From One Night to Forever (19 page)

Read From One Night to Forever Online

Authors: Synithia Williams

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: From One Night to Forever
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Kacey turned to her sister, sitting in one of the patio chairs on the deck. Her younger sister, Ashlei, and her momma flanked her. Very rarely did a weekend come when at least one of them wasn’t working the restaurant; a family function was usually the only excuse when this happened. The staff knew how to handle things and would call if something came up. Still, Kacey mentally reviewed the schedule to try and remember who was managing the place in the family’s absence.

She was about to ask, when another tremble vibrated her midsection. She grinned and let thoughts of work drift away for once.

“Around,” Kacey said. She slid over a chair and joined her family.

“You haven’t been around. I would have seen you if you were around.”

“Quit worrying about me and where I’ve been,” Kacey said. She looked over at her momma. “Cliff said hi.”

Sabrina waved her hand as if she didn’t care. Her smile was a bit triumphant, though. “Cliff always says hi. They didn’t give you any trouble?”

Kacey glanced away and shook her head. “No trouble. Just the same old, same old. Who’s watching the restaurant today?” Work would at least get the subject changed.

Sabrina crossed her legs and leaned back in the chair. “I left Jamelah in charge. She can handle things for a few hours, and I’m going back to oversee the night crew.”

Kacey nodded, but frowned. Jamelah was being groomed for manager, but she’d never worked a weekend shift alone. “Are you sure she can handle the place? Saturday afternoons can get busy.”

Sabrina shrugged. “We’re only ten minutes away. If anything drastic happens, she’ll call. Besides, things get busy when the live singing starts later.”

“You sure you don’t want me to—”

“You get weekends off to study, Kacey. It’s the last semester, so get over it,” Sabrina said, shutting down the conversation.

“Fine,” Kacey said, raising her hands in surrender. “So what are you all yakking about?”

Ashlei giggled behind a can of strawberry margarita. Kacey thought about the can she’d just knocked over and her own triumphant smile broke out.

“We’re talking about men,” Ashlei said.

Monique shifted in her chair. “Get it right, we’re talking about one man.” She glanced over at the back of the house. “One man in particular.”

Kacey followed her sister’s gaze to Aaron coming around the back of the house. He waved at the four of them, his easy grin brightening his handsome face. His glance stayed on her a second longer than the rest of the ladies, and he licked his lower lip before drawing it into his mouth and slipping his hand into the pocket that held her panties.

Tingling started between Kacey’s thighs and heat flushed her face. She shifted in her chair and grinned. She checked out her momma and sisters to see if they’d noticed, but their eyes were still glued to Aaron.

“You’re talking about Aaron?” Kacey asked.

Ashlei nodded. “Yeah, wondering who he’s hooking up with. Reggie is determined to find out who he spent the night with when he first came to town.”

“Why?” Kacey asked.

“To prove it isn’t one of us,” Monique said with a snort. “That’s why he invited nearly all the single women he knew to this cookout.”

Sabrina pointed to Tara, whom Aaron made his way to. “I think we know who the mystery woman is.”

“Why would you think it’s Tara?” Kacey asked with a laugh, enjoying their speculation and the fact that she herself might be the mystery woman no longer crossed their minds. She normally didn’t like keeping secrets from her family, but she wasn’t burdened by guilt for not spilling this one. She gave everything to her family, the business. Aaron was her fun fling, and she would enjoy what moments they could sneak in, without angry looks from Reggie or warnings to guard her heart that were sure to come from her sisters and momma. She could handle this; she wasn’t seventeen and starry-eyed anymore.

“Figuring out who was easy,” Monique said. “She quickly superglued herself to his side. She didn’t waste any time putting her marks on Aaron.”

“She wouldn’t have a chance if we were in the running,” Ashlei said with a groan. She glared at Kacey. “Why did you have to make us promise to stay away from him?”

Sabrina swatted at Ashlei. “It’s for your brother, so get over it. You all know Reggie would go crazy if one of his sisters slept with his business partner. Let Tara have him and keep your brother from having an early heart attack. He’s already having palpitations because his wife is showing signs of being stifled under his holier-than-thou attitude.”

