Authors: Lynn Waddell
Tags: #History, #Social Science, #United States, #State & Local, #South (AL; AR; FL; GA; KY; LA; MS; NC; SC; TN; VA; WV), #Cultural, #Anthropology
their bikes.
Talk turns to the mechanics of motorcycles, and Sassy from Orlando
mentions she’s having problems with hers. With Sassy’s permission,
Keri, a young fire department paramedic with a smooth, rosy complex-
ion and a body that could take down a tree, comes to Sassy’s aide. As
the unofficial road captain, Keri later explains she is one of the few club
members who have authority to ride another sister’s bike (yet another
biker code: Members don’t sit on each other’s motor).
crew arrives in a huge van spewing cameramen
and boom mic operators. A director trailed by a female assistant with
a clipboard gives orders while the on-air talent stands by, seemingly
along for the ride. proof
Light is growing scarce. They need to shoot Jenn and club members
riding while they can, the director tells his crew. Jenn hops on the back
of her bike. Gripping the handlebars, she cranks it. “Potato, potato,
potato . . . potato, potato, potato.” The deep guttural, gravelly pitch
and irregular cadence that define Harleys ignites the group. The sisters
scream and shout adding melody to the rhythm of the engine. “Yahoo!”
“Alright!” hands clap, fists raise.
For a woman, little can compare to seeing, and almost as impor-
tant, hearing, another female straddle an 800-pound mass of rubber,
chrome, and steel and bring it to life with a roar. The feminist symbol-
ism is empowering, and the engine’s sound evokes a primal energy.
Swept up by the force, I holler and cheer along with the sisters.
Cocked back on the seat with her heels pressed forward on the
footrests, hands chin-high on the handlebars, Jenn seems to propel
the machine forward with her presence alone. Once on the street, she
opens it up. Long blond locks fly and the hot-pink scarf floats behind as
Jenn disappears in a rumble down the empty, palm-lined street under
the reddening Florida sky.
The Other Wild Kingdom
Wonder Woman is taking a break in the lobby of Tampa’s downtown
Hyatt Regency. From what, isn’t clear, but apparently she is invisible to
everyone but me. None of the passing, casually dressed conventioneers
give her a second look.
Nearby on the escalator, a gray-haired man in red latex pope vest-
ments is trailed by a vixen in a saucy rubber nun’s habit. I follow them
up to a kingdom of kink.
On the convention floor, leashed sex slaves and nearly nude exhibi-
tionists weave through the aisles of kinky clothing and sex toys. Young
fetish models with breasts like basketballs and names like Bloodbunny,
RubberDoll, Velvet Slave, and Ghettobutt push website memberships
and pose for fan photos. A legless man wearing a T-shirt that reads
“Walk on Me” flattens out like roadkill on the carpet to let a fetish
model do just that.
Is that a man or a hefty woman shrink-wrapped head to toe in a
latex Orphan Annie outfit? And how does he/she breathe? Something
that looks like the EverReady bunny is cinched in a black leather body
harness and striding up the aisle like a mascot about to break out in a
cheer for the fetish team.
I have fallen down the rabbit hole and landed at Fetish Con, the
largest fetish trade show in the eastern United States. Every year, the
kinky event takes over the Hyatt for four days, drawing more than two
thousand Floridians and visitors from around the globe who dare to act
out the strangest of sexual fantasies.
I’m a Vanilla, as lifestylers call those of us with more conventional
sex lives. I’m seeking those whose sexual obsessions have a Florida
bent and hope to later visit them in their element, wherever that may
In the process, I’m getting a fast introduction into deviant desires.
Dressed in jeans and a black shirt, I blend in with the mere dabblers
who shop for whips and sex toys to spice things up in the bedroom.
Given that you can buy leather bustiers at many swap meets, toying
with the basic tie-me-up, spank-me, leather-and-whips BDSM fetish
is practically mainstream (BDSM being shorthand for bondage/disci-
pline, dominance/submission, sadism/masochism). Florida, the capital
of make-believe, can do better. In the subtropical sunshine, the most
obscure fetishes flourish to national prominence and the more com-
mon morph into cutting-edge strange.
Case in point, the hulking transgender redhead coming up the aisle
dressed as a woman and a horse, a ponygirl.
The 6-foot 3-inch ponygirl is dressed in a black bustier, red leotard,
red tights, and a bridle get-up with pointy ears. Her teeth clench a rub-
ber bit the size of a hotdog. A red feather plume tops her head, and
a long, red-haired tail hangs from her rump. Wearing over-the-knee
black boots, she marches with the gait of a draft horse, although she
later tells me she’s an Arabian.
And if her dress isn’t eye-catching enough, she’s also pulling a two-
wheeled cart that holds a buxom leather-clad fetish model. A pear-
shaped man with a crop follows up the rear, intently watching his tow-
ering pony’s every move.
I trot after them and he hands me his business card: “Ponygroom
Tim.” He’s too busy to talk. His pony is at work.
