Friends with Benefits

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

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Friends with Benefits



Vanessa Devereaux




This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Friends with Benefits

Copyright© 2012 Vanessa Devereaux

ISBN: 978-1-60088-783-3


Cover Artist: Sable Grey

Editor: Keynyn Brysse


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


Cobblestone Press, LLC











For Emma Devereaux








Sometimes friends do the nicest things. Take for example my BFF, Shannon.

Shannon was supposed to teach Introduction to Baking at the local cooking school but got a better offer a week before the class was scheduled to begin. Who could pass up an offer to cater to the rich and famous in the Hamptons? I know I wouldn’t have done.

“You couldn’t step in and teach the class for me?” she’d asked me over coffee.

“I shouldn’t because you won’t learn about biting off more than you can chew. You do that a lot.”

“Now that comment sounds like you’re going to do it.”

“Just this once. And if you attend any parties while you’re there I want photos sent ASAP.”

I’d agreed to take over the class for her before it had really sunk in that I’d be expected to teach the fine art of baking for a whole month. Three days before the class began I’d overdosed on the Food Network and slept with every food magazine in existence under my pillow. By the time the first class rolled around my stomach was doing flips and my knees shook. I hoped I wouldn’t screw up in front of everyone.

Seemed if I did mess up it would only be a bunch of middle-aged women who’d know about it. I watched as they piled into the room and took their seats. I glanced at the clock: almost 7 p.m. and time to start the first lesson.

“Good evening, everyone. My name’s Ashley James and I’ll be your instructor for this baking class. Tonight I’ll be showing you how to make a basic yellow cake with chocolate frosting. All your ingredients and bowls are in front of you on your table so you can follow along. And don’t be afraid to stop me…”

I quit my lecture in mid-sentence as a man in his early thirties walked in.

“Don’t be afraid…”

I tried my best to go on but I couldn’t stop staring at him and every single thing I was about to say vanished from my head. All I could do was focus on him. Six feet, broad shoulders, muscular, dark hair, green eyes, dimples…shit, shit, shit, a gold wedding band.

He looked at me as he perched himself on a stool in the front row. The only student in that row, in fact. My mouth was dry but my panties weren’t. I closed my eyes.

Get it together because he’s a student, he’s married, and you have a class to teach.

I opened them. He was still staring at me.

“Sorry I’m late,” he finally said.

“No problem because I’d only just got started.”

My words sounded slurred as I began telling the class about the best type of flour and fat to use. My heart beat faster and my hands started to sweat as the students dived into the hands-on part of the evening. I took a drink of water and started walking around the classroom to check on everyone’s progress. I hoped that would calm my fears.

“How are you doing?” I asked the guy in the front row.

He looked up and smiled.

“I don’t think any of the bakeries in the area need to worry about me taking customers away,” he said.

“I’m Ashley James by the way. You missed my introduction.”

“Andy Logan.”

He attempted to shake my hand but his was covered in flour and butter.

“How about I use my left one?”

I grabbed it, noticing the ring looked worn around the edges. He’d probably been married for some time. Happily, most likely. All the good-looking ones always were.

“I’d take your ring off if I was you,” I suggested. “It might get lost or gooey. You wouldn’t want to ruin it.”

That had sounded almost bitchy and I wasn’t usually like that—was I? I suppose it was the frustration of being this close to a man I was very attracted to, would love to get into bed with, but knew was off limits.

He took the ring off and set it down in front of the mixing bowl.

“Ms. James, will you be checking on us or do men fare better in this class? You’ve been with that student for over ten minutes.”

I looked up and there in the back row stood a lady with dark hair, her hands on her hips, looking daggers at me.

Had I really been with him that long? Andy smiled at me and I excused myself. I looked back at him as I approached the next table, and noted that he wasn’t taking his eyes off me. In fact, I think it was my ass he was zeroing in on.

Maybe he wasn’t so happily married after all.





