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Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson

From This Moment (28 page)

BOOK: From This Moment
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“You know why.
 I have enough trouble keeping my hands to myself when you’re dressed, let alone naked.”


“I decided to follow your instructions of no sex until vacation, although I’ll be walking around with a permanent hard-on.”


Turning the light off, he lies back down, pulling me into his arms.  Placing a kiss on my forehead, “Go to sleep, I promise to behave.”


“Night Cade, I love you.”


He holds me tight.  “I love you too, more than words can say.  Sweet dreams.”

Chapter 20

~~ Cade ~~


It has been two days since Nick got a hold of Rona.
  Last night was the first night I’ve slept properly since Tom and Nick first attacked her.


We spent a lot of time at the Sheriff’s office yesterday, while she gave her statement to Daniel and a couple of other guys from Josh’s office.


Josh really is attracted to my woman.  Rona was only ever polite to him and I guess I have to be thankful to him for saving her.  He did look after her during the interview with his colleagues that I wasn’t allowed to be present at.


If I have any doubt about Rona’s feelings for me, I shouldn’t, as her whole face lights up when she sees me and I think Josh finally realizes he doesn’t stand a
chance with her.  Being truthful though, I have to admit I was worried sick; he’s a lot younger than me.


Smiling to myself, I remember Rona’s temper when I told her as much.
  It ended in a very hot make out session and luckily I stayed loaded.  God, twice she has had me blowing my load in my pants.


Now waking up having Rona wrapped in my arms feels wonderful, although it certainly isn’t helping my erection having her delectable backside snug against it.
  “If you don’t stop wiggling around, I’m going to pull your shorts down and fuck you senseless.”


“Mmm, sounds good,” she
’s still half asleep.  Taking my hand from her stomach she slides it down inside her shorts, bringing my fingers between her legs.  “You’re not the only one worked up, feel how wet I am for you.”  She pushes my fingers into her.


…. you’re soaked.”  Continuing to push my finger in and out of her, I find it next to impossible not to rub my cock between her buttocks.  Both of us have started to breath heavily.  I move my groin away from her.  Looking down, I see a damp patch on my pajamas; I’ve been leaking.  Hell, I want nothing more than to bury myself inside her and never come up for air.


Rona is moaning now.
  Shit, how have I let this get out of hand?  We have behaved for over twenty-four hours, since the interlude on the breakfast bar.


Pulling my finger out of her, she cries out in dismay.
 “Sorry love.”  I take some deep breaths to try and calm the throbbing between my legs, “I want to make love to you so much, that if I don’t stop now, I’ll be inside you.”  She turns to look at me, watching me lick the finger that has just been inside her.  She tastes delicious.  My woman.


“Licking your finger was cruel, now I want your mouth between my legs.”


Jumping out of bed before I can act on her announcement, “I’m going to have another cold shower and then I’ll head downstairs while you shower.... do not join me in there!”


She winks at me, “Okay boss.”


Closing the bathroom door, I lean against it.  Dropping my head backwards, I crack it in frustration against the door, which gives me a different kind of pain to think about.


Climbing out after having a cold shower, I dry off and stroll out into the bedroom naked, thinking of letting Rona see what she’s missing.
  Forgetting what it does to my body having her eyes on me.


I try
not to look at her while I get dressed, but she climbs out of bed, strips her shorts and vest off, then walks to stand in front of me.  I can’t avoid looking at her, from the tips of her toes, slowly up her long legs, to the dark curls between her thighs.  Circling her small waist with my hands, I continue my journey up her body, placing a kiss on each of her nipples.  Standing, I nibble up the side of her neck and place a light kiss on her lips.


“Good morning.” She caresses my face with her eyes before moving away.


“Good morning, minx!”
  I try to rearrange myself in my jeans.


Laughing she shuts the door to the bathroom.


~~ Rona ~~


Finishing up my shower, I decide to wear one of my new skirts, which is denim.
  It will look good with my cream t-shirt and new cowboy boots that I bought a few days ago with Elise.


Smiling to myself, I head downstairs to join Cade, knowing his mouth will be watering when he gets a look at me in a skirt as I always wear jeans.


Starting down the stairs, I glance down and see Jake watching me come down, grinning then looking at his dad who hasn’t seen me yet.   Walking towards the kitchen, I grin back at Jake.


Jake rolls his eyes, because Cade still hasn’t seen me then he starts to whistle which has Cade looking at him, then looking to see where Jake’s eyes are focused, and voila he spots me!


Gulping, “Wow, you look seriously gorgeous today.”


