Frostbite (Touch of Frost) (15 page)

Read Frostbite (Touch of Frost) Online

Authors: Lynn Rush

Tags: #New Adult Paranormal

BOOK: Frostbite (Touch of Frost)
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And he made me want to get extra comfortable, especially with him on this soft, warm blanket.

He scooted closer to me, then rested his thumb on my cheek while his fingers toiled through my hair. “Bailing again.” He shook his head. “You don’t trust me, do you?”

“We’ve gone on a couple dates. Well, if you can call yanking someone out of a car or getting tackled by your ex dates.”

“That’s okay. I have all summer to show you.” He leaned into me, settling a heavy thigh between my legs.

He propped his elbows on either side of my face and kissed the tip of my nose.
Stay calm. Do not freeze him.

“Then what, Zach? All summer, but then what? You’re gone.”

“We’re here together now, aren’t we?”

Before I could answer, he pressed his mouth to mine, effectively silencing me. Surprise stunned me into paralysis, but his hand massaged my neck, melting my worries away. Maybe not
of them, but enough to enjoy the moment.

His tongue swept my bottom lip as if knocking for entrance. It was cool from the water he just drank, and a hint of mint tickled my taste buds. Talented man to be able to chew gum and kiss me senseless at the same time.

I parted my lips and let him in. My fingers found their way into his hair. It rustled his Irish Spring scented shampoo, and my world slanted on its axis.

He tilted my head and dove deeper. A jolt of heat zipped right to my stomach, triggering the most pleasant warmth I’d ever felt.

My lips traced his smooth jaw line as I worked my way to his neck. The sun had baked his skin, so his body felt like a warm blanket wrapped around me. I welcomed his weight as he pressed against me.

I snuck my hands up the back of his shirt. A moan slipped through his lips, and his minty breath washed over me. That sent my body humming more than it was already. I curled a leg around his and relaxed beneath him, absorbing his delicious movements and tender kisses.


But then he pulled away.

“What?” Did I hug him too hard and hurt him?

“Your fingers got cold all of a sudden.” He leaned into me again.

So lost in him, I didn’t even think about anything else. I pulled my hands out from beneath his shirt.

“No. No. It’s okay.” He reached for my face and kept it still as he stared into my eyes. “It’s fine.”

“I should go,” I whispered, staring at those lips I’d just enjoyed. They were shiny, still wearing the evidence of our kisses. And I wanted more.

But I wanted a lot of things I shouldn’t.

“You’re a tough one to figure out, Smith.” Zach eased off me. “But I will…”

I wiggled out from beneath him before he could touch me again. I wouldn’t be able to resist if he got hold of me. And turning Zach into an ice sculpture was the last thing I wanted to do.

I sat up and glanced at my fingers. No blue nails…yet. God, I was stupid to think I could be in a normal relationship. But man, he felt good. My body still hummed from the feel of him against me.

He pushed up and reached for me.

I clapped my hands together like I was getting some dust off them. They felt fine, so I let him pull me to my feet. He didn’t release me, though. Under normal circumstances that would have been fine, enjoyable even. But I was worked up. My body flamed in places I never knew could flame. I didn’t trust my control. Not that I had much to begin with.

“Are you okay?” He cupped my cheek.

I loved how his thumb rested below my eye, and his fingers curled around the base of my skull. “Better than okay. You?”

He grinned, then planted a whopper of a kiss on me. Wow, that boy knew what he was doing. After a long time locked to his lips, he finally pulled away and twined his fingers with mine.

He wasn’t frozen solid, that was a good sign. Now, if I could just make it home without freezing his hand to mine.







e careful in gym, Blaze.” I leaned against her locker, giving her my best
I’m serious
face even when using that new nickname she’d thought up for herself.

“I’ll be fine,
.” She grinned, then whispered, “Okay, that name just rocks.”

I grabbed her shoulder. “I’m serious, Georgia. Gym was always the hardest class for me to keep control. Especially during swim section. Now that I think about it, maybe we should have Zach get you a pass.”

“How would you explain that?” She dropped her book into the tin box and clicked it shut.

I chomped on my bottom lip, hoping an idea would jump into my brain. No such luck.

“I wondered why you always ditched gym.”

“For realz, Blaze. Don’t get too worked up, okay?”

“Ready to eat?” Zach came up behind me and burrowed his hand beneath my hair to the base of my neck.

Speaking of getting worked up.

“Lunch sounds great.” I leaned toward Zach’s ear. “Then how ‘bout a trip to the Janitor?”

Zach’s steel-gray eyes widened. “Let’s get that lunch
to go
.” He kissed my cheek, then twined his fingers with mine.

I waved at Georgia as we zoomed by. She gave me a nod, confirming the decision we’d made last night to have Zach try to decode the disc. The thought of learning what was on there and possibly getting answers to what was happening to Georgia and me…my stomach clenched.

After a quick swoop through the lunch line for a few portable items, we stole into the hall toward the room that would hopefully change my life. Not in the sense that I was going there to make out or have a quickie like most horny teens did. No, I was going to ask Zach to help me decode a disc on Jess’s fancy computer. A disc that may or may not tell me why Georgia and I have these crazy powers.

“So, you come down here often?” My giggle echoed off the empty halls on our way to the ‘Closet.’

“No.” He winked.

“You lie.”

“Well, I come here a lot, but not
anyone. Like I said. Jess is here. And his computer.” He clicked the door open, and I followed him in.

A boring steel desk with a black chair pushed up close and bare, cement walls. It was a plain office. No long dark hallway with dim lights. No flights of stairs to a locker with a mop and bucket of water.

