fall asleep, as I’m wrapped around my husband, I hear a soft whirring sound.

“What’s that?” I mumble.

“Nothing. Go to sleep, kea.”

I’m boneless from our lovemaking so I don’t bother to argue, and fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

I wake and it’s dark in the room. I look at the clock on the bedside table, and I’m shocked to see it reads nine thirty. Kolson rolls next to me and pulls me against him.

“What’s wrong?” he asks.

“It’s late but it’s dark.”

“Surprise.” His voice is rough with sleep and I’m confused. Then he adds, “You always hated the morning brightness, so I had room-darkening shades installed while we were gone.”

I sit up and look at the windows but can’t really see them because it’s so dark in here.

“But you hate the dark.”

“Not with you by my side. You’ve eased my fears, kea. Haven’t you figured that out by now?”

I can’t help but climb on top of him, bracketing his body with my legs and arms. “I never thought …”

“I’ll admit, the basement at the dragon’s lair will be off limits when we go back to help my mom, but I’m good with this. I’m surprised you didn’t take note of it while we were on our honeymoon. We had the shades drawn every morning.”

“Now I feel selfish that I didn’t.”

“Never feel that. I’m glad you didn’t dwell on it.”

“Thank you. This is the best surprise. But now we’ll probably be late for work every day.” I giggle. “Look at the time.”

“Nah. We’ll set an alarm.”

“Come on. Let’s get up and cook a big family breakfast. I’d love to do that for your mom. That’s something I’ve never done.”

“Only after you kiss me first.”

A quick kiss isn’t possible with Kolson, but I won’t let him do anything more. I’m sure we’re the last ones up, so I push off him, but he tries to hold me down. I end up getting away by tickling him.

We make it to the kitchen to find we are, indeed, the last to rise. After we offer our apologies, we set to preparing a big breakfast.

Kolson is in charge of the bacon, a mistake because he makes a huge mess. Kestrel handles the sausage patties and toast and I make eggs and hash browns. We don’t let Sylvia do anything except keep us company at the bar overlooking the cooking area.

It’s a delicious meal, complemented by mimosas, Bloody Marys, and coffee. It turns into a fun morning. We chat about Sylvia’s move and Kolson says he’ll have his real estate division look into it for her.

“You can stay here as long as you like. The place is certainly large enough. You too Kestrel,” I offer.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Kestrel says. “You two just got married.”

“I still have my studio in this building. You could even stay there, if you’d like. You know, for privacy, if you want,” I add. He gets my meaning and smiles.

“Maybe that would work out better.”

Kolson adds, “HTS owns several buildings. I could fix you both up. Even temporarily if you’d prefer. Let me know and I’ll make the calls.”

“I appreciate that, Kol, but for right now, I think I may use Gabby’s studio until I decide what I’m going to do.”

“Sounds good, Kestrel. I can get my clothes out of there today,” I add.


“Kolson, I think I’d like for you to find me something, if you don’t mind,” Sylvia says.

“Not at all, Mom.”

The rest of the weekend flies by and when Sunday evening hits, Kolson and I meet Case, Sky, and Ryder at Extra Dirty, one of Cara’s favorite watering holes. We never had a memorial service for her and decided we would meet at her favorite bar and toast her instead. With the holidays and then our wedding and honeymoon, this was the first date we could all meet up.

We order a round of Sugar Tits (virgins for Case and Ryder), as this drink has special meaning for us.

Once our drinks arrive, Sky says, “This is for you, Cara. Not a day passes when I don’t think of your smiling face. And the things you used to say to cheer me up when I was at my lowest. May you be in a better place now and be waiting for us, Sugar Tit in hand, when we join you someday.”

And then I take my turn. “Cara, even though I’m not Irish, I’ve always thought this was the most appropriate thing to say:


May the road rise to meet you,

BOOK: Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2
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