I envied Shannon as I wiped down the tables after the last lady exited the classroom that evening. Andy had left just before her. He’d seemed to be hanging around for some reason but then rushed out of the room carrying his cake in a box under his arm. There was definitely some sexual spark between us and an underlying tension that had filled the air all night. I knew a cold shower was in store for me once I got home.

The dishcloth caught something on the table as I wiped it across the surface. Whatever it was fell to the floor and I heard it bounce against the baseboard. When I glanced across the room I spotted Andy’s wedding ring spinning and eventually coming to rest by the refrigerator.

He’d obviously forgotten to put it back on. Would he be in hot water for going home without it? I went over and picked it up. Inside was engraved:

Love You Always—Amanda

I let it rest in my palm, feeling somewhat jealous at the thought that right this minute Andy would be heading home to Amanda. They’d kiss; he might carry her upstairs to the bedroom where they’d fuck all night.

What was wrong with me tonight? I suddenly regretted agreeing to cover for Shannon. Had I not, I wouldn’t have met Andy and wouldn’t be having these stupid, depressing thoughts.

I needed to get home, eat some of my cake, and wash it down with a glass of wine. I popped Andy’s wedding band into my purse for safekeeping.





The cake and wine satisfied me for ten minutes and then I was like a restless lion, locked up in a cage at the zoo. I paced up and down seeing nothing in my mind’s eye but Andy. Andy in the class. Andy in my bedroom. Andy stripping off my clothes.


I needed a cold one or I’d go insane.

I rushed to the bathroom and took off my jeans and blouse, and then my bra and panties. I stood in front of the mirror. I’d never been this sexually pent up before. I’d seen other good-looking guys, but maybe this edginess was because I couldn’t have Andy and it made him more irresistible to me.

Before I knew what I was doing I was caressing my own breasts, running my fingers over the nipples, imagining Andy’s hands turning them into tight, aching buds. A shudder passed through my legs and up into my pussy.

I glided my right hand down over my navel, not taking my eyes off my reflection directly in front of me. I slid my fingers down over my mound and into the tangle of hair, quickly finding my clit which was already covered in cream. I rubbed it and murmured when it brought me instant gratification. I needed to go all the way. There would be no stopping until I’d reached orgasm. And while I masturbated I imagined Andy’s finger working and teasing me.

Oh wow.

I gripped the edge of the countertop with one hand as my other one moved back and forth through the curls, pressing a little harder on my clit on each pass. Andy’s face was all I could see now. Him smiling at me. Him watching my ass.

I almost fell to the floor when my climax crept up on me without warning. I took a few deep breaths and looked into the mirror again. My face was flushed, my nipples were erect, and I wanted more of this.

My vibrator.

It was in the top drawer of my bedside table. I ran down the hallway, almost tripping over the carpet runner. I pulled the vibrator out, hoping the batteries were still charged enough to bring me satisfaction. I wanted to watch myself as I came so I headed back into the bathroom and put my right foot up on the countertop, noticing my folds were very red and glistening. I slid the vibrator inside me and turned it on. I plunged it in and out imagining it was Andy’s dick sinking into my slickness. I shifted my hips and thrust it deep, feeling it going to work on my pussy immediately. I held the countertop with my other hand as I plunged the dildo deeper and pressed the speed button one notch higher, thinking how Andy’s cock would be so long and thick as it entered me.

I screamed out, my legs buckled beneath me, and I came.

Leaning over the sink, I turned on the tap and splashed cold water onto my face. However, I knew it was really my pussy that needed cooling down.

I had to quit teaching the baking class, because I couldn’t go through the torture of seeing Andy every Wednesday night and then resorting to self-pleasuring in my bathroom. I’d find a replacement first thing in the morning. I’d also find some way to get the ring back to Andy. Maybe I’d see his wife when I did so. I’d see them happy together, know there was no hope for me to be with him, and that would put an end to the torment and lust.





After work the following day, I headed over to Andy’s house. I’d gotten the address from the community education office and now sat in my car outside a townhouse about fifteen minutes from where I lived. A dozen steps led up to the front door and as I made my way up them I assumed that Andy and Amanda didn’t have kids. Couples with children didn’t usually buy these sorts of houses. Did that mean they hadn’t been married that long? Judging by the worn edges of the ring I’d guess it was more than a decade old. Maybe they didn’t want kids. Perhaps they couldn’t have them.