I soon learn from a small herd that pony play is one of Florida’s
claims to fetish prominence. Such assertions are hard to verify given
that there isn’t an official census for human ponies. However, sev-
eral online fetish registries back up their claim; Florida has the most
Ponygroom Tim and Ponygirl
Lyndsey following a pony
cart performance at a Largo
fetish dungeon. Photo by Lori
human ponies per capita of any state. Even still, serious pony players
are rare. Online sites indicate Florida has more than 250 pony players.
San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles are also hotbeds.
Some semblance of equine costume play—or “cosplay,” as it’s called
in the lifestyle—has been around since before Christ. In her book
chronicler of obscure fetishes Katherine Gates notes an Assyrian frieze from around 2000 BCE that
shows human ponies pulling chariots. Legend also has it that the Greek
philosopher Aristotle liked playing pony; a famous fourteenth-century
bronze statue
depicts him on all fours with his wife on his back holding his hair as if it’s a mane. Around the turn
of the nineteenth century, erotic ponygirl shows were a hit with British
Then came novelist Anne Rice, who under the pen name A. N. Roque-
laure cracked open the stable door again in the 1980s with her erotic
. Rice told of nude princes and princesses being turned into harnessed sex slaves who wore hooves
and horsetails plugged into their rears and pulled carriages.
By the late 1990s, a small subset of the BDSM community was living
the fantasy, horsetail butt-plugs and all.
In pony play world, the submissive is the beast of burden, the one
controlled by reins, the one who pulls the cart and rides the dominant
on his or her back or even shoulders, which looks a lot like kids playing
In the hallway outside the trade show, a small Florida herd nays, can-
ters, and snorts. One ponygirl prances on all fours, her hands gloved in
shiny plastic horse fetlocks and hooves, and her feet covered in match-
ing boots soled with horseshoes.
Prize ribbons like ones given at a state fair hang on the top rail of
a purple and black pony stall. Ponygirl Lavender is taking a break. She
removes her bridle headdress with purple braids, silver medallions, and
a plume of black hair that spews from the top like a mane. A match-
ing strap-on tail sways as she walks. The well-known children’s toy My
Little Pony has grown up.
Lavender is middle-aged with a matching shape clearly outlined by
her leotard, dark stockings, black boots, and lacy bustier. She lives in
Largo and has a professional, mainstream job and a teenager. She pre-
fers to go only by Lavender, her pony play name, saying she wants to
be discreet about her fetish. I don’t point out the obvious: Parading
around a convention hall in downtown Tampa dressed as a horse might
blow her cover.
Lavender and her boyfriend, Logan, are newbies to pony play, hav-
ing only gotten into the scene a couple of months earlier. They already
have the fanciest of tack plus the purple corral. Logan, a professional
set builder, constructed it for her as a romantic gesture and set it up in
her living room.
“We didn’t wade in. We dove,” Lavender says and laughs. “When we
started we couldn’t do anything.”
“Agh, we were horrible,” Logan says.
Turns out pony play involves even more than modified horse tack
and an abundant imagination. Learning how to canter, trot, and re-
spond to the reins and bit takes practice. Even tougher is forgetting
that you are a human who is pretending to be a horse. I am not being
facetious. The pinnacle of ponydom is mental transference, a horse-
autopilot, which they call “pony space.”
Lavender hasn’t achieved that stage and is not sure she wants to.
“To me it’s a little intimidating because they actually become ponies,”
she says. “They actually have problems with mirrors. They look into a
mirror and don’t know who they are. They think it’s another pony.”
To Lavender, pony play is more about control and performance, an
extension of the BDSM lifestyle she’s been into for about four years.
Logan was playing master long before they met. They are both Florida
“There have been many nights when we’ve spent hours on the phone
going over what we did the night before, talking about what we liked or
didn’t like, where we want to go with it,” Logan says. “That’s the thing
with this relationship—you have to spend time working at it.”
Lavender suggests I talk to more experienced pony players and
points out Foxy, an Ocala cowboy who trains equines and human po-
nies. She speaks of him and his wife, Sherifox, in a reverential tone.
They are the reigning Grand Champions of International Pony Play.
K d
This explains the ribbons hanging on the stall. Human ponies com-
pete. But what does one do to win an international pony play title? And
W r
is competition another fetish in itself?
The answers will have to wait. Sherifox isn’t around, and Foxy is
o e
leaving for home.
Being a former owner of a real horse—or bio-horse, as human po-
nies refer to them—I’m intrigued by the bridle headstall. The thick
leather tack with its colorful doodads is fancier than anything my horse
ever wore.
Lavender says it and the tail cost $650. She bought the custom-made
gear from Foxy, who’s also a leathersmith.
I run my fingers across the coarse black hair of the plume that mim-
ics a mane and marvel that it feels natural.
“It’s real horsehair,” Lavender says. “It’s from a real horse’s tail.”
These people take their role-playing seriously. The person who wears
this Gucci of pony play tack also isn’t likely to get away. The steel bit
and curb chain, which fits under a bio-horse’s chin, are heavy gauge
and appear to be made for an actual equine. In real-horse world, the
bit forces the animal to be submissive. The metal bar fits in a horse’s
tender mouth so that if the steed resists, it will feel a slight pain.
At the moment, the symbolism doesn’t fully register. Lavender and