Ashlei huffed and Monique grunted. Kacey only slightly felt bad for going against her promise with her sister to stay away from Aaron.

Aaron sat down next to Tara. They talked for a few minutes, then got up and strolled to the front of the house.

Monique smirked. “Looks like Tara is ready for a private conversation with Aaron.”

Kacey clenched her teeth, her triumph deflating. She reached into the cooler before her family noticed her annoyance, but they just switched the conversation to the other men at the cookout. Kacey sipped on another strawberry margarita. The taste and smell of the drink reminded her of a few minutes earlier. Aaron’s soft lips against her most private parts, the slide of his fingers, and her body’s explosion in passion.

“What’s wrong with you?” Monique’s voice broke through Kacey’s memory.

Kacey stopped twisting in her seat. She sucked in a deep breath and tried to stop panting as if she’d just run a marathon.

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“You’re squirming and you’ve got this weird look on your face.”

Ashlei watched her with narrowed eyes. “Yeah, you do look kinda flushed.”

Kacey checked her phone. Aaron and Tara had been gone for close to ten minutes. She hated to admit it, but jealousy and suspicion crept into her. Crazy, juvenile emotions. Aaron might be a playboy, but he didn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d do that to her and go off on a date with another woman right after.

As if you really know him.

Kacey put down the drink. “I’ve gotta pee, that’s all.” She hurried into the house and rushed through the kitchen to the living area, where she slid back the blinds to look out of the front window.

Tara leaned against the side of her gray SUV parked on the side of the road, and Aaron stood in front of her. His arms were crossed and the easy smile he always wore lifted his lips. Kacey’s lips pressed together, and pain twisted her chest. She watched as they talked and then Tara leaned in to give Aaron a hug. She got into her vehicle and drove off. Aaron stood watching.

Kacey left the window to hurry out the front door and march over to Aaron. Aaron slowly turned away from the road back toward the house. His easy smile was still on his face. Kacey waited for the guilty look to come; instead he continued to grin.

“What was that?” She pointed down the road.

“That was me telling Tara that we wouldn’t be going out tomorrow night.”

Kacey crossed her arms. “Oh, really?”

“Really. Unless I don’t have a reason to cancel. I’ve got her number.” He pulled his phone out of his back pocket. “I can give her a call and reschedule.”

“Don’t be a jerk.”

His teasing grin never left. “Don’t be jealous for no reason.” He strolled over until he stood over her, then slid his arm around her waist and pulled her against his body. “I’m more interested in finishing what I started upstairs than going out with Tara again.”

Kacey rubbed his hard chest, and heat swelled within her. “I’m not acting jealous.”

“Yes, you are. Admit it, you like me.” He leaned down and kissed the side of her mouth. A thrill went through Kacey’s body.

“I like you, but I know this isn’t turning into anything permanent.”

That hall of fame mouth of his worked against her neck. “I’m glad we’re on the same page with that.”

She was about to lose control again. She pushed against his chest and met his eye. “And we still can’t tell Reggie.”

He stopped smiling and his brows drew together. “Are you sure? I think he’ll understand.”

She shook her head. “He wouldn’t like it. Not after we both claimed nothing was going on. Besides, if we’re only going to screw around for a few days while you’re in town and then move on, there’s no need to upset him.”

He sighed and continued to frown. Kacey hoped he understood this was for the best. After a few seconds he nodded. “Fine.” He released her and stepped back. “Then I guess kissing you on his front lawn isn’t a good way to keep this thing a secret.”

“Probably not.”

“We can go back to the laundry room.”

She wanted to jump up and down and scream, “
Yes, please!
” “No, but I am leaving in a few minutes to study. You can leave later and slip in around the back.”

“I think I can do that.”

Kacey bit her bottom lip to suppress her eager grin. “Cool.”

“Cool.” He winked, then leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be leaving sooner rather than later.”

She watched him walk away. Well, she watched his perfect behind as he walked away. Everyone told her to loosen up and have some fun. Fine, Aaron would be her fun. He was a fling, and she was older and much wiser and knew this was a friends-with-benefits type of relationship. Plus, he was only in town for another week, maybe two. No one fell in love over a few days anyway, so her heart was safe.