I raised my fist in the air, ready to knock on the fire engine-red door, but then stopped. What if she answered the door? Shit, what if she was drop dead gorgeous? Would that make me feel even shittier if he was fucking someone pretty?

I knocked anyway, hoping someone was in because I couldn’t face coming back again. I was already feeling sick to my stomach thinking about looking Amanda in the eye, knowing I’d had two lovely climaxes while imaging her husband’s dick pounding inside me.

Andy opened the door. I sighed with relief but just for a second. Soon I was back in fantasyland. His shirt was open and hanging out over his pants. Looked like he was in the process of getting undressed. Maybe he and Amanda were about to have sex. She could be spread eagle on the bed right this minute and I might have disturbed them.

“Ashley, what a surprise,” he said.

“You left your ring in the classroom last night,” I said.

“Geez, that was stupid of me. You want to come in?” He stepped aside as if confident I’d accept the offer.

The inside of the townhouse wasn’t anything like I expected. No signs of a feminine touch. Neutral colors, one couch and an armchair, large-screen TV on the wall. Looked more like your typical bachelor pad.

I dug into my bag and pulled out the ring I’d placed in a plastic sandwich bag for safekeeping.

“Here’s the ring. I’m sure Amanda will be glad to know you didn’t lose it…Sorry, I peeked at the inscription.”

He took the bag from me and smiled.

I looked around. Didn’t seem like Amanda was home.

“Can I get you something to drink? I mean you’ve come all this way with the ring, least I can do.”

“I only live ten or fifteen minutes away so it was no problem, but okay—I’ll have whatever you’re drinking.”

“Ice cold beer. You want to come into the kitchen?”

I followed him into the next room which once again looked like a bachelor lived there. Laptop computer on the end of the counter with a cell phone keeping it company. An unopened TV dinner perched on top of the microwave oven.

“Is that why you’re taking cooking classes?” I asked, pointing to the package.

“One of the reasons.” He handed me a bottle of beer.

“So what did you wife think of the cake you made?” I asked. I took a sip, watching him toss the beer cap into the bin by the sink.

“She’s traveling at the moment.”

I sensed I had to get out of here because this was getting dangerous. She was away. I was alone with him. Alone with his open shirt and the obviously growing bulge in his pants.

“You want to stay and make me dinner? I mean a proper dinner.”

Tempting, oh so very tempting.

“I’d love to but…”

He stepped toward me. Kissed me and I shut my eyes. I had to stop this before it got out of control.

I pulled away.

“I can’t do this,” I said.

“What, cook dinner or kiss me?”

“Both. You’ve got to know I find you very attractive and if I stay we’re going to end up in bed. But I don’t fuck married men.”

“Glad to hear that.”

I put the beer bottle down and was about to leave when he grabbed my upper arm.

“Don’t go.”

“I think I should.”

“I’m not married. I was just testing you to see what you would say if you thought my wife was away.”

“Yeah, right. Guess guys will say anything to get laid.”

“It’s true. I have no wife.”

“So what about the ring?”

He smiled. “It’s my father’s.”

“Your father’s, right. Nice try.” I turned to leave again but he ran ahead of me and jumped in my way.

“I’d say you can call him to check out my story, but he’s been dead ten years now.”

I looked into his very lovely eyes, hoping I could determine if he was lying or not. “So who’s Amanda?”

“My mother.”

“It’s your father’s ring but you wear it…?”

“I’m afraid of commitment.”

“I’m sorry, I’m not following the logic here.”

“Some buddies talked me into taking the baking class to meet women. Lots of women. I agreed but then got worried that since I’d probably be the only guy, the ladies would see me as an easy target. I decided to wear my father’s wedding band so they’d think I was spoken for. My mom left it to me when she passed away last year. I know it would have been a lot easier just to back out of the class, but the truth is I’d like to learn how to bake.”

