From Leather to Lace (11 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Hill

BOOK: From Leather to Lace
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“Always so impatient, baby,” he scolded softly as he continued running slow, deliberate circles around her sex.

Her emotions were reeling. One minute she was furious with him and the next she wanted nothing more than to have him plunge himself inside her. His touch was driving all reason out of her mind and making it impossible for her to focus on any one sensation. His mouth on her neck was sending shivers down her spine and making her nipples so hard they hurt. She tried to focus on his fingers caressing her between her thighs but that only made her more desperate to have him inside her.

Quickly he used one hand to untie the strings of her bikini top and threw the garment aside. Still kissing her neck, he grabbed one breast and massaged it before palming his hand across her nipple.

He drew his finger out of her pussy and ran it up her belly until he circled each of her nipples, running her moisture over her sensitive skin.

“Please, Maxwell,” she begged.

“Soon, baby,” he crooned before cupping her breast and dipping his head to a sensitive nipple. “Mmm, I can taste you,” he said huskily as he lapped at one nipple then the other.

Sarah threw the blanket aside and struggled off his lap then turned and straddled him, her thighs either side of his. He scooted them up the bed so that his back was resting against the headboard.

“I like you on top of me like this,” he said appreciatively as he took her breasts in each hand and massaged them before dipping his mouth to a nipple and biting it. She sighed and arched her back as she rubbed her groin against the hard length of him.

“I want you,” she moaned.

She couldn’t wait any longer. Pulling his head from her breast, she tipped his head back and dipped her face to his before kissing him passionately and urgently. He groaned into her mouth and she felt him untie the bikini string at each hip before yanking the strip of fabric away. She reached beneath her and undid the zip of his cargo shorts to release his erection and moaned as she grasped his hard shaft and pumped her fist along his length. His cock was rock-hard and pulsing. She ran her palm over the tip of him and felt his pre-cum and used it to lubricate her hand as she continued to pleasure him.

“I can’t wait any longer,” he growled against her mouth, “I need to be inside you.”

As she kissed him she felt him reach for the bedside table then heard the familiar tear of foil. She lifted herself just enough so that he could sheathe himself then she positioned her hips above his and impaled herself on him. He thrust his hips up hard at the same time until he was buried inside her to the hilt. They groaned together as their bodies became one.

“Fuck, you are always so tight,” he hissed between clenched teeth as he grasped her waist and bucked his hips up hard and fast. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her breasts against his chest as she used her knees to pump herself up and down his length.

Taking a hand from her waist, he cupped one of her breasts and squeezed the globe roughly before running his thumb over her erect nipple. She relished the way she fitted perfectly in his hand as if she was moulded from him. The sounds of skin slapping skin filled the cabin as their movements became frantic and more desperate.

“Fuck, I love being inside you,” he bit out as he tilted his hips and thrust hard to take her more deeply. She arched back and threw her arms behind her to grasp his knees as she rode him. The position thrust her breasts forward and he clamped a nipple between his teeth sending liquid heat to her core. As her pleasure intensified her internal muscles started to clench and pulse.

“I can feel that you’re close, baby,” he murmured as he dropped a hand between them to tweak and massage her clitoris.

At his touch to her most sensitive spot she erupted around him suddenly and violently, the shock waves making her body shudder and quake. He continued his ministration to her sensitive nub, riding her through her climax until the pulsations of her internal muscles had him peaking moments after her—he shouted her name and thrust hard as he erupted in his own orgasm.

Sarah was panting hard as she slumped against Maxwell and rested her head on his shoulder. He ran one hand up and down her spine as he cupped her behind with the other and pressed her to him. He planted soft kisses at her temple as he listened to her ragged breathing.

“Oh, Sarah, what you do to me, baby,” he rasped against her ear. “I feel like I can’t get enough of you.”

“That was fast,” she murmured. “You can’t do that to me if you want a longer experience.”

“You’re right,” he chuckled against her hair. “When you come when I’m inside you, you make
come. It’s your muscles pulsing—just sends me over the edge.”

