Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) (4 page)

Read Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) Online

Authors: Luke Young

Tags: #contemporary fiction, #divorce, #tennis, #sex, #romance, #sexy

BOOK: Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2))
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After smiling for a moment, Victoria paused as her somewhat impaired brain processed the statement. When she finally got it, she frowned. "So, you're saying there won’t be a next time?"

Returning an apologetic nod, Jillian savored her last bite of cake.



The next day, the big match was finally being played at Jillian’s. Brian had won the first set six-four and was serving for the match at five-three in the second set. As they stood near the net, taking a drink break, she smiled at him. "You’re playing well."

"I’m in a zone. Not even a flash of your gorgeous lady parts could stop me now."

"Okay." She took hold of the bottom of her skirt with a grin.

He turned away quickly. "Stop it."

"I thought—"

"Just keep your clothes on, okay? I don’t want anything to mess this up."

"Okay. Jesus, just having a little fun."

Turning back to her, he suddenly looked worried. "You don’t want me to win."

She paused a moment, staring at him. "Does it really matter? Either way we’re together."

He looked at her, trying to process that. Reaching out to him, she took hold of his sweaty shirt. "Do you really need a ring?"

He looked away for a moment, thinking, then back to her. Breaking into a grin, he shook his head. "I’m acting like a chick. What the hell is wrong with me?"

He leaned in closer to her. "Look, this tennis bet is stupid. I love you more than I ever imagined I could love someone. When I see you, my heart beats like I’m running a damn marathon. This condition may kill me at a very young age. I just want to know that you’re mine. I want us to say it out loud in front of the people we care about. So whether I beat you or not, I want you to give me an answer today. And that answer should not be based on the results on this match. Only say yes if you want to say yes. Okay?"

Smiling sweetly, she gave him a nod. "Okay."

He said, "Now, get your sweet little ass back there, because I’m going to finish this off right now."

She held back a laugh. "We'll see."

"Yeah, we will."

They moved into position, and Brian prepared to serve. He yelled to her, "You might want to back up."

Grinning, she boldly moved closer, standing just inside the baseline. "Just serve."

He glared at her, determined, then blasted a perfect serve that was harder than any she had ever seen him hit. She had no chance and simply stared at it as it flew by and smashed into the fence behind her.

For the next serve, she backed up a lot. Smiling confidently, he blasted another ace to go up thirty-love, then he nailed another powerful serve that she hit into the net. At match point, she returned his serve, as he rushed to the net. He volleyed the ball back, and she blasted a passing shot to his forehand. He reached for it and hit a brilliant touch drop volley that she had no chance to return, and it was over. Smiling, he waited for her at the net. Approaching him, she lifted up her skirt in the front; again, she wore no underwear. His chin dropped.


"I kind of like playing commando." She smiled. "No more soaking wet underwear."

"Thanks for not showing me until now because that might have changed the result."

She dropped her skirt back down. "Good match. You played some inspired tennis."


"Since the outcome now has no bearing on my decision, would you mind if I waited until later to give you my answer?"

"Why—what are you doing now?"

"I’m a little…" Jillian grinned at him. "…inspired right now myself."

"To do what?"

"To get you off at least three times. Isn’t two your record?"

He gave her a quick nod. "Take all the time you need."



At just about ten that night, Jillian and Brian were naked in the pool once again. He looked at her seriously. "Before we get out, you’ve got to give me an answer. Will you marry me? You’ve been avoiding the question. I did beat you and everything…" He batted his eyes suggestively.

She giggled. "Um, I, uh…"

"Come on, you’ve had more than enough time." He sighed. "Remember, we relaxed in bed after I let you give me those two and a half orgasms. You should have—"

"What the hell is half an orgasm?" she interrupted.

"Don’t change the subject." After grinning, he put on a straight face. "Seriously."

"I’ve been giving this a lot of thought."

He looked at her with a hopeful expression.

She closed her eyes and sighed. "I’ve never really felt this way before, and—"

Just then the lights blasted on in the house, and Rob appeared at the back door. He instantly spotted his mother but didn’t see Brian. "Mom is that you?"

She pushed Brian toward the cover of the diving board and yelled back nervously, "Yes... what are you doing back?"

"It’s a long story," Rob began as he headed out the door.

"Wait, I’m, uh, not wearing anything."

"Jesus, Mom, you’re skinny dipping?" Turning away, Rob faced the house with his head in his hands.

"Yes, just—"

"But I really need to talk to you."

"Go inside, and I’ll be right in."

Rob headed into the house, as Jillian moved toward Brian and whispered, "Okay, let me figure out what to tell him about the two of us, and then I’ll come get you."

"What the fuck is he doing here?"

She shrugged. "I'll find out. Just wait here."

"Okay, but just bring me some clothes."

Getting out of the pool, she dried off quickly and wrapped her towel around her body. She grabbed Brian’s towel and wrapped it around her head.

"Hey, I need that."

"I’ll bring you another. Just stay in the pool."

She rushed into the house and left him frowning in the water.



Ten minutes later, Jillian appeared at the second-floor balcony wearing a long robe. She held a bundle of his clothes and whispered, "Come here. Brian, come here."

Rushing out of the pool, he dripped his way over to the house and looked up to her. "What the hell is he doing here?"

"There was this big incident. He broke up with Laura. There was some kind of fight… He was thrown off the ship and had to fly home. It's a long story."

"Did you tell him about us?"

"No, he’s going through a lot right now. I just can’t spring this on him."

