Fun Campfire Ghost Stories (10 page)

Read Fun Campfire Ghost Stories Online

Authors: John Bradshaw

Tags: #funny stories, #ghost stories, #campfire stories, #stories for boys, #stories for girls, #short story humor, #fun ghost stories, #camping stories, #fun short stories

BOOK: Fun Campfire Ghost Stories
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rank’s house sat
across the street from the park. Frank, who was retired, liked to
sit on his front porch and watch all the people in the park. Day
after day he saw an old lady sitting on the same park bench reading
a book.

As the days rolled by, Frank became more and
more interested in the old lady and what she was reading. Whatever
it was, it must be very interesting.

Frank liked to read and, not being a spring
chicken himself, he thought that maybe he could relieve some
boredom and make a friend.

He worked up the courage and got up off his
porch swing, walked across the road into the park and sat down on
the bench next to the old lady. She didn’t look up, but just kept
reading that interesting looking book.

After a few minutes, Frank asked the old
lady, “What are you reading?” Without looking up, the old lady said
that it was a book of ghost stories. Frank paused for a minute, but
wanting to continue the conversation said, “I wish I could believe
in ghosts.” The old lady looked up from her book and stared at
Frank with sunken pale eyes and said, “Oh really? You don’t believe
in ghosts?” Suddenly, the old lady vanished in front of Frank’s
eyes leaving nothing behind except for the book on ghosts. NOW YOU

Be careful what you wish for, you might just
get it!






Chapter 26 - A few parting thoughts



f your campfire
story telling session needs some tension relief at the end,
especially for the younger listener, than I have found that a few
ghost jokes do the trick. The following jokes are a few of my
favorites. Use them and have your scary story session end with a
laugh or two.


Why are ghosts bad at telling lies?


Because you can see right through them!



Why was the ghost afraid to cross the


Because he had no guts!



Why don’t ghosts ever go out on the town?


Because they have no body to go out with!



What kind of mistakes do ghosts make?


Boo Boos



What does a child ghost call its parents?


Mummy and Deadly



Who did the ghost invite to his party?


Anybody he could dig up!



What do you call a ghost that gets too close
to a



A toasty ghosty



What do ghosts do when they get into a


They bookel their sheetbelts!

What is a ghost’s favorite party game?

Hide and go shriek



What do you call a ghost with a broken


A hobbling goblin!



How do you make a witch scratch?


Just take away the w



Do zombies eat popcorn with their


No they eat the fingers separate!



Why was the ghost such a messy eater?


Because he was always a goblin!






About the Author


John Bradshaw is a graduate of Furman
University, former United States Army Officer, former State of
South Carolina SITCON member, licensed private pilot, Black Belt in
Karate and business owner.

He is married and has three sons.


John’s other published works;

Fun Campfire Stories

Fun Campfire Stories Anthology

A Conversation with Thos and Diabolos

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