“I don’t think I can move. My legs feel like jelly,” she mumbled into his neck.

“Then don’t move, baby, just rest for a minute.” He kissed the top of her head and pulled her tighter against him as he stroked her spine rhythmically.

Sarah sighed and melted against him, suddenly feeling very weary. His caress down her back was sending her into a blissfully relaxed state and he was still inside her but she couldn’t seem to muster the will to move. She realised that she could easily fall asleep sitting astride his lap. She raised her head from his shoulder and gazed at him before starting to raise her hips. He groaned at
the loss of her then grasped her around the waist and, lifting her easily, he deposited her on the bed next to him.

“I think we need a shower,” he announced as Sarah scurried about collecting items of clothing.

She straightened and walked towards him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him lightly on the lips. “Good idea. I think a shower is definitely what we need.”

“Come,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her towards the bathroom.

Chapter Nine




“I can add fantastic pancake-maker to the list of your various talents,” Maxwell commented in appreciation.

“Well, I was surprised that your galley was so well stocked. I guess I expected some stale bread and a few crackers,” she grinned.

He leant forward and tweaked her nose playfully. “The galley is always stocked with basic supplies. When I knew we were coming out I ensured that we had everything we would need.”

Sarah looked out over the glistening harbour and had to admit to herself that at the moment life couldn’t get any better. She glanced at Maxwell and acknowledged again with surprise his blatant attraction. He was dressed in faded cargo shorts and a rather form-fitting T-shirt that she guessed was an old favourite that his muscles had long since outgrown, as they were now deliciously contoured through the soft fabric.

“What are you thinking?” he asked her.

She flushed as if he could read her thoughts. “I’m just thinking what a lovely day it is and how I feel like I could stay out here forever,” she responded with a contented sigh.

“The day is not the only thing that is lovely,” he stated, giving her body an appreciative leer.

She giggled then asked him when Sam was due to return. He glanced at his watch. “He should be here in about an hour, which should have us back at my place by about three. Is that okay? Is there somewhere you need to be?”

“Three will be fine. I just need time to get back to my apartment and get ready for work. Do you have time to drive me home?”

She was staring lazily at the Sunday harbour action and when Maxwell didn’t respond she turned to look at him. He was staring at her in disbelief, a look of ill-disguised anger crossing his features.

“What’s the problem?” she asked, although she thought she knew exactly what the problem was.

He leaned towards her and rested his arms on the table. “You intend on going back to work after I have told you my feelings about what you do?” His voice was dangerously low and she cringed inwardly as she anticipated the conversation they were about to have.

“Maxwell, I didn’t realise that you expect me to give up my job. I haven’t decided to do that.”

“I don’t like you flaunting yourself half naked in front of half a dozen men every night. Anything could happen. It wouldn’t take much for one of them to get carried away!”

“For heaven’s sake, Maxwell, I have been doing this for a few years now and it’s totally safe. All the clients are interviewed and vetted and I wouldn’t agree that I am half naked. What I wear to work is expected of a Dominatrix.”

“I have a very good picture in my mind of what you wear to work,” he scoffed, “and it’s about as far from a suit and sensible shoes as is possible.”

Sarah couldn’t believe it, she was dumbfounded. “Maxwell, think about what you just said! What makes a suit and sensible shoes the only appropriate work attire, for goodness’ sake? This isn’t the 1950s!”

“I’m talking about an extreme, Sarah. You can’t convince me that tight, barely-there corsets and thigh-high boots are the current workplace fashion.”

“Well, if that is your only concern then I don’t mind adjusting some of my outfits…”

He cut her off with a fierce shake of his head and an icy stare. “It’s not just what you wear, or, more to the point, what you don’t wear. It’s about all those sexual deviants slobbering over you and expecting you to fulfil their indecent fantasies!”

“Despite what
might think, my clients are not sexual deviants! They are polite, respectful gentlemen who happen to desire something that they can’t necessarily get at home. Don’t knock what you don’t understand,” she stated vehemently.