“I know honey.”  I
reach for Cade and pull his head down for a mouth watering kiss, while he puts one of his hands on my bare thigh and slowly starts to move it north.


Hearing a throat being cleared we pull apart, “Don’t you need to go and find Elise?”
  Cade grouches to Jake.


“No need, I’m here,” Elise
appears laughing as she looks at me and then at Cade.


Moving away from Cade, “Morning Elise, you both still on for dinner tonight?” I ask her.


“Sure we are, what time shall we start getting ready?”


“I’ll kick Cade out of the bedroom around six thirty, so come up then, and don’t forget the dress.”


“Oh don’t worry, I won’t.”


“What dress?”


“You’ll have to wait until tonight Jake.”  I pour a cup of coffee.  Cade’s eyes are still on me; I blow him a kiss.


“Oh god, are you two going to do kissy face all morning?” Jake asks, going over to plant a hot looking kiss on Elise.


“Don’t worry Jake, we already did that.  Didn’t we Cade?”


“Answeri+0"0">ng a question like that always gets me in trouble.
  I’m saying nothing.”


“How’s your hip Rona?”
  Jake asks me.


“It’s as good as new.
  There’s still faint bruising, but no pain anymore unless of course I catch it on something.”


“That’s good,” Elise comments.


“How did everything go yesterday down at the Sheriff’s office?” Jake asks.


“It went okay.
  They’re moving Nick to a different location today, but hopefully he won’t be able to get out anytime soon,” I tell them both.


“Yes, and lover boy is going as well.” Cade smirks.


“Oh honey.  I’m in love with you, you know, that doesn’t change with the weather.”  I place a kiss on his lips.


“Lover boy?”
  Jake asks.


Elise snickers, “Josh has the hots for Rona.”


Looking at Jake’s stunned face, “Since when?”


“Since he first met her,” Cade replies.


“Yes, but I made it clear it’s only Cade I want, so can we change the subject now…. please?”


Laughing at me, “Alright love.”
  He finishes by kissing me on the head.


“Jake, after breakfast, could you give me a hand to attach the sleigh to Bonnie and Clyde?”


“Yeah, sure dad.”


“Bonnie and Clyde?”
I query having never heard them mentioned before.




Cade looks at me.  “As hot as you look, you’ll have to get changed after breakfast, because I’m taking you on a sleigh ride.”


All excited now for a different reason, “Seriously?”


Nodding his head, I just run to him and throw my arms around his neck as he catches me, “Thank you.”  I kiss him as he puts me down.


“You’re welcome.”


“Let’s get breakfast.”


~~ Cade ~~


Sitting next to Rona eating breakfast is really testing my restraint.  Every time she moves, her skirt creeps further up her thighs, an inch higher and Jake is going to get an eye full!


It’s such a relief when she finally finishes eating and heads upstairs to change.
  Following her with my eyes, I give a sigh of relief.  I glance to Jake and meet his eyes across the table; he’s trying not to laugh and failing miserably.


“Don’t say a word.”


Jake bursts out laughing, setting Elise off, as they head out the door.


Standing up from the table, I load the dishwasher and clean around the kitchen waiting for Rona to appear.


“Is this better?” Rona reappears in jeans and jumper with her thermal boots on her feet.


“You looked great before, just like you do now, except you would’ve frozen as you were, and I wouldn’t have been able to keep my hands to myself.”


“Ha, you can’t keep your hands to yourself anyway.”


Laughing, “Come on, let’s get our coats on and head over to the horses, Jake’s probably there already.”




Taking Rona’s hand we make our way through the snow to the stables.
  Just being outside with her, holding her hand, claiming her as mine is a lovely miracle.  Just two weeks ago I had nothing, compared to what I have now.


“This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen and with the snow down.... amazing.”
  Rona hugs me as we stand looking across the pond.


“Yes it is
, there’s no place like it.”


I take hold of her hand again; we carry on to the stables to help Jake attach the sleigh.


Walking around the side of the stables has us stopping dead, because we are met with the sight of Bonnie and Clyde already attached to the sleigh and Jake pinning Elise to the wall, her legs wrapped around him.  Not the sight a father wants to see no matter how old his son is!


“Jake, what are you doing?” I shout, which has a startled Jake and embarrassed Elise pulling apart.


Looking at Rona who is shaking at the side of me, to find her laughing that much, tears are rolling down her face.


rry, the look on your face.”   She tries to mop the tears up, “Cade they’re only dey

BOOK: From This Moment
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