I burst out laughing.

“And what’s so funny?”

“The women in the class hitting on you.”

“Yeah, don’t think I’m their type. Maybe if I was twenty years older. But what about the instructor? She seems my type and very interested.”

I knew I’d turned red from my neck up.
Guilty as charged

“Are you telling me the truth?” I asked him.

“On my life,” he said raising his right hand. “You’ve told me you don’t fuck married men and I appreciate that, but I can assure you I’m very single. I haven’t even been on a date for three months.”

“Okay, how about I cook you dinner and we’ll take it from there?”

I took off my coat and wrapped it around the back of one of the chairs at the kitchen table. I rolled up the sleeves on my blouse and headed toward the fridge, opening the door and perusing the shelves. Some eggs, bacon, bread…I guess we had a breakfast but not much of a dinner.

I felt Andy grab my hips.

“You have a nice ass. It’s especially delicious when you’re bending over.”

He pushed his hands under my skirt and hitched it up. I could only hope he was telling me the truth about being single because right now I wouldn’t be able to stop him. He grabbed both sides of my panties and tugged. The sound of ripping lace made me cream so much it ran down my legs. What was left of my underwear fell around my ankles. It tickled my skin and I wanted him to fuck me right that second.

Andy caressed my ass cheeks as he rubbed his lips against the side of my neck. I couldn’t concentrate on food right now so I shut the fridge door and rested my head against it.

He nipped the skin near my collarbone and I grew weaker in both body and will.

“Shall we have sex before we eat?” he asked.

He brought his hands around to my mound and eased them downward through my pubic hair. He played my clit and folds like a piano, tapping until the blood pooled there.

I moaned when two of his fingers slipped inside me.

“I think I have the answer,” he said close to my ear.

I hadn’t responded to his question about sex before supper. His touch had taken it right out of my mind.

Andy took his hands away and spun me around to face him. He kissed me, plunged his tongue inside my mouth and dueled with my own tongue as he tugged on my blouse, ripping it open and sending buttons flying in every direction.

He looked me in the eye then ran his hands over my breasts. They suddenly felt heavy, tingling, the nipples achy.

“The clasp is in the front,” I barely managed to say.

We both smiled as he unfastened it. The cups fell to either side of my body, freeing my breasts.

In a sudden frenzy, Andy kneaded my tits, rubbing and pulling on them. It was my pussy that felt heavy now. I reached for Andy’s pants, silently praying once again that he was telling me the truth about not having a wife. I had to fuck him soon and the thought of Amanda walking in on this…I knew I’d never forgive myself.

I unbuttoned his pants, and opened the fly as fast as I could.

“Is this what you’re looking for?” He dug his hand into his boxer shorts and pulled out his cock. It glistened with pre-cum as it pulsated. There was no denying we were both more than ready.

“Is it okay if we do it right here?”

“Standing?” I asked.

He nodded.

I couldn’t recall if I’d ever done it like that—probably not if I didn’t have a memory of it, or if I had it obviously hadn’t been that great.

“I’ll be right back,” he said.

As Andy headed into another room I unbuttoned my skirt, pulled down the zipper, and let it fall to the ground. I kicked it away just as Andy returned carrying some condoms.

I was about to take off my blouse and bra when he stopped me.

“I think I prefer to fuck you with those on. Sort of a turn on for me.”

I looked down. I had to agree it had a certain appeal to it; seeing my blouse open, my bra hanging, and my breasts on full display did seem sexy.

Andy sheathed himself, then pushed me back against the fridge door. The handle bit into my butt but I didn’t care.

He lifted up my right leg and slid into me, stretching me to the max.

Andy pulled on my nipples as we kissed. I pulled away, still needing to be convinced he wasn’t a married man.

“You promise me you’re telling me the truth?’ I asked him as he gave his first thrust.

“I can assure you I’m single.”

He thrust again.

I held his arms as he pushed harder inside me, causing my ass to bounce against the cold steel of the fridge. My back caught a couple of the magnets and take-out menus on the door, and they rained down onto the wood floor.