He crossed his arms and shivered. "So, what the hell should I do?"

"I hate to ask this, but can you go to Victoria’s? I’ll meet you there later."

"Seriously?" He stared up at her with his jaw hanging wide open.

Slumping against the railing, she looked sadly down at him.

He let out a long slow breath. "All right, but do you think maybe I could have my clothes?"

She smiled at him and whispered, "This is just like the last time, remember? You look pretty cute down there naked. I’ll bet Victoria would love to see you ag—"

From inside the house on the second floor Rob yelled out the door, "Mom?"

"Oh shit." She leaned over the balcony. "I’ll get there as soon as I can." Looking back into the house, she spotted Rob standing in her room and quickly moved the bundle of clothes behind her back.

Pointing into the house, she screamed, "Oh, my God!"

Rob nearly jumped out of his skin. "What is it?"

"Is that… is that a spider?"


She pointed across the room and when Rob turned to look, she blindly swung her arm back launching the bundle over the balcony. Rushing back into the house, she closed the door behind her.

Arching high in the air, the clothes and towel bundle separated as they fell down. Brian's shorts, towel, underwear, and one shoe got caught up high in a tree near the house. His other shoe smacked him in the head and knocked him to the ground just as his shirt landed next to him.

Staring up at the stars while lying flat on his back, he groaned. "Fuck."

He stood and looked up into the tree. It was pretty dark out, and he couldn’t see much except for the one shoe that was stuck on a branch. He whispered toward the second floor, "Jillian... Jillian."

After waiting ten seconds, he sighed in defeat. He picked up the shoe and threw it into the tree to try to knock the other out, but it never came back down. He exhaled deeply, tiptoed to the back door, and hid out of sight. Turning, he peered through the doorway and spotted Rob facing away from him. Brian slumped against the glass inadvertently striking it. As Rob craned his neck to look out the window, Brian quickly moved back, got down on his hands and knees, and crawled away.

Spotting the shirt on the patio, Brian crawled to it. He grabbed it, rushed to the edge of the yard, quickly looked back, and saw Rob and Jillian sitting on the sofa. Rob appeared to be crying like a baby. He sighed, used his hands to get as much water off his body as he could, then slipped the shirt over his head. The shirt barely covered his dangling penis, and when he pulled it down in front, it popped up in the back, exposing his ass.

Rushing around the dark backyard, he looked for anything else he could use to cover up. During his search, he smashed his foot into something on the ground and launched into a minute-long, profanity-laced, nearly silent tirade as he rubbed his throbbing foot. After one last curse and eye roll, he looked at the house, only to see Jillian still comforting her son. Exhaling deeply, he headed to the gate.



Brian was able to reach Victoria's house uneventfully. As he stood at her front door holding his shirt down to cover his private area, he looked skyward. "I can’t believe this is fucking happening again."

After pausing a moment, he took a deep breath before knocking softly. He waited thirty seconds, then knocked a little louder. A few seconds later, he heard a car approach and braced himself as the headlights shone right on his naked ass. He quickly looked over his shoulder and pulled his shirt down in the back to cover his ass. This exposed everything in the front just as the door opened and a four-and-a-half-foot-tall seventy-year-old woman appeared nearly eye level with his hanging manhood. The woman didn’t say a word as Brian glanced back at her, looked shocked, and put his hands over his groin.

"Sorry," he muttered.

The woman screamed and slammed the door.

"Shit." He shook his hands in a panic, trying to decide what to do. He knelt down near the side of the door behind a potted plant as the headlights continued to shine on him.

A 6-foot-5-inch burly senior citizen ripped open the door; Brian could see Victoria right behind him.

"Really? Where?" Victoria asked excitedly.

The man glared down at the half-nude Brian. "I’m calling the police."

Victoria's face lit up. "Brian, what are you doing here?"

The old man asked, "Vicky, do you know this man?"

"Yes, Dad. This is Brian. Jillian’s Brian. I told you about him."

Victoria’s father looked at his face at first with a smile, but then he shook that off and just looked confused as Brian stood up, holding his shirt down over his junk and looking at them both apologetically.

"Are you high again?" Victoria asked.

"No, it’s a long story. Could I just come in?"



Brian stood in the foyer in front of Victoria’s grumpy-looking father and her now-smiling mother. Victoria’s mother was looking at his legs and just a little higher, and Victoria was grinning as she watched her. He continued to hold his shirt down in front with both hands. Moving her head at an angle to get a clear view of his ass, the old woman's smile widened. Brian gave her an uncomfortable look.

"Brian, this is my father, Jake."

Brian lifted one hand up to shake Jake’s while using the other to continue to hold down the shirt. Jake began to extend his hand, but then thought better of it since Brian’s hand had recently been just over his… well, you know. After giving him a sorrowful, uneasy look, Brian moved his hand back to his shirt.

"What are you doing here?" Victoria repeated. There was a loud knock at the door, and Brian turned quickly, exposing his ass to the three Wildes. Jake gasped, his wife’s eyes now widened to equal her smile, and Victoria tilted her head to get a better look. Brian reached back to pull down his shirt over his ass and nervously turned back to them, inadvertently exposing his front. Grumbling, Jake looked away as the two women each raised an eyebrow with a sexy smile.

Brian covered up quickly and stammered, "Uh, nice to meet you both, but I’m just going to go and hang myself now." He widened his eyes in embarrassment and scanned the area for an escape route; spotting a room, he rushed toward it and closed the door.

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