Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) (24 page)

Read Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) Online

Authors: Luke Young

Tags: #contemporary fiction, #divorce, #tennis, #sex, #romance, #sexy

BOOK: Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2))
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"Okay, that’s it." Pushing himself up, he turned around and sat on the edge of the table with his manhood pointing skyward.

She eyed it hungrily. "Wow. You don’t look relaxed at all."

After glancing at it, he cockily flashed his eyes at her. "Well, not anymore."

"You want me to do your front now?"

He shook his head, disappointed, then broke into a smile. "Yes, but not in here."

After he showered, she finished his massage in the bedroom. They spent the next half hour having sex, then drifted off to sleep, spooning like a young married couple. He never wanted it to end.


The next morning at the Grayson home, Brian's alarm pulled him from a sound sleep at six, and he reluctantly left Jillian in bed to shower for another day of work at the Miami office. Before he left, he lifted the covers and glanced at her perfect, naked body. After sighing, he walked out the door, wearing a frown.

A few hours later Jillian woke up, reached over to touch him, and ended up caressing his pillow instead. After glancing at the clock, she frowned and rolled over. She was missing him and in the mood for wake-up sex. She needed him home with her all the time. Afternoon sex was her favorite. They were both wide awake, and her orgasms were usually so much more intense during the day. Next, she enjoyed a groggy morning romp, and her least favorite was sex at night. Although it was certainly fun, it was nothing compared to a long, drawn-out, fantastic afternoon session.

He had been leaving for work early and usually working long hours. She knew he hated his boss, and she suspected he hated his job just as much. He never complained about the work, but she could tell.

Grabbing her laptop, she checked e-mail and read a message from her agent, Albert Blair, about the on-sale date being moved up for her new novel. The message also detailed a recent increase in sales of her other titles, along with a request for her to call him when she had time. She smiled as she dialed his number. Albert was on a call, so she left a message with his assistant.

She opened up the document for her current manuscript and began to write. After about thirty minutes, she grinned, pleased with her work, then felt that familiar tingle between her legs. God, she really missed Brian now. Slipping her hands down her legs, she started touching herself through her panties. Shaking her head in disgust, she decided against going through with it, because she wanted to finish the chapter instead.

After rubbing her hands together, she stared at the open document. She looked away, thinking, then got back to it, completely ignoring her urges and letting her desires play out with words instead. Almost two hours later, she had not only finished that chapter but two others.

Closing the lid on her computer, she placed it on the bed. She picked up Brian's pillow and put it to her face. After breathing in deeply, she closed her eyes, enjoying the faintest essence of his manly scent. She picked up the phone, and dialed.

He answered, "Hello, this is Brian."

"Didn't you see it was me?"

"No, sorry. I didn't check the display. I was in the middle of something."

"Can you talk?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"I received an e-mail this morning. They're moving the pub date of my book up to September twentieth."

"Wow. I thought it normally took, like, a year."

"They're fast-tracking it. Sales are down, and they want to get it out there before the fiscal year ends in October. They think it's going to do really well."

"That's awesome."

"They also loved your title suggestion and are going with that cover you like."

"I told you
The Leg Thing
was a great title, and it goes perfectly with that shot of the ballerina."

"But that's not the reason I called. I was doing some writing today, and I, uh, really miss you. I need you home with me all the time."


"When I get all worked up from writing, who am I supposed to have sex with?"

"Can't you hold those feelings until I get home?"

"I really miss you. I don't think I can. Can you tell me why you work again? You don't need to work. I can support both of us."

"We discussed this already," he began and whispered, "I will not just be your boy toy. I want to... I need to have some form of a career. I can't just be—"

"The more we have sex, the more I can write about amazing sex, and the more books I'll sell. So you can be kind of like my writing partner."

"So you want me to write?"

She scoffed. "No, I mean… I write alone. I just need you to be my muse... to do me—for lack of a better term—for inspiration and, uh, I need that inspiration exactly when I need it." After giggling playfully, she added, "I really need it now."

"I could come home for lunch." He looked down to find his hand involuntarily adjusting his now nearly hard penis. Pulling his hand away, he glanced up to be sure no one was standing at his door. Finding no one, he sighed in relief.

"Can you take an early lunch? I'm so wet and I, uh—"

"I'll be there in twenty minutes." He hung up the phone, grabbed his keys, and rushed from his office while holding his briefcase in front of his groin.

As he made his way down the hall, his boss, Richard Brown, was heading his way. Brian checked that his bulge problem was under control, and switched to carrying the case normally.

Richard said, "Hey, Nash, you didn't forget about the meeting at one did you?"

Brian replied, "No, sir. Just have to run home and take care of a little emergency."

"Don't be late."

"No, sir." Richard gave him a dismissive nod, and Brian took off. Waiting for the elevator, Brian checked the time on his cell and sighed. After bouncing up and down on his heels, he mumbled an obscenity and reached for the stairway door, grumbling as he rushed down the ten flights.



Jillian was about to get into the shower when her cell phone rang. She checked the display and answered.

"Albert. How are you?"

"Just fine. Great news about your eBook sales, isn’t it?"

"I was blown away."