Andy ran his tongue along my lower lip as I grabbed his biceps and sank my fingertips into his muscles. I closed my eyes as he pounded into me, now almost lifting me off the floor.

I murmured, feeling my climax building.

“Wrap both your legs around me and I’ll hold you,” said Andy.

Did I trust him enough that he wouldn’t let me fall to the ground?

Sure I did.

I lifted my right leg higher, and he put his hand underneath it and took some of my weight while I brought my other leg up and he slipped his arm under it. The action had opened my sex up more and Andy’s cock slid deeper inside me.

I groaned, running my hand through his hair as he thrust hard, pounding my back and ass into the door and bringing me one step closer to release with each of his wild hip movements.

“You are a fantastic lover,” I said.

My climax, though I knew it was on its way, took me by surprise. I pulled on Andy’s hair, nipped his lip and felt my pussy convulse and then constrict his dick.

Andy pushed harder inside me, panting, moaning, and perspiring. Then I felt him go still as he enjoyed his own release.

We were both sweaty and hot, and we kissed while he was still inside me.

“Wow,” he said.

“Yeah, wow. Better than my fantasy.”

“You fantasized about me?”

I nodded, pushing a piece of sweat-laden hair away from his eyes. “My vibrator got a good workout.”

He laughed and I noticed he had cute little dimples. I fingered one of them.

“So who gives the better orgasm? Me or the vibrator?”

“You, by far.”

He pulled out of me and placed my feet gently back on the floor. My pussy was still humming from the very nice orgasm.

“I suppose you want to eat now?” I asked him.

“Did you see anything you fancied?”

Was that a loaded question or what?

I turned around and opened the fridge door again, this time checking out the contents more carefully. I leaned over to peek on the middle shelf, feeling Andy’s hands on my ass.

Strawberries. I lifted the box out.

“Got those in the farmer’s market the other day,” he said.

I bit into one, turned around, and placed the rest of it in Andy’s mouth. He took a bite and then we kissed.

“I could put these strawberries on my body, and you could eat them from me.”

“I like the sound of that. Sort of like food and sex together,” he said.

I took the strawberries to the sink and sliced them in half while Andy watched.

“Here, you place them where you want to feast.” I handed them to him.

It would be hard on my back but, strawberry juice being so messy, I opted for the table. I took off my blouse and bra and got up onto it.

Andy stood beside me and we both laughed as he began placing strawberry halves on my body. First in the dip in my throat; next, one on each nipple. My belly button, each thigh, each shin. And finally the best-placed one of all, inside my pussy. It felt cold, wet, but oh so good.

“Not quite sure which end to start with, but I know where I want to finish.”

He started at my calves. His mouth and the stubble on his chin tickled my skin. I giggled and he ran his finger up my inner thigh as he feasted on the two berries sitting on them.

Andy’s next target was the berry on my navel. We both laughed as he munched it and then headed north to the one on my left nipple.

“Looks like you have strawberry-colored tits now. You think I should clean those up?”

“I think you should,” I said.

His lips clung to my nipple as he sucked and licked. My pussy clenched and I was sure strawberry juice was dribbling down my legs.

Andy kissed my body all the way down, across my mound, and then pulled my legs apart.

“Whipped cream would have been great with that.”

The thought of it being pushed into my pussy turned me on like I would never have believed.

Andy leaned over and his tongue flicked inside my pussy, freeing the strawberry. I shuddered when his tongue plunged in and out.

“Fuck me again,” I said.

“With pleasure.”

Andy rolled on another condom and pulled my legs toward the end of the table. He lifted them before placing my feet flat on his chest. I closed my eyes, feeling his cock push inside me.

He stroked my thighs as he thrust. I looked at him and smiled, and he smiled back.

“Faster and harder,” I said.

“Yes, ma’am.”

The table creaked and rocked as Andy moved it a few inches across the floor. I held on not only because it seemed unsteady but because I was getting close. I dug my nails into the wood and screamed as Andy plunged upward, finding my G-spot in one hard thrust, making me squeal and climax.

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