She made her way to the front door, determined to prevent any hint that she and Aaron had come from the same place. She reached for the knob and the door flew open. Monique came out and shut the door behind her, a smirk on her face.

“You want to tell me what that was about?”

Kacey glanced away, her heart hammering in her chest. “What are you talking about?”

“The little kissing thing between you and Aaron. I thought we were keeping away from him.”

“We were, but this just kind of happened.”

“Were you planning to tell any of us?” Monique raised a brow.

“There’s no need to tell anyone. We’re just having a little fun while he’s in town.”

“Your ‘little fun’ will make Reggie go ballistic if he finds out.”

“Then he won’t find out.” She grabbed Monique’s hands. “Don’t tell him.”

“Kacey, I don’t like lying to Reggie.”

“It’s not a lie, and don’t be so high and mighty with me. You didn’t tell him about Julio before, and you’re not saying a thing to me or him about your secret phone calls.”

Monique jerked her hands away. “Fine, keep your secrets. But we both know you can’t handle sneaking around behind people’s backs. Reggie will find out and you’ll end up heartbroken because his friend ran game all over you.”

Kacey’s hand balled into fists. “Guess I should ask you for pointers on secret affairs. I saw how cozy you were with Julio earlier.”

“You think I’m still screwing with Julio?”

“Who’s calling you?”

Monique scoffed and raised a hand. “Kacey, I love you, but if I look at you any longer I’m going to cuss your ass out.” Monique turned and went back into the house.

Kacey spun away from the door, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. She pushed aside any guilt. If her sister could keep secrets, then so could she. Movement at the side of the house caught her eye. Sabrina was on her cell phone, talking with a big smile on her face. One guess who that was. Sabrina always called Cliff after Kacey told her he said hi. Every female in her family kept secrets. Out of the three of them, her thing with Aaron was the least of their problems. She only hoped her decision didn’t blow up in her face.

Chapter 19

Kacey checked the schedule for the day and prepared the deposit from the previous night’s earnings. She quickly stuffed the money and credit card receipts into the thick green deposit bag and zipped the bag closed. Popping out of her seat in the back office of Momma’s Kitchen, she checked the time and grinned. She was right on time. A quick trip to the bank and she’d be off to meet Aaron.

Over the last week they’d found every moment they could to sneak off together. Reggie was convinced Aaron was sneaking of with Tara, so he hadn’t said anything to her. Everyone assumed he was with Tara, except for Monique, who only rolled her eyes whenever Kacey said she was going to be busy “studying” all day. Honestly Kacey hadn’t gotten much of any work done since giving in to her desire for Aaron.

She hurried out of the office and found Monique filling the ketchup containers at the bar.

“Hey, I’m going to take the deposit and then I’m gone for the day.”

Monique stopped tapping one ketchup bottle onto another. “Gone for the day? I thought you were at least staying through the lunch shift.” Monique’s tone of voice had lost its frigid nature in the week since the party.

Kacey strolled over to her sister. “I’ll work the night shift to make up for it.”

“Don’t you need to work on your thesis tonight?”

She did. She was so far behind from where she needed to be that on any other day she’d be pulling her hair out. But she still had time to finish and get the next section turned in to her professor. Aaron left to go home the next day and she could pull an all-nighter and work all day Sunday and get her work done.

If she wasn’t too torn up about him leaving.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve got plenty of time to get things done.” Kacey looked over her shoulder toward the door leading to the kitchen, where Sabrina’s voice could be heard giving directions to the cooks before they opened for lunch. “Just tell Momma I’ll be back later.”

“You’re going to see him, aren’t you?”

Kacey stopped in the middle of turning away to stare at her sister with a raised brow. Monique hadn’t called Kacey on her sneaking around, and Kacey hadn’t brought up her sister’s secret phone calls and sudden need to delete all of her browsing history on the computer. She hated fighting with her sister, but if Monique had her secrets then Kacey could have hers.

“I’m sorry, is that judgment I hear in your voice?”

Monique grunted. “Believe it or not, it’s concern. You sneaking around with Aaron isn’t right.”

“I’m not sneaking around with Aaron, I’m going to Chattanooga. I need to interview someone at the tourism office and the department of commerce for my thesis.”

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