"I've been telling you for months to let them release those titles. You can't worry about piracy, or you're leaving all those sales on the table."

"You were so right. So it sounds like Legal has no issue with the story and the whole Natalie thing."

"No, not at all. You changed her name and the college. You've taken reasonable steps to avoid any possible liability. They completely cleared it."

"So, what else did we need to talk about?"

"I was just curious… You told me that everything about Natalie in the novel was true. Is that correct? The '
technical virgin'
thing, the way she uses men, and she can really do that ballet move, right?"

"It's all true."

"Is she on Facebook?"

Jillian paused, surprised by the question, then answered, "Uh, I'm pretty sure she is."

"What's her last name?"

"Brookhart. Why?"

All she heard was Albert typing away. After a moment she repeated, "Albert, why?"

"I've just always been curious about what she looked like. She's a blonde, right?"

"Yes. What are you doing?"

"Searching Facebook."


Albert said, "Okay, I think I've got her. Georgia State University... Oh, looks like she transferred to NYU."

"That's her. She did just transfer. So... is there anything else, 'cause I need to run."

"No, that's it. I'll let you know if anything changes with the book."

"Okay, great."

She hung up the phone, shook her head in befuddlement, and glanced at the clock. She had ten minutes, so she rushed back to the bathroom.



Albert Blair double clicked on the photo of Natalie. He studied it for a moment as an evil grin spread across his face. He highlighted the link to the page and addressed an e-mail to his assistant. He pasted the link with a note, which read:


I need a full background check, including mailing addresses (both home and school), for this girl. Send it to Carl. Need it ASAP.



After her quick shower, Jillian slipped into a sexy matching bra-and-panties set and lay in bed waiting for Brian. When he appeared in the doorway, he was panting like a lunatic. Leaning against the doorframe, he smiled. "I made it in seventeen minutes. That's got to be some kind of record."

He stood in the doorway, eyeing her and catching his breath. "You look cute." Moving into the room, he began pulling off clothing. "Rob's not here is he?"

"No, he has that interview in Orlando. We can make as much noise as we want."

He headed off to the bathroom. "Just need to take a quick shower."

"Okay, but hurry up."

Following him into the bathroom, she stood at the shower door admiring his body as he washed. She said loudly, "I have more good news."

He pulled his head from the spray. "What?"

"I have good news. You remember, I finally let them release all my old titles on eBook?"


"Well, I sold about sixty thousand copies of all these books that I couldn't give away in paperback. I'm getting a check for an extra $100,000 next month, just from those sales."

He shook his head, amazed. "I really should learn to write."

"Hey, I had seven years where I didn't make a dime off my writing." She paused, thinking, and smiled. "You know, we should do a destination wedding with the extra money. Something incredible."

"Like some tropical island."

"Yes, exactly."

"Sounds amazing."

She watched as he soaped up his groin really, really well. "Are you almost done?"

"I want to be clean for you," he said.

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, but you're not prepping for surgery, so..."

"All right."

"How much time do you have?"

"Like, fifteen minutes. I have a meeting at one."

"Hurry up and meet me in bed."

She took off her bra and panties and lay back in bed, waiting.



Moments later, he appeared from the bathroom and stopped in his tracks. "Hey, where's that matching bra thing?"

"No time. Now, get up here."

As he walked over, she said, "If you didn't have that stupid job, you could have the outfit, lots of foreplay, and probably two orgasms. Instead, you'll have to settle for a blowjob and a quickie."

Climbing over her, he straddled her in the middle of the bed. She grabbed his penis with both hands and eyed it hungrily. He flashed his eyes at her. "That'll do just fine."

As promised she began with the first thing she mentioned. Exhaling deeply, he watched the slow, seductive mouth work she expertly delivered. After two minutes, she put her hands on his hips and guided him away.

He moved down between her legs, and she said, "There's no time for that."

He sighed, frowning, as she turned her back to him and lay on the bed with her legs spread. He knew the drill and the guaranteed way to bring her to orgasm in a few minutes. While he knew it wouldn't produce a huge orgasm for her, his experience had been that it was a sure thing, and she claimed that it was always satisfying.

Moving into position over her, he quickly got to it. She let out a low, guttural moan as he carefully covered her with his body. She turned her head back and kissed him.

He placed his shoulder against the bed and reached for her clitoris. He rubbed it gently at first, as he held perfectly still, simply hovering over her while still filling her with his penis. She moved her hips up and down, taking him deep, as he rubbed his finger on her more firmly. She breathed heavily.

"Don't shoot yet," she moaned.

"Stop one second then."

She held still a moment, and he took a deep breath. After another five seconds, he said, "Okay."

She started up again. She groaned. He rubbed her harder, and she pushed back one last time before exploding with a satisfying orgasm.

Slumping down on the bed, she turned her head away from him and held her pillow tightly, moaning. He got up on his hands and continued to thrust into her.

She winced and brought a hand back to his thigh. "You have to stop a minute."

He pulled from her, and she rolled over in bed and struggled to catch her breath. "How much time do you have?"

He glanced at the clock. "Four minutes."

"Oh, you can do it."

"No, I have four minutes before I need to be back in the car."

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