So much for the accuracy of some movies.

“Looks more like an office.”

He dumped his bag on the desk. “So, what’s going on?”

I slouched so my backpack slid off my shoulder. “What do you mean?”

“You and Georgia are acting weird. Secretive.”

“Well, thank you very much.”

“You know what I mean. And then you wanting to come here. What’s that about?”

“I was curious.” I sauntered around the desk toward the computer perched on it. “You said your cousin Jess had a computer outside the network. I wanted to see.”

Zach arched a brow. I moseyed back to him. He lured me in with those big eyes.

“And…” He reached his hand out for me to take.

I touched his warm skin and swallowed hard. “And…I wanted to ask a favor.”

“And the truth comes out.” He laced his fingers through mine, pulling me closer. My body brushed his.
Hello electricity

“It’s a big favor, though. So you can say no if you want.”

“Now you’ve got me interested.”

I released his hand and turned to the desk. I sucked in a deep breath and reached into my backpack. We had no idea what was on the disc, but it still felt like it had every answer we’d ever wanted. Or, it could be worthless.

I pulled it out and faced him. It felt like I dove off the high dive.

“What’s that?”

“So, we found this disc. Um. In some of my mom’s things.”

“Oh.” His voice softened.

“And, we put it in my computer, but it says it’s protected.”

A crooked smile claimed his lips. That smirk sure was starting to grow on me. Made him look a little sinister. And for some reason that tickled interesting places inside me.

“It asked for a password, then locked us out after three wrong entries. We have no idea what’s on the disc, but I was hoping…”

“That I could figure it out.”

“It might be nothing. Or something. You know?”

“I do.”

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. My gaze zeroed in on his. Boy, that was easier than I thought it would be.

“Why were you so worried about asking me to do this? And what’s Georgia got to do with it?” He stepped forward.

That question threw me for a loop. “You know, Georgia. She’s my bestie. She’s just curious with me.”

“I get it.” He smiled. “Sure. I’ll take a look at it.” He reached for the disc.

I clutched the treasure to my chest. “Is it safe here? We could do this after school. Or, if you have a computer at home…”

“It’s fine. Nobody comes snooping around here during lunch.” He inched closer.

“There’s something else.” Crap, how should I say this? “Is there any way to decode it or whatever you have to do, but not read it? Or watch whatever is on it?”

“What do you think it is?”

“No clue.”

He touched my shoulder. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t tell anyone what I saw. You can trust me.”

“I know, but…I’m weird about it.”

“Let’s check it out. I’ve never dealt with hacking into stuff, so I might not even be able to do anything with it. But maybe Jess can help us figure it out if I can’t.”

No way.
I couldn’t let anyone else in on this. We were taking a big enough risk letting Zach possibly see what was on this thing.

I held my breath as I handed him the disc. He made his way to the desk and sat down. The chair creaked beneath his weight.

I hunched in behind him to watch. “So, where’s Jess? How come he’s not in here right now?”

“He’s probably out working. It’s okay if he comes in. He’s cool.”

I watched Zach work for a minute then gave up. Looked like Greek. Pacing behind him didn’t help my nerves, and neither did his aggravated grunts.

“So, how’d you learn this kind of stuff?”

“I thought about studying computers in college. They’re cool. Jess showed me a little, but I don’t know a fraction of what he does. He’s a genius.” He pounded the desk. “Crap. Another dead end. I can’t get in, Amanda.”

My heart fell to my feet. “Really?”

“I’m sorry. Like I said, I’ve never done anything like this.”

I tugged at my hair, then stood behind him.

“I can check with Jess, if you want. Maybe he can help?”

I couldn’t let just anyone see that disc. Hell, I didn’t even want Zach to see it. What if that tiny thing exposed us all? For all I knew, Georgia’s mom was a

Zack pressed eject, and the computer spewed out my disc. He plucked it from the drive and rose from the desk.

“Don’t worry. We’ll figure it out. I’m sure Jess can help.”

Jess might be able to, but was it worth the risk? On the other hand, what choice did I have? My gut told me I needed to see what was on this stupid thing.

A strong hand gripped my shoulder. “Are we going to gym or skipping?”

“Ah, crap. Gym.” Zach passed me the disc. With all the chaos happening I’d forgotten to get a pass from Scott. Archery wasn’t too bad, but with my strength I just worried about pulling something too tight or an arrow going right through the target and sticking in something it shouldn’t.

I flicked my gaze up at him. There wasn’t anything more we could do here. Might as well go to class, right?

Wait, what was I thinking? Class, or sit here with Zach for an hour. No contest. I shoved the CD in its case, then dropped it in my bag. “You’ve got a couple passes, right?”

His eyes flickered, and a smile claimed his face. “I just might.” He stepped forward and gripped my waist.

I yanked him close and dove into that sexy mouth of his. He leaned back on the desk so we were equal height.

Melting into his arms, I pressed my body against his. His mint-laced breath washed over me.
“I think I need that gum.”

He combed his fingers through my hair and took the kiss deep. Each stroke of his very talented tongue chased away my disappointment about the disc and fired up my desire to stay here in Trifle after graduation.

To have some semblance of a normal life.

I sought out that elusive gum tucked away in his mouth until I finally got it. And the chase left me breathless.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Principal Edward’s voice echoed in my ears. Did I imagine that?

I pried my lips from Zach’s. Principal Nimrod filled the doorway, but a tiny silhouette stood at his side.

Samantha Jones.


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