“No matter how you paint it, it is what is it—you help men get off!” he growled at her.

She glared at him icily. She realised that this conversation was going nowhere fast. Anger was emanating from him in waves and her anger was just as fierce. She decided to try another approach.

“It might surprise you to learn that I get paid very well for what I do. Now you expect me to cut off my source of income without a second thought?”

“I have no doubt people pay you very well for your services, my sweet,” he murmured. “In fact, I remember well what I paid and I must admit, one glance at your cleavage and those long legs made it well worth the sum. There are other professions, Sarah, that don’t require you pandering to men’s bizarre fetishes. Hell, I can keep you. I earn more than enough money for the pair of us, you won’t want for anything.”

Sarah stared at him in astonishment. This was beyond the pale. She struggled to respond to his last statement, which was so wrong on so many levels.

“Maxwell, firstly it is my decision as to my preferred profession—nobody else’s. Secondly, what are you suggesting—that I become a kept woman? Do you expect a roast and a foot massage to be waiting for you after a hard day at the office?”

“Of course I wasn’t suggesting that!” he bit out. “I was merely trying to tell you that I could support you while you decide what you want to do.”

“Maxwell, how can you promise that? What if things between us don’t work out? What you are expecting from me is unfair and unreasonable.”

“Well, there we have it, Sarah—a stalemate. I will not be able to tolerate you continuing in your”—he waved a hand in the air—“occupation. Every evening that you are working I would be worrying about you and your clients. I know that it would make me uncomfortable. Hell, I know it would be unbearable for me and you are obviously not willing to give it up so…” His voice trailed off, not needing to finish the sentence.

Sam arrived and quietly went about preparing the boat to get underway.

“There is another issue,” he said softly. “It shouldn’t matter, but unfortunately it does. I am a respected businessman. If the media were to discover that my girlfriend was a Dominatrix there would be hell to pay—for both of us. Your secret wouldn’t be safe for much longer.”

She was unprepared for the pang those last words left in her chest. She should have thought about the issue of his image. She should not really be surprised but unbelievably she hadn’t even considered it and, of course, it had the potential to hurt the both of them.

Well, that was it. They were over before they had really begun.

Chapter Ten




The trip back to Maxwell’s house and the subsequent drive home had been uncomfortably awkward. Neither one of them had attempted any conversation. What else was there to say?

It had been six days since the fateful boat expedition and their subsequent break-up. Six sad, lonely days in which Sarah was forced to admit that she really missed him and she was hurting.

As she rehashed their argument she had to concede that Maxwell had a point. She totally understood his position where his image was concerned and the fact that her position could also be exposed. The reality of it hurt but it would be unfair of her not to appreciate that point. Another fact was that since her argument with Maxwell she took no pleasure in her work and in truth it had become more of a chore, something to be over and done with quickly, which she knew to be unfair to her clients. She needed a friendly shoulder to cry on and had called Roxy.

The security system trilled and she buzzed her friend in. Roxy arrived at the door bearing a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine.

“Girlfriend emergency kit,” she said in greeting, holding up the chocolates and wine.

Sarah smiled and hugged her friend gratefully. “Oh, Rox, what would I do without you?” she said tearfully. “I really need a friend right now.”

“Well, that’s what friends are for. Get some glasses and a corkscrew.”

They settled themselves in the living room and Roxy poured the wine while Sarah opened the box of chocolates.

“Tell me what happened,” Roxy demanded, passing Sarah a glass of wine.

“Well, as you know, Maxwell was aware that I work at Fantasy.”

Roxy held a hand in the air. “Before you say anything else I have to apologise, Sar. I told him. He kept badgering me about you and asking me where you worked. I know I promised to keep it a secret but I thought that if he knew, how he reacted would be an indication of his true character. If he was disgusted he wouldn’t pursue you and there would be no great loss but if he didn’t have an issue and he still wanted to get to know you then great. There was method in my madness, Sar, and I know Maxwell well enough to know that he would have kept your secret. Also, he played dirty—he plied me with champagne and hit when my defences were down.”

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